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中国渔船船东互保以下简称"船东互保"经历了十多年的发展,在全国各渔业省份和地区,以有效的安全保障机制和崭新的安全服务方式,为广大渔船船东和从业人员的人身安全、船舶安全提供全过程的安全保障和全方位的安全服务.为使广大的渔船船东和从业人员充分认识、了解船东互保,处理好船东互保与安全生产的关系,做好安全生产工作,笔者从渔业生产的安全需要角度出发,论述船东互保与渔业安全生产的关系.  相似文献   

互保是借款单位为获得银行信贷支持而相互提供的担保,互保协议是互保单位之间签订的一种书面协议或合同。互保有两种基本形式:一是互为担保,另一种是循环担保。 一、互保协议下存在的信贷风险 1、担保不足风险。担保是为银行信贷投放多设的一道“安全门”,但互保协议下的贷款,由于互保单位各自均取得银行贷款,相互担保,分别贷款,一定程度上削弱了担保效用,存在担保不足的风险。 2、循环嵌套风险。循环互保的借款单位分别从银行取得贷款,若某一互保单位发生不能到期偿债的债务危机,整个循环担保链就会中断,银行信贷资产相应就…  相似文献   

<正>元旦前夕,湖南省渔业互保业务培训班在长沙顺利开班。全省十四个市州分管渔政工作的局长、渔政站长、互保业务工作人员及各县市区渔政站(科)长共180人参加了培训。中国渔业互保协会常务副理事长兼秘书长陈剑峰、中国渔业互保协会秘书长助理王西才、中国渔业互保协会统计部副主任郭晓宁莅临指导并专门授课。在培训班授课辅导中,湖南省畜牧  相似文献   

<正>5月17日,湖北省水产局在洪湖市召开全省渔业互保工作暨平安渔业示范县创建工作总结表彰会议。厅党组成员、省水产局局长李胜强作重要讲话;省水产局副局长郑国蓉作主题报告。会议表彰了全省渔业互保工作先进单位、先进个人和全省平安渔业示范县。中国渔业互保协会理事长王朝华、省安全生产监  相似文献   

〔本刊讯〕1999年9月29日,中国渔船船东互保协会在京举行了纪念协会成立五周年座谈会。出席座谈会的有在京的协会领导、农业部渔业局及在京企事业单位领导及代表共40多人。会议由协会理事长卓友瞻同志主持。协会副理事长兼秘书长林毅同志首先向与会代表通报了协会成立5年来展业与理赔的总体情况及当前的互保展业形势。船东互保通过5年来努力,取得了可喜的成绩,累计共有13-8万名渔船船东参加了互保,互保渔民超过70万人(次),互保渔船2-2万多艘(次),共处理互保理赔案件10847起,共支付赔款6658万元。5…  相似文献   

11月19日下午,首届中国渔业保险和渔船安全论坛在北京举办,来自渔业行政主管部门、水产院校、渔船检验、渔港监督部门和互保机构的专家学者和工作人员共100多人参加论坛.此届论坛由农业部渔业局、渔政指挥中心、渔船检验局和中国渔船船东互保协会四家单位主办,由中国渔船船东互保协会具体承办,集权威性、国际性、理论性和实践性于一身.  相似文献   

田丽娟 《中国渔业经济》2006,(5):F0003-F0003
10月23-25日,2006年互保理赔工作委员会会议在浙江省舟山市召开。全国16名委员及协会法律顾问参加了会议,护保公司和舟山市海洋与渔业局领导莅临指导。会议由互保理赔工作委员会主任、协会秘书长孙颖士主持。根据会程安排,首先,协会副秘书长姜峰同志作《2006年互保理赔工作报告  相似文献   

<正>10月27日,中国渔业互保协会和全国水产技术推广总站在杭州签署共同推进水产养殖互助保险发展合作协议。农业部渔业渔政管理局局长张显良、农业部渔业船舶检验局局长李昌健、中国渔业互保协会理事长李健华、全国水产技术推广总站站长肖放出席签约仪式。根据合作协议,中国渔业互保协会和全国水产技术推广总站将在构建组织体系、培  相似文献   

