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随着生活水平的提高,人口规模的持续增大、人口结构日益的老龄化,人们对健康保健的需求层次、需求广度发生了巨大的变化,对多元化及多层次的健康服务需求大大增加。文章以全球医疗健康服务业最发达的波士顿地区为例,概况总结其健康服务业集群发展机理。同时,文章将上海12km2健康医疗密集区与波士顿作对比研究,旨在为上海市健康医疗服务业的发展提供一些借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

糖尿病与饮食密切相关,因饮食不当而引发糖尿病的患者,虽然重视家庭饮食,但仍然存在诸多误区。优化膳食结构,科学家庭饮食,是改善和稳定糖尿病患者病情的基础措施。  相似文献   

This study examines whether privatization is associated with low public sector health care wages and with low probability of public sector employment for health care providers. Findings suggest that privatization contributes significantly to low wages of union health care providers in the public sector. Privatization also contributes to a low probability of public sector employment in this industry, especially to unionized workers. These results indicate that competition enhancing policy can promote lower labor costs even in a service sector that employs a highly skilled work force.
James PeoplesEmail:

目前高职院校心理健康教育存在技术主义、功利主义和形式主义的倾向,亟须注入"人文关怀"的时代元素,给予学生更多的人文关怀式的"底色"。为实现学生心理品质的养成和自由全面的发展这一终极人文关怀,高职院校的心理健康教育应着眼于"生命教育""幸福教育"和"职业生涯教育"的探讨。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of a Japanese public health care reform—called the contract out policy—on intergenerational inequality and the probability of a surplus in medical saving accounts. First, I investigate the change in the lifetime net burdens for each generation and public health expenditures and conduct simulation analyses to consider the effects of contracting out public health insurance on intergenerational inequality using the generational accounting method. Next, I simulate the probability of a surplus in medical savings accounts using the transition probability of health care expenses based on individual health data, such as receipt data. According to the simulation results, the net lifetime burden on future generations after contracting out shows a 1% reduction compared to the base case, which is not implemented in public health care reform. In addition, the probability of medical savings accounts remaining in surplus, including cases of zero medical expenses, is 69.6%.  相似文献   

随着中国人口老龄化、高龄化的快速发展与失能老人数量的不断增加,大众对养老需求的预期不断提高。人们在关注养老模式的同时,开始研究介护老人的介护质量问题,探讨养老护理职业、介护职业与介护人才的培养问题。  相似文献   

文章基于1997-2012年30个省级地区数据构建固定效应模型,选用“医疗卫生财政支出决算额”测算医疗卫生财政支出水平,研究分析医疗卫生财政支出对经济增长贡献的时间、空间差异及原因。结果显示:医疗卫生财政支出对经济增长存在明显时空差异,空间上表现为西部地区医疗卫生财政支出的贡献度最高,东部次之,中部最低,时间上呈现出“由低到高,日趋平稳”的变化趋势。政府应明确自身职能责任,通过加大西部地区医疗卫生财政支出力度,提高财政支出效率等途径,整合全社会卫生资源,完善医疗卫生资源分配机制。  相似文献   

本文主要是研究城乡居民基本医疗保险制度下的城乡居民健康公平性,为完善医疗保障制度提供科学依据。本文主要利用集中指数测量反映和经济状况有关的健康结果的公平性。探究城乡居民医保参保人员两周患病率、慢性病患病率、自评健康不良情况各自反映的健康不公平。通过对农村和城镇居民的比较分析发现差异和出现健康不公平的原因并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

The Albanian health care system is currently in a period of deep transformation as well as the country is reflecting the future reforms after the turbulent development of the most recent years. The admission of Albania among future members of the European Union requires also an innovation in the health care system in order to build a model more compliant with the European performance and standards. These innovations are required also in the managerial approach to the health care and in its financing system. The aim of this paper is to analyze the actual financing model of the Albanian health care sector while highlighting the possible future managerial development. First of all, this article presents a history review of the Albanian health-care system, analyzing the current governance model. The goal of this approach is to describe the starting point of the reform paths for the future policy makers. Afterwards the research underlines the transition from a financing model based on historical public expenditure to a system based on the performance as one of the main innovation in the managerial approach to the health care. The introduction of management thinking will then allow developing a cost-based financing model, an accounting system in the teaching hospital and, finally, a financing system able to pay for services provided by private health care entities. The article then offers also a contribution to policy makers in order to define the "paths" of the Albanian health care system in the next years.  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的不断发展,如何满足广大读者对社会信息的需求,加强公共图书馆的人文关怀,更好地为读者服务、为构建和谐社会服务,是摆在广大图书馆人面前的一个重要课题。实施人文关怀,图书馆要牢固树立"以人为本"的理念;坚持公共图书馆的公益性建设;提供更为人性化的服务;加强公共图书馆的软硬件建设。  相似文献   

