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Book Reviewed in this article: Joan Thirsk (Ed.). Land, Church, and People: Essays Presented to Professor H. P. R.Finberg. H.J. Dyos (Ed.). The study of urban history. W. B. Stephens (Ed.). History of Congleton. Published to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the granting of the charter to the town. Peter H. Ramsey (Ed.). The Price Revolution in Sixteenth Century England. Dennis Rubini . Court and Country 1688-1702. H. E. S. Fisher . The Portugal Trade. A Study of Anglo-Portuguese Commerce 1700-1770. Baron F. Duckham . A History of the Scottish Coal Industry. Vol. I. 1700-1815: A Social and Industrial History. R. Burt (Ed.). Cornish Mining: Essays on the Organisation of Cornish Mines and the Cornish Mining Economy. Blanche D. Coll . Perspectives in Public Welfare. A History. Michael E. Rose . The English Poor Law, 1780-1930. J. P. P. Higgins and Sidney Pollard (Eds.). Aspects of Capital Investment in Great Britain jy50-1850: A Preliminary Survey. Report of a Conference held at the University of Sheffield, 5-7 January ig6g. F. C. Mather . After the Canal Duke: A Study of the Industrial Estates administered by the Trustees of the Third Duke of Bridgewater in the Age of Railway Building 1825- 18J2. Graham S. Hudson . The Aberford Railway and the History of the Garforth Collieries. Sheila Marriner and Francis E. Hyde . The Senior: John Samuel Swin 1825-98. Management in Far Eastern Shipping Trades. F. S. L. LYONS. Ireland since the Famine: 1850 to the present. E. P. Thompson and Eileen Yeo (Eds.). The Unknown Mayhew: Selections from the “Morning Chronicle” 1840-1850. Philip N. Jones . Colliery Settlement in the South Wales Coalfield, 1850-1926. P. E. Hart (Ed.). Studies in Profit, Business Saving and Investment in the United Kingdom, 1920-1962. Vol. II. D. C. M. Platt . The Cinderella Service: British Consuls since 1825. Alexander Gerschenkron . Europe in the Russian Mirror: Four Lectures in Economic History. L. F. Haber . The Chemical Industry 1900-1930. International Growth and Technological Change. J. S. Bromley and E. H. Kossmann (Eds.). Britain and the Netherlands in Europe and Asia. P. Barrett Whale . Joint Stock Banking in Germany. A Study of the German Creditbanks before and after the War. Joseph R. Ramos . Labor and Development in Latin America. Margaret Steven . Merchant Campbell, 1769-1846: A Study in Colonial Trade. Michael Craton and James Walvin . A Jamaican Plantation. The History of Worthy Park, 1670-1970. Pamela Nightingale . Trade and Empire in Western India, 1784-1806. Radhe Shyam Rungta . The Rise of Business Corporations in India 1851-1900. A.A.G. Bijdragen, nr. 15. Acta Historiae Neerlandica, vol. IV. W.J. Alberts and F. W. Hugenholtz (Eds.). De stadsrekeningen van Arnhem. Vol. I. J. Bayer -Lothe . Documents relatifs au mouvement ouvrier dans la province de Namur au XIXe Steele, 1849-1886. J. Beishuizen and E. Werkman . De magere jaren. Nederland in de crisistijd 1929-1939. A. Bocquet . Recherches sur la population rurale de ? Artois et du Boulonnais pendant la périods bourguignonne 1384-1477. H. Boon . Enseignement primaire et alphabétisation dans l'agglomeration bruxelloise de 1830 a 1870. W. Brulez . ‘Brugge en Antwerpen in de 15th en 16th eeuw: een tegenstelling?’ J. Charlier . La peste à Bruxelles de 1667 à 1667 et ses conséquences démographiques. Contributions à l’histoire économique et sociale, v. 1968-1969. J. De Vries . Geschiedenis van een industriële bedrijfstak. Hoogovens Ijmuiden 1918-1968. Ontstaan engroei van een basis-industrie. J. De Vries (Ed.). Herinneringen en dagboek van Ernst Heldring, 1871-1954. F. Discry . L'ancien bassin sidérurgique du Hoyoux. M. L. Fanchamps . Recherches statistiqu.es sur le probléme annonaire dans la Principauté de Liegé de 1475 à la fin du XVIe sièle. Tendances, cycles, crises. L. Genicot , M. S. Bouchat -Dupont , B. Delvaux . La crise agricole du Bas Moyen-Age dans le Namurois. ? Archéologie du village médiéval. P. Gerin . Initiation à la documentation écrite de la pèriode contemporaine: fin du XVIII siècle à nos jours. P. Harsin . Recueil ?études. T. J. Kastelein . Groei naar een industriële samenleving. Korte inleiding tot 200 jaar sociale en economische Geschiedenis. P. W. Klein (Ed.). Van Stapelmarkt tot Welvaartsstaat. Economisch-historische Studien over groei en stagnatie van de Nederlandse volkshuishouding, 1600-1970. F. Leleux . A ? aube du capitalisme et de la révolution industrielle: Liévin Bauwens (1769-1822), industrielgantois. L. Liagre -de Sturler . Les relations commerciales entre Genes, la Belgique et V Outremont d'apres les archives notariales Génoises, 1320-1400. L. Linotte . Les manifestations et les gréves á Liège de Van IVà 1914. C. Michaux . La crise économique de 1840 à 1860 dans quatre villages du Sud du Hainaut. Froidchapelle, Sivry, Ranee, Montbliard. Analyse de documents. P. Moureaux . Les comptes ? une societe charbonniére à la fin de l'Ancien Régime. La société de Redmont à Haine St. Pierre-La Hestre. J. F. Niermeyer (Ed.). Bronnen voor de economische geschiedenis van het Beneden-Maasgebied. Eerste deel: 1104-1399. H. Pirenne . Histoire économique et sociale du moyen dge. L. de Saint -Moulin . La construction et la propriété des maisons, expressions des structures sociales. Seraing depuis le debut du XIXe sièle. D. Schlugleit . De Antwerpse goud- en zilversmeden in het corporatief stelsel, 1382-1798. H. Schoorl . Isaac le Maire, koopman en bedijker. G. Sivery . Les comtes de Hainaut et le commerce de vin au XIVe siècle et au debut du XVe siècle. C Smit (Ed.). Het dagboek van Sckermerhorn (geheim verslag van Prof. Dr. Ir. Schermerhorn als voorzitter der commissie-generaal voor Nederlands-Indie, 20 September 1946-7 oktober 1947-) Z. W. Sneller . Bijdragen tot de Economische Geschiedenis. E. Stevelinck and others. La comptabilitéà travers les âges. Catalogue de ? exposition organisée à occasion du premier symposium international des historiens de la comptabilite Bruxelles 1970. Introduction par le Prof. R. de Roover. Studies concerning the Social-Economic History ofLimburg. J. Theuwissen . Het landbouwvoertuig in de Etnografie van de Kempen. A. K. L. Thijs . De zijdenijverheid te Antwerpen in de zeventiende eeuw. L. Vanaverbeke . Peiling naar de bezitsstruktuur van de Gentse bevolking omstreeks 1738. H. F. J. M. van den Eerenbeemt . Van Mensenjacht en Overheidsmacht. Criminogene groepsvorming en afweer in de Meierij van‘'s-Hertogenbosch, 1795-1810. H. van der Wee and T. Peeters .‘Un modèle dynamique de croissance interseculaire du commerce mondial XIIe-XVIIIe siècle’, Annales E.S.C., xxv (1970), 100-26. J. A. van Houtte (Ed.). Un quart de siècle de recherche historique en Belgique, 1944-1968. P. C. van Traa . Geschiedenis van de economie. De evolutie in een gedachtenwereld. H. van Werveke (Ed.). Gentse Stack- en Baljuwsrekeningen, 1351-1364. Introduction by H. van Werveke. A. Verhulst .‘De inlandse wol in de textielnijverheid van de Nederlanden van de 12th tot de 17th eeuw: produktie, handel en verwerking’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen be-treffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, LXXXV, I (1970), 6-18.