本文从围绕如何提供风险保障,做好理赔工作、加强管理体制和制度建设,提高互保队伍整体素质等方面的理论与实践,探讨了发展我国渔船舶东互保事业的基本思路和措施。  相似文献   

开展渔船互保促进经济发展──访“中国渔船船东互保协会”秘书长林毅徐英杰中国渔船船东互保协会成立于1994年7月,并于9月在北京召开了第一届理事会,通过了“中国渔船船东互保协会章程”。从此,中国渔民在从事海上作业中第一次有了自己的安全保险体系。最近我有...  相似文献   

通过梳理和归纳相关文献了解中国退耕还林生态补偿发展历程。退耕还林生态补偿研究主要内容:退耕还林生态补偿机制研究区域集中,研究层次较低;退耕还林生态补偿标准研究较为科学,但实施起来比较困难;退耕还林生态补偿意愿研究对象单一,影响因素不够全面;退耕还林生态补偿对农户影响结果存在差异性;退耕还林生态补偿效应研究内容与尺度不够全面。未来中国退耕还林生态补偿可以在4个方面进行深入研究:加强差异化退耕还林生态补偿研究,结合各地实际合理制定补偿机制;丰富退耕还林生态补偿意愿研究,注意影响补偿客体意愿因素的多样性;注重研究方法的多学科交叉和创新;进一步在退耕还林生态补偿效应分析中拓宽研究内容与尺度。  相似文献   

A considerable body of research suggests that horizontal inequality between ethnic groups has major socioeconomic implications, in particular for peace and economic development. Much of this work focuses on horizontal inequality as an independent causal variable, rather than an outcome of various processes. We offer conceptual, theoretical, and empirical reasons for treating horizontal inequality as an outcome and challenging assumptions of fixity. We first consider explanations for variation drawing on the literature on horizontal inequality, as well as on ethnicity more broadly. We then explore how horizontal inequality can be measured using survey and census data, and present analysis based on two datasets providing information on inequality in terms of educational attainment (HI-E) for the 1960s to 2000s. These data suggest both a general trend toward decline in HI-E over time and considerable regional variation. This article serves also to introduce and frame the contributions to this special section.  相似文献   

海水养殖对生物多样性的影响一般包括海岸带地区建设养殖场对海域或土地生物多样性的影响,对为维持养殖生产活动所需的超量海域的生物多样性的影响,海水养殖残饵、代谢物污染及养殖生物外逃对海洋生态系生物多样性的影响等方面。研究海水养殖对生物多样性的影响,有利于我们了解其影响机理,为生物多样性保护管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The demand for urban river rehabilitation can be measured through stated preference surveys such as choice experiments, providing information on the welfare estimates of a particular approach. We deploy such a technique in the context of plans to rehabilitate a major river in Jakarta, Indonesia. The current plan focuses on widening and canalizing the downstream segment of the river within Jakarta’s administrative boundary. We hypothesize that residents would demand (and thus be willing to pay for) additional components of an ecological rehabilitation program in the form of riverside park space and upstream forest conservation outside of Jakarta’s jurisdiction. We develop a spatially-explicit discrete choice experiment in which households register their preferences for channel widening, park space, forest conservation, and a monthly fee to fund the rehabilitation. Using mixed logit models we find significant and substantial demand for both park space and forest conservation, with a lower bound on the total willingness to pay (WTP) of greater than US $4 million per year for park space and nearly US $6 million per year to support reforestation in the upper catchment. These estimates are based on households within the catchment, but we find that demand did not seem to decay with distance so the upper bound on total WTP could be substantially higher. We also find that household income level has a strong effect on marginal WTP for forest conservation, minimal effect on marginal WTP for park space, and that location along the river influenced WTP for park space and channel widening. This provides further evidence that there is substantial demand for river rehabilitation in developing world cities, and that choice experiments can provide information relevant to land use planning.  相似文献   

河北省文安县杂粮产业发展现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地冲突分类是土地冲突研究的重要内容之一,也是制定土地冲突管理方案、实施土地冲突管理的重要基础性工作。文章根据国外有关土地冲突分类的思路,提出我国土地冲突分类的初步方案,以期推动我国的土地冲突研究,并为我国的土地冲突管理实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

