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本文在分析回顾国外发达国家汽车消费信贷业务发展的同时,分析了我国商业银行汽车消费信贷发展现状,阐述我国汽车消费信贷发展存在的问题,力求为我国商业银行汽车消费信贷业务发展提供一些有价值的建议。  相似文献   

发展消费信贷是扩大内需的必然选择。而发展个人住房消费信贷又是发展消费信贷的重要内容之一。本分析了我国个人住房消费信贷的利弊因素,并提出若干对策建议。  相似文献   

消费信贷服务作为一种商品,有着它的需求规律。本文以西方经济学的分析方法,分析了消费信贷服务需求的一般决定机制,并以此为依据考察了制约我国消费信贷需求的各种因素,得出我国消费信贷需求曲线左移使其发展滞后的结论。最后从消费者这个方面提出了促进我国消费信贷发展的对策。  相似文献   

利用消费信贷促进消费增长是西方国家缓解有效需求不足的重要手段。次贷危机的发生表明,消费信贷发展的速度、结构和规模必须与经济发展速度相适应。为解决我国消费需求问题,应扩大消费信贷的有效需求,加快消费信贷创新,改善农村消费信贷供给,加强消费信贷的监测,适度发展我国消费信贷。  相似文献   

消费信贷的发展与一定的经济发展水平、消费的接受程度、商业银行金融创新的步伐密切相关。要发展消费信贷,一是商业银行应将其作为新的利润增长点对待,二是要扩大消费信贷的市场需求,三是应完善消费信贷的配套机制,推动消费信贷的发展。  相似文献   

在我国,消费信贷发展缓慢,其原因是:消费者承贷能力较弱;消费信贷操作不够规范;缺乏消费信贷的防范机制和完善的社会保障制度。若扩大消费信贷就必须营造有利于消费信贷发展的法制环境,并借鉴西方发达国家经验。  相似文献   

发展消费信贷对扩大内需、拉动经济增长,优化银行资产结构和提高居民生活水平具有重要意义。我国消费信贷起步晚,发展迅速,但存在较多问题,需要采取有力措施,促进消费信贷的加速发展。  相似文献   

近年来,消费信贷在我国取得了前所未有的发展,消费信贷也成了众人关注的热点。本文通过分析论证,说明消费信贷可以在短期内提高居民的消费水平,但要带动整个社会的需求,还有很多方面的制约。与短期不同,在长期来看,消费信贷不能提高居民的生活水平,但却能带动整个社会的经济发展。  相似文献   

消费信贷与其他贷款一样,也同样存在贷款风险,如何正确地认识消费信贷的风险.合理地控制风险,建立适合中国国情的现代化消费信贷风险管理体系,是中国发展消费信贷必须尽快解决的重大问题。  相似文献   

从消费者,商业银行,政府及相关部门四个角度提出了可供选择的发展我国消费信贷的对策,消费者应转变观念,尝试现代消费方式;商业银行应抓住时机,扩大业务范围;政府应积极完善消费信贷的环境,制度及法规;商家,保险公司等都应积极介入和支持消费信贷的发展。  相似文献   

消费信贷可以促进消费 ,拉动经济增长。现阶段 ,我国消费信贷发展还存在一些制约因素 ,如居民货币收入水平较低、消费观念落后、消费政策不配套、社会保障制度不健全等 ,有针对性地提出了发展消费信贷的对策 ,如改革消费体制 ,完善社会保障制度 ,强化法律保障 ,开发热门品种等。  相似文献   

消费信贷是中国近年发展起来的一项新型信贷业务,呈逐年增长之势。通过对消费信贷发展的理论、前提、有利条件、制约因素及相关策略的论述,以期在理论和实践上对消费信贷的发展有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

拓展消费信贷是商业银行优化资产结构、降低金融风险、赢得同业竞争,刺激消费、扩大内需、促进国民经济和商业银行自身发展的必然选择。历20余年改革,开放的我国大陆已为些开辟了广阔的前景,因此,必须针对思想认识滞后,组织管理缺位,营销竞争乏力,人员素质偏低等现状,采取实有效的措施,大力拓展消费信贷,并注意防范风险。  相似文献   

Measuring consumer innovativeness   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The development of a self-report scale to measure domain specific consumer innovativeness is described. A major problem faced by researchers interested in the diffusion of innovations has been the difficulty in measuring the innovativeness construct in a reliable and valid way. Several operationalizations have been proposed and are commonly used, yet none has received substantial evidence supporting its reliability and validity. A series of six studies describes the development and evaluation of a six-item, self-report scale to measure innovativeness within a specific domain of interest familiar to the consumer. The scale is shown to be easy to administer, highly reliable and valid, and adaptable across domains.  相似文献   

While most consumer socialization research has focused upon the development of consumer orientations that young people can enact, little research exists on how children and adolescents develop consumer orientations that have relevance for adult consumer behavior. This article addresses the concept of anticipatory consumer socialization by focusing on a variety of consumer cognitions and how they are acquired.  相似文献   

“Buzz” during the period leading up to commercial release is commonly cited as a critical success factor for new products. But what exactly is buzz? Based on an extensive literature review and findings from a theories-in-use study (consumer depth interviews and focus groups), the authors argue that pre-release consumer buzz (PRCB) is not just a catchword or a synonym for “word of mouth” but is a distinct construct for which a precise, shared conceptual understanding is notably absent. The authors define PRCB as the aggregation of observable expressions of anticipation by consumers for a forthcoming new product; they conceptualize the construct as being manifested in three distinct types of behaviors (communication, search, and participation in experiential activities) along two dimensions (amount and pervasiveness). PRCB is unique because prior to, versus after, a product’s release, (1) differing information is available, (2) differing mental processes occur, and (3) consumers’ behaviors have differing effects on other consumers, affecting diffusion differently. A quantitative study using secondary data for 254 new products illustrates the performance of the theory-based conceptualization.  相似文献   

失信惩罚机制建设是国家信用体系建设的一个重要组成部分和有力保障.中国失信惩罚机制建设可以借鉴发达国家的成功经验,重点在信用法律体系、政府监管力度、征信机构作用发挥、社会信用文化培育等方面加强建设力度,使失信惩罚机制具有相当的威慑力和影响力,以尽快遏制当前严重的信用危机.  相似文献   

论企业诚信   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
企业诚信具有维系社会经济活动正常运行的基础性作用。企业诚信缺失给当前社会经济生活带来了不和谐现象。有必要透析企业诚信缺失的深层次原因,并从政府调控、市场调节和企业诚信之间的关系上寻求推进企业诚信建设的途径。  相似文献   

论税收信用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税收信用是社会信用的重要组成部分,建立于税收信用法律关系之中.税收信用具有指引功能、补充功能、评价功能、教育功能.重视税收信用、营造诚信纳税环境是建设和谐的社会税收关系的基础.  相似文献   

The topic of consumer's leisure-time behavior is receiving increasing attention by marketers as Americans' leisure-related spending rapidly approaches the $200 billion level. This paper first examines the concept of “leisure” and then reviews various measurement issues. It concludes with several marketing implications and suggested issues needing further research.  相似文献   

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