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The absolute and relative impact of current quality and reputation variables on consumer decisions are examined using data from the market for Bordeaux wine. The estimates indicate that a model of consumer decision making which incorporates information on reputation (past quality) and collective reputation (average group quality) rejects alternative models that include current quality. The results also indicate that reputation has a large impact on the willingness to pay of consumers, that long term reputation is considerably more important than short term quality movements, and that consumers react slowly to changes in product quality. Collective reputation is shown to have an impact on consumer willingness to pay that is as large as that of individual firm reputation. If reputation and collective reputation effects are ignored, the estimated impact of current quality and short term changes in quality on consumer behaviour are overstated.  相似文献   

We propose that consumers appropriate brand symbolism that comes from celebrity endorsements to construct and communicate their self-concepts. We also argue that consumers with high need to belong (NTB) look to celebrities to a greater extent than those who have lower needs to belong, because high-NTB consumers are more likely to look to celebrities for cues about which brands may aid these consumers' attempts to meet their affiliation needs. High-NTB consumers are also prone to develop one-sided (parasocial) relationships with celebrities, and these parasocial relationships mediate the celebrity endorsement effect on self–brand connections. Three studies support these proposed relationships. Furthermore, the third study also manipulates the degree to which the celebrity's image matches that of the brand being advertised, revealing that a symbolic match between the celebrity image and brand image is important for consumers who do not form parasocial relationships with celebrities (i.e., low-NTB consumers).  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relevance of Kirmani and Campbell’s [Kirmani, Amna and Margaret C. Campbell (2004). “Goal Seeker and Persuasion Sentry: How Consumer Targets Respond to Interpersonal Marketing Persuasion,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (3), 573-582] typology of persuasion management strategies to one group of identity-vulnerable consumers, heterosexual urban male shoppers of grooming and fashion products. Our informants use seeker strategies to refine their conceptualizations of heterosexual masculinity, or to gain expertise. In addition to the seeker strategies Kirmani and Campbell identify, our informants employ three new seeker strategies and use previously identified sentry strategies as seeker strategies. We offer theoretical and managerial insights for those interested in the shopping behavior of vulnerable consumers, and more specifically, heterosexual urban male shoppers of fashion and grooming goods.  相似文献   

Nutrition labeling is an example of product-related information that manufacturers have recently been required to provide. This research sought to determine how central New York State consumers would benefit from such federal regulations. The concept of benefit was defined in terms of consumers' use and perception of labeling information. Attitudes toward nutrition labeling were found to be highly positive. However, the comprehension of the format and terms of the label disclosure was low, indicating that the immediate benefits of the policy will be attitudinal as opposed to behavioral and that consumer education will be essential if use benefits are to be derived.  相似文献   

浅议消费者对公司治理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜湘红 《消费经济》2004,20(6):50-52
作为利益相关者之一的消费者与公司治理相互影响,消费者通过产品市场对公司治理发挥重要作用,这种作用依赖于消费者权益保护的状况,而消费者参与公司治理又是有效保障消费者权益的重要途径。鉴此,本文针对我国现状提出了应完善公司治理机制和信息披露机制以发展消费者参与公司治理的思路。  相似文献   

While research on cultural variables influencing source credibility has been called for by scholars, very few studies have made attempts thus far. In this study, an experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of acculturation and in-group bias on Asian Americans’ perceived source credibility and advertising effectiveness. The results indicate that while acculturation had some effects on the subcomponents of credibility, in-group bias did not have an effect on credibility and Asian Americans’ advertising responses.  相似文献   

本文认为,对换位思考的本质认识不清,对顾客代指标感知规律及如何进行有效传播的研究不足,是导致我国品牌建设落后的重要原因。有效的营销传播策略,第一,要研究本土化的代指标体系是什么,不同类型产品顾客使用的代指标是什么及顾客如何使用代指标这些影响到产品形象的基本问题;第二,一定要在研究不同产品的顾客代指标感知规律重要性的基础上,根据营销传播的协同作用,设计出有效的营销传播策略。  相似文献   

This paper explores the use and evaluation of external information sources in consumer decision-making. Information sources were evaluated by respondents according to six possible applications for the information-based on information use and hierarchical levels in the decision process. The research setting is nonprofit retirement apartments and the subjects are recent movers to those apartments. The empirical findings of this study have marketing implications for marketers of nonprofit retirement housing and social service agencies serving the elderly. They also suggest further research for other nonprofit marketers.  相似文献   


