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This paper makes an attempt to determine the factors influencing exchange rate and exchange rate uncertainty, as well as output and output variability. In the context of a small open economy under flexible exchange rates regime it is found that the level both of exchange rate and output is affected by monetary and inflationary shocks, as well as shocks in government spending, output, and trade balance. Further, the uncertainty of exchange rate and output is associated positively with the uncertainty of all shocks while the contemporaneous occurrence of selected shocks imposes either a positive or negative impact on exchange rate and output volatility. Finally, it is shown that the effect of the determinants either of exchange rate volatility or output volatility is very sensitive to the parameter values.  相似文献   

本文拓展了MichaelFrenkel和ChristianeNickel(2 0 0 1 )等人的研究 ,主要利用修正的Dornbusch“超调”模型 ,研究了一个具有微观结构的外汇市场在不同的资本控制及其不同的控制程度下系统的稳定性以及资本控制对主要宏观经济变量的影响 ;结果表明 :在一个投资者和投机者同时存在的外汇市场上 ,不同的资本控制以及不同的资本控制程度对系统稳定性的影响仅仅在于系统是鞍点稳定还是全局稳定 ;弹性汇率制度下放松对资本流动的限制将使经济由鞍点稳定转变为全局稳定 ,从而使系统变得更加稳定 ,这部分支持了 2 0世纪 90年代以来国际汇率制度“两极化”的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of a financial crisis on the attitude towards financial reforms, in an economy partially integrated with the global capital market. I identify conditions under which a crisis induces greater financial openness, mitigating the real exchange rate overshooting. The welfare gains from alleviating the shortage of funds in the sort run should be balanced with the cost of selling domestic equities at a discount. Even if the net gain from opening up the capital market is significant, it will exceed the gain from temporary capital controls only if the FDI is associated with significant favourable productivity effects. JEL Classification Numbers: F21, F23, F32, F34, F36.  相似文献   

人民币汇率水平与波动程度对我国出口的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不存在价格粘性的情况下,汇率贬值促进出口贸易,而汇率波动程度的影响取决于企业的目标选择,即以总收益期望最大化还是以净利润变动最小化为目标.实证发现,我国企业以总收益期望最大化为目标,而忽略汇率风险管理与控制,我国出口增长主要得益于生产成本优势,而汇率水平与波动程度的贡献很小.这解释了为何人民币升值并没有明显阻碍我国出口的增长.  相似文献   

本文分析了美元、日元与人民币升值的经济效应,从历史经验来看,实际汇率升值常常导致出口下滑、经济增长率下降,但不同的升值背景所导致的结果并不完全相同.80年代初的美元汇率升值对美国经常账户影响较大;1985年之后的日元汇率升值对日元经常账户影响不大,但日元升值连同不当的货币政策对日本形成很大打击,其主要负面效应是产业空心化以及资产泡沫;1994年至1997年人民币实际汇率升值的背景是国内需求旺盛、全球经济增长强劲,升值所导致的负面效应不够明显.除了历史经验之外,本文还回顾了实证文献对汇率升值经济效应的研究  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of the volatility of the underlying macroeconomic fundamentals on exchange rate volatility utilizing the bounds testing approach to cointegration. The results show that, in the long run the volatility of the money supply is the sole determinant, whereas in the short run overshooting is found.  相似文献   

In this paper, using data from 21 advanced and 81 developing countries during 1971–2010, we empirically examine the impact of capital market openness on output volatility. We find that opening of capital markets increases the output volatility of developing countries. Furthermore, we find that the main channel through which capital market openness increases volatility is currency and external‐debt crisis. Finally, we find that while Asian countries are less likely to experience a crisis, they become even more unstable than other developing countries once a crisis occurs. Our evidence strengthens the case for caution in developing countries' opening up of their capital markets.  相似文献   

The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade in Durables   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because durable goods have the quality of an asset, risk-averse consumers wan to pay a lower price for durable than for nondurable goods so that they are compensated for the risk of price changes; they require risk premium. Since the exchange rate is a strong source of uncertainty in import prices, exchange rate volatility has a negative effect on the demand for imported durables. In an imperfectly competitive market, the volatility of the exchange rate is predicted to reduce the relative price of imported durables. The prediction is supported by an empirical investigation of US imports.  相似文献   

在国际学术界,尽管有许多经济学家在宏观经济模型框架下研究政府支出对经济增长的影响,但是很少有人从理论和实证角度研究政府支出对产出-资本比的影响,而产出-资本比的提高对发展中国家经济增长至关重要。本文利用政府提供公共物品生产函数,分析政府生产性支出的增加对税前和税后产出-资本比的影响,认为存在着一个能使产出-资本比最大化的最优政府生产性支出规模。在此基础上,本文进行的实证研究结果表明:(1)在我国国家财政生产性支出中,财政基本建设支出与产出-资本比弱正相关,而教育支出和科学研究支出与产出-资本比强正相关;(2)在我国地方财政生产性支出中,财政基本建设支出和产出-资本比弱负相关,财政教育支出和产出-资本比强正相关,而财政科学研究支出与税后产出-资本比强负相关。  相似文献   