刘红芹  刘强 《改革》2012,(3):66-71
政府购买居家养老服务是在养老服务中引入市场竞争机制的一种制度安排。在社会管理改革的背景下,政府购买服务这一工具对于促进养老服务的治道变革、提升政府的养老服务能力具有重要作用。质量模型从政府购买居家养老服务消费者感知服务质量的维度视角探讨居家养老服务质量的测评方法,可拓宽政府购买居家养老服务绩效的研究路径。  相似文献   

基于我国人口结构发展趋势预测,2022年我国老龄化率将达到14%,进入深度老龄化社会;到2030年前后老龄化率将达到20%,进入超级老龄化社会。随着人口老龄化和老年人口高龄化不断上升,我国失能半失能老人规模及其比例将由2020年的4564万人和17.11%上升到2030年的6953万人和17.44%,至2050年进一步上升到12606万人和22%。失能半失能老人规模的快速扩大,将引发老年照护服务需求激增,按照90%失能半失能老人由家庭照护、10%由机构照护估算,照护机构护工需求将由2020年的33.8万人增加到2030年的52.2万人和2050年的101万人。考虑到家庭小型化趋势和“421”家庭普遍化趋势,未来由社区、家政、养老机构和医疗护理机构提供照护服务的失能半失能老人比例将会不断提高,老年照护所需护工的规模还会成倍增加,当前的护理人才教育培训机制远不能满足未来老年照护服务的需求。满足未来规模不断扩大、质量要求不断提高的多层次照护服务需求,亟须健全基本养老服务体系,大力发展多元化老年照护服务体系,切实做好护理人才中长期培育发展规划,不断完善老年健康服务体系。  相似文献   

市场经济的人文关怀与和谐社会的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢永新 《改革与战略》2008,24(11):44-46
市场经济社会中人文关怀的缺失是一个不争的事实。人文关怀在人类社会中总是表现为人们对于个体生命处境的关照以及对于意义世界和价值世界的追求,是真诚和真情转化为人性美的体现。人文关怀的缺失就意味着人们失去了对人的价值、人的尊严的操守。这种缺失与经济的市场化和诸如官本位等社会历史文化的因素有关。人文关怀对完善市场经济制度、对构建和谐的社会主义社会有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

我国老年护理保险可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口老龄化趋势、家庭结构的变化为发展老年护理保险创造了条件,然而养儿防老的传统观念,薄弱的保险意识,国家、企业、个人较低的支付能力,老年护理保险作为新产品的不确定性,却成了我国发展老年护理保险的制约瓶颈。当下,我们可以借鉴国外先进经验,通过加大宣传力度增强老年护理保险意识,大力发展老年护理服务业,设计符合我国国情的老年护理保险产品,加强老年护理保险法制建设。随着经济的发展和全民保险意识的增强,我国老年护理保险应采用社会保险和商业保险相结合的模式。  相似文献   

Despite their recent deterioration, village clinics have historically been an important source of health care for the poor and elderly in rural China. In this paper, we examine the current role of village clinics, the patients who use them and some of the services they provide. We focus specifically on the role of village clinics in meeting the health-care needs of the rural poor and elderly. We find that although clinics are continuing to decline financially, they remain a source of care for the rural elderly and poor. We estimate that the elderly are 10-15 percent more likely than young individuals to seek care at a clinic. We show that clinics provide many unique services to support the rural elderly (and the elderly poor), such as in-home patient care, the option for patients to pay on credit, and free and discounted services.  相似文献   

图书馆的人文关怀与校园文化建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
校园文化是社会文化的重要组成部分,建设高层次的大学校园文化是发展中国先进文化的重要内容.图书馆的人文关怀在校园文化建设中具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

肖琴  张琳晗 《科技和产业》2021,21(1):138-142
通过对不同儿童照料方式研究发现,祖辈提供的隔代照料会显著增加已婚女性劳动参与率19% ~28.4%;隔代照料对女性参与劳动的影响程度要远大于正式照料,这可能与现有的托育服务欠缺有关;当家庭面对外在冲击时,父亲照料可以显著促进女性劳动参与.建议政府在鼓励生育的同时,加快完善托育服务资源配置;进一步通过政策引导等手段推动男性参与到家庭生活中、承担家庭责任;缓解女性面临的"工作—家庭"冲突,从而更有效地影响生育率.  相似文献   

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