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article Claude Mossé . Ancient Culture and Society: The Ancient World at Work. P. J. Ucko and G. W. Dimbleby (Eds.). The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals. N. Rubinstein (Ed.). Florentine Studies. Politics and Society in Renaissance Florence. Raymond de Roover . The Bruges Money Market around 1400. Henri Touchard . Le commerce maritime breton à la fin du Moyen Age. Guillermo Lohmann Villena . Les Espinosa, une famille d'hommes d'affaires en Espagne et aux Indes à l'époque de la colonisation. J. H. Shennan . Government and Society in France, 1461–1661. Marcel Couturier . Recherches sur les structures sociales de Châteaudun F. Jaupart . L'activité commerciale de Bayonne au XVIIIe siècle. Pierre Jeannin . L'Europe du Nord-Ouest et du Nord aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. T. Emmons . The Russian Landed Gentry and the Peasant Emancipation of 1861. Helmuth Stoecke (Ed.). Kamerun unter Deutscher Kolonialherrschaft. Dieter Petzina . Autarkiepolitik im Dritten Reich. Der nationalsozialistische Vierjahresplan. Carl Bridenbaugh . The Beginnings of the American People: Vexed and Troubled Englishmen, 1590–1642. Vincent Ponko , Jr. The Privy Council and the Spirit of Elizabethan Economic Management, 1558–1603. Darrett B. Rutman . Husbandmen of Plymouth: Farms and Villages in the Old Colony, 1620–1692. Brooke Hindle . Technology in Early America. Sam Bass Warner , Jr . The Private City: Philadelphia in Three Periods of its Growth. N. Rosenberg (Ed.). The American System of Manufactures. The Report of the Committee on the Machinery of the United States and the Special Reports of George Wallis and Joseph Whitworth. Harry N. Scheiber . Ohio Canal Era: A Case Study of Government and the Economy, 1820–1861. Grace Rogers Cooper . The Invention of the Sewing Machine. Melvin M. Leiman . Jacob N. Cardozo: Economic Thought in the Antebellum South. Ralph D. Gray . The National Waterway. Stanley Buder . Pullman: An Experiment in Industrial Order and Community Planning, 1880–1930. Philip Taft . Labor Politics American Style: the California State Federation of Labor. M. Melnyk . Long Fluctuations in Real Series of American Economy. Edward L. and Frederick H. Schapsmeier . Henry A. Wallace of Iowa: The Agrarian years, 1910–1940. Karl Schriftgiesser . Business and Public Policy: The Role of the Committee for Economic Development, 1942–1967. C. A. Blyth . American Business Cycles, 1945–50. A. W. Coats and Ross M. Robertson (Eds.). Essays in American Economic History. Acta Historiae Neerlandica. M. A. Arnould . L'impôt direct dans le Tournaisis au début régime espagnol (1523–1571). H. Bauduin and J. Jansen . Aspecten van de Limburgse landbouwgeschiedenis. W. Berghuis . Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse beleggingsfondsen tot 1914. W. P. Coolhaas . Generale Missiven van Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. A. M. de Jong . Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Bank (1814–1914). J. A. de Jonge . De industrialisatie in Nederland tussen 1850 en 1914. A. C. J. de Vrankrijker . Belastingen in Nederland, 1848–1893. De strijd om een modernisering van het stelsel. H. Galle . La “Famine du coton”, 1861–1865. Effets de la Guerre de Sécession sur l'industrie cotonnière gantoise P. Harsin and E. Helin . Problèmes de mortalité. Méthodes, sources et bibliographie en démographie historique. J. Leaonard -Etienne . Recherches sur l'investissement et la rentabilité dans l'industrie liégeoise. A. Louant . Le journal d'un bourgeois de Mons, 1505–1536. B. Lyon and A. Verhulst . Medieval Finance. A Comparison of Financial Institutions in Northwestern Europe. A. Moureaux-van neck . Assistance publique, 1856–1956. J. G. Nanninga . Bronnen tot de Geschiedenis van den Levantschen handel. Recherches sur l'histoire des finances publiques en Belgique. J. Ruwet , E. Helin , F. Ladrier , and L. van Buyten . Le marché des céréales à Ruremonde, Luxembourg, Namur et Diest aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. G. Spitaels . Le mouvement syndical en Belgique. M.-R. Thielemans . Bourgogne et Angleterre. Relations politiques et economiques entre les Pays-Bas bourguignons et l'Angleterre, 1435–1467. F. van Bocxlaer . De evolutie van de economische pers in België. J. M. G. van der Poel . Honderd jaar landbouwmechanisatie in Nederland. G. Vandewalle . De conjuncturele evolutie in Kongo en Ruanda-Urundi van 1920 tot 1939 en van 1949 tot 1958. M. van Durme . Les archives générales de Simancas et l'histoire de la Belgique, IX-XIXe sièdes. M. van Durme . Les archives générales de Simancas et l'histoire de la Belgique, IX-XIXe siècles. J. A. van Houtte . Bruges. Essai d'histoire urbaine. D. van Rijssel . De Gentse huishuren tussen 1500 et 1795. Bijdrage tot de kennis van de konjunktuur van de Stad. Pro Civitate. F. van Tyghem . Op en om de Middeleeuwse bouwwerf. De gereedschappen en toestellen gebruikt bij het bouwen van de Vroege Middeleeuwen tot omstreeks 1600. H. van Werveke . Miscellanea Mediaevalia. Verspreide opstellen over economische en sociale Geschiedenis van de Middeleeuwen. A. Verhulst . Het landschap in Vlaanderen in historisch perspectief. Ch . Verlinden , E. Scholliers , H. Desmedt -Coppejans , J. Craeybeckx , and G. Impens . Dokumenten voor de geschiedenis van prijzen en lonen in Vlaanderen en Brabant. H. Wouters . Documenten betreffende de geschiedenis der arbeidersbeweging (1853–1865). Bedrijf en Samenleving. Economisch-historische studies over Nederland in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw aangeboden aan Prof. Dr I. J. Brugmans bij zijn aftreden als hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. L'impôt dans le cadre de la ville et de l'Etat. De belasting in het raam van stad en staat.  相似文献   



Book Reviews in This Article: M. I. Finley . A History of Sicily: Ancient Sicily to the Arab Conquest. K. D. White . Agricultural Implements of the Roman World. A. Ya Gurevich . Svobodnoye Krestyanstvo Feodal'noi Norvegii [The Free Peasantry of Feudal Norway]. STADTARGHIV NÜRNBERG. Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Nürnbergs. Hedwig Pavelka . Englisch-österreichische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Richard F. Kuisel . Ernest Mercier, French Technocrat. J. Lestocquoy . Etudes ? histoire urbaine. Villes et abbayes: Arras au moyen dge. R. E. F. Smith . The Enserfment of the Russian Peasantry. M. Lewin . Russian Peasants and Soviet Power: A Study of Collectivisation. Rondo Cameron and others. Banking in the Early Stages of Industrialization: A Study in Comparative Economic History. R. N. GHOSH. Classical Macroeconomics and the Case for Colonies. Ross Duncan . The Northern Territory Pastoral Industry, 1863-1910. Leslie Clement Duly . British Land Policy at the Cape, 1795-1844: A Study of Administrative Procedure in the Empire. J. S. Furnivall . Netherlands India: A Study in Plural Economy. With an introduction by Jonkheer mr A. C. D. de Graeff, Governor of Netherlands India, 1926-31. N. M. Farriss . Crown and Clergy in Colonial Mexico, 1759-1821: The Crisis of Ecclesiastical Privilege. David Chaplin . The Peruvian Industrial Labor Force. Richard Graham . Britain and the Onset of Modernization in Brazil, 1850-1914. P. M. Holt (Ed.). Political and Social Change in Modern Egypt: Historical Studies from the Ottoman Conquest to the United Arab Republic. Joe G. Ashby . Organized Labor and the Mexican Revolution under Ldzaro Cardenas. Harold Perkin . The Origins of Modern English Society, 1780-1880. W. H. B. COURT. Scarcity andChoice in History. M. M. Oppenheim . The Maritime History of Devon. Doris Mary Stenton (Ed.). Preparatory to Anglo-Saxon England: Being the Collected Papers of Frank Merry Stenton. Mary Dewar (Ed.). A Discourse of the Commonweal of This Realm of England Attributed to Sir Thomas Smith. Richard C. Barnett . Place, Profit, and Power: A Study of the Servants of William Cecil, Elizabethan Statesman. F. G. Emmison . Tudor Secretary: Sir William Petre at Court and Home. Perez Zagorin . The Court and the Country: The Beginning of the English Revolution. Francis W. Steer . Farm and Cottage Inventories of Mid-Essex, 1635 to. Rhodes Boyson . The Ashworth Cotton Enterprise: The Rise and Fall of a Family Firm, 1818-1880. Alan Rogers (Ed.). Stability and Change. Some Aspects of North and South Rauceby in the Nineteenth Century. L. K. Young . British Policy in China, 1895-1902. Philippe Huet . Politique économique de la Grande Bretagne depuis 1945. Robert Fossier . La terre et les hommes en Picardie jusqu'à la fin du XIII e siècle. Bronislaw Geremek . Le salariat dans ? artisanatparisien aux XIIIe-XVe siècles: étude sur la main ? auvre au moyen âge. Jacques Payen . Capital et machine à vapeur au XVIII sièle: les Frires Périer et ? introduction de la machine à vapeur en France. Fernand Leleux . A ? aube du capitalisme et de la révolution industrielle: Liévin Bauwens, indvstrielgantois. Marthe Barbance . Vie commerciale de la route du cap Horn au XIXe siècle: ?