This paper extends the Spencer and Brander (1983) model of strategic exports and R&D by introducing exchange rate volatility and R&D activities that require internationally mobile skilled labor. We find that an increased volatility reduces both the levels of optimal export subsidy and R&D tax. We also find that the endogeneity of skilled wage increases the level of export subsidy and reduces the level of R&D tax if the country is an exporter of skilled labor.  相似文献   

This paper investigation the Nature of balance-of payments crises in regimes with capital controls. It extends earlier works on Capital controls by assuming that households manage their consumption and asset portfolios to maximize intertemporal utility. Our main result is that capital controls are effectives in delaying, but not preventing, a breakdown of a fixed exchange rate regime in the presence of money- financed deficits. [F31]  相似文献   

The late 1990s saw a US IT investment boom, large capital flows into the USA and an appreciation of the US$. At the time, this appeared to be driven by expectations of continued IT‐related knowledge spillover externalities and associated productivity and profit growth. Using a two‐region dynamic general equilibrium model with externalities, we find a once‐off productivity shock leads to capital inflow and a real appreciation only in the short term. In the long term, capital flows stabilise and the real exchange rate depreciates. For a single shock to trigger long‐term growth in capital flows requires unrealistically large externalities.  相似文献   

宋琴 《经济与管理》2010,24(3):77-80
次贷危机发生前,汇率与股指存在ARCH效应,且均有不对称信息的冲击,波动存在持续性的影响;次贷危机发生后,汇率与股价都不存在ARCH效应,系统性风险和非系统性风险暴露出来使得汇率对股市的波动影响降低,从而促进投资者风险得到有效对坤。  相似文献   

The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on UK Exports to EU Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the impact of exchange rate volatility on UK exports to European Union (EU) countries by means of a newly developed ARDL bounds testing procedure to cointegration. Using monthly data disaggregated by market of destination and sectors for the period 1993ml to 2001m6, our results indicate that UK exports to the EU14, at both aggregate and sectoral level, are generally income elastic, relative price inelastic and largely unaffected by short‐term exchange rate volatility. Re‐estimation of the model using a long‐term measure of volatility, however, provides evidence supporting the hypothesis that exchange rate uncertainty has a negative and significant influence on UK exports to EU countries.  相似文献   

基于GARCH模型对人民币汇率波动的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文建立了人民币汇率波动的GARCH族模型,实证检验了汇率制度改革以来人民币汇率波动的特征。结果显示,2005年7月21日至今,人民币的汇率收益具有显著的左厚尾特征;汇率的波动并不服从正态分布,具有集聚性;并且人民币的波动具有记忆性,随时间变化不会衰减;通过TGARCH模型的实证结果显示,人民币的汇率波动存在一定的杠杆效应,人民币汇率还不具备浮动汇率的特征。根据分析,本文认为杠杆效应的存在源自于汇率升值的单向预期,给出以下建议:通过有节奏的汇率市场化改革,以及改善国际收支双顺差,减少对升值的单向预期;央行对汇率的波动适当控制;培育人民币汇率衍生市场,增加进出口贸易企业规避汇率风险的金融产品;增加对附加值高的出口企业非汇率贸易政策支持。  相似文献   

The paper presents evidence on whether Hong Kong’s currency board arrangement, in place since 1983, has affected the volatility of real macroeconomic variables. Simple evidence on the relative volatilities of relevant macroeconomic variables before and after 1983 is presented, before a more formal econometric framework is utilized to examine the linkages between the exchange rate and the real economy. It is found that the currency board period has been one of relative stability in Hong Kong, though it has also been a period where external factors have been relatively benign. Even after controlling for the external environment, it is found that the currency board period is one of low macroeconomic volatility.  相似文献   

本文采用中国对28个主要贸易伙伴国出口的面板数据,对比分析了2005年汇改前后人民币名义汇率波动风险和实际汇率波动风险对中国出口的影响.通过实证研究后发现:无论是汇改前还是汇改后的人民币实际汇率波动风险对中国的出口均未产生显著影响;而汇改后,人民币名义汇率波动风险却对中国的出口产生了显著的负向影响.由此可见,相对于实际汇率波动风险而言,名义汇率波动风险对中国出口的影响更显重要.  相似文献   

This note extends Goodfriend (1987) to a small open economy to demonstrate that the exchange rate may be non-trend-stationary if the monetary authorities attempt to smooth both the price level and the exchange rate. [431]  相似文献   

本文利用分布滞后模型、协整、向量自回归等方法,研究了三种主要贸易方式的出口价格对人民币汇率变动的传递.结果显示,一般贸易出口价格的传递弹性大于进料加工出口价格.在其他条件不变的情况下,人民币升值对一般贸易出口的负面影响明显大于进料加工出口,而来料加工装配出口受人民币升值的影响比较有限,更主要受世界需求、国内劳动力成本等影响.出口价格的汇率传递具有较强的滞后效应,渐进式汇率形成机制改革有利于降低人民币升值对出口的冲击.  相似文献   

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