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紧密垂直协作与农产品质量安全控制的机理分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在阐述垂直协作内涵及相关理论的基础上,深入分析了紧密垂直协作(如生产合同、合作社等)对农产品质量安全控制的作用机理:紧密垂直协作形成保障农产品质量安全的动力源泉,利益攸关与品牌共享需要农产品供应链各利益相关者共同维护农产品的质量安全;紧密垂直协作提供保障农产品质量安全的制度因素,资产专用性促使农产品供应链各利益相关者必须保证质量安全,制度条款帮助农产品供应链各利益相关者规避了质量安全问题。应进一步鼓励农民合作经济组织的发展,进一步支持“公司+农户”模式的创新,进一步加强对紧密垂直协作形式的监管,从而通过发展完善紧密垂直协作形式来保证农产品质量安全。  相似文献   

本文针对农产品加工业的特点,论述构建农产品供应商选择模型.首先,构建良好供应关系是前提条件;其次,确定合适的农产品加工企业供应商关系构建的模式,即企业+农户、后向一体化、企业+农户+基地;第三,构建良好供应关系的保障.  相似文献   

政府部门一直都高度关注百姓"菜篮子工程"的开展,出台和制定各种农产品供应保障制度及方案。由于农产品保质期短,不耐储存和运输,易腐烂,流通过程中需要处于低温状态,从产到销构成一条"冷链"。第四方物流是一种新型物流管理模式,能够高度整合资源,提供综合供应链解决方案。文章将第四方物流引入农产品冷链中,整合农产品冷链物流中各节点对象,充分发挥其集成管理的优势,从而通过优化农产品冷链物流发展模式来提高其发展水平,最终实现保障农产品质量安全的目标。  相似文献   

“农超对接”是指农业和超市的结合,是指农畜产品直接进入超市。“农超对接”是适应农畜产品生产规模化、标准化、商品化的现代流通模式之一,也是发展都市农业的一个显著标志。发展。农超对接”能够有效减少农产品流通环节,降低农产品流通成本,保证城市供应和消费安全,让利于城乡消费者。“农超对接”在我国还处于试点起步阶段,但它代表了农产品生产营销模式的发展趋势。  相似文献   

农产品生产与供应关系着人们的日常生活,随着经济、社会的快速发展,新兴的农产品电子商务销售模式推动了农产品产业的快速发展。文章通过调研农产品电子商务的现状,分析了目前农产品电子商务模式存在的问题,提出加快农村电商发展的对策和建议,助推乡村振兴。  相似文献   

博弈的起点:松散产销发展为紧密合作的需要 台州的农民专业合作社都有一个从松散的产品购销关系到紧密合作的产权关系演变的过程。合作社的最初形态多是”龙头企业(多为农产品加工运销大户)+基地+农户”的农业产业化经营模式。企业和运销大户拥有市场,牵头组织合作社的目的是为企业找到可靠的原料供应。  相似文献   

文章论述了农业产业链的相关概念,根据宜春市特色农业发展的具体情况,作出宜春市特色农业产业链图,由此分析了宜春市特色农产品发展的现状,并提出基于产业链视角下宜春市特色农产品发展模式的可行性建议,即建立混合纵向一体化的联结机制;建立"公司+园区+农户"的组织形式;建立"品牌+标准+规模"的经营体制;搭建现代农业的公共行政信息平台;从生态经济角度支持特色农产品发展。  相似文献   

中日农产品流通领域宏观调控政策比较黑龙江省计委孙洪志日本国土狭窄,人口众多,可是在农产品的供应方面却一直趋于稳定。这与日本的经济实力有关,同时也与日本政府在农产品流通领域实施有效的宏观调控手段有关。一、日本农产品流通的组织机构日本农产品流通的主要组织...  相似文献   

张蓓 《改革》2012,(6):96-102
农产品质量安全的关键在于技术创新和应用。农产品质量安全技术是一个典型的复杂适应系统,系统主体通过与其他主体以及与系统环境进行交互作用而形成特定的结构、层次和功能。农产品质量安全技术系统的复杂适应性表现为聚集、非线性、流和多样性四个特征以及标识、内部模型和积木三种机制。基于复杂适应系统的运作机理,激励主体创新,促进主体协同,提供环境支撑,实现农产品质量安全技术系统的均衡发展和整体最优。  相似文献   

农产品电子商务模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡书云  黄晖 《北方经济》2012,(18):37-38
本文从分析农产品在运用电子商务过程中所遇到的问题入手,结合电子商务模式的新趋势,总结出适应农产品交易的电子商务模式,以期有效解决农产品的产供销问题。  相似文献   

碳标签食品既能有效约束食品生产企业的碳排放,又能积极引导消费者的低碳消费潮流.文章通过对山东苍山和江苏丰县87家农副食品加工企业调研,采用偏最小二乘法分析影响企业生产碳标签食品的主要因素.结果表明,按照影响程度由强到弱排列,技术创新投入、政府扶持力度、市场需求、HACCP认证和企业能源消耗等因素均与企业选择生产碳标签食品显著正相关;但ISO14000环境管理认证对于企业生产碳标签食品却有显著的消极作用.  相似文献   