‘armement A. D. Bordesetfds. Jean Vidaleng . La Société Française de 1815 à 184.8: le peuple des campagnes. Pierre Sorlin .LaSociété Française. 1:1840-1914. Raymond Poidevin . Les relations internationales et financières entre la France el ? Allemagne de 1898 à 1914. J. P. Mockers . Croissances konomiques comparees: Allemagne, France, Royaume Uni, 1950-1967, essai d'analyse structurale. Collogue franco-suisse d’histoire économique et sociale. L. A. Boiteux . La fortune de mer, le besoin de sécurité et les débuts de ? assurance maritime. Walter Endrei . L'évolution des techniques du filage et du tissage du moyen âge à la Révoultion française. Etienne Fournial . Les villes et ?économie ?échange en Forez aux XIIIe et XIVe siécles. André Bocquet . Recherches sur la population rurale de ? Artois et du Boulonnais pendant la periode bourguignonne (1384-1477). BARTOLOMÉ Bennassar . Recherches sur les grandes épidémies dans le nord de ? Espagne à la fin du XVIe siècle. Davis Bitton . The French Nobility in Crisis, 1560-1640. Jean Weiller . Echanges extérieurs etpolitique commerciale de la France depuis 1870. Sylviane Guillaumont -Jeanneney . Politique monétaire et croissance économique de la France. Mileta Obradovitch . Les effets de la devaluationfrangaise de 1958. Bernard Dezert . Lacroissance industrielle et urbaine de laporte.  相似文献   


Book reviewed in this article GREAT BRITAIN John Patten . English Towns, 1500-1700. C. E. Challis . The Tudor Coinage. Brian Austen . English Provincial Posts, 1633-1840: A Study Based on Kent Examples. Joyce Oldham Appleby . Economic Thought and Ideology in Seventeenth-Century England. Gordon Jackson . The British Whaling Trade. Scottish Industrial History: A Miscellany. Hugh Malet . Bridgewater, The Canal Duke, 1736-1803 John Roach . Social Reform in England, 1780-1880. Martin Tillmanns . Bridge Hall Mills: Three Centuries of Paper and Cellulose Film Manufacture. Raymond Cowherd . Political Economists and the English Poor Laws. Eric J. Evans (Ed.). Social Policy, 1830-1914. Franclois Crouzet . ?Économic de la Grande-Bretagne Victorienne. Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie . The First Fabians. GENERAL T. W. Hutchison . On Revolutions and Progress in Economic Knowledge. P. A. Uselding (Ed.)- Research in Economic History, Vol. 2, 1977. R. E. F. Smith . Peasant Farming in Muscovy. E. Ashtor . Studies on the Levantine Trade in the Middle Ages. Wendy R. Childs . Anglo-Castilian Trade in the Later Middle Ages. David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisgh -Zuber . Les Toscans et leurs familles; une étude du catasto florentin de 1427. B. H. Slicher van Bath and A. C. Van Oss . Geschiedenis van maatschappij en cultuur. Charles Tilly (Ed.)- Historical Studies of Changing Fertility (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1978. Alfred Hoffmann (Ed.)- Österreich-Ungarn als Agrarstaat. Roman Sandgruber . Österreichische Agrarstatistik, 1750-1918). J. Mokyr . Industrialization in the Low Countries, 1795-1850. M. Artola (Ed.). El latifundio. Propiedady explotación, ss xviii-xx. Patrick O'Brien and Caglar Keyder . Economic Growth in Britain and France, 178O-1914: Two Paths to the Twentieth Century. Martin Kitchen . The Political Economy of Germany, 1815-1914. A. J. H. Latham . The International Economy and the Underdeveloped World, 1865-1914. Nora Levin . Jewish Socialist Movements, 1871-1917: While Messiah Tarried. Laura Randall . An Economic History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century. Sang -Chul Suh . Growth and Structural Changes in the Korean Economy, 1910-40.  相似文献   

Review in this Article P. L. Cottrell and D. H. Alcroft (Eds.). Shipping, Trade and Commerce: Essays in Memory of Ralph Davis. C. Dyer . Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society: The Estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680–1540. Philip Riden and John Blair (Eds.). History of Chesterfield, Volume 5: Records of the Borough of Chesterfield and Related Documents, 1204–1835. Colin Richmond . John Hopton: A Fifteenth-Century Suffolk Gentleman. David Hey . Packmen, Carriers and Packhorse Roads: Trade and Communications in North Derby shire and South Yorkshire. Barrie Trinder and Jeff Cox (Eds.). Yeoman and Colliers in Telford: Probate Inventories for Dawley, Lilleshall, Wellington and Wrockwardine, 1660–1750. Alan Macfarlane . The Justice and the Mare's Ale R. S. Neale . Class in English History, 1680–1850. George Shelton . Dean Tucker and Eighteenth Century Economic and Political Thought. J. Rule . The Experience of Labour in Eighteenth-Century Industry. Derek Fraser (Ed.). A History of Modern Leeds. W. B. Stephens . Adult Education and Society in an Industrial Town: Warrrington, 1800–1900. A. F. J. Brown . Colchester, 1815–1914. David Harkness and Mary O'Dowd (Eds.). The Town in Ireland. W. A. Mc Cutcheon . The Industrial Archaeology of Northern Ireland. Stephen Fisher (Ed.). West Country Maritime and Social History: Some Essays. E. H. Hunt . British Labour History, 1815–1914. F. K. Prochaska . Women and Philanthropy in Nineteenth-Century England. Olive Checkland . Philanthropy in Victorian Scotland: Social Welfare and the Voluntary Principle. Martin J. Wiener . English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit, 1850–1980. Keith Burgess . The Challenge of Labour: Shaping British Society, 1850–1930. W. R. Garside . The Measurement of Unemployment in Great Britain, 1850–1979: Methods and Sources. P. L. Payne . The Early Scottish Limited Companies, 1856–1895. Geoffrey Jones . The State and the Emergence of the British Oil Industry. Thea Thompson . Edwardian Childhoods. Gail Braybon . Women Workers in the First World War. Mark Swenarton . Homes Fit For Heroes: The Politics and Architecture of Early State Housing in Britain. John Macnicol . The Movement for Family Allowances, 1918–45: A Study in Social Policy Development. M. I. Lipman (with an introduction by J. Saville ). Memoirs of a Socialist Businessman. Paul Uselding (Ed.). Research in Economic History Richard W. Unger . The Ship in the Medieval Economy, 600–1600. David Grigg . Population Growth and Agrarian Change: An Historical Perspective. Michael Anderson . Approaches to the History of the Western Family, 1500–1914. V. A. C. Gatrell , Bruce Lenman and Geoffrey Parker (Eds.). Crime and the Law: the Social History of Crime in Western Europe since 1500. Martin H. Körner . Solidarités financières suisses au seizième siècle. Anthony D. King (Ed.). Buildings and Society: Essays on the Social Development of the Built Environment. John J. Mc Cusker . Money and Exchange in Europe and America, 1600–1775: A Handbook. Claude -Frédéric LEavy . Capitalistes et pouvoir au siéde des lumiéres. Tome 3: La monarchie buissonnière, 1718–1723. Henry Kamen . Spain in the Later Seventeenth Century Josefina Cruz Villalón . Propiedad y usa de la tierra en la Baja Andalucía: Carmona, siglos xviii-xx. Hannes Siegrist . Vom Familienbetrieb zum Manageruntemehmen: Angestellte und industrielle Organisation am Beispiel der Georg Fischer AG in Schaffhausen, 1797–1930. Geoffrey Ellis . Napoleon's Continental Blockade: The Case of Alsace. George E. Carl . First Among Equals: Great Britain and Venezuela, 1810–1910. Maria L. Cavalcanti . Le relazioni commerciali tra il Regno di Napoli e la Russia, 1772–1815. Francesco Balletta . Le Due Sicilie e l'Egitto nel secolo XIX. Francesco Balletta . Il Banco di Napoli in Calabria al tempo della prima guerra mondiale. Paul