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As an emerging life sciences venture, gaining legitimacy (credibility) with external stakeholders (e.g., investors) is a critical challenge in today's environment. This quest for legitimacy relates to issues that focus on the individual, the environment, and the process. Integrating insights gained from interviews with three CEOs of life sciences companies along with the academic literature, we provide guidance for entrepreneurs regarding the unique challenges facing life sciences ventures. We propose that these ventures are driven by a “quest for legitimacy” and that life sciences entrepreneurs therefore must be aware of the strategic issues which impact legitimacy in the eyes of external stakeholders (e.g., investors).  相似文献   

陈朝晖 《商业研究》2003,(14):30-32
目前 ,我国中小企业经理绩效考评存在着缺乏最根本的基础 ,关键业务领域战略目标和考评目的不明确 ,业务考评指标设计不合理等弊端。中小企业经理层绩效考评除指标设计外 ,还与考评流程密切相关。考评流程应由目标分析、绩效评价、薪酬管理和沟通反馈四个环节构成 ,四者缺一不可。  相似文献   

Healthcare, the largest industry in the United States, is in crisis, and threatens to bankrupt the nation's economy. Medical errors kill an estimated 98,000 people per year, and accessibility to adequate healthcare is an increasing problem for much of the country's citizenry. Despite being one of the most important keys to resolving this crisis, a national electronic healthcare network (eHealth) is under-appreciated and under-exploited, and faces several formidable barriers to implementation. Current and prospective national political leadership has focused narrowly on a subset of issues, in the belief that the crisis cannot be addressed holistically due to political interests. Yet the barriers that greatly impede eHealth's potential to help solve the crisis can only be removed in a timely manner by a comprehensive, national framework that reshapes the legal, operational, and economic landscape for eHealth. Only a greater public awareness that encourages national legislative action can enhance eHealth's potential to improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare while reducing its cost.  相似文献   

管理型人力资本的价值构成要素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
管理型人力资本价值是管理型人力资本所有者为企业在经营管理方面提供的现实的和潜在的创造性的劳动。在界定了管理型人力资本价值定义基础上,通过对大量指标进行选择和分析得到了以个人贡献、能力、基本素质为主体的三个管理型人力资本价值构成要素,并以此对管理型人力资本价值的提升提出了建议。  相似文献   

大力发展混合所有制经济不仅有利于盘活国有资产、深化国企改革,而且对于打破行业垄断,实现各种所有制经济成分的优势互补和双赢。随着中国经济迅速发展,然而却出现了国有企业和民营企业对发展混合所有制经济均存在顾虑,国有企业管理的行政化、公有制经济和非公有制经济地位上的不平,资本市场不完善等诸多问题,制约了混合所有制经济的发展。加快国有经济战略调整步伐,深化改革,营造良好的市场环境,支持非公有制经济的发展,进一步健全资本市场,对混合所有制发展具有重要意义,加快促进中国经济实现可持续增长。  相似文献   

评价和改进医疗服务质量是我国新一轮医药卫生体制改革的重要目标,这需要建立在拥有一套科学和完善的评价指标体系基础之上。然而,我国现有的医疗服务质量评价指标体系滞后于医疗卫生体制改革实践,缺乏系统的理论框架,仅侧重于医院等级评价和业务考察,而没有将评价看作是一个系统的过程,也就难以促进医疗服务质量的持续改进。尝试将广泛应用于公共部门绩效评价的通用评估框架引入医疗卫生服务领域,开发了一套包含三个评价层级共27个指标的医疗服务质量评价指标体系,并以北京S医院为例进行了应用和完善。研究表明,通用评估框架可以为我国医疗卫生质量评价提供新的思路,在实际应用中具有较好的效果,可以准确地呈现医院医疗服务质量的结果和影响医疗服务质量的因素,但也需要在今后的应用中不断更新评价指标,聚焦新医改的任务,增加客观性指标。  相似文献   

This article focuses on valuation issues and methods that are related to a closely held entrepreneurial enterprise. This focus is motivated by the fact that the number of small, closely held business start-ups, which we refer to broadly by the term “entrepreneurial enterprises,” continues to grow year on year, and new business ventures remain the primary source for employment growth in the USA and most industrialized nations. Also, the topic of valuation of entrepreneurial enterprises has for the most part been ignored. The traditional approaches to valuation of small, closely held entrepreneurial enterprises are, in our view, wanting in a number of important respects. Simply, traditional valuation methods are modeled in a manner that is applicable to a going-concern business with a history of sales and revenues. That is not the case for an entrepreneurial enterprise as we define it, and thus use of traditional valuation methods is questionable.  相似文献   

