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论外贸增长方式的转变   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
闻潜 《经济经纬》2005,(3):20-23
按照科学发展观,目前必须着力转变经济增长方式。然而要转变经济增长方式,就须先扼制外贸数量扩张,转变外贸增长方式。近年来,一再被抬高的外贸依存度,势必有一定程度的降低。但是,对于外贸依存度的升降,经济学界却存有不同认识,需要讨论。  相似文献   

产业内贸易类型、利益与经济增长   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在分析产业内贸易测度、分类及其利益的基础上,探讨产业内贸易促进经济增长的机制,并从产业内贸易总水平、垂直差异型产业内贸易、水平差异型产业内贸易等角度实证分析其对中国经济增长的影响。研究发现:垂直差异性产业内贸易在经济增长过程中起着促进作用,而水平差异性产业内贸易对经济增长起着阻碍作用。  相似文献   

Skill Intensity in Foreign Trade and Economic Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the link between trade structure, trade specialization and per capita income growth. It is argued that industrial upgrading in export specialization patterns has a positive long-run growth effect, while the effect of structural change in industrial import patterns is in principle ambiguous. A standard empirical growth model is augmented by various measures of structural change. The hypothesis that not trade per se matters, but that various types of trading activities impact differently on economic growth is tested on a sample of 45 countries (OECD members and selected Asian and Latin American countries) over the period 1981–1997. The data set comprises exports and imports for 35 manufacturing industries at the 3-digit level of the ISIC classification which are grouped according to skill intensity. The results of the dynamic panel estimation point towards a positive long-run growth effect arising from trade specialization in medium-high-skill-intensive industries. Further, important distinctions between the skill intensity of export and import patterns and their respective influence on economic development, as well as between the group of developing countries and OECD members are observed in this relationship.JEL classification: C23, F43, O19, O41, O57The author is grateful to Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer (wiiw), Neil Foster and Jesús Crespo Cuaresma (Department of Economics, University of Vienna), Michael Peneder (Austrian Institute of Economic Research) and two referees for valuable comments. This research is based on Jubiläumsfondsprojekt Nr. 8954, financial support by Oesterreichische Nationalbank is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

FDI、对外贸易与经济增长的协整性研究——以山东省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于利用外资、进出口贸易与经济增长关系的研究一直以来备受关注,但近年来的研究大多致力于两者间关系的独立性研究,其结果往往会使得理论与实证研究的解释力受到影响。对于多个同阶序列变量之间是否存在长期稳定的均衡关系的研究,协整理论具有重要的应用,其既可充分利用信息资源,还有效避免了“伪回归”问题。另外鉴于不同区域问经济发展模式、发展水平的差异性,各经济要素之间的关系也不尽相同,本文采用山东省1984~2007年间24年的统计数据,对该省的外商直接投资、进出口贸易与经济增长之间的相互关系进行了协整性检验和误差修正模型分析,总结得到有关结论:山东省利用外资、进出口贸易与其经济增长之间存在长期均衡关系,但具有区别于其他地区的自身特点。最后,针对山东经济的协调发展提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

杜希饶  刘凌 《财经研究》2006,32(12):106-120,129
通过构建一个开放经济条件下的内生增长模型,文章探讨了国际贸易、环境质量与经济持续增长三者的内在关系以及相互作用的动力机制。首先,通过对模型的竞争性市场均衡分析,给出了平衡增长路径的经济增长率,并系统地分析了在环境污染进入效用函数的情形下长期经济增长的内在机理。其次,通过对最优增长路径进行比较静态分析,分别讨论了贸易自由化对环境质量、经济增长、福利效应的影响;污染外部性对长期经济增长的约束等。最后给出了模型的综合结论及其现实涵义。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the link between the quality of economic institutions and innovation, and innovation and growth. We construct a measure of the innovation content of individual manufacturing industries and show that countries with stronger economic institutions specialize in more innovation‐intensive industries. Our results also provide evidence that industries involving higher levels of innovation grow relatively faster in countries with better economic institutions. The results suggest that innovation is an important channel through which higher quality economic institutions contribute to better growth performance in the long run.  相似文献   