G. E. Clemens . The Atlantic Economy and Colonial Maryland's Eastern Shore: From Tobacco to Grain. Sidney Pollard (Ed.). Region und Industrialisierung. La dette publique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Son développement sur le plan local, régional et national. Christian Schnakenbourg . Histoire de l'Industrie sucrière en Guadeloupe aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Tome I: la crise du système esclavagiste (1835–1847). W. H. Sewell . Work and Revolution in France: The Language of Labor from the Old Regime to 1848. James R. Lehning . The Peasants of Marines: Economic Development and Family Organization in Nineteenth-Century France. Hugh Clout . Agriculture in France on the Eve of the Railway Age. Eilert Sundt . On Marriage in Norway. Richard Tilly . Kapital, Staat und sozialer Protest in der deutschen Industrialisierung. Gesammelte Aufsätze. Carl F. Kaestle and Maris A. Vinovskis . Education and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts. Dolores Greenberg . Financiers and Railroads, 1869–1889: A Study of Morton, Bliss and Company. J. R. Hanson , II. Trade in Transition: Exports from the Third World, 1840–1900. Stephen Baier . An Economic History of Central Niger. W. L. Guttsman . The German Social Democratic Party, 1875–1933. R. W. Davies . The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia Ernest Mandel . Long Waves of Capitalist Development: The Marxist Interpretation.  相似文献   

The Victoria History of the Counties of England. A History of the County of York: East Riding, Vol. HI, ed. by K. J. Allison. (London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research. 1976. Pp The Victoria History of the Counties of England. A History of the County of Stafford, Vol. XVII, ed. by R. W. Greenslade. (London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research. 1976, Pp Nicholas Orme. English Schools in the Middle Ages. (London: Methuen, 1973. Pp Paul Slack (Ed.). Poverty in Early-Stuart Salisbury (Devizes: Wiltshire Record Society, vol. XXXI. 1975. Pp Clive Senior. A Nation of Pirates: English Piracy in its Heyday. (Newton Abbot: David & Charles. 1976. Pp Wray Vamplew. The Turf: A Social and Economic History of Horse Racing. (London: Allen Lane. 1976. Pp Anthony J. Little. Deceleration in the Eighteenth-Century British Economy. (London: Croom Helm. 1976. Pp Richard Gurnham. A History of the Trade Union Movement in the Hosiery and Knitwear Industry, 1776-1976. (Leicester: National Union of Hosiery and Knitwear Workers. 1976. Pp Patricia Branca. Silent Sisterhood: Middle Class Women in the Victorian Home. (London: Croom Helm. 1975. Pp Pamela Horn. The Rise and Fall of the Victorian Servant. (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, and New York: St Martin's Press. 1975. Pp Robert Q. Gray. The Labour Aristocracy in Victorian Edinburgh. (London: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1976. Pp D. J. Lyon (Comp.). The Denny List. (London: National Maritime Museum. 1976. 4 vols. Ill. 8.) R. J. Overy. William Morris, Viscount Nuffield. (London: Europa Publications. 1976 Pp GENERAL Cosmo Rodewald . Money in the Age of Tiberius. (Manchester: The University Press. 1976. Pp Pierre Bonnassie . La Catalogue du milieu du Xe à la fin du XIe siécle. Croissance et mutations d'une société. (Toulouse: Publications de l'Université de Toulouse—Le Mirail. 1975-6. 2 vols. Fr. frs. 142,00 + 159,00.) Guy Devailly . Le Berry du Xe siècle au milieu du XIIIe. (Paris and The Hague: Mouton. 1973. Pp History of Technology, first annual volume, 1976. Ed. by A. R. Hall and N. Smith. (London: Mansell. 1976. Pp Otto Buusch , Wolfram Fischer , Hans Herzfeld , et al. (Eds.). Industrialisierung und “Europäische Wirtschaft” im 19. Jahrhundert. (Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter for Historische Kommission zu Berlin. 1976. Pp W. N. Parker and E. L. Jones (Eds.). European Peasants and their Markets. Essays in Agrarian Economic History. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1975. Pp Sara S. Berry . Cocoa, Custom and Socio-Economic Change in Rural Western Nigeria. (London: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1975. Pp Jordi Nadal and Gabriel Tortella (Eds.). Agricultura, comercio colonial y crecimiento económico en la España contemporánea. Actas del Primer Coloquio de Historia Ecónömica de España. (Barcelona: Ariel. 1974. Pp Jordi Nadal . El Fracaso de la Revolución Industrial en España, 1814-1913. (Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona: Editorial Ariel. 1975. Pp Markos J. Mamalakis . The Growth and Structure of the Chilean Economy: From Independence to Allende. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1976. Pp Bernard Michel . Banques et banquiers en Autriche au début du XXe siècle. (Paris: Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques. 1976. Pp J. D. Gribbin (Ed.). Board of Trade: Survey of International Cartels, 1944 and Survey of Internal Cartels, 1946. (London: Central Library, Dept. of Industry. 1976. 2 vols. Paperback 10 for set of 2.) SCANDINAVIA Arthur Erwin Imhof. Aspekte der Bevölkerungsentwicklung in den nordischen Ländern, 1720-50. Teil I-II. (Bern: Francke Verlag. 1976. Pp Hans Chr. Johansen. Befolkningsudvikling og familiestruktur i det 18. århundrede. (Odense: Odense University Press. 1975. Pp Hans Chr. Johansen (Ed.). Studier i dansk befolkningshistorie, 1750-1890. (Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag. 1976. Pp Lars Herlitz. Jordegedom och ränta. Omfördelningen av jordbrukets merprodukt i Skaraborgs län under frihetstiden. (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-Historiska Institutionen vid Göteborgs Universitet 31. 1974. Pp Carl -Axel Nilsson and Olle Krantz. Swedish National Product. New Aspects on Methods and Measurement. (University of Lund. 1975. Pp Ragnhild Lundstroum. Alfred Nobel som internasjonell företagare. Den nobelske sprängämnes-industrin 1864-86. (Uppsala: Studies in Economic History 10. 1974. Pp UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Carville V. Earle . The Evolution of a Tidewater Settlement System: All Hallow's Parish, Maryland, 1650-1783. (Chicago, Ill., The University of Chicago Department of Geography, Research Paper no. 170. 1975. Pp Robert V. Wells . The Population of the British Colonies in America before 1776: A Survey of Census Data. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1975. Pp David C. Klingaman and Richard K. Vedder (Eds.). Essays in Nineteenth Century History: The Old Northwest. (Athens: Ohio University Press. 1975. Pp Howard M. Gitelman . Workingmen of Waltham: Mobility in American Urban Industrial Development, 1850-90. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1974. Pp W. Elliot Brownlee , jun. Progressivism and Economic Growth: The Wisconsin Income Tax, 1911-29. (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press. 1975. Pp  相似文献   

