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Received November 3, 2000; revised version received August 2, 2001  相似文献   

This paper uses a variable rate-of-growth model of life-cycle saving as developed by Fry and Mason (1982) to show that demographic factors were behind the rapid rise in saving in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The steady decline in the population dependency ratio in an environment of rapid economic growth was the determining factor driving the trend rise in savings in these three countries. Furthermore, demographic trends can also explain the difference in saving ratios in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. When one compares these countries at the same stage in their development, Koreans did save "little" relative to Japan, but not relative to Taiwan, and this difference in saving can be explained by Korea's higher rate of dependency. [E21, N15]  相似文献   

Abstract. We construct a stylised model of the supply side with goods and labour market imperfections to show that an economy can rationally operate at a low-effort state in which the relationship between output and unemployment is positive. We examine data from the G7 countries over 1960–2001 and find that only German data strongly favour a persistent negative relationship between the level of output and rate of unemployment. The consequence of this is that circumstances exist in which market imperfections could pose serious obstacles to the smooth working of expansionary and/or stabilisation policies and a positive demand shock might have adverse effects on employment.  相似文献   

阿克洛夫的效率工资理论,通过吸收社会学、人类学的研究成果,将人的劳动行为看成基于公平出发的社会习俗。根据这一习俗,企业支付的工资不少于工人预期的公平工资,而工人根据企业支付的工资决定自己的努力程度,从而决定自己的边际产出。对于追求利润最大化的企业来说,并非支付的工资越高越好,支付工人的工资应等于工人的边际产出。当公平工资高于市场出清工资时,非自愿失业问题出现,工人技术程度与其失业率负相关。二元劳动力市场的现实与人类内生的行为规范,使得非自愿失业问题的解决前景十分悲观。  相似文献   

In this paper fiscal policy is examined for an open economy characterized by unemployment due to efficiency wages. We allow for capital and firm mobility in a model where the government chooses the level of wage, source-based capital and profit taxation. The taxing choices of governments are analyzed in scenarios which differ with respect to the constraints imposed on the set of available taxes and on the mobility of firms. As a general result, the welfare loss from labor market imperfections increases when tax bases become internationally mobile, which suggests an increasing relevance of domestic labor-market reforms when tax bases become global.  相似文献   

税收征管效率是税务部门的征税以尽可能低的税务行政成本,取得尽可能多的税收收入,这就需要将征税的"产出"与"投入"结合起来综合考量,DEA分析方法正是进行相对效率研究的有效途径。本文在审慎选取输入指标和输出指标的基础上,利用湖北省国税系统的统计数据,通过DEA模型,得出税收征管效率的评价与改进,并给出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

The robust Russian economic recovery after the 1998 financial crisis raised the economic standing of the population, especially for lowly paid workers, most of whom are women. In this paper I use the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey from 1996 through 2002 to ask whether this helped to reduce the gender wage gap. I first focus on those whose wages are paid in full. Next, I ask about the gender composition of wage arrears as the overall extent of wage arrears dropped from 60 to 20 per cent after the 1998 crisis. I show that a temporary widening of the overall gender wage gap in 2000 is due to low‐wage women becoming more likely to receive their wages in full than low‐wage men. Except for this effect, the male–female pay difference in Russia exhibits a stable pattern.  相似文献   

税制模式是一个涉及所得税公平与效率权衡问题的重要因素,对其的研究引起了学界和纳税人的广泛关注。然而,税制模式的改变不应该是一个建立于情绪化的公平偏好或公众舆论导向的产物,而应该是一个缜密的理论分析和客观的实践总结的结果。本文在分析各种税制模式在公平与效率方面的理论描述及其各国模式选择实践的基础上,得出了一个基本结论:即我国现行的特殊分类税制是符合现实税收环境的恰当税制模式。  相似文献   

张阳 《财经研究》2007,33(11):124-134
文章建立52期世代交叠生命周期税负归宿模型用以研究税制改革的税负在不同年龄人群之间的归宿。也即在考虑完全预期因素和消费者偏好的情况下,通过构建包括家庭、生产和政府三部门在内的方程组模型,来描绘出整个经济的均衡路径,并用此模型对我国税制改革对不同年龄人群福利的影响进行实证分析——计算我国增值税由生产型转为消费型和税制由流转税为主体税种转为以所得税为主体税种的两项最重要的税制改革对不同年龄人群福利的影响。  相似文献   

地方税收效率及公平性实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现行经济及税收制度下,增值税和行为税收入比重提升会提高资本要素的产出效率;营业税和企业所得税比重的增加在提高资本要素产出效率的同时,却会降低劳动要素的产出效率;个人所得税和财产税比重提高有助于提升劳动要素的产出效率,而后者同时会降低资本产出效率;资源税类收入比重提高将会降低资本要素产出效率;流转税、所得税、行为税和财产税占税收收入比重的增加都会引起经济的总体产出的减少;我国地方税收收入具有显著的公平效应,其中所得税和财产税的公平效应相对更强,资源税及增值税也具有明显的公平收入分配的作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of changes in the relative product price on wages and unemployment of a small open economy in a specific factors model characterized by search frictions. It shows that unemployment and wages move in opposite directions, i.e., high unemployment is associated with low wages and low unemployment with high wages. The reason for the employment effect is found to be individual wage bargaining.  相似文献   

