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This study empirically examines the role of land prices in the decision to rezone vacant land from one land use to another. Although the study of zoning and related issues is well documented, this is one of only a handful of studies that directly examines zoning changes. Unlike previous studies that treat zoning as static, acknowledging only that the current allocation of land differs from the market allocation, this study examines if the allocation of land will be reallocated (rezoned) toward a market allocation. The study is unique in that it analyzes zoning changes on an individual property basis and is based on transactions of vacant parcels. The data are drawn from a single municipality, Chicago—Illinois, allowing a uniform definition of zoning classification rather than trying to combine data under multiple zoning authorities.  相似文献   

Monopoly zoning by local governments has been studied extensively since the original article by White [1975, in: E. Mills and W. Oates, eds., Fiscal zoning and land use controls (Lexington Books, Lexington, MA)]. However, little or no attention has been paid to the possibility of monopolistic discrimination under such a regime. The question is: When will zoning multiple lot sizes be feasible given that buyers with different valuations of land cannot be coerced into purchasing particular lots? The literature on imperfect price discrimination by monopolists is brought to bear on this question. It is shown that the resulting zoning strategy may or may not involve multiple lot sizes. The factors determining the optimal strategy are studied in detail, with particular emphasis on the nature of the market for undeveloped land in the community.  相似文献   

The note is a comment on and extension of “The Effect of Zoning on Land Value,” by J. C. Ohls, R. C. Weisberg, and M. J. White. It is suggested that some of the results of that paper are very sensitive to the way in which the market for urban housing and the market for urban land are modeled. In the context of a more general model, it is shown that a major result of that paper, that land values may rise or fall, in a metropolitan area, in response to zoning, still holds, although the mechanism underlying the process is very different in the more general model. Furthermore, it is shown that the effect of such a zoning change on housing prices and consumer welfare is unambiguous; the former rises and the latter falls. Finally, it is proved that zoning by a small municipality within a metropolitan area will cause land and housing values to fall.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the role of land prices in the decision to rezone vacant land from one land use to another. Although the study of zoning and related issues is well documented, this is one of only a handful of studies that directly examines zoning changes. Unlike previous studies that treat zoning as static, acknowledging only that the current allocation of land differs from the market allocation, this study examines if the allocation of land will be reallocated (rezoned) toward a market allocation. The study is unique in that it analyzes zoning changes on an individual property basis and is based on transactions of vacant parcels. The data are drawn from a single municipality, Chicago—Illinois, allowing a uniform definition of zoning classification rather than trying to combine data under multiple zoning authorities.  相似文献   

The paper develops a two-sector urban model of center city and suburbs in which the effect of suburban large lot zoning on metropolitan area size can be determined. The model shows that zoning makes all metropolitan area residents—center city and suburban—worse off in their role as renters. However, zoning can cause metropolitan area size to either increase or decrease, depending on specified parameter values. The model also shows that zoning can cause an increase or decrease in overall metropolitan area land value. Finally, the question of who gains and who loses from zoning is discussed.  相似文献   

One reason for excessive zoning restrictions is said to be the desire of existing residents to raise the value of their homes. This strategy will be more successful if their community controls a large fraction of the land in a metropolitan area. This study critically examines this “monopoly zoning” hypothesis in a property rights framework. A re-examination of current empirical evidence for monopoly zoning and an additional study cast some doubt on the existence of such motivations.  相似文献   

A model of a small, open central business district (CBD) is used to derive the conditions that define the market-equilibrium and rent-maximizing CBD. It is shown that, in general, the market equilibrium CBD radius differs from the rent-maximizing CBD radius. Land-use zoning will, under certain conditions, increase the aggregate net return on CBD land.  相似文献   

A model of a small, open central business district (CBD) is used to derive the conditions that define the market-equilibrium and rent-maximizing CBD. It is shown that, in general, the market equilibrium CBD radius differs from the rent-maximizing CBD radius. Land-use zoning will, under certain conditions, increase the aggregate net return on CBD land.  相似文献   

