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This study examines the impact of government initial public offering (IPO) regulation intending on promoting public policy. The study examines the results of the implementation of a Malaysian government policy in 1976, which mandated that at least 30 percent of any new shares on an IPO offer be sold to the indigenous Bumiputera population or to mutual funds owned by them. The study examined the short-run and long-run underpricing of Malaysian IPOs and found that Malaysian IPOs are highly underpriced compared to IPOs in developing countries, creating a market microstructure effect. It also confirmed that the Malaysian government's regulatory intervention in spite of noble public policy intentions appeared to be the significant factor for the emergence of an average first-day underpricing increase of Malaysian IPOs by 61 percent during the period after the regulatory economic policy was instituted. Furthermore, the study found that this high underpricing persists even for the long run, in contrast to the long-run performance of IPOs in the United States.  相似文献   

Based on the data on initial public offerings (IPOs) listed on Growth Enterprises Market (ChiNext) in 2009–2018, this paper examines the impact of first-day listing price limits on IPO underpricing by adopting the event study and regression discontinuity design models. Our research indicates that the implementation of price limits significantly increases IPO underpricing by intensifying investor sentiment and encouraging market speculation. We also find that price limits have different impacts on companies with different characteristics such as innovation capacity and ownership structure. Our research may suggest how to improve the effectiveness of regulatory policy as well as current ChiNext and IPO market reforms.  相似文献   

文章重点探讨媒体关注对我国IPO抑价影响的具体路径。基于上市公司IPO及之前的媒体信息,选取创业板IPO公司作为研究样本,从行为金融学视角对抑价理论进行实证检验。经路径研究发现,高媒体关注通过配置投资者“有限注意力”导致高发行抑价,在个人投资者比例较高的创业板市场上,媒体关注对IPO抑价的影响路径是基于情绪效应而不是认知效应。  相似文献   

I use the context of a company's initial public offering (IPO) of equity securities as a capital‐market setting to empirically study the economic consequences of risk factor disclosures. Using data from Australian IPOs, I examine the relation of textual risk disclosures in the prospectus to initial underpricing. I find that the quantity of disclosures in the risk factor section itself has no significant impact on initial underpricing. However, an increase in the informativeness of risk factor disclosures is associated with lower IPO underpricing. My results suggest that IPOs that provide informative risk factor disclosures have less ex ante uncertainty, in the sense that the disclosures help investors estimate the dispersion of secondary market value. The effect of informative risk factor disclosures on IPO underpricing is more pronounced for IPOs with less prestigious lead underwriters and is mainly driven by younger firms, smaller firms, and firms with poorer operating performance prior to their IPOs. Collectively, my findings suggest that informative disclosures of downside risk are useful for investors to evaluate IPOs.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the difference in institutional environments constitutes differential IPO underpricing across countries. Using the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom (IEF) as a proxy for the heterogeneous institutional environment, and a sample of 3728 IPOs from 22 countries and regions over the period 1993–2014, we find that countries with higher economic freedom have significantly less serious IPO underpricing problems. Moreover, we find that among the 10 economic freedom factors covered by theIEF, financial freedom related factors play a more important role in reducing the IPO underpricing problem. Finally, consistent with the market sentiment hypothesis, we find strong evidence that pre-IPO market sentiment influences IPO first-day returns, and that the IPO underpricing problem is less severe when the market is bearish.  相似文献   

This paper appraises the existing approaches used to measure the underpricing of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). The conceptual problems surrounding the measurement of IPO underpricing are noted to be significant and suggest that underpricing costs and returns may need to be evaluated with reference to the particular characteristics of individual offerings. For example, details of the number of primary shares on offer, the effect on corporate control of listing, the information effects resulting from listing, the liquidity of shares pre-offer, the impact of speculative activity on post-listing firm value and, finally, the actual dating of an IPO may all need to be considered. In short, the existing measures suggested for IPO underpricing do not allow managers/owners in IPO firms or investors in IPO stocks to assess, unequivocally, the respective costs and returns from underpricing in such issues.The authors would like to acknowledge the helpful comments of an anonymous reviewer.  相似文献   

We investigate the listing choice of Chinese VC-backed companies between a domestic market and foreign stock markets. Using a comprehensive sample of 2249 IPOs of Chinese companies that went public during the 1994–2013 period, we find that companies backed by Chinese domestic VCs are significantly less likely to list abroad while those backed by foreign VCs or co-invested by foreign and domestic VCs are significantly more likely to do so. We further find that the introduction of a domestic stock market for high-tech start-ups (the ChiNext Board) significantly reduces the likelihood to list abroad. However, the effect of VC participation largely disappears after the introduction of the ChiNext Board, in that the companies backed by foreign or co-invested VCs are more likely to list domestically. Moreover, we find that VC-backed IPOs have larger issuance sizes, but we find no impact on IPO underpricing of these Chinese companies. These results on IPO outcome hold for both the full sample and a matched sample using propensity score matching.  相似文献   

