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目前,在税收执法过程中,经常发生滥用自由裁量权的情况。为此,应该对自由裁量权进行有效的控制,通过确定应遵循的原则、设计救济制度等措施,一方面使自由裁量权能有效运作,保证行政管理能动作用的发挥;另一方面防止行使者滥用权力,从而保障纳税人的合法权益。  相似文献   

我国投资银行业市场结构、规模与绩效实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄凌 《金融论坛》2005,10(2):55-60
本文的实证研究表明,市场结构、行业规模以及市场整体收益率对我国投资银行业的利润率有着很强的解释能力,三个因素对于净资产收益率的解释能力超过98%。从影响的相对水平来看,集中度的影响要大于市场收益的影响,规模的影响与集中度、市场收益的影响相反。进一步研究还表明,尽管行业资产规模与净资产收益率的时间序列显示随着行业资产规模的增加,我国证券公司的净资产收益率呈现出不断下降的特征,但这并不意味着我国投资银行业是规模不经济的。有关规模经济的横截面分析数据表明,现阶段我国证券公司的规模与其绩效之间并不存在着明显的关系,既没有显示出规模不经济,也没有显示出规模经济。  相似文献   

This study examines the perceptions of the users of annual corporate reports in Saudi Arabia. The focus is on the use, importance, and technicality of the different sources of corporate information contained in Saudi annual reports. Our sample comprises five major user groups, namely individual investors, institutional investors, creditors, government officials, and financial analysts. In comparison with previous research efforts elsewhere around the world, this study found that the balance sheet and the income statement are the most important sections of the annual report to most of the Saudi users’ groups. The board of directors’ report was found to be the least popular. Individual investors were found to place much less importance on the cash flow statement, a finding that is similar to what has been reported in previous literature. Concerning the technicality of the language of Saudi annual corporate information, individual investors indicated that the language of most of the sections of the annual reports is fairly complicated. Although our findings do not indicate a serious problem with the technicality of the language of the report's sections for most of the user groups, a more simplified report would be beneficial to the individual investors.  相似文献   

研究税制变迁过程的主要的着力点是目标税制的形成、目标税制所具有的特质以及不同的政治制度背景对税收行为人的影响,其对税制变迁发挥不同的作用.在分析中,需要澄清的首要问题是税制变迁过程中的强制.如果以政府是否通过颁布法令的方式参与税收制度变迁,那么税制变迁无疑具有"强制性".事实上,在政府颁布法令的背后,个人依据目标税制所具有的不同利益导向和政治制度背景的差异发挥了不同的作用,因而使税制变迁具有了不同的特征.  相似文献   

个人所得税、城镇居民收入与消费关系实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用动态计量方法对个人所得税和城镇居民收入对城镇居民消费的影响进行的实证分析表明:长期来看收入是影响城镇居民消费行为的主要因素,但由于平滑消费倾向、收支预期的不确定性,在短期城镇居民收入增加对消费的促进作用较小;在现阶段,由于个税相对规模、征收范围、征收率、纳税方式的制约,个人所得税并未真正成为制约城镇居民消费的因素;在长期城镇居民消费表现出棘轮效应。  相似文献   

结合央行金融政策变化特征与民营上市公司实际控制人政治身份背景,实证分析了银根紧缩季度企业急需资金的银行贷款满足程度及投资效率。研究发现:在银根紧缩季度,企业急需的资金贷款满足程度严重下降,政治关联企业急需资金的贷款满足程度上升,这种现象在政府干预较弱地区表现更为明显;银根紧缩时期通过政治关联获得的银行贷款,其本季度及下季度的投资效率均得到改善,这种现象在政府干预较弱地区体现得也更明显。可见,在政府干预较弱的情况下,银根紧缩时期民营企业政治关联能促进紧缺贷款资金的合理配置。  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of the variability in corporate effective tax rates in Australia spanning the Ralph Review of Business Taxation reform. Our results indicate that corporate effective tax rates are associated with several major firm-specific characteristics, including firm size, capital structure (leverage) and asset mix (capital intensity, inventory intensity and R&D intensity). While the Ralph Review tax reform had a significant impact on many of these associations, corporate effective tax rates continue to be associated with firm size, capital structure and asset mix after the tax reform.  相似文献   