笔者借鉴获得性技能模型思想,研究教育投入通过影响外贸发展间接影响经济增长的路径,并重点考察两者对经济增长的联合影响机制.利用2004年~2009年31个省市数据进行实证分析,结果表明:教育投入对经济增长的边际影响为负且教育行业投入与出口贸易对经济增长的联合影响正向显著.可见教育投入对经济增长的直接促进作用,远远小于其通过促进外贸发展间接促进经济增长的作用.  相似文献   

对外贸易对经济增长的贡献:理论与现实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过梳理各种理论观点和国内外实证研究的结果,结合东亚发展的经验,认为在中国目前的经济发展阶段,对外贸易对经济增长的长期影响通过影响国内资本的存量、劳动力质量以及技术进步而发生作用,在短期内则主要通过出口扩大有效需求而发生作用。  相似文献   

董怡 《经济与管理》2007,21(2):93-96
进口贸易在国民经济增长中的作用尚未引起到人们的高度重视。近年来,随着国际经济环境的变化和中国经济的发展,人们开始重新审视进口贸易对经济增长的作用。进口贸易促进经济增长,最显著的传导机制是通过提高全要素生产率促进经济增长。目前中国需要调整贸易战略、重视进口贸易在经济增长中的作用,并优化进口贸易结构,在适度保护的基础上通过开展进口贸易促进经济增长。  相似文献   

林本喜  苏丽婷 《技术经济》2011,30(12):90-94
阐述了福建省加工贸易发展的现状,利用1987—2009年福建省的相关数据,对福建省加工贸易增长率、加工贸易对经济增长的拉动度和贡献度进行了描述性统计分析;构建了加工贸易对福建经济增长影响的二元线性回归方程。研究结果显示:1987年以来,福建加工贸易增值率总体呈上升态势,福建加工贸易水平有所提升;加工贸易对福建经济增长总体上具有正面的拉动、促进作用;福建省加工贸易净出口额每增加1亿元,该省GDP将增加3.553亿元。  相似文献   

With economic growth as a principal target, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda have implemented deregulation and trade liberalization policies. By tracing the trends in major economic aggregates, the progress of these economies is reviewed. While acknowledging the conceptual arguments supporting the measures adopted, constraints in both the international economy and domestically have resulted in disappointing outcomes. International trade rules and practices, particularly in the agricultural sector, have worked against all three countries. Moreover, their domestic economies lack crucial resources. The results suggest that it may be a long time before the deregulation policies lead to a reduction in poverty.  相似文献   

Free Trade, Growth, and Convergence   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Can trade liberalization have a permanent affect on output levels, and more important, does it have an impact on steady-state growth rates? The model emphasizes the role that knowledge spillovers emanating from heightened trade can have on income convergence and growth rates during transition and over the long run. Among the results of the model, unilateral liberalization by one country reduces the income gap between the liberalizing country and other, wealthier countries. From the long-run growth perspective, unilateral (and multilateral) liberalization generates a positive impact on the steady-state growth of all the trading countries.  相似文献   

贸易方式对中国经济增长影响的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
徐丽鹤 《技术经济》2010,29(1):77-81
本文利用出口扩展模型,比较分析了一般贸易与加工贸易两种贸易方式对我国经济增长的影响。研究结果发现:一般贸易出口增长显著促进经济增长,一般贸易进口增长则阻碍经济增长,但不显著;而加工贸易进出口的增长则显著弱化了中国经济增长,其贡献度低于一般贸易出口。鉴于此,本文认为加工贸易产业转型势在必行,转型的根本途径是提高国内采购率。  相似文献   

正确认识进口贸易对经济增长的作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
中国加入WTO后,随着关税削减和非关税壁垒的取消,进口需求得以释放,进口将有大的增加。必须重视进口贸易的促进作用,作出适当的应对。  相似文献   

