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Abstract In this paper, we focus on the following problem: given a financial market, modelled by a process , and a family of probability measures on , with N a positive integer and the time space, we search for financially meaningful conditions which are equivalent to the existence and uniqueness of an equivalent (local) martingale measure (EMM) Q such that the price process S has under Q the pre-specified finite-dimensional distributions of order N (N-dds) . We call these two equivalent properties, respectively, N -mixed no free lunch and market N -completeness. They are based on a classification of contingent claims with respect to their path-dependence on S and on the related notion of N-mixed strategy. Finally, we apply this approach to the Black-Scholes model with jumps, by showing a uniqueness result for its equivalent martingale measures set. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 60G48, 91B28 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: G12, D52  相似文献   

Abstract In this article we study the completion by options of a two-period security market in which the space of marketed securities is a subspace X of . Although there are important results about the completion (by options) Z of X, the problem of the determination of Z in its general form is still open. In this paper we solve this problem by determining a positive basis of Z. This method of positive bases simplifies the theory of security markets and also answers other open problems of this theory. In the classical papers of this subject, call and put options are taken with respect to the riskless bond 1 of . In this article we generalize this theory by taking call and put options with respect to different risky vectors u from a fixed vector subspace U of . This generalization was inspired by certain types of exotic option in finance. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 46B40, 46A35, 91B28, 91B30 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: G190, D520  相似文献   

Given a normal sample with means \({{\bf x}_{1}^{\prime} {\bf \varphi}, \ldots, {\bf x}_{n}^{\prime} {\bf \varphi}}\) and variance v, minimum variance unbiased estimates are given for the moments of L, where log L is normal with mean \({{\bf x}^{\prime} {\bf \varphi}}\) and variance v. These estimates converge to wrong values if the normality assumption is false. In the latter case estimates based on any M-estimate of \({{\bf \varphi}}\) are available of bias \({O\left(n^{-1}\right)}\) and \({O\left(n^{-2}\right)}\). More generally, these are given for any smooth function of \({\left({\bf \varphi}, F\right)}\), where F is the unknown distribution of the residuals. The regression functions need not be linear.  相似文献   

K. Takeuchi  M. Akahira 《Metrika》1986,33(1):85-91
Summary Minimizing is discussed under the unbiasedness condition: and the condition (A):f i (x) (i=1, ..., p) are linearly independent , and .  相似文献   

Vengono studiate le proprietà delle intensità istantanee di interesse di leggi finanziarie scindibili non necessariamente omogeneef(x, s, t). Esse risultano dipendenti dal montante e dal tempo finale secondo il modello . Ciò porta ad ottenere una naturale corrispondenza fra leggi finanziarie scindibili ed equazioni differenziali ordinarie. Si esaminano in dettaglio i casi particolari di leggi uniformi, leggi omogenee e leggi uniformi-omogenee, individuando la forma delle equazioni differenziali ad esse associate. Si estendono infine i risultati a leggi finanziarie del tipo , che dipendono anche dalla variabile istante decisionale .
Summary We study the properties of the interest rates of the so-called scindibili financial laws (not necessarily homogeneous)f(x, s, t). They explicity depend on the value off andt only, according to the form . This suggests a natural correspondence between such financial laws and ordinary differential equations.The particular cases of uniform laws, homogeneous laws and uniform-homogeneous laws are examined and the structure of the associated differential equations are obtained.The previous results are extended to the financial laws of type which also depend on a decisional time .

Let {X j } be a strictly stationary sequence of negatively associated random variables with the marginal probability density function f(x). The recursive kernel estimators of f(x) are defined by
and the Rosenblatt–Parzen’s kernel estimator of f(x) is defined by , where 0  <  b n → 0 are bandwidths and K is some kernel function. In this paper, we study the uniformly Berry–Esseen bounds for these estimators of f(x). In particular, by choice of the bandwidths, the Berry–Esseen bounds of the estimators attain .  相似文献   

Abstract In Marinacci (2000), the following theorem was proved. Theorem 1. (Marinacci (2000) Let P and Q be two finitely additive probabilities on a λ -system Σ . Suppose that P is convex-ranged and that Q is countably additive. If there exists an A + Σ with 0<P(A + )<1 such that whenever BΣ , then P=Q. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 28A10, 91B06 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: C60, D81  相似文献   

Let be a sequence of stationary positively associated random variables and a sequence of positive constants be monotonically approaching infinity and be not asymptotically equivalent to loglog n. Under some suitable conditions, a nonclassical law of the iterated logarithm is investigated, i.e.
where (f) is a real function and .  相似文献   