我国税收结构与经济增长关系的实证检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国1985~2008年样本数据,利用多元线性回归模型对我国税收结构与经济增长的关系进行实证检验,结果表明:流转税、所得税(尤其是个人所得税)份额的增加有利于人均GDP的增长,财产税的经济效应尚未体现,宏观税负和赤字融资的增加已经抑制了人均GDP的增长。目前我国需要进一步完善税制,加强征收管理,提高所得税份额,减少债务融资规模。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the German 2001 tax reform, where Germany switched from a full imputation system to a classical system. Theory suggests that both price drop ratios and trading volume decrease following the reform. We document a significant reduction in the valuation of net dividends–in particular for high dividend yield stocks–and weakening payout policy tax clienteles. Ex‐dividend day returns are likely to be driven by short‐term traders. Though the reform removed incentives for cross‐border dividend stripping and reduced tax heterogeneity among investors, we show that the high trading volume around ex‐dividend days persists.  相似文献   

本文以我国上市公司为研究样本,运用实证研究方法,分析了新《企业所得税法》实施前后上市公司所得税实际税负水平的变化。研究结果表明,新《企业所得税法》实施后,我国上市公司的所得税平均实际税负水平有一定的下降,但下降幅度不显著,并且不同行业上市公司的影响效果存在较大差异,从一定程度上体现了新《企业所得税法》实现产业结构优化的经济目标。最后,本文提出切实实现新《企业所得税法》精神的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the determinants of ownership structure by focusing on the role played by investment, financing and dividend decisions. The use of the Generalised Method of Moments allows us to provide new evidence on this important corporate governance topic, since it controls for the endogeneity problem. Our most relevant findings show that: i) increases in debt lead insiders to limit the risk they bear by reducing their holdings; ii) monitoring by large outside owners substitutes for the disciplinary role of debt; and iii) both inside and outside owners are encouraged to increase their stakes in the firm in view of higher dividends. Our results hold after controlling for equity issues and share repurchases.  相似文献   

Cost of capital and valuation differ in the private and public sectors, because taxes are a cost to the private sector but are only a transfer to the public sector. We show how to transform the after-tax private sector cost of capital into its pre-tax equivalent, for comparison with the public sector cost of capital. We establish the existence of a tax induced wedge between these two costs of capital. The wedge introduces a preference on the part of the private sector for assets with rapid tax depreciation, high debt capacity and low risk. We show that, in circumstances where an asset has identical public and private sector valuation in the absence of taxes, the tax induced difference in valuation is identical to the change in government tax receipts that results from having the asset owned by the private rather than the public sector. We provide some examples of distortions that result from failure to adjust for changes in tax revenues, and show how to effect such adjustment.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of differential capital gains tax rates on investor trading and share prices in a unique market setting that facilitates the resolution of conflicting prior evidence of holding period tax incentives. In particular, we examine whether the concessionary tax treatment of long‐term capital gains increases the supply of shares that qualify for long‐term status, thereby causing downward price pressure. We find evidence of abnormal seller‐initiated trading following the 12‐month anniversary of listing for IPO firms that appreciate in price (‘winners’) and report no such evidence for firms that decline in price (‘losers’). Consistent with the tax concessions being greater for individual than institutional investors, we report that abnormal seller‐initiated trading is mitigated by higher levels of ownership by institutional investors. We also report limited evidence, for winners, of declining share prices upon qualifying for long‐term tax status.  相似文献   

基于2000~2011年我国省级面板数据,采用面板分位数计量模型考察了产业结构引致的城镇化效应。研究发现,第三产业份额的估计参数显著为正,说明产业结构优化带来的城镇化效应是存在的。同时,这种效应对于处于不同分位数上的地区有较大差异:第三产业份额适中的省(市、自治区),城镇化效应最为明显;第三产业份额相对过高或过低的省(市、自治区),产业结构优化带来的城镇化效应较弱,估计参数呈现"两头小、中间大"的结果,显著、稳健为"倒U型"结构。  相似文献   

通过对部分高管进行访谈,并运用中国上市公司2007~2013年的平衡面板数据进行实证检验,结果表明:高管声誉激励强度与公司规模显著正相关,高管人力资本在两者之间具有中介作用;声誉激励通过与显性激励的交互效应从而对公司绩效产生间接的效用,具体而言,声誉激励与薪酬激励之间存在互补效应,与股权激励之间存在互替效应;产权性质能够对高管声誉激励效用产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

王凯  庞震 《济南金融》2009,(6):7-10
本文在VAR模型的基础上,利用协整分析、格兰杰因果检验和脉冲响应函数,研究了人民币实际有效汇率、FDI和中国经济增长的动态关系。结果表明,长期内人民币实际有效汇率贬值,促进了FDI流入;中国经济增长促进了人民币实际有效汇率的升值,证明了巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应的存在。  相似文献   

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