Most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Korea struggle in financing R&D. Thus, the Korea Core Industrial Technology Investment Association (KITIA) was established to implement a matching fund program (MFP) to help SMEs with this undertaking. Applicant firms to the MFP are reviewed first based on their technology levels and are required to attract financing from venture capitalists (VCs), before receiving funds from the MFP. This paper, based on KITIAs MFP applicant data from 2001 to 2004, evaluates the performance of the MFP in terms of the success rate of funded SMEs’ initial public offerings (IPOs) and bankruptcy rates in relation to those SMEs that could not attract matching funds. Propensity score matching was used to eliminate selection bias from the data in order to assess the actual treatment effect of the MFP. According to the result of logistic regression applied to the matched data, MFP apparently did not have significant effects on IPO success and bankruptcy. This implies that MFP needs to allow VCs more time to evaluate SMEs covering qualitative aspects as well. It is expected that this change of structure can provide better performance of MFP in terms of IPO success and bankruptcy of matched SMEs.  相似文献   

Going Public to Grow? Evidence from a Panel of Italian Firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the consequences of the decision to go public for the growth of Italian firms using US firms as a benchmark for comparison. We find Italian firms conducting IPOs are larger than US firms, but raise fewer funds from the IPO and grow more slowly afterwards. We also compare Italian IPOs across time. Firms going public in the 1990s display features that are more similar to US IPOs. We describe changes to the Italian economy and financial markets that are potentially responsible for the change. We compare firms of different size and with different governance structures, and we find that they behave differently after going public. Our results suggest that going public does not guarantee faster growth or more jobs. As such, public policies that simply increase access to equity markets may not be effective unless they provide incentives for the firms’ decision-makers to use the new capital to grow.   相似文献   

We study strategic behavior of insiders in ChiNext IPOs. Since traditional initial underpricing is not appropriate due to the jawbone P/E ratio approach and maximum initial return cap we propose two alternative measures. We identify a significantly positive relationship between insiders' shareholdings and initial underpricing. With no discretion on IPO offer price, the insiders implement earnings management to maintain higher stock prices induced by regulatory changes and high market demand and to facilitate selling their unlocked shares after lockup expiration. We confirm a negative impact from insiders' share sales on long-term performance but don't observe a dramatic underperformance as documented.  相似文献   

A rapidly growing mutual fund category is funds of funds (FOFs) which invest in other mutual funds instead of individual securities. This study reports on FOFs' characteristics and performance relative to traditional equity mutual funds and finds that FOFs compare favorably. FOFs with identified managers outperform their unidentified counterparts, and FOFs that invest in-family outperform both traditional equity funds and those FOFs investing out-of-family. Finally, replicating FOFs' holdings can be prohibitively expensive since they commonly hold funds with high minimum initial investments, closed funds and/or funds that are restricted to a particular investor type.  相似文献   

Is the online auction an efficient mechanism for pricing initial public offerings (IPOs)? Its intent was to minimize first day price surges in IPOs, which represented “money left on the table” for issuers. Evidence from Google's IPO suggests that the online auction process may not have minimized the first day price surge, since 82 percent of the IPOs issued in 2004 using the traditional process experienced less of an increase. Furthermore, a comparison of auction IPOs with traditional IPOs issued in the same year and in the same threedigit SIC code suggests that 44 percent of the auction IPOs have greater first day price surges than their traditional counterparts. A broader comparison of the pricing behavior of auction IPOs with traditional IPOs presents a mixed picture and suggests that the size of underwriter may be an important factor. The mispricing that occurs in auctions may be due to an informational asymmetry on the part of small investors. This informational gap could arise because small investors lack access to the information sources that institutional investors have or because companies are not required to provide detailed information in the online process, inasmuch as they don't undergo the rigorous scrutiny of investment banks in the traditional bookbuilding process. This informational gap may be alleviated by the SEC reforms of the “quiet period” and by the issuer providing more detailed information on the uses of the funds.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of internationalization on the initial and long-run IPO performance of service firms. The study discusses that pre-IPO internationalization of service firms contributes to the explanation of long-discussed IPO underpricing phenomenon, and underperformance of IPOs in the long-run. Sample of the study includes 1822 IPO issues conducted by US service firms between 1980 and 2009. Findings of the study suggest that international service firms leave less money on table in their IPOs compared to domestic service firms by providing significantly lower first day returns to their investors on their first day of public trading. Moreover, our findings provide evidence that 3-year cumulative abnormal returns and 3-year buy-and-hold returns of international service firms are significantly higher than domestic service firms, and international service firms outperform domestic service firms in both operating return on assets and operating cash flows in the post-IPO period. Lastly, the study documents that survival rate of service firms subsequent to an IPO issue increases with pre-IPO internationalization.  相似文献   