This note describes accelerated two sided approximation schemes for the solution of the integral equation

This paper deals with the estimation of survivor function using optimally selected order statistics when the sample sizen is large. We use the estimates (μ*,σ*) based on the optimum set of order statistics for largen and fixedk (≤n) such that the estimate has optimum variance property. The asymptotic relative efficiency of such an estimator is compared with the one based on the complete sample. The general theory of the problem and specific details with respect to a two-parameter Normal, Logistic, Exponential and Pareto distributions is considered as an example.  相似文献   

In questo lavoro viene fornita una nuova caratterizzazione dell'ammissibilità attraverso un adeguato uso della nozione di ammissibilità parziale. Questa caratterizzazione consente di affrontare le questioni riguardanti la completezza della classe delle decisioni ammissibiliti sotto condizioni «maneggevoli». Fornisce inoltre un approccio unificante al problema della completezza che consente di derivare, come casi particolari, alcuni risultati già noti nella letteratura sull'argomento.
In this paper a new characterization of admissibility is given for general decision problems. It is based on an adequate use of the notion of partial admissibility.A general decision problem is usually synthetized by a triplet (, , ) where is the states (or parameters) space, the set of available decisions and is a family of real valued functions defined on and expressing numerically the consequences of choosing when the state is . The set is regarded as a subset of the space of all real valued functions on endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence.As for as admissibility is concerned all the pertinent information about decisions are contained in the corresponding functionsW .This allows to introduce a notion of partial admissibility through the neigh-bourhoods of this topology. Admissibile decisions are then shown to be limits of monotone non increasing sequences of partially admissible decisions.Moreover this topological characterization allows to prove the completeness of classes of admissible decisions under acceptable systems of conditions which contain as special cases, known results in literature.

Lavoro svolto nell'ambito del Gruppo Nazionale per l'Analisi Funzionale e le sue Applicazioni del C.N.R.  相似文献   

K. F. Cheng 《Metrika》1982,29(1):215-225
For a specified distribution functionG with densityg, and unknown distribution functionF with densityf, the generalized failure rate function (x)=f(x)/gG –1 F(x) may be estimated by replacingf andF byf n and , wheref n is an empirical density function based on a sample of sizen from the distribution functionF, and . Under regularity conditions we show and, under additional restrictions whereC is a subset ofR and n. Moreover, asymptotic normality is derived and the Berry-Esséen type bound is shown to be related to a theorem which concerns the sum of i.i.d. random variables. The order boundO(n–1/2+c n 1/2 ) is established under mild conditions, wherec n is a sequence of positive constants related tof n and tending to 0 asn.Research was supported in part by the Army, Navy and Air Force under Office of Naval Research contract No. N00014-76-C-0608. AMS 1970 subject classifications. Primary 62G05. Secondary 60F15.  相似文献   

This paper studies minimally-supported D-optimal designs for polynomial regression model with logarithmically concave (log-concave) weight functions. Many commonly used weight functions in the design literature are log-concave. For example, and exp(−x 2) in Theorem 2.3.2 of Fedorov (Theory of optimal experiments, 1972) are all log-concave. We show that the determinant of information matrix of minimally-supported design is a log-concave function of ordered support points and the D-optimal design is unique. Therefore, the numerically D-optimal designs can be constructed efficiently by cyclic exchange algorithm.  相似文献   

The run length distribution of charts with unknown process variance is analized using numerical integration. Both traditional chart limits and a method due to Hillier are considered. It is shown that setting control limits based on the pooled standard deviation, as opposed to the average sample standard deviation, provides better run length performance due to its smaller mean square error. The effect of an unknown process variance is shown to increase the area under both tails of the run length distribution. If Hillier’s method is used instead, only the right tail of the run length distribution is increased. Collani’s model for the economic design of charts is extended to the case of unknown process variance by writing his standardized objective function in terms of average run lengths.  相似文献   

In the present paper families of truncated distributions with a Lebesgue density forx=(x 1,...,x n ) ε ℝ n are considered, wheref 0:ℝ → (0, ∞) is a known continuous function andC n (ϑ) denotes a normalization constant. The unknown truncation parameterϑ which is assumed to belong to a bounded parameter intervalΘ=[0,d] is to be estimated under a convex loss function. It is studied whether a two point prior and a corresponding Bayes estimator form a saddle point when the parameter interval is sufficiently small.  相似文献   

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