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This paper investigates the effect of competition in the provision of cable television services on social welfare. We develop a simple theoretical model that suggests that competition will be welfare enhancing so long as it results in lower market prices. We empirically test for the presence of this condition by estimating a five equation system: First, the local franchising authority is viewed as self-selecting into a competitive or non-competitive environment in order to maximize its rents. Given this selection, the remaining four equations specify basic service and pay service penetration rate and price equations. Following Mayo and Otsuka (1991), the resulting system is estimated by two-stage least squares. We find that competition among suppliers lowers average basic cable rates by about $3.85 and the typical pay service rate by about $1.10, certis paribus. Mutatis mutandis estimates of these effects imply that monopoly franchising of cable service results in roughly $3.6 billion per year national welfare loss.  相似文献   

Potential competition in the US cable television industry is empirically examined for 385 markets. Predicted entry probabilities are included in a supply-demand model to permit empirical investigation of the effect of potential competition on incumbent cable operators price and channel programming decisions. Estimation results show incumbents offer more channels to consumers in markets facing greater potential competition from broadband service provider (BSP) wireline overbuilders and/or incumbent local exchange carriers. In particular, when the probability of entry rises to about 42 the average cable system provides six more channels, and price per channel declines from US$ 0.77 to US$ 0.66.JEL Classification: L8, L9, L11We thank Ben Compaine, Shane Greenstein, Anne Hoag, Donald Waldman, Bradley Wimmer, the editor of this journal, an anonymous referee, and participants at the 30th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC 2002), September 28–30, 2002, Hilton Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, for comments. Armando Galarraga and Nana Puangpathumanond provided research assistance, and Jane Frenette and Jonathan Levy provided excellent help with FCC cable entry and competition data. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

Between the mid-1980s and early 1990s, cable television rates increased substantially. Simple price comparisons over the regulated and deregulated eras are difficult as the programming changed simultaneously. Using a modified hedonic framework to allow for the lack of competition on the supply side of the industry, this paper imputes the price for regulation era cable packages using consumers’ estimated willingness to pay for individual satellite networks during the unregulated period. Then a ‘quality adjusted’ price for the cable package offered in 1985 is estimated. On average, regulation benefited consumers by keeping prices below monopolist's profit maximizing price.  相似文献   

This paper employs an approach from the labour literature to determine relative weights which cities place on alternate service proposals when selecting cable television operators. Using contract proposals for 27 franchise auctions which took place across the US between 1979 and 1981, a probit model is estimated which corrects for firm self-selection into the auctions. Cities are found to select firms with local or regional advantages, and to prefer relatively fewer unprofitable services and relatively higher basic tier prices. The results suggest that monopoly franchising may serve private interests at the average consumer's expense.  相似文献   

Much attention has been given to the estimation of hedonic regressions given their potential use as a means to adjust consumer and producer price indices for quality changes. However, there has been warranted criticism over the methods used, particularly relating to the econometric specification of the models. Much of the criticism has arisen from the inability of available data to match the requirements of a fully specified model. Using EPOS scanner data for UK television sets we provide reliable hedonic estimates which incorporate several developments. Such data are available for a wide range of product areas and this application illustrates how they might be used. We develop methodology to help surmount problems arising from omitted variables, the coexistence of new and old models, weighting of observations and quality changes common to all models. More specifically we pay particular attention to the neglected area of product markets where pricing is above marginal cost.  相似文献   

Using 2009 data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, a study of factors that influence broadband adoption is conducted. The data set includes previously studied demographic factors, as well as records associated with the household’s use of computers, television, pay television services, and broadband. Analysis of the data indicate that, when controlling for a number of demographic factors, the purchase of television services is positively correlated with broadband adoption, with consumers who purchase either cable or satellite television service adopting broadband at a higher rate than those who utilize over-the-air television services. The results suggest that consumers who prefer over-the-air television services may face a more substantial hurdle in broadband adoption, one that might be lowered through the availability of affordable stand-alone broadband services.  相似文献   