The American healthcare system is at a crossroads, and analytics, as an organizational skill, figures to play a pivotal role in its future. As more healthcare systems capture information electronically and begin to collect more novel forms of data, such as human DNA, how will we leverage these resources and use them to improve human health at a manageable cost? In this article, we argue that analytics will play a fundamental role in the transformation of the American healthcare system. However, there are numerous challenges to the application and use of analytics: the lack of data standards, barriers to the collection of high-quality data, and a shortage of qualified personnel to conduct such analyses. There are also multiple managerial issues, such as how to get end users of electronic data to employ it consistently to improve healthcare delivery and how to manage the public reporting and sharing of data. In this article, we explore applications of analytics in healthcare, barriers and facilitators to its widespread adoption, and ways in which analytics can help us achieve the goals of the modern healthcare system: high-quality, responsive, affordable, and efficient care.  相似文献   

刘畅 《中国市场》2008,(15):18-19
随着经济的快速发展,人力资源在物流企业总资产中所占的比例越来越大,对人力资源价值评估的要求也越来越多。从价值工程的角度出发,对人的能力与成本进行测定和比较,实现对人力资源价值的综合评估。基于价值工程的人力资源价值评估方法能更客观地将人事管理职能建立在成本核算的基础上,有利于物流企业人力资源的全面开发和优化。  相似文献   

Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) and quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations (quangos) comprise a powerful organizational sector that has been criticized for its lack of accountability to governments and their citizens. These organizations are established to serve the public as a whole by targeting the needs of particular groups or fulfilling specific functions. Often they use practices adopted from the business sector, and sometimes they enter the marketplace as profit-making enterprises. In light of the contribution of GSE Fannie Mae to the 2008 world economic crisis, the impact of this sector on effective democratic government bears further examination. In this article, I present a systems model that suggests how researchers might comprehensively assess the accountability of organizations in this sector, here termed the “gray sector,” with respect to their government missions. I focus on four systems dimensions: mission, organizational design, organizational outcomes, and the information feedback process. Organizational design and the nature of the sector population are cited as emerging issues of particular importance.  相似文献   

长期以来,由于东北老工业基地国有经济比重过大而民营经济发展严重不足,使民营经济在东北经济发展过程中一直处于“软肋”地位,这严重制约了东北经济的整体协调发展。分析东北工业的特点,要改变东北民营经济现状,必须消除体制障碍、多渠道促进民营资本的增长和消除产权壁垒并通过要素跨地区流动及异地整合效应等来促进民营经济快速发展。  相似文献   

With ultra-short sightlines to its patient-customers, healthcare should pursue lean in its own way rather than follow the often wayward lean practices of manufacturing, a sector in which few people ever see real customers. Because of the distance in manufacturing from end customers, this sector’s lean practices usually focus inward on operational efficiency through waste elimination. The nature of healthcare—with customers up close and immediate—calls for elevating its lean efforts toward customer-focused lean effectiveness: flexibly quick response along the multiple flow paths leading to and involving patients. This article illustrates that approach to lean by drawing from a case study in which widely scattered heart attack patients were transported to a central treatment hospital in a system-wide, highly coordinated program of quick response. This article shows that the keys to success—including high rates of saving lives and lean healthcare in general—boil down to just five lean methodologies, each focused on quick response. Lean healthcare, when practiced in this way, becomes deserving of status as a fixture in strategic management of the enterprise.  相似文献   