Eleanor Searle . Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu, 1066–1538. Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. XVI: 7–15 Richard II. J. A. Raftis . Assart Data and Land Values. Two Studies in the East Midlands. A. G. Chibnall (Ed.). The Certificates of Musters for Buckinghamshire in 1522. A. Hassell Smith . County and Court: Government and Politics in Norfolk, 1558–1603. Margaret Spufford . Contrasting Communities. Clive Holmes . The Eastern Association in the English Civil War. M. I. Thomis . The Town Labourer and the Industrial Revolution. P. L. Cottrell and B. L. Anderson (Eds.). Money and Banking in England. The Development of the Banking System, 1694–1914. C. W. Chalklin . The Provincial Towns of Georgian England. A Study of the Building Process, 1740–1820. T. C. Barker and C. I. Savage . An Economic History of Transport in Britain. John R. Hume . The Industrial Archaeology of Glasgow. H. J. Dyos and Michael Wolff (Eds.). The Victorian City: Images and Realities. John Stevenson and Roland Quinault (Eds.). Popular Protest and Public Order. Six Studies in British History, 1790–1920. Eric Ashby and Mary Anderson . Portrait of Haldane at Work on Education. J. M. Winter . Socialism and the Challenge of War: Ideas and Politics in Britain, 1912–18. Ross Terrill . R. H. Tawney and his Times; Socialism as Fellowship. Chimen Abramsky (Ed.). Essays in Honour of E. H. Can. Robert V. Eagley . The Structure of Classical Economic Theory. P. Iradiel Murugarren . Evolución de la industria textil castellana en los siglos XIII-XVI. Factores de desarrollo, organization y castes de la producdón manufacture en Cuenca. Raymond De Roover . Buiness, Banking, and Economic Thought in Late Medieval and Early Modem Europe. Ed. J. Kirshner. Carlo M. Gipolla (Ed.). The Fontana Economic History of Europe. Vol. 2: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Olwen H. Hufton . The Poor of Eighteenth-Century France, 1750–1789. C. Duncan Rice . The Rise and Fall of Black Slavery. Duncan J. Macleod . Slavery, Race and the American Revolution. Frederick Pedler , with a chapter by A. Burns. The Lion and the Unicorn in Africa: The United Africa Company, 177–1931. Roberto Corteas Conde . The First Stages of Modernization in Spanish America, translated from the Spanish by Toby Talbot M. Williams . The Making of the South Australia Landscape. N. A. Cox -George . Studies in Finance and Development: The Gold Coast (Ghana) Experience. Allen G. Kelley And Jeffrey G. Williamson . Lessons from Japanese Development: An Analytical Economic History. Tom G. Kessinger . Vilyatpur, 1848–1968: Social and Economic Change in an Indian Village. J. N. Westwood . Railways of India. Kenneth A. Lockridge . Literacy in Colonial New England: An Enquiry into the Social Context of Literacy in the Early Modern West. Joseph Albert Ernst . Money and Politics in America, 1755–1775. Elinor Miller and Eugene Genovese (Eds.). Plantation, Town, and County: Essays on the Local History of American Slave Society. Allan R. Pred . Urban Growth and the Circulation of Information: The United States System of Cities 1790–1840. Roger W. Lotchin . San Francisco, 1846–1856: From Hamlet to City. Urban Life in America Series. Louis S. Gerteis . From Contraband to Freedman: Federal Policy Toward Southern Blacks, 1861–1865. Burton I. Kaufman . Efficiency and Expansion. Foreign Trade Organization in the Wilson Administration, 1913–1921. Mira Wilkins . The Maturing of Multinational Enterprise: American Business Abroad from 1914 to 1970.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN Alan Macfarlane . The Origins of English Individualism: The Family, Property and Social Transition. Norbert Elias . The Civilizing Process: The History of Manners. H. S. A. Fox and R. A. Butlin (Eds.). Change in the Countryside: Essays on Rural England, 1500–1900. R. Fieldhouse and B. Jennings . A History of Richmond and Swaledale. B. G. Blackwood . The Lancashire Gentry and the Great Rebellion, 1640–60. Ghetham Society, Third Series. Vol. xxv. Richard Tompson . The Charity Commission and the Age of Reform. Ian Mac Dougall (Ed.). A Catalogue of Some Labour Records in Scotland and Some Scots Records outside Scotland. David E. Martin and David Rubinstein (Eds.). Ideology and the Labour Movement: Essays Presented to John Saville. Carlos Flick . The Birmingham Political Union and the Movements for Reform in Britain, 1830–9. Norman Mackenzie (Ed.). The Letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Jose Harris . William Beveridge. A Biography. Leslie Hannah . Electricity before Nationalization: A Study of the Development of the Electricity Supply Industry in Britain to 1948. G. C. Peden , British Rearmament and the Treasury: 1932–9. GENERAL E. Le Roy Ladurie . The Territory of the Historian. Translated by Ben and Sian Reynolds. Archibald Lewis . The Sea and Medieval Civilizations. Collected Studies. Jerome Blum . The End of the Old Order in Rural Europe. Richard H. Timberlake , Jr . The Origins of Central Banking in the United States. David Herlihy . The Social and Economic History of Italy and Western Europe, 700–1500. Hartmut Kaelble (Ed.). Geschichte der sozialen Mobilität seit der industriallen Revolution. Hermann Aubin and Wolfgang Zorn (Eds.). Handbuch der deutschen Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte. Vol. I: Von der Frühzeit bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Pierre Léaon (Ed.). Histoire économique et sociale du monde. Vol. 2: Les hésitations de la croissance, 1580–1740; vol. 3: Inerties et révolutions, 1730–1840; vol. 4: La domination du capitalisme, 1840–1914. Louis Bergeron . Banquiers, négotiants et manufacturiers parisiens du Directoire à l'Empire. John M. Merriman . The Agony of the Republic: The Repression of the Left in Revolutionary France, 1848–51. Susan M. Socolow . The Merchants of Buenos Aires, 1778–1810: Family and Commerce. Johan de Vries . The Netherlands Economy in the Twentieth Century. Joseph Harrison . An Economic History of Modern Spain.  相似文献   

P. D. A. Harvey . Manorial Records. P. D. A. Harvey (Ed.). The Peasant Land Market in Medieval England. Peter Clark . The English Alehouse: A Social History, 1200–1800. Angus Mc Laren . Reproductive Rituals: The Perception of Fertility in England from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. L. Stone and J. C. Fawtier Stone . An Open Elite?: England, 1540–1880. Stephen Fisher (Ed.). British Shipping and Seamen, 1630–1960: Some Studies. Donald Woodward (Ed.). The Farming and Memorandum Books of Henry Best of Elmswell, 1642. Clifford Gulvin . The Scottish Hosiery and Knitwear Industry, 1680–1980. James Walvin . English Urban Life, 1776–1851. Ian R. Christie . Stress and Stability in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain: Reflections on the British Avoidance of Revolution. Oliver M. Westall (Ed.). The Historian and the Business of Insurance. Gertrude Himmelfarb. The Idea of Poverty: England in the Early Industrial Age. B. R. Mitchell. Economic Development of the British Coal Industry, 1800–1914. Dorothy Thompson. The Chartists. R. F. Bud and G. K. Roberts. Science versus Practice: Chemistry in Victorian Britain. Asa Briggs and Anne Macartney. Toynbee Hall: The First Hundred Years. Alan Clinton. Post Office Workers: A Trade Union and Social History. Harvey J. Kaye. The British Marxist Historians: An Introductory Analysis. GENERAL Steven Laurence Kaplan . Provisioning Paris: Merchants and Millers in the Grain and Flour Trade during the Eighteenth Century. Bernard Lepetit . Chemins de Terre et Voies D'Eau: Réseaux de Transports et Organisation de l'Espace en France, 1740–1840. Jean -Claude Perrot and Stuart J. Woolf . State and Statistics in France, 1789–1815. William J. Callahan . Church, Society, and Politics in Spain, 1750–1874. Miriam Halpern Pereira . Política y economía: Portugal en los siglos XIX y XX. A. de Maddalena and H. Kellenbenz (Eds.). Finanze e ragion di Stato in Italia e in Germania nella prima Età moderna. David F. Good . The Economic Rise of the Habsburg Empire, 1750–1914. Michael Mesch . Arbeiterexistenz in der Spätgründerzeit: Gewekschaften und Lohnen-twicklung in Österreich, 1890–1914. Henry Kamen . European Society, 1500–1700. G. D. Feldman , C. L. Holtfrerich , G. A. Ritter and P.-C. Witt (Eds.). The Experience of Inflation. Glenn Yago . The Decline of Transit: Urban Transportation in German and US. Cities, 1900–1970. Jack P. Greene and J. R. Pole (Eds.). Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the Early Modem Era. Stanley Lebergott . The Americans: An Economic Record. William R. Brock . Investigation and Responsibility: Public Responsibility in the United States, 1865–1900. Thomas K. Mc Craw . Prophets of Regulation. Hugh Rockoff . Drastic Measures: A History of Wage and Price Controls in the United States. D. H. Akenson . The Irish in Ontario: A Study in Rural History. Robert L. Tignor . State, Private Enterprise, and Economic Change in Egypt, 1918–1952. H. Medick and D. W. Sabean (Eds.). Interest and Emotion: Essays on the Study of Family and Kinship. R. A. Cage (Ed.). The Scots Abroad: Labour, Capital, Enterprise, 1730–1914. Akio Okochi and Shigeaki Yasuoka (Eds.). Family Business in the Era of Industrial Growth: Its Ownership and Management. D. C. M. Platt . Foreign Finance in Continental Europe and the USA, 1815–1870: Quantities, Origins, Functions, and Distribution. Thomas P. Hughes . Networks of Power: Electrification in Western Society, 1880–1930. Philip D. Curtin . Cross-cultural Trade in World Industry.  相似文献   