当前矿业用地管理现状及若干思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
矿业用地是土地管理和矿产资源管理的结合部,是土地和矿产资源管理中十分重要的内容,但由于多方面的原因,当前矿业用地管理相对薄弱,主要表现在矿业用地中“以租代征”现象普遍存在,耕地动态平衡实现难度大,矿业用地缺乏明确的法律规定,造成管理混乱,矿产资源开采造成土地毁损严重、矿山环境恶化等。应以科学发展观协调耕地保护、环境保护与矿业发展,完善矿业用地管理的法律法规,加大土地违法责任的追究力度,以切实解决矿业用地管理混乱的问题。  相似文献   

This address explores the importance for agricultural sustainability of different types of capital assets, especially knowledge capital, drawing on recent research in New Zealand that has aimed to expand the contribution of the primary sector to sustainable wellbeing. I begin with an overview of the theory on what constitutes sustainability and wellbeing, focusing on connections between wellbeing, capabilities and different types of capital stocks, and highlighting the importance of knowledge capital for wellbeing. Recent trends in New Zealand and United Kingdom agriculture provide the applied context for analysis of some key knowledge issues facing agriculture, framed by the capability theory of the firm following David Teece. The paper finishes with a brief conclusion on the implications for the UK.  相似文献   

系统梳理了跨流域调水生态补偿研究成果,分析了跨流域调水生态补偿与流域内生态补偿的不同特点,包括调水工程对水源流域和受水区的影响、水源流域上下游与受水区的补偿关系、调水给水源流域下游带来的损失等。调水生态补偿标准测算方法多源于流域生态补偿标准测算方法,包括成本与机会损失法、支付意愿法、价值损失法、生态足迹法等,考虑受水区用水量、水资源价值、支付意愿等因素对补偿量进行分担。由于调水对水源流域和受水区影响的复杂性,且调水工程布局向网络化发展,提出需要研究解决的关键技术:一是调水对水源流域和受水区水资源与生态环境影响的定量评价技术;二是调水给水源流域上下游带来成本与损失的测算方法;三是调水给受水区带来的经济社会和生态效益测算方法;四是系统考虑水源流域上游保护成本和下游损失及受水区效益,构建调水补偿关系和标准测算模型;五是对于网络化调水格局下补偿主体与对象的复杂关系,研发适用的补偿原理和标准测算技术。  相似文献   

基于江西省700户用材林农户调查数据,采用回归模型定量分析林业社会化服务供给对不同贫困程度农户林地投入和产出的影响程度和影响方向,以验证林权配套改革中的社会化服务供给是否发挥应有的效果。结果表明:林木栽培技术服务对一般贫困农户林地投入和林地产出水平具有显著正向影响;金融服务对非贫困农户和重度贫困农户林地投入水平具有显著正向影响;病虫害防治等服务对非贫困农户和一般贫困农户林地投入有显著负向影响;林地面积对不同农户林地投入产出具有显著的负向影响;是否参加林地保险对重度贫困农户林地投入有显著正向影响;劳动力人数对非贫困农户林地投入有显著正向影响;家庭收入结构对不同农户林地投入产出具有显著正向影响;户主年龄对非贫困农户和一般贫困农户林地投入有显著正向影响。因此,提出针对贫困农户提供林业技术培训;加大对贫困农户林业金融扶贫力度;加大林业社会化服务体系建设的财政投入力度等对策建议。  相似文献   

The present study examines the influence of young farmers’ support system including both direct payments for young farmers and rural development measures initiatives under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on the sustainability of rural regions. The intentions and decisions taken by young farmers in Lithuania are analysed within the rural sustainability concept. The empirical analysis relies on the questionnaire survey. In order to disentangle the possible effects of the CAP support on the farming sustainability (as it is perceived by the young farmers), we consider payments for farm establishment and expansion along with support for advisory services. The results show that young farmers’ support system under the CAP has the strongest perceived effect on income support in Lithuania without significant differences across different groups of farmers. The effect on investments is significantly lower for crop farms if opposed to the other farming types. Still, the results also indicate that environmental awareness of Lithuanian farmers is rather low as the demand for such advisory services appeared to be relatively low. The relatively high demand for advisory services on the business plan preparation suggests low levels of business administration and marketing skills among the young farmers, which indicates the need for development of the social dimension.  相似文献   

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