In its quest for development, Zambia is pursuing a land policy that facilitates privatization of customary land. This article investigates the effects of privatization in terms of how it shapes people's behaviour and perception of private tenure and related tenure dynamics. Findings have shown that the appetite to privatize land is growing stronger in peri‐urban areas as land becomes more scarce. Furthermore, privatization of land appears to be a threat to traditional political structures as allegiance and loyalty towards chiefs diminish and tension and struggles over land in peri‐urban areas increase. Similarly, privatization of land erodes people's faith in the role that cultural and ancestral beliefs play in traditional land management. Also, people in rural areas tend to favour private tenure more if ‘privatization of customary land’ means allocation of land to outsiders. If, by contrast, the phrase is taken to mean communities registering their own land, peri‐urban communities tend to have a stronger desire to register land. Furthermore, rural communities were found to be less informed about land policy and seemed less keen to be involved in land policy processes when compared to peri‐urban residents. However, rural people may have no reason to inform themselves about land policy until they realise that the policy is likely to affect them.  相似文献   

Abstract . Site value taxation is often cited as desirable on efficiency grounds, but is all too often dismissed for alleged lack of revenue potential. This paper empirically tests the revenue adequacy of site value taxation. Revenue adequacy in this study is defined as the ability of the tax base to keep pace with community expenditure needs. The paper concludes that communities with higher than average rates of capital growth and with a relatively constrained land area will find land taxes when subsituted for present property taxes, quite adequate for future as well as present needs.  相似文献   

The article investigates the technical rationality behind Bangkok's recent land use zoning plans. It does so through the example of Chinatown. The plans, intended to promote urban sustainability, introduce zoning techniques such as (1) land use subcategorization to hierarchize urban districts, and (2) density zoning to encourage intensive development around transit stations. The case of Chinatown foregrounds the discussion in this article, which then, in turn, explores the two zoning techniques. I argue that both techniques are formulated through a functionalist rationality, and thus omit place‐specific conditions of land, such as local practices, histories and land tenure. Worse yet, the landed elite uses them to justify displacement and eviction. The article theorizes Chinatown as a space of difference, pointing to particularities that are unseen and thus at risk of being unmade by what is often passed off as technical expertise.  相似文献   

Using a test of allocative efficiency in the local public sector developed by Brueckner [Journal of Public Economics 19 (1982) 311–331], this study empirically examines the impact of a state minimum education expenditure requirement on aggregate property values in Connecticut communities. The empirical results reveal that the typical community in Connecticut spends less on education and municipal services than the level that maximizes aggregate property values. The results further indicate that spending on education falls further below the property maximization level in those communities constrained by the state expenditure floor. It follows from the analysis that some state expenditure floors can raise aggregate property values and promote efficiency.  相似文献   

The general similarity of the results of comparative statics in a semiclosed and in a fully closed city have been demonstrated by Pines and Sadka (Journal of Urban Economics 20, 1–20, 1986). The objective of this paper is to determine if the consequences of different forms of public regulation of the urban land market are also invariant with respect to the type of city. The conclusion is that while there are well-defined consequences of such controls on metropolitan area and land values in a semiclosed city, the impacts in a fully closed city are generally ambiguous. Therefore, proposals for the introduction of zoning and density regulation have to be city-specific and take into consideration the pattern of land ownership and the extent of leakage of urban land rent income.  相似文献   

This study explores the causes of crime and the differences in deterrent effects of policing on crimes among rural, suburban, and urban communities. We hypothesize that certain numbers of all crimes are unaffected by policing due to their high net return; policing deters only marginal crimes. That is, unlike other research efforts, we recognize that there is a level of crime indigenous to a given type of community about which little can be done, although a particular community can affect deviations from this level. By introducing this ‘natural rate' of crime we are able to empirically reveal the deterrence effect of police expenditures upon all types of property crimes except robberies. The study analyzes 230 communities in a system of six simultaneous equations, using police, crime, and other socio-economic variables. The model can be used by state and regional policy-makers to more effectively allocate resources to the different types of communities under their jurisdiction and among the various police functions designed to deter specific types of crime.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a duopoly location model with an asymmetric zoning that prohibits firms from locating to a specific interval in a small open linear city. It is shown that the maximum differentiation principle presented in d'Aspremont et al. [Econometrica 47 (1979) 1145] is still valid under area zoning regulation. Moreover, a zoning regulation can be seen as a policy instrument to limit firms' excess profits, and a proper regulation may even reduce the distortion in total transportation costs, therefore enhancing social welfare. Specifically, the optimal zoning is about 29.5 percent of the city with no amenity effect. Finally, all the land rents raised by zoning are eventually confiscated by the absentee landowner.  相似文献   