Book Reviews in this Article: J. B. Whitwell . Roman Lincolnshire. History of Lincolnshire. Vol. 11. (Lincoln: History of Lincolnshire Committee; Lincolnshire Local History Society R. Welldon Finn . Domesday Studies: The Norman Conquest and its Effects on the Economy, 1066–86 G. W. S. Barrow . Regesta Regum Scottorum. Vol. 11. The Acts of William I. Kenneth G. Ponting . The Woollen Industry of South-west England. Margery Kirkbride James (Ed. Elspeth M. Veale). Studies in the Medieval Wine Trade. John Hatcher . Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall, 1300–1500. Geoffrey C. Cowling . The History of Easingwold and the Forest of Galtres. (Huddersfield: R. B. Smith . Land and Politics in the England of Henry VIII W. J. Jones . The Elizabethan Court of Chancery. (Oxford) Cyril Hart . The Industrial History of Dean: with an introduction to its industrial archaeology. Frank Tyrer (Ed.). W. M. Stern . Britain Yesterday and Today: A. W. Coats (Ed.). The Classical Economists and Economic Policy. S. Pollard and J. Salt (Eds.) S. D. Chapman (Ed.). The History of Working Class Housing: a symposium Austin Mitchell . The Whigs in Otposition, 1815–1830 A. G. Kenwood and A. L. Lougheed . The Growth of the International Economy , 1820–1960: An Introductory Text . Harold Perkin . Dorothy Thompson . K. T. Rowland . The Great Britain. Monica Wilson and Leonard Thompson (Eds.) George Sayers Bain . The Growth of White-Collar Unionism. G. R. Searle . The Quest for National Efficiency. A Study in British Politics and Political Thought, Kenneth D. Brown . Robert Roberts . J. A. Allen . Studies in Innovation in the Steel and Chemical Industries Herbert Jankuhn . Ernst Klein . Ferdinand Tremel . Kölner Vorträge zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Elisabeth Johann . Greifswald-Stralsunder Jahrbuch, vol. 8, 1968–9. Georg Gruull . Werner Lippert . Friedrich -Wilhelm Henning . Friedrich -Wilhelm Henning . Werner Weidmann . Werner Hofmann . Gerd H. Hardach . Willy Fraunken . Hermann Schindler . Eduard Maurz . Heinz Hermanns . Klara van Eyll . Jacques Bernard . Navires et Gens de mer a Bordeaux Jean Meyer . Maurice Agulhon . Maurice Agulhon . Bertrand Gille . Rolande Trempea . Pierre Dupont -Gonin . G. Morlat and F. Bessiegre . Pierre Waline . Michel Vilain . Rural History, Modern and Contemporary  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN Zvi Razi . Life, Marriage and Death in a Medieval Parish. Economy, Society and Demography in Halesowen, 1270–1400. Carl J. Dahlman . The Open Field System and Beyond. A. Hassell Smith , Gillian M. Baker , and R. W. Kenny (Eds.). The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey, Vol. I, 1556–1577. Gordon Marshall . Presbyteries and Profits. Calvinism and the Development of Capitalism in Scotland, 1560–1707. R. H. Campbell . The Rise and Fall of Scottish Industry, 1707–1939. Peter Roebuck . Yorkshire Baronets, 1640–1760. Families, Estates and Fortunes. Michael Turner . English Parliamentary Enclosure. Dennis R. Mills . Lord and Peasant in Nineteenth Century Britain. William Petersen . Malthus. Hugh Cunningham . Leisure in the Industrial Revolution c. 1780-c. 1880. Maxine Berg . The Machinery Question and the Making of Political Economy, 1815–1848. Paul Mc Hu GH. Prostitution and Victorian Social Reform. P. J. Cain . Economic Foundations of British Overseas Expansion, 1815–1914. Francois Béadarida . A Social History of England, 1851–1975. Malcolm Elliott . Victorian Leicester. Jean Robin . Elmdon: Continuity and change in a North- West Essex Village, 1861–1964. Patrick Joyce . Work, Society and Politics: The Culture of the Factory in Later Victorian England. Jerry White . Rothschild Buildings: Life in an East End Tenement Block, 1887–1920. Douglas Antony Farnie . The Manchester Ship Canal and the Rise of the Port of Manchester, 1894–1975. Donald Moggridge (Ed.). The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Vol. XXV: Activities 1940–1944. Shaping the Post-War World: the Clearing Union. Donald Moggridge (Ed.). The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol. XXVI. Activities, 1941–1946. Shaping the Post-War World. Bretton Woods and Reparations. Evan Ira Farber (Ed.). Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals, 1886–1974. Cinzio Violante . Economia, società, istituzioni a Pisa net Medioevo. Michel Balard . La Romanie Génoise (XIIe-debut du XVc siécle). David Herlihy . Cities and Society in Medieval Italy. Samuel H. Baron . Muscovite Russia. Paul Bushkovitch . The Merchants of Moscow, 1580–1650. Vicente Péarez Moreda . Las crisis de mortalidad en la España interior (siglos XVI-XIX). N. J. G. Pounds. An Historical Geography of Europe, 1500–1840. Immanuel Wallerstein . The Modern World-System II: Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600–1750. A. Verhulst and C. Vandenbroeke (Eds.). Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant, 14de-18de Eeuw. Productivité agricole en Flandre et en Brabant 14e-18e siècle. Economisch- en Sociaal-Historisch. Jaarboek, Vol. XLII. Robert Louis Stein . The French Slave Trade in the Eighteenth Century. An Old Regime Business. Sidney Ratner , James H. Soltow and Richard Sylla . The Evolution of the American Economy. William L. Marr and Donald G. Paterson . Canada: An Economic History. John Graham Smith . The Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France. K. N. Chaudhuri and Clive J. Dewey (Eds.). Economy and Society: Essays in Indian Economic and Social History. Malcolm Lyall Darling . The Punjab Peasant in Prosperity and Debt. Leon Swartzberg . The North Indian Peasant Goes to Market. Alois Mosser . Die Industrieaktiengesellschaft in Österreich, 1880–1913. James P. Johnson . The Politics of Soft Coal: The Bituminous Indus try from World War I Through TheNew Deal. Gianni Toniolo . L'economia dell’Italia fascista. Eugene Zaleski . Stalinist Planning for Economic Growth, 1933–1952. Thomas G. Rawski . China's Transition to Industrialism: Producer Goods and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century. R. H. Sabot . Economic Development and Urban Migration: Tanzania, 1900–1971.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die kausale Rolle des Geldes in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Widersprüche und Evidenz. — Eine Reihe von Studien sind in den letzten Jahren zu dem SchluΒ gekommen, daΒ monet?re Aggregate in der Bundesrepublik weder für die Produktion noch für das Preisniveau kausal seien im Sinne von Granger. Zwei Charakteristika von Zeitreihen, die die Ergebnisse der bisherigen Studien verzerrt haben k?nnen, werden hier n?her untersucht. So erscheint es nicht angebracht, Bruttosozialproduktsdaten zu verwenden, weil die Einbeziehung des Staates und regulierter Sektoren die Zeitreihencharakteristika der theoretisch relevanten Preis- und Produktionsgr?Βen des privaten wettbewerblichen Sektors erheblich unterdrücken. überdies sind die Daten zeitlich relativ hoch aggregiert. Unter Verwendung monatlicher Daten für die Industrieproduktion in der Bundesrepublik werden Kausalit?tsbeziehungen zwischen Ml und M3, Preisen und Produktion aufgezeigt. Unter Verwendung derselben Daten wird demonstriert, wie sich die empirischen Kausalit?tsmuster durch die zeitliche Aggregation ver?ndern.