We analyze the survival and success of a large sample of Canadian penny stock initial public offerings (IPOs), launched mostly by small and unprofitable firms from 1986 to 2003. The failure rate of these IPOs is lower than in the US for larger IPOs, probably because of lax delisting rules and the market’s capacity to refinance non-profitable firms. The survival of new issuers is significantly associated with their characteristics at the IPO and with the level of initial listing requirement they meet. The involvement of reputable intermediaries in the IPO process mitigates this effect. Success, estimated by the graduation to a senior exchange, is not linked to the financial conditions at the IPO. Overall, Canada seems to have developed a particular strategy to finance the growth of small firms even if the propensity to fail of firms listed at a pre-revenue stage is very high.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the effect of mutual fund connections, through managerial sharing, on performance and stock holding commonalities. Our analysis of return correlations and portfolio holdings indicates that more interconnected funds tend to buy and sell similar stocks, hence increasing the similarity of portfolio holdings and undermining the distinctiveness of their investment strategy. Our results also indicate that highly connected funds significantly underperform weakly connected funds by about 1.4% on a yearly risk‐adjusted basis. We show that fund family performance is unaffected by the intensity of fund connections, and that greater fund connections could significantly enhance family‐level profit margins.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of venture capitalist participation in IPOs in China and find that VC-backed firms are more underpriced than non-VC firms. Both VC-backed and non-VC-backed IPOs experience long-run underperformance; however, VC-backed IPOs perform significantly better. The higher level of underpricing and cost of going public for the VC-backed firms are consistent with the monitoring role of the VC. Finally, the fact that VC reputation is associated with lower underpricing is consistent with the reputational capital theory, which asserts that reputable VCs use their expertise and experience to minimize underpricing in order to preserve their reputational capital.  相似文献   

Recent episodes of capital market volatility and contagion have brought up many questions about the behavior of international investors. We address some of these questions, exploring the behavior of different types of emerging market equity funds with monthly data on individual country holdings. Consistent with the notion that fund behavior can largely be traced to redemptions by individual investors, we find that open-end funds withdraw more from vulnerable countries around crises than their closed-end counterparts. We show that open-end funds’ flows Granger-cause closed-end funds investments, possibly because the closed-end funds are forced to follow their more fickle open-end counterparts. Single-country fund flows precede those of global funds, suggesting an informational advantage of the former. The evidence does not support the notion that small funds are at a disadvantage in gathering country information.  相似文献   

This article investigates if investing in local hedge funds improves the risk-return relationship of Brazilian pension funds. Investment in hedge funds by pension funds is growing elsewhere, with an increasing utilization of a multiplicity of hedge funds specialized in specific strategies or niches. We analyzed the performance of a typical pension fund allocation in Brazil as well as alternate allocations that included hedge funds. We used robust estimates of the covariance matrix to mitigate the errors in variables that are problematic in the inputs of the optimization. The results show that hedge funds improve the risk-return relationship of the typical pension fund allocation, contribute to a higher accumulated return at the end of a one-year period, and reduce portfolio rebalancing. Investments in hedge funds ease reaching the typical 6% annual return target with less risk exposure.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of venture capitalist (VC) prestige on the post-issue survivability of IPOs and how VC characteristics influence the effect. We find that IPOs backed by prestigious VCs are less likely to delist for performance failure and have longer listing duration relative to those without VC backing; however, IPOs backed by ordinary VCs are as likely to delist as IPOs without VC backing. The finding is robust for Internet and high-tech firms. We further examine heterogeneous VC characteristics and find that the ability of prestigious VCs to improve IPO survival is a function of their investment experience and managerial ability. VC prestige characterized by industry specialization and syndication networks is not related to IPO survival. Overall, the results suggest that the VC characteristics that produce prestige, rather than the prestige itself, drive the long-term survival of IPOs.  相似文献   

通过对218家在创业板上市公司首次公开发行当天股价上涨现象进行研究,结果表明在创业板推出初期上市的公司存在严重的IPO抑价。中国创业板近70%的公司有风险资本背景,但是创业企业的风险资本对抑价水平的影响不显著,上市公司本身的特点和财务业绩因素对IPO抑价影响也不显著。中国创业板市场IPO抑价严重的原因是创业板市场运行机制不成熟,二级股票市场投机情况严重。另外,付市盈率、中签率、换手率等对IPO抑价水平影响显著。  相似文献   

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