认为美国的城市土地管理具有良好的法律基础.注重将土地资源利用与资源节约、提升城市生活水平与控制城市规模相结合;介绍了美国城市土地管理的三大手段:行政分区、市场机制与规划.  相似文献   

In the State of New Jersey, two rural preservation tools are paramount: (1) Zoning that sets a floor on the size of residential lots; and (2) the outright acquisition of open space or its development rights by government and nonprofit entities. The present study explores the effects of these two policies on the number of building permits issued across 83 municipalities in northern New Jersey. The empirical work is based on a widely-used urban development model that uses both monocentric and polycentric factors to allocate growth across a set of suburban communities. The study also develops a growth-based test for binding minimum-lot-size zoning, leveraging the fact that the 83 communities are in a single housing market and must serve the distribution of home and lot-size demand collectively, not individually. The study finds strong evidence of excess large-lot zoning, leading to the suppression of short-term housing growth in communities that specialize in this particular “product.” No firm evidence is found that residential development is attracted to the amenities that flow from either large-lot zoning or open space set asides.  相似文献   

The term social license (SL) refers to the acceptance or approval by a community of a company's presence. It is generally assumed in the literature that effective corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions will lead to an SL. In this study we examine the CSR-SL relationship at the local community level and establish boundary conditions on the effectiveness of local CSR in creating an SL. Using consent-based micro-social contract theory, we theorize that commitment to local CSR improves the level to which a local community grants an SL to a multinational corporation (MNC), but the impact is moderated by the global legitimacy of the parent company, the nature of institutions in the host country, and the degree of polarization within the focal community. Based on 3696 articles regarding 43 global mining MNCs operating in 523 local communities between 2008 and 2020, we use natural language processing and sentiment analysis to evaluate the degree to which a local community grants an SL. Our empirical evidence indicates that local CSR does positively influence the granting of an SL, but the effect is reduced when there is strong rule of law or high community polarization and increased when the focal firm has strong global legitimacy.  相似文献   

Abstract . How the level of amenities in surrounding communities affects the residential location decisions of households is considered. The amenities specifically taken into account are the crime and racial composition of the household's community and the contiguous communities. The theory of the household's valuation of neighborhood amenities through a housing value equation is expanded to include how the household's valuation of amenities is affected by the amenities in surrounding areas. An empirical model using data for 71 suburban communities in the Chicago Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area is specified to measure the simultaneous interaction between housing values, crime, and police effort. A revenue equation is included to determine how the household's valuation of crime and racial composition could affect the community's revenue-raising ability. The empirical results indicate that the crime and racial composition of surrounding communities as well as within the household's community have a statistically significant negative effect on housing values. While the magnitude of the effect is small, the empirical results suggest that households consider the crime rate and racial composition of surrounding communities as negative externalities.  相似文献   

Index of authors     
In most developing countries (particularly in the Pacific) land ownership is dominated by traditional ‘landowners’ who often represent selected families in the community. It is frequently argued by commentators, that such a traditional approach to land ownership hinders economic and social development of communities and nations. As one observer expressed the problem, it is desirable for traditional landowners to change from being rentiers to that of producers. * 1Rodney V. Cole. ‘Creating a Climate for Investment in Fiji’, A Paper presented at the 6th Fiji Employer's Consultative Association Annual Conference, November 1988.

Against this background of traditional land ownership including the concept of monopoly ownership of land, this paper has as its objective, to demonstrate that this apparent constraint on the use ofland can be used in a positive way as a catalyst, to develop small enterprises in a national sense and using Fiji as a case study demonstrates how landowner cpmpan:ies are currently acting as a learning medium for, and a catalyst in small enterprise development.

In specific terms, the objectives of the paper are:

(a) to demonstrate how an apparent barrier to small enterprise dc:velopment (monopoly land ownership) can be converted to a program of small enterprise expansion;

(b) to identify key factors in the process of utilizing landowner companies to act as a catalyst for non-agricultural small enterprise development;

(c) to use Fiji as a case study to identify initial problems assoc:iated with landowner companies and strategies applied to overcome such problems;

(d) to describe the link between successful landowner companies and their development and new small enterprises in retail, service and processing sectors.  相似文献   

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