The policy of the Canadian radio television and telecommunications commission of awarding an exclusive right to provide cable television (CATV) service within a given licensed service area (LSA) rests partly on the presumption that CATV costs reflect economies of scale that are large relative to market size. Cost estimates from crosssections of CATV operations from 1985–1991 show increasing returns to scale and suggest that many LSAs were too small to capture these economies. The results also indicate that economies of scale for basic service declined over the 1980s and that the ‘natural monopoly’ characteristics of CATV may be eroded by further technological and regulatory changes.  相似文献   

The objective is to estimate the implicit marginal value of channel offerings by cable systems in the USA. Hedonic analysis is a convenient framework in which to explore the relationship between the price of cable service and the channels offered by a cable system. Two separate hedonic equations are estimated-- one for the price of analog cable service and one for the price of digital cable service. With regard to the price of analog cable service, the implicit marginal valuation is statistically significant and positive for just 15 of 106 channel offerings and negative for seven channels. For the price of digital cable service, the implicit marginal valuation is statistically significant and positive for just eleven of 105 channel offerings and negative for five channels. The results suggest that a subscriber's utility would be enhanced by a pricing structure different from the typical approach used by cable systems today of offering a bundled package consisting of several channels. One alternative is to allow consumers to subscribe to just those programming services for which they have a positive implicit marginal value (i.e. an a la carte pricing structure).  相似文献   

The objective is to estimate the implicit marginal value of channel offerings by cable systems in the USA. Hedonic analysis is a convenient framework in which to explore the relationship between the price of cable service and the channels offered by a cable system. Two separate hedonic equations are estimated-- one for the price of analog cable service and one for the price of digital cable service. With regard to the price of analog cable service, the implicit marginal valuation is statistically significant and positive for just 15 of 106 channel offerings and negative for seven channels. For the price of digital cable service, the implicit marginal valuation is statistically significant and positive for just eleven of 105 channel offerings and negative for five channels. The results suggest that a subscriber's utility would be enhanced by a pricing structure different from the typical approach used by cable systems today of offering a bundled package consisting of several channels. One alternative is to allow consumers to subscribe to just those programming services for which they have a positive implicit marginal value (i.e. an a la carte pricing structure).  相似文献   

Franchising and renewing of franchises for cable television systems is an important urban policy issue. Of particular interest is whether franchise authorities ought to grant more than one franchise to provide cable service in a given area. This paper reports results of an empirical investigation into the cost structure of large, modern, urban cable systems. We find modest economies of scale in dimensions relevant to the feasibility of direct competition. The economies are not so large as to rule out the possibility that competition…whether direct or potential…can be an important disciplinary force in the marketplace.  相似文献   

广播电视在新农村建设中占据举足轻重的地位和作用,在城乡统筹新时期,提升农村广播电视功能对于构建社会主义核心价值体系,推进农村"三个文明"建设具有重要的战略意义。其基本思路是提升农村广电事业的公共服务能力、农村广电的高清传播能力、农村广电产业发展能力和城乡广电节目的创新能力,其宏观调控措施是完善工作体系、建立专业队伍、落实政策法规、加强组织领导。  相似文献   

Are environmental services luxuriesor necessities? Are low-income groupsrelatively more willing to pay forenvironmental improvements than high-incomegroups? The discussion on the shape of theenvironmental Kuznets curve and environmentaljustice call for analyses that approach thesequestions. Following a survey-based approachfor modelling the demand for public goods, thispaper provides estimates of income and priceelasticities of demand for reduced marineeutrophication effects in the case of theBaltic Sea, using data from five Swedishcontingent valuation studies. Point estimatesindicate that reduced marine eutrophicationeffects can be classified as a necessity and anordinary and price elastic service. Confidenceintervals show however that the classificationas a necessity is not statisticallysignificant. Income elasticities of willingnessto pay, not to be confused with incomeelasticities of demand, are estimated for abroad range of environmental services inSweden. A basic finding is that income tends toinfluence willingness to pay positively andsignificantly. The elasticity estimates are inmost cases greater than zero, but less thanunity, indicating that the benefits ofenvironmental improvements tend to beregressively distributed. In a cost-benefitanalysis of a project suggesting environmentalimprovements, distributional concerns thereforecall for an introduction of weights or at leasta sensitivity analysis of how weighting wouldchange decisions about the project's socialprofitability.  相似文献   

