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We provide a computational study of the problem of optimally allocating wealth among multiple stocks and a bank account, to maximize the infinite horizon discounted utility of consumption. We consider the situation where the transfer of wealth from one asset to another involves transaction costs that are proportional to the amount of wealth transferred. Our model allows for correlation between the price processes, which in turn gives rise to interesting hedging strategies. This results in a stochastic control problem with both drift-rate and singular controls, which can be recast as a free boundary problem in partial differential equations. Adapting the finite element method and using an iterative procedure that converts the free boundary problem into a sequence of fixed boundary problems, we provide an efficient numerical method for solving this problem. We present computational results that describe the impact of volatility, risk aversion of the investor, level of transaction costs, and correlation among the risky assets on the structure of the optimal policy. Finally we suggest and quantify some heuristic approximations.  相似文献   

We consider the stochastic process of the liquid assets of an insurance company assuming that the management can control this process in two ways: first, the risk exposure can be reduced by affecting reinsurance, but this decreases the premium income; and second, a dividend has to be paid out to the shareholders. The aim is to maximize the expected discounted dividend payout until the time of bankruptcy. The classical approach is to model the liquid assets or risk reserve process of the company as a piecewise deterministic Markov process. However, within this setting the control problem is very hard. Recently several papers have modeled this problem as a controlled diffusion, presuming that the policy obtained is in some sense good for the piecewise deterministic problem as well. We will clarify this statement in our paper. More precisely, we will first show that the value function of the controlled diffusion provides an asymptotic upper bound for the value functions of the piecewise deterministic problems under diffusion scaling. Finally it will be shown that the upper bound is achieved in the limit under the optimal feedback control of the diffusion problem. This property is called asymptotic optimality .  相似文献   

We consider the portfolio optimization problem for an investor whose consumption rate process and terminal wealth are subject to downside constraints. In the standard financial market model that consists of d risky assets and one riskless asset, we assume that the riskless asset earns a constant instantaneous rate of interest,   r > 0  , and that the risky assets are geometric Brownian motions. The optimal portfolio policy for a wide scale of utility functions is derived explicitly. The gradient operator and the Clark–Ocone formula in Malliavin calculus are used in the derivation of this policy. We show how Malliavin calculus approach can help us get around certain difficulties that arise in using the classical "delta hedging" approach.  相似文献   

We provide an asymptotic expansion of the value function of a multidimensional utility maximization problem from consumption with small nonlinear price impact. In our model, cross‐impacts between assets are allowed. In the limit for small price impact, we determine the asymptotic expansion of the value function around its frictionless version. The leading order correction is characterized by a nonlinear second‐order PDE related to an ergodic control problem and a linear parabolic PDE. We illustrate our result on a multivariate geometric Brownian motion price model.  相似文献   

An investor trades a safe and several risky assets with linear price impact to maximize expected utility from terminal wealth. In the limit for small impact costs, we explicitly determine the optimal policy and welfare, in a general Markovian setting allowing for stochastic market, cost, and preference parameters. These results shed light on the general structure of the problem at hand, and also unveil close connections to optimal execution problems and to other market frictions such as proportional and fixed transaction costs.  相似文献   

This paper studies a robust continuous‐time Markowitz portfolio selection problem where the model uncertainty affects the covariance matrix of multiple risky assets. This problem is formulated into a min–max mean‐variance problem over a set of nondominated probability measures that is solved by a McKean–Vlasov dynamic programming approach, which allows us to characterize the solution in terms of a Bellman–Isaacs equation in the Wasserstein space of probability measures. We provide explicit solutions for the optimal robust portfolio strategies and illustrate our results in the case of uncertain volatilities and ambiguous correlation between two risky assets. We then derive the robust efficient frontier in closed form, and obtain a lower bound for the Sharpe ratio of any robust efficient portfolio strategy. Finally, we compare the performance of Sharpe ratios for a robust investor and for an investor with a misspecified model.  相似文献   

We consider a consumption and investment problem where the market presents different regimes. An investor taking decisions continuously in time selects a consumption–investment policy to maximize his expected total discounted utility of consumption. The market coefficients and the investor's utility of consumption are dependent on the regime of the financial market, which is modeled by an observable finite-state continuous-time Markov chain. We obtain explicit optimal consumption and investment policies for specific HARA utility functions. We show that the optimal policy depends on the regime. We also make an economic analysis of the solutions, and show that for every investor the optimal proportion to allocate in the risky asset is greater in a "bull market" than in a "bear market." This behavior is not affected by the investor's risk preferences. On the other hand, the optimal consumption to wealth ratio depends not only on the regime, but also on the investor's risk tolerance: high risk-averse investors will consume relatively more in a "bull market" than in a "bear market," and the opposite is true for low risk-averse investors.  相似文献   

