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刚刚结束的奥运媒体大战中。拥有奥运会转播权,狂收20亿元的央视无疑是最大的赢家。而同时。在其他电视媒体因为奥运资源的匮乏,望“奥”兴叹时,由北京奥组委授权。上海东富传媒广告有限公司、上海电视传媒公司共同出品的大型电视轻喜剧《奥运在我家》,却取得了巨大成功。打造了一个没有奥运节目转播权,也能运用奥运资源赢得客户传播预算,并达成良好传播效果的经典案例。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is to address the issue of visual imagery in cross-cultural consumer research. The authors investigate the relationship between visual imagery, brand familiarity, and brand claim recall in two distinct cultural environments — the U.S. and Russia. The paper consists of two studies that explored imagery potency from the point of view of memory-evoking effects. The results suggest that image-intensive tools generate different returns depending on the level of brand familiarity and cultural media. The research findings may be of interest to marketing scholars studying cross-cultural consumer behavior as well as to practitioners operating in international advertising and global brand building.  相似文献   


This current study explores how stereoscopic three-dimensional (3-D) dimensionality affects the process by which viewers’ memory of brand names embedded in a soccer game is formed compared to the memory process in traditional 2-D display. To this end, we conduct two studies: a qualitative observation using an eye tracker; and an experiment to identify the difference and similarity of the viewing process across these two display technologies. Statistical test results reveal that sports involvement enhances viewers’ attention to a sports game, which is moderated by game enjoyment and negative viewing experience generated from the media features. Most importantly, it is found that as viewers pay more attention to a sports game in stereoscopic 3-D display, they are less likely to remember the brands embedded in the stadium, while the opposite is found in 2-D display. More findings and implications are discussed in the discussion section.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of 3-D product visualisation on attitude accessibility and attitude confidence, two non-evaluative dimensions of attitudes that have not been studied in previous research. The experiment analysed two versions of a website (3-D vs 2-D), in which the capacity to interact with the product has been manipulated. The results show that consumers’ brand attitudes formed via an interactive 3-D product are more accessible and held with greater confidence, in comparison with those formed via the product presented in a static 2-D mode. The study also reveals the mechanism underlying such influences – that is, the enhanced perceived diagnosticity and mental imagery, as well as their interaction, account for the effect of 3-D product visualisation on the strength of brand attitude.  相似文献   

李伟 《广告大观》2009,(8):62-63
随着互联网时代的到来,搜索引擎传播成为各个广告主的宠儿,而各大搜索引擎公司不断崛起,昨天辉煌的战绩也充分显示了其独特的魅力。  相似文献   

就是这样一部书稿,成就了一个点石成金的品牌,有如书中所描述的魔法棒一样神奇:如果把所有售出的哈利·波特系列书籍首尾相连地排列,其长度是地球赤道的1.4倍罗琳24岁那年,在前往伦敦的火车旅途中,她忽然发现眼前出现一个瘦弱的、戴着眼镜的小巫师在车窗  相似文献   

When a known brand extends into a product category that involves sophisticated and state-of-the-art technology, consumers face uncertainty and perceive a financial risk when considering the extension for purchase. This study explores how the brand's perceived expertise in the extension category and various brand traits (predictability, dependability, and faith) affect that consideration decision and how these interact with particular extension naming strategies (direct versus brand-bridging). Exploratory results from a field study give three insights. First, a consumer's faith in a brand appears to improve the extension consideration independent of what naming strategy is adopted. Second, brands with good predictability seem to benefit only by using a direct naming strategy in the brand extension. Third, a perceived lack of expertise appears to reduce the extension consideration even when a brand-bridging strategy is adopted. A discussion of these insights and their implications is provided.  相似文献   

Drawing from international branding literature and schema incongruity research, the present study (a) assesses foreign brand communication effectiveness by juxtaposing three alternative advertising approaches based on local, foreign and global consumer culture imagery, and (b) investigates the mechanism underlying consumers' responses to foreign brand communication. In a 2 (foreign brand schema vs. control) × 3 (local vs. foreign vs. global ad type) full-factorial, between-subjects experiment with a consumer sample, we find that ads portraying global consumer culture imagery only moderately violate consumer perceptions of brand foreignness and lead to more favorable ad attitudes. Furthermore, moderated-mediation analysis shows that when the global ad imagery is meaningfully linked to the foreign brand, perceptions of credibility increase and positively influence ad attitude. However, if consumers cannot make sense of the ad, this effect is reversed and negatively influences subsequent responses. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed and future research directions identified.  相似文献   

中国的一线市场已经成熟,消费者更加理性,终端趋于饱和,在这种情况下,众多的大品牌纷纷把注意力投向了二三线城市的潜在消费市场。近年来,越来越多的广告主和广告公司开始关注二三线城市消费市场,关于二三线  相似文献   

传统的经典品牌往往历史悠久.信誉卓越,是传统企业的宝贵财富;但如果一味的倚老卖老,固步自封,却反而会落后于时代和市场的变化,陷入产品品种单调、营销模式僵化、品牌宣传停滞的困境.洋河蓝色经典在传承既有工艺和信誉的基础上,从品牌定位、品牌形象、品牌推广和品牌营销四个层面率先进行创新,在白酒市场掀起了一场声势浩大的蓝色风暴.  相似文献   

传统的经典品牌往往历史悠久,信誉卓越,是传统企业的宝贵财富;但如果一味的倚老卖老,固步自封,却反而会落后于时代和市场的变化,陷入产品品种单调、营销模式僵化、品牌宣传停滞的困境.洋河蓝色经典在传承既有工艺和信誉的基础上,从品牌定位、品牌形象、品牌推广和品牌营销四个层面率先进行创新,在白酒市场掀起了一场声势浩大的蓝色风暴.  相似文献   

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