The 1992 Cable Act requires cable systems to carry local broadcasters. Noncarriage of local stations may represent an attempt by cable systems to disadvantage rivals, and thereby raise the prices of advertising and cable service. Alternatively, noncarriage might represent the efficient replacement of low-valued channels with more highly-valued programming. This study attempts to discriminate between these hypotheses with data on cable carriage decisions. The results support the efficiency hypothesis. Systems selling advertising are less likely to drop local stations than nonadvertisers. Dropped stations tend to have low audience ratings, and tend to originate in a different geographic market from the system.  相似文献   

Although some research has already focused on the analysis of expenditure elasticities of leisure demand, some shortcomings with regard to the content and the underlying theoretical model as well as the applied methods exist. This article aims at avoiding these problems to provide consistent derivatives of leisure service expenditure elasticities. Therefore, a regular demand system is derived from microeconomic duality theory. To implement leisure specific demand factors (i.e. demand- and supply-based sports and recreational opportunities as well as sports and recreational preferences) while still being consistent with neoclassical demand theory, the basic model is extended by applying the demographic translation framework. Data of the continuous household budget survey (n?=?7724) from Germany is used for the estimation of the derived demand system. It is shown how sensitive the results are depending on the applied (censored) regression model: 16 out of 18 analysed services are indicated as luxury goods based on the findings of the Tobit model type I but as necessities based on the findings of the Tobit model type II. Possible implications are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The paper extends Waterman's application of Salop's monopolistically competitive model of circular product space to television programming, by introducing considerations of a program's breadth of appeal and consumer intensity of demand in the analysis of programming choices. The effects of external cultural benefits associated with domestic programming are also examined. Consistent with the findings of previous researchers, the model illustrates the tendency of monopolistically competitive commercial broadcasters to discard viewers' intensity of demand and external benefits and thus supply programs that may not maximise social welfare. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.  相似文献   

Measuring market response to regulation of the cable TV industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the 1988–1990 period, the cable television industry was subject to a number of regulatory events. These centered on possible reregulation of rates for basic service and reduction of entry barriers for potential competitors. Using the event study methodology on a portfolio of cable firms, we find evidence that news of no reregulation caused significant positive abnormal returns. News of reregulation caused insignificant negative abnormal returns. These findings provide some support for the traditional consumer protection theory of regulation. News related to entry barriers generally had no significant effect on returns, which suggests that elements of natural monopoly may exist in the industry.  相似文献   

Using directed search to model the product market and the labor market, I show that large plants can pay higher wages to homogeneous workers and earn higher expected profit per worker than small plants, although plants are identical except size. A large plant charges a higher price for its product and compensates buyers with a higher service probability. To capture this size‐ related benefit, large plants try to become larger by recruiting at high wages. This size–wage differential survives labor market competition because a high wage is harder to get than a low wage. Moreover, the size–wage differential increases with the product demand when demand is initially low and falls when demand is already high.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors evaluated how much price changes in food and energy – two basic living expenditures competing for consumers’ budgets – would affect consumer welfare. We first estimated a US complete demand system to quantify the interdependent demand relationships among 11 categories of consumption expenditures. Among the estimates, the own price elasticities of both food and energy are relatively inelastic, a finding that explains the dynamics of the recent soaring food and energy prices. The estimated demand elasticities were then incorporated into the measurement of Hicksian compensating variation to analyse the consumer welfare effects of price changes in food and energy. The results indicated that an increase in food and energy prices would increase compensated expenditures or incur a substantial consumer welfare loss, creating an especially heavy burden for low income households.  相似文献   

池建宇 《经济前沿》2011,(1):103-111
本文建立了一个空间竞争模型分析电视节目类型趋同现象。节目类型的趋同意味着频道间节目的水平差别变小,而电视节目差别的的实质是产品差别。如果将观众的效用函数设定为节目类型距离的线性函数,电视频道间节目的水平差别必然实现最小化,节目类型完全相同。  相似文献   

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