We study optimal portfolio management policies for an investor who must pay a transaction cost equal to a fixed Traction of his portfolio value each time he trades. We focus on the infinite horizon objective function of maximizing the asymptotic growth rate, so me optimal policies we derive approximate those of an investor with logarithmic utility at a distant horizon. When investment opportunities are modeled as m correlated geometric Brownian motion stocks and a riskless bond, we show that the optimal policy reduces to solving a single stopping time problem. When there is a single risky stock, we give a system of equations whose solution determines the optima! rule. We use numerical methods to solve for the optima! policy when there are two risky stocks. We study several specific examples and observe the general qualitative result that, even with very low transaction cost levels, the optimal policy entails very infrequent trading.  相似文献   

We study the optimal retirement and consumption/investment choice of an infinitely-lived economic agent with a time-separable von Neumann–Morgenstern utility. A particular aspect of our problem is that the agent has a retirement option. Before retirement the agent receives labor income but suffers a utility loss from labor. By retiring, he avoids the utility loss but gives up labor income. We show that the agent retires optimally if his wealth exceeds a certain critical level. We also show that the agent consumes less and invests more in risky assets when he has an option to retire than he would in the absence of such an option.
An explicit solution can be provided by solving a free boundary value problem. In particular, the critical wealth level and the optimal consumption and portfolio policy are provided in explicit forms.  相似文献   

近年来,我国的人口老龄化趋势严重,截止到2012年底,年龄超过60岁的人口已达1.94亿,占总人口的14.3%,预计在2013年突破2亿。因此,老年人口的养老问题日益受到社会关注。在养老工具里面,相对于具有较低稳定收益的传统养老保险和没有最低保证的投连险,投资人(或投保人)更愿意选择具有最低利益保证的变额年金保险。在转移长寿风险的同时,投资人(或投保人)既有最低利益保证,又有可能获得更高的投资收益。因此有最低利益保证的变额年金未来会是年金保险的主流产品。本文对此进行探讨,为国内保险公司设计开发此类产品提供理论指导和参考。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the dividend optimization problem for a financial or an insurance entity which can control its business activities, simultaneously reducing the risk and potential profits. It also controls the timing and the amount of dividends paid out to the shareholders. The objective of the corporation is to maximize the expected total discounted dividends paid out until the time of bankruptcy. Due to the presence of a fixed transaction cost, the resulting mathematical problem becomes a mixed classical-impulse stochastic control problem. The analytical part of the solution to this problem is reduced to quasivariational inequalities for a second-order nonlinear differential equation. We solve this problem explicitly and construct the value function together with the optimal policy. We also compute the expected time between dividend payments under the optimal policy.  相似文献   

This article offers an attempt at defining and computing the coherence of, and substitution among, the standard instruments of monetary policy, viz. open market policy, rate of interest, and reserve coefficient. A number of separation theorems are proved and a unit-elasticity rule derived for the tradeoff between the reserve coefficient and the premium on risky assets. Finally, for any given interest rate we select an optimal portfolio by the maximal-caution criterion, which minimizes the probability of failure.  相似文献   

Given the slow recovery of the U.S. economy, quantitative easing of monetary policy in the form of U.S. Federal Reserve asset purchases has been attractive. However, it is not clear that the current and likely future economic environment warrants this policy, given its long-term risks. This paper outlines these risks and makes the case for a return to conventional policy by allowing currently held assets to roll off the Federal Reserve's balance sheet as they reach maturity and by resuming more conventional monetary policy. This is not a quick fix, but it is less risky than current policy in achieving the Federal Reserve's long-run dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment.  相似文献   

This paper studies contingent claim valuation of risky assets in a stochastic interest rate economy. the model employed generalizes the approach utilized by Heath, Jarrow, and Morton (1992) by imbedding their stochastic interest rate economy into one containing an arbitrary number of additional risky assets. We derive closed form formulae for certain types of European options in this context, notably call and put options on risky assets, forward contracts, and futures contracts. We also value American contingent claims whose payoffs are permitted to be general functions of both the term structure and asset prices generalizing Bensoussan (1984) and Karatzas (1988) in this regard. Here, we provide an example where an American call's value is well defined, yet there does not exist an optimal trading strategy which attains this value. Furthermore, this example is not pathological as it is a generalization of Roll's (1977) formula for a call option on a stock that pays discrete dividends.  相似文献   