Résumé Le róle causal de la monnaie dans la République Fédérale d’Allemagne: Contradictions et évidence. — Une série d’études des derniéres années a tiré la conclusion que les agrégats monétaires dans la République Fédérale ne sont causals au sens de Granger ni pour la production ni pour le niveau de prix. Ici l’auteur analyse deux caractéristiques des séries chronologiques qui ont pu causer des distorsions dans ces études. L’utilisation des données sur le produit national brut n’est pas adéquate en ce contexte parce que l’inclusion de l’état et des secteurs réglés peut supprimer d’une maniére considérable les caractéristiques des séries chronologiques des agrégats de prix et de production du secteur privé concurrentiel dont on parle dans la théorie. De plus, les données sont relativement haut agrégée en ce qui concerne le temps. En utilisant les données mensuelles du secteur industriel de la République Fédérale l’auteur démontre des relations de causalité entre Ml, M3, les prix et la production et l’influence de l’agrégation temporelle sur les résultats des tests de causalité.

Resumen El rol causal del dinero en la República Federal de Alemania — contradicciones y evidencia. — Una sèrie de estudios han llegado en los últimos a?os a la conclusion que los agregados monetarios en la República Federal no estan en relación causal en el sentido de Granger ni para la production ni para el nivel de precios. Se investigan dos caracteristicas de series de tiempo que pueden ocasionar distorsiones. La utilization de datos del producto social no parecen adecuados en este contexto, ya que la inclusion del Estado y de sectores regulados pueden cambiar en forma importante las caracteristicas de sèries de tiempo de estas cifras trente al comportamiento de series de tiempo de precios y production del sector privado competitivo. Ademas estos datos tienen una agrègation bastante alta a travès del tiempo. Se demuestra por medio de un ejemplo cómo la agrègation temporal modifica los resultados de los tests de causalidad. Utilizando datos mensuales del sector industrial de la República Federal se indican relaciones de causalidad entre M1 y M3, precios y producción.

Zusammenfassung Zur Importnachfrage nach Kapitalgütern eines weniger entwickelten Landes: Die Philippinen. — In dieser Arbeit wird bezweifelt, da▾ die übliche Importnachfragefunktion im Fall der Kapitalgüter und Maschinen von Entwicklungsl?ndern angewendet werden kann. In einem typischen Entwicklungsland sind importierte Kapitalgüter ein notwendiger Produktionsfaktor und bringen einen Strom von Inputleistungen hervor. Daher sollte vielmehr direkt der gewünschte Bestand an importierten Ausrüstungsgütern als die tats?chlichen K?ufe (die eine Vergr?▾erung des gegebenen Bestands darstellen) erkl?rt werden. Vorgelegt wird eine ?konometrische Untersuchung der Nachfrage nach importierten Kapitalgütern der Philippinen, die in verschiedener Hinsicht frühere Untersuchungen der Importnachfrage von Entwicklungsl?ndern verbessert.
Résumé La demande d'importation d'équipement de capital dans un pays en voie de développement: Les Philippines. — Cet article met en doute l'applicabilité de la fonction standard de la demande d'importation à l'équipement de capital et aux machines des pays en voie de développement (PVD). Dans un PVD typique les biens de capital importés sont un facteur nécessaire de la production et créent un flux des services d'input. En conséquence c'est la demande des stocks d'équipement de capital et moins les achats courants (qui représentent l'accroissement des stocks existants) qu'on devrait expliquer directement. Une investigation économétrique de la demande d'équipement de capital importé dans les Philippines est présentée, qui améliore des études précédentes sur la demande d'importation des PVD à quelques égards.

Resumen Demanda de importatión por bienes de capital en un país en desarrollo : Las Filipinas. — En este artículo se cuestiona la aplicabilidad de la función de demanda de importación standard a equipos de capital y maquinaria para países en desarrollo. En un típico país en desarrollo los bienes de capital importados son un factor de productión necesario y generan un flujo de servicios de input. De tal manera, lo que debería explicarse directamente es el stock de demanda por equipos importados en vez de su adquisición (lo que representa un incremento del stock existente). Se presenta una investigation econométrica de la demanda por equipos de capital en las Filipinas, mejorando estudios anteriores sobre demanda de importación en países en desarrollo en varios aspectos.

Abstract. During the first 10 years of Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR), Fail 1984 through Spring 1994, 313 articles and discussions were published. The main research methods reported in these articles were empirical data analysis, analytical modeling, and behavioral experimentation. The main topic areas were financial accounting, managerial accounting, and auditing. CAR considers for publication any papers of interest to the Canadian accounting research community, so this mix of methods and topics is not surprising and reflects the mix of papers submitted to CAR over the years. The articles and discussions in CAR represented 523 listed authors. A number of authors have appeared more than once, with the result that, over the 10 years, 358 different authors from 142 institutions have contributed to CAR. The great majority of the authors were university professors; at the time of authorship, slightly more authors were assistant than full or associate professors. Eighty-eight percent of the authors were male, but the percentage of female authors has steadily increased. CAR serves the Canadian accounting research community through the array of articles and discussions it publishes. Additional aspects of its Canadian service are the facts that 26 percent of the authors of the articles and discussions were resident at Canadian institutions, 17 percent of the articles dealt explicitly with a Canadian accounting issue or used Canadian data, and French abstracts of all articles plus articles completely in French represent 9 percent of the total pages of articles. As of June 1994, 696 members of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association and subscribers to CAR, as well as 286 institution libraries received the journal, representing 408 institutions. The majority of the individual member/subscribers were resident in Canada; the majority of the institutions were outside Canada. Résumé. Au cours de ses dix premières années d'existence, de l'automne 1984 au printemps 1994, Recherche comptable contemporaine (CAR) a publié 313 articles et analyses critiques. Les principales méthodes de recherche utilisées par les auteurs sont l'analyse de données empiriques, l'élaboration de modèles d'analyse et l'expérimentation comportementale, et les principaux sujets abordés relèvent de la finance, de la comptabilité, de la comptabilité de management et de la vérification. CAR s'intéresse à tout texte présentant un intérêt pour la communauté canadienne des chercheurs en comptabilité, de sorte que cette diversité de méthodes et de sujets n'est pas étonnante et reflète la variété des articles soumis à la revue au cours des années. Les articles et les analyses critiques publiés par CAR sont l'?uvre de 523 auteurs répertoriés. Bon nombre d'entre eux ont contribué à la revue à plusieurs reprises, si bien qu'en 10 ans, 358 auteurs différents provenant de 142 établissements ont collaboré à la revue. La grande majorité des auteurs sont des professeurs d'université; au moment de leur collaboration, les auteurs étaient un peu plus fréquemment professeurs adjoints que professeurs titulaires ou professeurs agrégés. De ces auteurs, 88 pour cent sont des hommes, le pourcentage d'auteurs féminins ayant cependant augmenté régulièrement. CAR s'adresse à la communauté canadienne des chercheurs en comptabilité en offrant à ses lecteurs un vaste éventail d'articles et d'analyses critiques. Mais elle offre à ses lecteurs canadiens des services qui se distinguent à d'autres égards: 26 pour cent des auteurs des articles et des analyses critiques résidaient, au moment de leur collaboration, dans des établissements canadiens, 17 pour cent des articles portent explicitement sur des questions comptables d'intérêt canadien ou font usage de données canadiennes, et les résumés français de tous les articles ainsi que les articles qui sont publiés intégralement en français représentent 9 pour cent du total des pages consacrées aux articles. Au mois de juin 1994, 696 membres de l'Association Canadienne des Professeurs de Comptabilité et d'abonnés à la revue CAR, représentant 408 établissements, ainsi que 286 bibliothèques d'établissements d'enseignement ou d'entreprises, recevaient la revue. La majorité des membres et abonnés à titre personnel résidaient au Canada, et la majorité des établissements étaient étrangers.  相似文献   

