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We examine the interaction between asset market and current account in a small open economy. In an overlapping generations economy in which land and money are available assets, the interaction between the land price and current account dynamics is shown to generate a plausible (asset price) specie-flow mechanism. We apply them to a number of issues. Domestic credit policy is neutral in the long run: one unit of foreign reserve increase offsets one unit of credit reduction. Next, the association between the endowment of land and foreign asset accumulation depends on parameters of the model. Finally, we examine the dynamic adjustment s following a once-and-for-all capital inflow. When the adjustment involves running current account deficit, the recipient country's foreign reserve position is permanently lowered. Furthermore, the steady state level of national wealth is permanently reduced. [E4, F3]  相似文献   

Abstract.  The money in utility model is reconsidered in the presence of endogenous labour and habits. With standard assumptions about preferences and a policy rule that sets the nominal interest rate by adjusting the growth rate of money, the model exhibits superneutrality in the steady state. Nevertheless, habits give rise to real liquidity effects in the short run. After an increase in the nominal interest rate, employment falls, resulting in a fall in capital accumulation and in the short‐ and long‐term real interest rates. The adjustment of the capital stock is non‐monotonic. Employment and the short‐ and long‐term real interest rates may also adjust non‐monotonically. JEL classification: E22, E52, E58  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether neutral-intervention operations are a substitute for sterilization operations under the dual-exchange regime from the viewpoint of dynamic adjustment. It is found that both operations will generate quite different behavior throughout the adjustment process, although they are substitutable from the viewpoint of insulating money supply from the status of the current account. In addition, we also found that if the monetary authorities either intervene in the financial foreign exchange market or undertake sterilization operations in the open market, the dual-exchange regime will lose its insulation function to external financial disturbances.  相似文献   

The global financial turmoil has led to an unprecedented current account adjustment in central and eastern Europe. This article investigates this issue by revisiting two approaches. The first is the current account literature based on panel econometric techniques. This article adds to the literature by showing that, although there is a large degree of parameter uncertainty associated with the choice of determinants, the implied current account benchmarks for central and eastern Europe are in a narrow range. The second approach is the external sustainability framework where we extend the analysis to take into account the importance of FDI financing. We find that both approaches point to similar conclusions on which countries were in need of a current account adjustment in central and eastern Europe in 2007. The turmoil in financial markets in 2008 set this adjustment in motion.  相似文献   

We construct a macroeconomic model of a planned economy and derive a currency basket that will stabilize the current account. The exchange rate is incorporated in a monetary system so as to derive consistent money and price targets. If the planners have access to foreign loans, they may target a negative current account. The model is estimated for Ethiopia. Having derived weights for the currency basket corresponding to 1980, a simulation is carried out in which macroeconomic targets for 1980 are derived, based on past information.  相似文献   

This article examines the empirical link between fiscal policy and the current account focusing on microstates defined as countries with a population of less than 2 million between 1970 and 2009. This article employs panel regression and Panel Vector Autoregression (PVAR) on 155 countries of which 42 are microstates. Panel regression results show that a percentage point improvement in the fiscal balance improves the current account balance by 0.4 percentage points of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The real effective exchange rate has no significant impact on the current account in microstates but the coefficient is significant in the global sample. PVAR results show that an increase in government consumption results in real exchange appreciation, but the effect on the current account after an initial deterioration dies out quicker in microstates than in the global sample. The result implies that fiscal policy has little effect on the current account in microstates beyond its direct impact on imports. Overall, the results suggest that the weak relative price effects make the effect of fiscal adjustment on the current account much more difficult in microstates.  相似文献   