通过对信息技术的成功应用,服务业跨国公司在竞争过程中可以克服传统市场竞争条件下的供方规模经济的限制,能够更快地达到为获得网络效应所要求的临界值,从市场扩张的正反馈中获益。因此,服务业跨国公司的全球经营战略和营销理念正在从在现有的市场内竞争向为未来市场而竞争转变。上述战略从微观角度为在我国进一步对内开放提供了经济学解释.并值得我国企业提高重视程度并在制定企业战略时借鉴。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the social economy (SE) as a third major sector between the public economy and the capitalist private economy. It examines the SE concept, compares it with the nonprofit sector and analyzes its microeconomic foundations, functions in the economic system and implications for economic policy. The field of economic analysis needs to be broadened, abandoning the mainstream monism that emphasizes the study of capitalist private enterprises and taking a plural view of the economy. In this approach, other forms of business organization, particularly SE enterprises, become a priority for analysis, opening up new scientific, social and economic vistas.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(4):539-548
The U.S. healthcare sector is inadequately prepared to deal with the reality of cyber threats. The increasing use of smart medical equipment and mobile devices is making healthcare organizations more susceptible to ransomware and other types of malware. The size and complexity of operations, coupled with the presence of numerous legacy and incompatible systems, make it difficult to implement effective cybersecurity measures. The daunting nature of the problem often results in an if-it-ain’t-broke-don’t-fix-it stance among senior healthcare leaders. The preponderance of healthcare-related laws, compliance regulations, and security guidance frameworks serve to complicate the cybersecurity challenge further and too often results in senior leadership assuming a state of blissful ignorance. This study sheds light on the key factors contributing to the chaotic state of affairs and presents a roadmap to a more deliberate and proactive approach to cybersecurity risk management.  相似文献   

物流业是一种融合运输业、仓储业、货代业和信息业等行业的新兴复合型服务产业。随着国内经济的快速发展和市场需求的不断扩大,物流产业已成为促进国民经济增长的一个非常重要的服务部门。与此同时,越来越多的消费者希望物流企业能提供多样化、一体化的服务,服务创新正成为提升物流企业竞争力的重要路径。本文利用服务模块化的思想,将物流企业所提供的服务进行模块化分解,并提出创新型的服务体系,拓宽我国物流行业的服务网络,力求提高我国物流企业的服务水平。  相似文献   

The Internet has proven to be a powerful and very popular vehicle for distributing health information to millions of individuals; it is interactive, user-controlled, and provides an effective means for communicating detailed information. While there has been increasing use of the Internet in healthcare, little research has been conducted to examine what, if any, impact the availability and integrity of healthcare information on the Internet has on the physician-patient relationship. Importantly, several studies show that Web-based health information frequently contains inaccurate or incomplete information. Patients who retain such information go so far as to suggest approaches to their physicians and express disappointment when the physicians refuse to prescribe as expected. For their part, doctors are concerned about the physician-patient relationship when they have to explain to patients that their Internet-based information is less than accurate; consequently, the physician-patient relationship is often affected. While many issues bear upon the physician-patient relationship, the central one is trust. This article examines consumer use of the Internet for healthcare information, considers the problems caused by inaccuracies or omissions from third party websites, and sets forth recommendations regarding how the Internet can be used to improve the physician-patient relationship. It is hoped that these suggestions provide a better understanding of the required components of upcoming healthcare strategies.  相似文献   

For most Americans, a trip to the doctor's office or a hospital stay necessitates that medical personnel search through paper charts and records as care is administered. This remains the status quo, despite the increasingly large role that electronic communication plays in other aspects of our business and personal lives. The elevated use of information technology (IT) in healthcare settings—primarily via utilization of electronic health records (EHRs), which allow information to be readily communicated and shared among healthcare providers—has been advocated as a means of improving quality of care and helping to control healthcare costs over the long term. Yet, hastened implementation of healthcare IT will require considerable cost incursion in the near term, and will present various other challenges that must be addressed. Herein, we examine the merits and benefits of healthcare IT, as well as the costs and other challenges that may serve as obstacles to its wider implementation and use. We conclude with a set of recommendations designed to increase the likelihood that extensive expansion in the use of healthcare IT will yield the desired benefits.  相似文献   

The private sector is becoming an increasingly important part of the Chinese economy. This has been recognized in the SME Promotion Law of 2003, which provides a policy rationale for public support for small and medium enterprises operating in the private sector. One aspect of government support for private enterprise development highlighted in that Law is the creation of enabling institutions and support systems for small and medium enterprises at municipal level. This article examines a series of enterprise development centres that have been established in China since 2000, and explores the implications for government support for and future development of private smaller enterprises in China.  相似文献   

浅谈知识经济时代物流企业人力资源管理创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧阳丽  孟晋  刘飞 《中国市场》2008,(49):43-44,70
作为社会再生产中间环节的服务部门,物流企业人力资源的服务能力和水平将直接决定企业的生存和发展,由此其人力资源管理职能至关重要。随着知识经济时代的来临,物流企业人力资源管理又面临新的挑战,必须适时进行人力资源管理创新。  相似文献   

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