This paper reviews various models that may be used to analyze the inflation-unemployment problem in Australia. The focus is on the unemployment problem, rather than on inflation, and on the role of wages, nominal and real, in affecting this problem. Models discussed include the Popular Keynesian, Phillips Curve, Fixed Coefficient and Neoclassical Models. The possibility of increasing returns is considered. Australian evidence bearing on the appropriateness of these models is discussed. The effect of demand expansion on the exchange rate and hence real wages is stressed. Some emphasis is placed on the concept of ‘union-voluntary’ unemployment. At the end possible solutions to the unemployment problem are summarized.  相似文献   

Using point elasticities rather than using either arc elasticities or slopes of demand and supply curves provides the best method for teaching students about the economic impacts of excise taxes. Not only does a point-elasticity approach simplify theoretical analysis of tax impacts, but it also allows instructors to take advantage of publicly available empirical estimates of demand and supply elasticities to show students how theoretical results can be applied to real-world tax policy issues. To illustrate these advantages, the authors use several available estimates of point elasticities of demand and supply of raw sugar to calculate the economic impacts of a recently proposed penny-per-pound tax on raw cane sugar grown in the Florida Everglades.  相似文献   

间接税负担对收入分配的影响分析   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:34  
刘怡  聂海峰 《经济研究》2004,39(5):22-30
本文利用城市住户调查资料考察了中国增值税、消费税和营业税这三项主要的间接税在不同收入群体的负担情况。我们的研究表明 ,低收入家庭收入中负担增值税和消费税的比例大于高收入家庭 ,但高收入家庭收入中负担营业税的比例大于低收入家庭。整个间接税是接近成比例负担的。间接税恶化了收入分配 ,但并不显著  相似文献   

论税务管理能力与有效税制改革   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
衡量一项税制或税制改革是否有效,其最综合性的标志是:税制执行后,其理论税负与实际税负是否一致。而这一状况的实现,与一国税制的设计是否与其税务管理能力相匹配是密切相关的。各国税制改革的实践表明,税务管理能力本身就应成为一国有效税制改革的中心。我国当前不尽如人意的税制执行结果,以及税制与税务管理确立背景的诸多变化,都迫切要求我们进一步提高税务管理能力,以增强税制及税制改革的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the unemployment and wage effects of the tax shift from an income tax to a consumption tax in a shirking-type efficiency wage model. It is found that the results of the ex-ante individual income-neutral and aggregate revenue-neutral proposals in this paper's efficiency wage model confirm those in the monopoly trade union model analyzed by Sampson (1986), Creedy and McDonald (1990, 1992), and Pemberton (1992). The ex-post tax-shifting schemes are also discussed.  相似文献   

国际经济一体化和国内政策调整主导了税制结构变化.政策制定者若顺应税制结构一般演变规律相应进行调整将会实现社会和谐发展,调整应同时兼顾国际化带来的冲击.从长期来看,经济发展对税制结构的作用程度减弱.若不存在冲击波动,税制结构将趋于稳定;税收来源的多元化和税收收入的指数化有利于降低税制结构波动程度.因此,开征财产税,实现社会保障的费改税,建构多元化且指数化的税收收入体系是我国中长期税制改革的方向.  相似文献   

税收竞争、地区博弈及其增长绩效   总被引:60,自引:5,他引:60  
中国的财政分权改革激发了地方政府推进本地区经济发展的积极性,但不恰当的分权路径也加剧了地区间的税收竞争。本文运用空间滞后模型,对中国省际间的税收竞争与博弈行为进行检验。研究显示,省际间税收竞争反应函数斜率为负,这说明省际间在税收竞争中采取的是差异化竞争策略;同时也意味着地方政府目前对公共产品的偏好较低。而对省际间税收竞争增长绩效的格兰杰因果检验则显示,公共服务水平对地区经济增长率具有显著的促进作用,并且地方政府的征税努力与其财政充裕状况直接相关。为此,本文提出应加快地区基本公共服务的均等化和转移支付的法制化进程,努力打破数量型增长的政绩观,从制度层面营造地区间协调有序的竞争关系。  相似文献   

基于税制优化的结构性减税政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结构性减税是本轮积极财政政策的重头戏,自2008年底以来,结构性减税政策在保增长、调结构与扩内需的反周期操作中一度扮演积极的角色。我国结构性减税政策的操作遵循宏观调控与税制优化两种不同的范式,宏观调控范式侧重总量均衡的短期相机抉择,税制优化范式注重结构调整的长期制度安排。后金融危机时代,基于宏观调控的结构性减税将日趋淡出,基于税制优化的结构性减税应坚持结构性减税与税制优化相结合,结构性减税与结构性增税相结合,结构性减税与配套改革相结合。  相似文献   

会计制度与税收法规的协作   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文在评介会计制度与税收法规的协作历程的基础上 ,讨论两者在税收征收管理的信息需求方面加强协作的必要性 ,并运用模拟法以“租赁或借款安排”为例实验分析了在税收监管中实现有效合作的可能措施。文章认为 ,应当大力提高国内税务筹划的研究水平 ,以推动税制和税法的进一步完善 ;在制度层面上 ,应当实现会计信息对税务征管实务的支持作用 ,从而加强反避税的工作力度。  相似文献   

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