By introducing money and foreign exchange in the Zou (1997) model of mercantilism, the paper shows the effects of macroeconomic policies in mercantilist economies. It is shown that in the long run, consumption and foreign asset accumulation increases as a result of stronger mercantilist sentiments, permanent increases in the consumption tax, increases in the monetary growth rate and purchases of foreign bonds. In the short run, however, macroeconomic disturbances including the mercantilist sentiments, the monetary growth rate, and the consumption tax have negative effects on current consumption and positive effects on current foreign asset accumulation, while purchasing foreign bonds has positive effects on both current consumption and current foreign asset accumulation. The theoretical explorations may provide a theoretical structure for hoarding international reserves and export-led growth strategy utilized by emerging market economies.  相似文献   

消费者情绪对通货膨胀影响的理论分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文基于消费者行为理论和行为经济学理论,构建了一个两期的经济模型,并通过数值模拟的方法,分别研究了消费者在不同情况下的消费者情绪与物价变动和消费的关系。结果表明:消费者情绪会影响物价和消费的波动;消费者情绪会对货币政策的效果产生影响;在制定利率政策时要考虑到居民的消费习惯;在经济周期的不同阶段,消费者情绪对物价的影响不同;在消费者异质的情况下,国家的收入分配政策会影响国家调控物价的效果。  相似文献   

The paper considers a small, fully employed economy with non-tradeables, securities, and money. The paper first analyzes the effects of devaluation and financial controls in the short-run equilibrium on the trade balance, the capital account, and the overall balance of payments. Disequilibria in the capital account and the overall balance of payments cause changes in the stock of securities and money, shifting the short-run equilibrium. The paper investigates the condition for the- uniqueness and stability of the long-run equilibrium under this adjustment process (‘specie flow mechanism’). Finally, the long-run equilibrium effects of devaluation and monetary policies are examined.  相似文献   

持续、巨额的经常账户顺差给中国带来了一系列负面影响。彻底扭转中国经常账户失衡,迫在眉睫。文章基于居民消费能力的视角,对中国经常账户问题进行了理论和实证分析。理论研究结果表明,居民消费能力是影响中国经常账户的主要因素;实证研究结果表明,中国经常账户顺差与居民消费能力、投资率、净国外资产比率和人口抚养比存在长期动态均衡关系,其中居民消费能力是影响经常账户的重要因素且与经常账户余额/GDP呈负相关关系。最后文章提出了相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   

奢侈消费是指消费者的消费超出个人收入水平或财力状况,或者超过社会平均消费水平时的消费行为。从推动经济发展的角度来看,奢侈消费无疑是拉动内需、带动生产、促进经济发展的一个重要因素,但从实质上来看,奢侈消费会造成严重的浪费与挥霍,会使人们陷于物质享受的状态,最终导致拜金主义、享乐主义盛行,导致社会道德的滑坡。因此,在当今时代要限制奢侈消费,倡导适度消费,以适度消费引领当下的社会消费风尚。  相似文献   

The Current Account, Fiscal Policy, and Medium-Run Income Determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a new framework for analyzing the simultaneous determination of current account imbalances and the path of national income. Using standard macroeconomic behavioral relationships, it first examines how and why current account deficits matter by investigating links between domestic consumption, government spending, output, saving, investment, interest rates, and capital flows. Central to the model is the distinction between aggregate output and expenditure that enables dissection of the effects of discretionary fiscal change on the current account and national income. The framework yields results relevant to the twin deficits hypothesis that are contrary to those of standard models. (JEL E10 , F32 )  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to determine whether a two-tier exchange rate regime is more effective than a fixed rate regime in increasing a country's ability to pursue an independent monetary policy. The analysis compares adjustment to a monetary policy and to a devaluation in the two exchange rate regimes in a portfolio model under imperfect assets substitutability. It is shown that a two-tier exchange rate regime is capable of reducing the current account effects of monetary injection or devaluation only in the long run. In the short run, however, we can get a larger current account response under a two-tier regime. These results reflect the trade-off between quantity and price adjustment.  相似文献   