We study the mean–variance hedging of an American-type contingent claim that is exercised at a random time in a Markovian setting. This problem is motivated by applications in the areas of employee stock option valuation, credit risk, or equity-linked life insurance policies with an underlying risky asset value guarantee. Our analysis is based on dynamic programming and uses PDE techniques. In particular, we prove that the complete solution to the problem can be expressed in terms of the solution to a system of one quasi-linear parabolic PDE and two linear parabolic PDEs. Using a suitable iterative scheme involving linear parabolic PDEs and Schauder's interior estimates for parabolic PDEs, we show that each of these PDEs has a classical C1, 2 solution. Using these results, we express the claim's mean–variance hedging value that we derive as its expected discounted payoff with respect to an equivalent martingale measure that does not coincide with the minimal martingale measure, which, in the context that we consider, identifies with the minimum entropy martingale measure as well as the variance-optimal martingale measure. Furthermore, we present a numerical study that illustrates aspects of our theoretical results.  相似文献   

The Choice between Bank Debt and Trace Credit in Business Start-ups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the choice between bank debt and trade credit in business start-ups. While trade credit is more expensive than bank debt, suppliers tend to follow a more lenient liquidation policy when client firms encounter financial distress. As a result, suppliers are more willing to renegotiate the outstanding debt or grant additional debt whereas banks are more likely to liquidate borrowers upon default. Given the risky nature of business start-ups, we argue that the entrepreneur’s choice of debt instruments reflects these differences in liquidation policy between lenders and is thus determined by the venture’s failure risk, the entrepreneur’s private control benefits that are lost upon liquidation and the liquidation value of firm assets. Using unique data on 325 first-time business start-ups, we find that firms in industries with high historical start-up failure rates and entrepreneurs who tend to highly value private benefits of control use less bank debt. These effects are especially prevalent in start-ups where assets have a high liquidation value and thus banks are more likely to liquidate the venture following default. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

For an investor with constant absolute risk aversion and a long horizon, who trades in a market with constant investment opportunities and small proportional transaction costs, we obtain explicitly the optimal investment policy, its implied welfare, liquidity premium, and trading volume. We identify these quantities as the limits of their isoelastic counterparts for high levels of risk aversion. The results are robust with respect to finite horizons, and extend to multiple uncorrelated risky assets. In this setting, we study a Stackelberg equilibrium, led by a risk‐neutral, monopolistic market maker who sets the spread as to maximize profits. The resulting endogenous spread depends on investment opportunities only, and is of the order of a few percentage points for realistic parameter values.  相似文献   

This paper considers a portfolio problem with control on downside losses. Incorporating the worst-case portfolio outcome in the objective function, the optimal policy is equivalent to the hedging portfolio of a European option on a dynamic mutual fund that can be replicated by market primary assets. Applying the Black-Scholes formula, a closed-form solution is obtained when the utility function is HARA and asset prices follow a multivariate geometric Brownian motion. The analysis provides a useful method of converting an investment problem to an option pricing model.  相似文献   

We analyze the optimal risky investment policy for an investor who, at each point in time, wants to lose no more than a fixed percentage of the maximum value his wealth has achieved up to that time. In particular, if M t is the maximum level of wealth W attained on or before time t , then the constraint imposed on his portfolio choice is that Wtα M t, where α is an exogenous number betweenα O and 1. We show that, for constant relative risk aversion utility functions, the optimal policy involves an investment in risky assets at time t in proportion to the "surplus" W t - α M t. the optimal policy may appear similar to the constant-proportion portfolio insurance policy analyzed in Black and Perold (1987) and Grossman and Vila (1989). However, in those papers, the investor keeps his wealth above a nonstochastic floor F instead of a stochastic floor α M t. the stochastic character of the floor studied here has interesting effects on the investment policy in states of nature when wealth is at an all-time high; i.e., when Wt = M t. It can be shown that at W t= M t, α M t is expected to grow at a faster rate than W t, and therefore the investment in the risky asset can be expected to fall. We also show that the investment in the risky asset can be expected to rise when W t is close to α M t. We conjecture that in an equilibrium model the stochastic character of the floor creates "resistance" levels as the market approaches an all-time high (because of the reluctance of investors to take more risk when W t= M t).  相似文献   

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