D. M. Owen (Ed.). The Making of King's Lynn: A Documentary Survey. Roger J. P. Kain and Hugh C. Prince . The Tithe Surveys of England and Wales. Alexander Grant . Independence and Nationhood: Scotland, 1306–1469. Ralph A. Houlbrooke . The English Family, 1450–1700. Kenneth R. Andrews , Trade, Plunder, and Settlement. J. A. Sharpe . Crime in Early Modern England, 1550–1750. C. A. F. Meekings , S. Porter , and I. Roy (Eds.). The Hearth Tax Collectors’Book for Worcester, 1678–1680. Robert Newton . Eighteenth-Century Exeter. Aubrey Newman (Ed.). Politics and Finance in the Eighteenth Century: Dame Lucy Sutherland. Susan A. Knox . The Making of the Shetland Landscape. Ivan Waddington . The Medical Profession and the Industrial Revolution. Francois Crouzet . The First Industrialists: The Problem of Origins. N. L. Tranter . Population and Society, 1750–1940: Contrasts in Population Growth. T. M. Devine (Ed.). Farm Servants and Labour in Lowland Scotland, 1770–1914. Alan Fox . History and Heritage: The Social Origins of the British Industrial Relations System. Noel W. Thompson . The People's Science: The Popular Political Economy of Exploitation and Crisis, 1816–34. Carolyn Steedman . Policing the Victorian Community. Jane Lewis . Women in England, 1870–1950: Sexual Divisions and Social Change. Youssef Cassis . Les Banquiers de la City à I′époque Edouardienne. Kenneth D. Brown (Ed.). The First Labour Party, 1906–1914. M. J. Daunton (Ed.). Councillors and Tenants: Local Authority Housing in English Cities, 1919–1939. Elizabeth Durbin New Jerusalem: The Labour Party and the Economics of Democratic Socialism. GENERAL Liam Kennedy and Philip Ollerenshaw (Eds.). An Economic History of Ulster, 1820–1939. (Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1985. Pp. 248. £25.) Harry A. Miskimin . Money and Power in Fifteenth-Century France. David R. Ringrose . Madrid and the Spanish Economy, 1560–1850. Ole Hyldtoft . Københavns Industrialisering, 1840–1914. Jan de Vries . European Urbanization, 1500–1800. Barbara M. Tucker . Samuel Slater and the Origins of the American Textile Industry, 1790–1860. B. W. Higman . Slave Populations of the British Caribbean, 1807–1834. Christopher Abel and Colin M. Lewis (Eds.). Latin America, Economic Imperialism, and the State: The Political Economy of the External Connection from Independence to the Present. Eliyahu Ashtor . Levant Trade in the Later Middle Ages. William T. Rowe . Hankow: Commerce and Society in a Chinese City, 1796–1889. Tim Wright. Coal Mining in China's Economy and Society, 1895–1937. Penelope Francks. Technology and Agricultural Development in Pre-War Japan. N. G. Owen. Prosperity without Progress: Manila Hemp and Material Life in the Colonial Philippines. J. Forbes Munro. Britain in Tropical Africa, 1880-1960: Economic Relationships and Impact. Philip Mc Michael. Settlers and the Agrarian Question: Capitalism in Colonial Australia. Katrina Alford. Production or Reproduction?: An Economic History of Women in Australia, 1788-1850. C. C. Eldridge (Ed.). British Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century. William N. Parker. Europe, America, and the Wider World: Essays on the Economic History of Western Capitalism, Vol. 1, Europe and the World Economy. Studies in Economic and Social History  相似文献   

H. C. Darby (Ed.). A New Historical Geography of England. R. Welldon Finn . Domesday Book: A Guide. Edmund King . Peterborough Abbey, 1086–1310: A Study in the Land Market. R. M. Timson (Ed.). The Cartulary of Blyth Priory. Angela Conyers (Ed.). Wiltshire Extents for Debts, Edward I-Elizabeth I. G. R. Elton . Reform and Renewal. Thomas Cromwell and the Common Weal. W. R. D. Jones . The Mid-Tudor Crisis, 1539–1563. Joan Day . Bristol Brass: The History of the Industry. Michael Havinden (Ed.). Husbandry and Marketing in the South-West, 1500–1800. Exeter Papers in Economic History, no. 8. (Exeter: University of Exeter. 1973. Pp. 74. 75p.) M. Perceval -Maxwell . The Scottish Migration to Ulster in the Region of James I. J. S. Morrill . Cheshire, 1630–1660: County Government and Society during the English Revolution. Louise B. Taylor (Ed.). Aberdeen Shore Work Accounts, 1596–1670. F. M. L. Thompson . Hampstead: Building a Borough, 1650–1964. Melvin H. Jackson and Charles De Beer . Eighteenth-Century Gunfounding: The Verbruggens at the Royal Brass Foundry. J. R. Ward . The Finance of Canal Building in Eighteenth-Century England. John G. Gazley . The Life of Arthur Young, 1741–1820. John Nelson Tarn . Five Per Cent Philanthropy: An Account of Housing in Urban Areas between 1840 and 1914. Enid Gauldie . Cruel Habitations: A History of Working-Class Housing, 1780–1918. Frank W. Fetter and Derek Gregory . Monetary and Financial Policy: Government and Society in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Commentaries on British Parliamentary Papers. Peter Harnetty . Imperialism and Free Trade: Lancashire and India in the mid-Nineteenth Century. P. H. J. H. Gosden . Self-Help: Voluntary Associations in Nineteenth-Century Britain. W. Hamish Fraser . Trade Unions and Society: The Struggle for Acceptance, 1850–1880. W. A. Thomas . The Provincial Stock Exchanges. H. E. S. Fisher and W. E. Minghinton (Eds.). Transport and Shipowning in the West-country. Exeter Papers in Economic History, no. 7. (Exeter: University of Exeter. 1973. Pp. 71. 6 plates. 75p.) D. H. Aldcroft . Studies in British Transport History, 1870–1970. James Hinton , The First Shop Stewards' Movement. REVIEW OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE 1973 (i) Medieval (ii) 1500–1700 (iii) 1700–1800 Since 1800 GENERAL Roderick Floud (Ed.). Essays in Quantitative History. Richard G. Wilkinson . Poverty and Progress: An Ecological Model of Economic Development. M. I. Finley (Ed.). Studies in Ancient Society. Past and Present Series. Wilhelm Abel . Massenarmut und Hungerkrisen im vorindustriellen Europa. Frederic G. Lane . Venice: A Maritime Republic. Ralph Davis . The Rise of the Atlantic Economies. G. L'E. Turner and T. H. Levere . Martinus van Marum, Life and Work (Ed. by E. Lefebvre and J. G. De Bruijn). Vol. IV, Van Marum's Scientific Instruments in Teyler's Museum. W. L. Blackwell (Ed.). Russian Economic Development from Peter the Great to Stalin. Marcus Arkin . Storm in a Teacup: The Later Tears of John Company at the Cape. Hoh Cheung and Lorna H. Mui (Eds.). William Melrose in China, 1845–1885: The Letters of a Scottish Tea Merchant. R. C. J. Stone . Makers of Fortune: A Colonial Business Community and its Fall. Alice Teichovaa . An Economic Background to Munich: International Business and Czechoslovakia, 1918–1938. M. Keating . The Australian Workforce, 1910–11 to 1960–1. Kazushi Ohkawa and Henry Rosovsky . Japanese Economic Growth: Trend Acceleration in the Twentieth Century. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Clarence H. Danhof . Change in Agriculture: The Northern United States, 1820–1870. John W. Blassingame . Black New Orleans. Michael P. Conzen . Frontier Farming in an Urban Shadow. Margaret Walsh . The Manufacturing Frontier: Pioneer Industry in Antebellum Wisconsin, 1830–1860. Ira Rosenwaike . Population History of New York City. Howard P. Chudagoff . Mobile Americans: Residential and Social Mobility in Omaha, 1880–1920. Urban Life in America Series. Robert Sobel . The Age of Giant Corporations: A Microeconomic History of American Business, 1914–1970. Robert K. Murray . The Politics of Normalcy: Governmental Theory and Practice in the Harding-Coolidge Era. Michael Hudson . Super Imperialism. Robert W. Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman (Eds.). The Reinterpretation of American Economic History.  相似文献   

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