云鹤  陆根尧 《财经研究》2011,(2):135-144
文章首先从贸易深化促进企业集聚、二者又共同促进知识积累的新视角,构建了一个综合性的经济增长模型,然后对该模型进行求解,得出贸易深化与企业集聚共同影响经济增长的数量关系式,并进行了数值模拟,从而得到一些具体的结论。数值模拟发现,贸易深化对经济增速的提高有着比较显著的影响,而企业空间集聚则对经济增速的提高有着更为显著的影响。  相似文献   

There are several important factors of growth and many endeavors have been made to apply these factors to explain the growth of different economies at different times. In this context, the objective of this paper is to examine the impact of international trade, remittances and industrialization on the economic growth of Bangladesh using annual data from the period of 1976 to 2010. This study uses the time series econometrics methodology, which covers tests for stationary, cointegration, and specification of the model. This study also focuses on finding causal relationship among export, import, remittances, and industrialization on the economic growth of Bangladesh by using Granger causality test. The result shows that the variables are cointegrated, implying a long-run causal relationship among export, import, remittances, and industrialization on the economic growth of Bangladesh.  相似文献   

经济制度安排、国际贸易与经济增长影响机理的经验研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文分析了经济制度安排和贸易流量之间的相互关系及其对该国经济增长以及影响经济增长的其他因素的影响。在九个经济制度安排变量中对一国贸易流量影响作用最大的经济制度安排变量是该国的贸易政策,对一国高技术产品出口影响最大的经济制度安排变量是该国的产权保护程度。从对影响经济增长的渠道分析发现,在所有的经济制度安排变量中,一国产权的保护程度对该国经济增长的影响作用最大;同时产权保护的程度和政府干预对技术进步和人力资本的影响最为显著。  相似文献   

We estimate the respective contributions of institutions, geography, and trade in determining income levels around the world, using recently developed instrumental variables for institutions and trade. Our results indicate that the quality of institutions trumps everything else. Once institutions are controlled for, conventional measures of geography have at best weak direct effects on incomes, although they have a strong indirect effect by influencing the quality of institutions. Similarly, once institutions are controlled for, trade is almost always insignificant, and often enters the income equation with the wrong (i.e., negative) sign. We relate our results to recent literature, and where differences exist, trace their origins to choices on samples, specification, and instrumentation.  相似文献   

Ensuring the availability of food and other resources for young children is important for sustaining physical growth. We examine the role of remittances and its associated implications in determining heights and weights of 4459 children aged 0–5 years in Honduras in 2004. To address the endogeneity problem with household remittance receipt, we take advantage of the timing of Hurricane Mitch in 1998 to construct instrumental variables that are exogenously related to migration decisions made before children included in the later survey were conceived. We find that children are significantly taller and heavier for their age and gender in households receiving remittances. Further investigation of household spending indicates significant changes in food purchases and dietary diversity. Households receiving remittances are more likely to include fish, fruits, and meats in their diets. Additional findings also indicate that households receiving remittances spend absolutely more on food, health care, education, and durable goods. Overall, the findings provide strong evidence that remittances change household consumption and increase children’s body sizes.  相似文献   

This paper argues that an unequal distribution of political power, biased to landed elites and owners of natural resources, in combination with openness to trade is a major obstacle to development of natural resource- or land-abundant economies. We develop a two-sector general equilibrium model and show that in an oligarchic society public investments conducive to industrialization. schooling for example.are typically lower in an open than in a closed economy. Moreover, we find that, under openness to trade, development is faster in a democratic system. We also endogenize the trade regime and demonstrate that in a land-abundant economy the landed elite has an interest to support openness to trade. We present historical evidence for Southern economies in the Americas that is consistent with our theoretical results: Resistance of landed elites to mass education, comparative advantages in primary goods production in the 19th century globalization wave, and low primary school enrollment and literacy rates.  相似文献   

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