Rural areas need support services to help elderly people sustain their ordinary lives, especially in light of today’s aging societies. In Japan, nonprofit organizations and residents’ associations, which are based in local relationships, provide support services aimed at helping the elderly with their daily buying behavior. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the barriers preventing the use of such support services. We collect 133 respondents from semi-structured interviews through door-to-door visits using snowball sampling to show that there are three such barriers: lifestyle, capability, and trust. Furthermore, we discussed measures to reduce these barriers using our results of correlation analysis and analysis of variance. Our findings have implications for a new direction in social marketing for elderly people. As societies continue to age and highly accessible services become ever more necessary, the insights of our study will be applicable not only in Japan but across the world.  相似文献   

<正>中国的汽车售后服务体系的评价体系经历了初期照搬国外的指标体系,到现阶段本土化适应性调整的发展过程,而未来的售后服务评价体系将从会从厂商服务标准为核心过渡到以消费者感受为核心。新华信作为中国第一家从事售后服务满意度调研的公司,早在1998年就开始应客户要求开展汽车售后服务  相似文献   

A significant body of research concludes that stable beliefs of perceived consumer effectiveness lead to sustainable consumption choices. Consumers who believe that their decisions can significantly affect environmental and social issues are more likely to behave sustainably. Little is known, however, about how perceived consumer effectiveness can be increased. We find that feelings of guilt and pride, activated by a single consumption episode, can regulate sustainable consumption by affecting consumers’ general perception of effectiveness. This paper demonstrates the impact that guilt and pride have on perceived consumer effectiveness and shows how this effect rests on the ability of these emotions to influence perceptions of agency. After experiencing guilt or pride, consumers see themselves as the cause of relevant sustainability outcomes. The process of causal attribution associated with these emotions influences consumers’ use of neutralization techniques. Through the reduction in consumers’ ability to neutralize their sense of personal responsibility, guilt and pride positively influence perceived consumer effectiveness. The inability to rationalize-away their personal responsibility, persuades consumers that they affect sustainability outcomes through their decisions. The research advances our understanding of sustainable consumption and identifies a new avenue for the regulation of individual consumer behavior that has significant implications for the development of sustainable marketing initiatives.  相似文献   

物流企业信息化将必然带动供应链管理信息化,也是世界各国物流业发展的趋势,它将带来一场物流业革命。  相似文献   

跨国公司转移定价的动因和影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着世界经济的发展,国际市场竞争日益加剧,转移定价逐渐成为跨国公司扩大企业总体利益,追求利润最大化的手段,但却给东道国造成了一定危害。文章就跨国公司转移定价的动机及对我国经济发展的危害进行了探究。  相似文献   

The current research examines influence of materialism and compulsive-buying behavior on Indian consumers’ credit card use. Research in Western countries posits that materialistic values and compulsiveness influence credit card use. However, results of the research differ from earlier researches. It suggests that Indian consumers’ credit card use is influenced by materialism but not by compulsiveness. Credit cards may be acquired to represent a lifestyle and improve individual’s status. The symbolic value associated with credit card is higher than its functional attributes. Consumers associate it with material possessions that bequeath status to them.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the phenomenon of pre-operational child consumers (age 2–7; Piaget, 1928 Piaget, J. 1928. The child's conception of the world, New York, NY: Harcourt.  [Google Scholar]) and their influence on household purchases. The conceptual framework was based on research on family interaction, child development, and consumer socialization. The research methodology utilized depth interviews with both pre-operational children and their parents. The analysis of the depth interviews revealed the pervasive use of child influence strategies in typical shopping excursions and significant parental yielding in response to those child influence attempts. Study results were consistent with consumer socialization and family interaction theories that surmise the prevalence and power of child influence.  相似文献   

This study tested (1) the theory of planned behavior to identify factors influencing customers’ willingness to pay more when visiting a locally sourced restaurant, and (2) assesses the effect of health consciousness and community attachment on willingness to pay more through attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control in visiting a locally sourced restaurant. A total of 423 responses were analyzed using a two-step approach of structural equation modeling. The findings indicated that health consciousness and community attachment positively influences attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control in visiting a locally sourced restaurant, which ultimately influence willingness to pay more.  相似文献   

<正>谁是未来的消费主流随着时间的推移,年龄在20 ̄30岁之间的年轻新生代人群,正在成为不可忽视的社会主流消费群体。他们无论是在校学生,还是刚刚步入社会,无论是新婚夫妇还是独身青年,都有很强的高消费倾向,他们已经掌握足够的“可支配收入”,正在逐步进入市场形成强大的购买力量。  相似文献   

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