In order to account for currency substitution, the majority of recent studies relating to the specification of the demand for money include the exchange rate as another determinant of the demand for money. However, those who have estimated the demand for money in China have been unable to find any significant effects of exchange rate changes on the demand for money by the Chinese. We show that this is due to the assumption that exchange rate changes have symmetric effects. Once depreciations are separated from appreciations of the yuan, those exchange rate changes are shown to have significant effects on the demand for money in China, but in an asymmetric manner.  相似文献   

This study derives household saving potential empirically from econometric models of Chinese urban and rural household consumption and uses this potential to explain household bank deposits. Model simulations are performed to analyse the effects of interest rates, income and income uncertainty on the saving potential and the bank deposits. The bank deposits variable is then used to explain quasi‐money supply. High bank absorption of household savings is found to account mainly for the rapid growth in quasi‐money, which in turn explains the exceptionally high M2/GDP ratio. Households’ savings are largely predictable from their regular consumption.  相似文献   

How to share money creation among the members of the European Monetary Union? To address this issue, we construct a two‐country New Open‐economy Macroeconomics model of an asymmetric monetary union with an incomplete financial market and home bias in consumption. We consider two sharing rules consistent with the current regulations of the European System of Central Banks. First, each participating National Central Bank supplies half of the European Central Bank determined money creation in the monetary union. Secondly, each National Central Bank adapts the national increase in money demand, under the constraint that the total money creation in the union does not exceed the level determined by the ECB for the whole union. We show that the current sharing rule, which ignores countries’ heterogeneity, is superior in terms of welfare. The key role of the current account is emphasized. It proves an efficient decentralized mechanism for allocation of money.  相似文献   

Reverse shooting of the exchange rate has been put forward in this paper by scrutinizing the adjustment and evolution of the exchange rate towards its new long-run equilibrium level following a change in money supply. Joint and sequential effects of covered interest rate parity and the sticky price on the rise, from the short-term through the long-run horizon, results in a feature of reverse shooting of the exchange rate. Regardless of what the immediate response of the exchange rate to the change in money supply can be argued for, reverse shooting homogenizes the evolution path of exchange rate adjustment and movement from different views.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper shows the effects of endogenous capital utilization and habit formation in consumption on the predictions of a small open economy model calibrated to Canada. Capital utilization improves the fit of the model by increasing the volatility of output, investment, and hours worked, while habit formation improves the fit of the model by improving the dynamic properties of consumption and the current account. It is also shown that while shocks to the world interest rate sometimes improve the fit of the baseline model, they do not improve the fit of the model with capital utilization and habit formation. JEL classification: E32, F32  相似文献   

人民币国际化问题已成为各国学者研究的热点。本文依据弗里德曼货币需求函数设立国内货币需求模型,并基于间接测算法和模型稳定性检验结果,选取1992-2003年的季度数据估测2004-2014年季度人民币境外存量,以此作为人民币国际化的衡量标准。在此基础上运用协整理论、格兰杰(Granger)因果检验、脉冲分析法等时间序列处理方法对我国现有的国际收支结构、经济规模、实际汇率及人民币国际化之间的动态关系进行实证分析。本文研究发现,上述变量之间存在长期稳定的均衡关系,我国经济规模扩大、经常项目顺差和人民币稳步升值有利于推动人民币国际化进程,而资本和金融项目顺差会对人民币国际化产生阻碍作用。因此,在发展国民经济及维持人民币币值坚挺的同时,合理调整我国国际收支双顺差结构也是人民币国际化进程的客观要求。  相似文献   

Abstract.  In this paper we study the effects of monetary policies on employment, capital accumulation, consumption, and the term structure of interest rates in a cash‐in‐advance economy, where money is required for consumption expenditures. Monetary policy involves targeting the inflation rate. The detailed dynamics of the model are fully worked out. As no numerical analysis is involved, we are able to identify very clearly the different channels through which monetary policy will impinge on the important macroeconomic variables. The model is also used to discuss the 'Great Canadian Slump.' JEL Classification: E52 and E43  相似文献   

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