全球价值链与中国制造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述跨国公司的全球价值链理论,作者对全球价值链理论中两个类型的全球商品链进行了补充,将两类商品链扩大为三个类型的商品链。这一结论有助于我国制定更细致更符合产业实际的外资政策。论文指出,在三角生产关系条件下,以投资自由化政策放任NICs对我国进行FDI是不正确的。论文指出发展中大国进行重要产业进口替代工业化的合理性,并以全球价值链理论为借鉴,认为我国仍需跨越传统的产业思维以便今后全面和真正提升我国在国际分工体系中的地位。论文还把前人的"6+1"修正为"7+1"。  相似文献   

The roles of firm heterogeneity and product differentiation in the manufacturing industries have attracted research attention on the “new new trade theory.” The agricultural sectors also produce new goods using product differentiation through breeding, branding, and other activities. In reaction to globalization, the Japanese Government has sought to revitalize its agri-food sectors by promoting exports of differentiated products. This computable general equilibrium study examines the relevance of this policy, focusing on five agri-food sectors other than grains. We simulate Japan’s three trade deals and a policy intervention that cuts fixed export costs to promote exports. We show that only a few agri-food sectors can increase exports and maintain domestic output under freer trade, and that export promotion would markedly increase entrants into export markets and increase exports of the vegetables and fruit, and processed food product sectors. In these trade deals, tariff and nontariff barriers have different impacts on trade, output, and farm/firm entry.  相似文献   

基于供应链的企业管理战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了传统企业管理战略存在的主要问题,并对供应链的理论和实践进行了探讨.在此基础上,对基于供应链的物流管理战略、信息管理战略、质量管理战略、人力资源管理战略、企业重组战略和供应链协调战略进行了研究.最后提出采用基于供应链的企业管理战略是21世纪企业适应全球竞争战略的有效途径.  相似文献   

In the pre-1914 globalisation reduction in trade costs allowed finer specialisation. The quantitative evidence is strong for some components of trade costs, but less so for aggregate trade costs. In the second globalisation, international supply chains have become an important element of the global economy, and we have better data to examine the links between trade costs and supply chains. After a brief review of the standard account of the evolution of supply chains, the article examines the quantitative evidence; regional value chains (RVCs) are especially strong, but the origins and nature of RVCs differ in Europe, the Americas and Asia. The paper then presents evidence on trade costs, focusing on the years since 1990 when both data and computing facilities became more comprehensive, and analyses the relationship between trade costs and supply chains.  相似文献   

产业政策的诞生、演进、转型、创新和发展受政府职能转变、国际规则对接、时代发展变化、企业需求调整等因素的影响。在构建新发展格局背景下,这些因素也在发生变化,要求产业政策进行适应性调整和升级。从全球范围来看,产业政策制定正在成为一项不可忽视的全球现象,国际产业竞争正在从产品竞争升级到产业链群之间的竞争,主要经济体纷纷出台政策措施加强对产业链供应链的“国家干预”,产业链成为世界各国战略竞争主战场。我国在推动产业政策转型创新的同时,需要更加关注实施产业链政策,增强产业政策制定的“链式思维”和系统思维,尽快制定更具系统性和更有针对性的产业链政策方案,“强基、韧链、优企、提效”,统筹推进产业基础高级化、产业链安全稳定、竞争力提升和现代化升级。  相似文献   

The author’s method for evaluation of product competitiveness in the context of modern international trade is described with special reference to the agri-food sector. The method is based on the analysis of foreign trade and national production statistics. Significant relations in competitiveness terms are investigated and validated using a posteriori analysis. A comparative study of several types of agri-food products is made for ten countries. Problems of competitiveness variation depending on the export/import of products varying in the degree of processing are studied.  相似文献   

Seeking ways to increase company's competitiveness under current economic and social conditions brought us to investigate internal and external barriers. These reflect contradictions between participants to creation of company's output both in internal and external value creation process. These contradictions were identified and their causes are determined. That requires also considering about the trends that are characteristic of the current development in marketing where versatile development of customer orientation dominates. The general governing principle of overcoming the barriers to the growth of company's competitiveness is applied by the process approach in organisation and management. The mater is namely using the potential of supply chain management, as well as product and manufacture management, last but not least systematic creation of customer value with the objective of creating a loyal customer and employee.  相似文献   

Trading relationships between suppliers and buyers play a key role in transmitting both local and international shocks. We use transaction-level data from Kenya to study the relevance of a firm’s domestic network position and links to international supply chains in determining its trajectory during the COVID-19 crisis. We document that firms with high exposure to import and export markets tend to be larger, older, and employ more workers. The specialisation of direct importers, often intermediaries, on international markets made them very vulnerable to the initial COVID-19 shock. Exporters, one-third of whom operate in primary sectors, experienced a less severe decline in sales. We find that both importers and exporters adjust their domestic supply chains in response to international trade shocks — before and during the crisis alike. Sourcing from international markets does not crowd out domestic purchases, while sales abroad and at home can act as substitutes. Diversified domestic supply chains helped firms to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and recover more strongly.  相似文献   

集群式供应链理论源于价值链的提出,文章通过分析集群式供应链的价值驱动,提出了基于价值分析的集群式供应链优化模型。利用物流价值活动的量化模型确定该项物流活动的价值水平,基于此建立最优成本投入下的模糊线性规划,通过求解物流活动中各个环节的最优成本投入,实现全局角度的物流价值链优化。  相似文献   

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