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The paper estimates the long run demand for money function in the Bangladesh economy using cointegration and the Vector Error Correction Modeling (VECM) technique. The cointegration results suggest that although the process of globalization has shown no significant impact on money demand by the fact that the foreign interest rate is seen as statistically not significant, the financial liberalization has an important impact, reflected in the statistically significant role of domestic interest rate, in influencing both M1 and M2 money demand. An estimate of VECMs also reveals the fact that the short run speed of adjustment is moderately influenced by the financial reform measures to establish the long run relation between money balances, income and domestic interest rates. The phenomenon of credit constraint in the context of a developing country has shown no significant role in influencing money demand, which may imply that the stage of financial development is getting higher level in the Bangladesh economy. The existence of exchange rate depreciation in the cointegration relation with the expected sign suggests that currency substitution is now effective in the monetary sector and, therefore, its impact should be considered in the Bangladesh monetary policy matrix.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of the terms of trade and the expected real interest rate differential on the real exchange rate in small, open, developed economies. We employ cointegration analysis to search for long-term linkages. We find that while both the terms of trade and the expected real interest rate differentials affect the real exchange rate in the long run, the role of the terms of trade generally proves more consistent. The speed of adjustment for the expected real interest rate differential in the error-correction model, however, is quantitatively larger than it is for the terms of trade.  相似文献   

Monetary policy independence is regarded as the central argument in favour of floating exchange rates and monetary integration. We evaluate the actual independence of non-euro members of the European Economic Area by using heterogeneous panel cointegration methods that allow cross-dependency. We show that domestic interest rates follow the euro interest rates. These spillovers imply a low monetary independence despite the insulation given by floating exchange rate regimes and inflation-targeting frameworks. We therefore find significant spillover effects of the European Central Bank policy and argue that the costs of monetary integration in Europe may be lower than expected.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to test a variant of the monetary exchange rate determination model, described by Obstfeld and Rogoff (1996), for the Brazilian economy in the recent period. The model starts with the Cagan (The Journal of Political Economy, 66(4):303–328, 1958) money demand, which is complemented by the hypotheses of purchase power parity (PPP) and uncovered interest parity (UIP). We used monthly data of exchange rate, GDP, interest rate for Brazil, and U.S. interest rate and inflation as proxies for international variables. We applied cointegration tests to identify a long run relationship among the variables. The estimated error correction model offers an exchange rate determination model in the short run. Due to potential endogeneity of some variables, GMM was applied to estimate a long-run model of exchange rate determination. The forecasting results of both estimatives were compared with a random walk approach. The results point to the existence of a long and short run equilibrium Real/dollar exchange rate using the structural model, which may be the achievement of this paper.  相似文献   


Recent studies have discussed the influence of the global financial cycle on capital flows to emerging and developing countries. This paper evaluates the relationship between the greater degree of financial integration, and macroeconomic performance over the last two decades in Brazil. The literature has highlighted the Brazilian experience as being paradigmatic among emerging countries regarding the relationship between financial integration and regulation of capital flows to deal with boom and bust cycles. Methodologically, we employ a vector autoregressive model with error correction that allows us to evaluate the cointegration between the variables. Our main hypothesis is that a greater degree of financial integration is associated with negative developments in variables such as gross domestic product, country risk, interest rates, and exchange rate volatility. In addition, this study presents a further contribution by observing the existence of the interaction between the consequences of financial integration and the global financial cycle. More specifically, we found that: (i) an increase in the degree of financial integration generates deeper effects in downward periods of the global financial cycle; and (ii) a decline in that cycle generates greater impacts when a higher degree of financial integration is present.  相似文献   

Michael Kühl 《Applied economics》2018,50(34-35):3664-3685

The aim of this article is to discuss excess comovements of the euro/US dollar and pound sterling/US dollar exchange rates, i.e. we look for comovements of exchange rates which are stronger than implied by the fundamentals. The results of the empirical analysis provide evidence that excess comovements exist for the two exchange rates. A long-run analysis of correlations can verify that a link exists between the correlation dynamics of exchange rates, relative inflation rates, long-term interest rates, economic sentiments and money supply. We find that common movements of money supply, prices and economic sentiments each play a major role in comovements of the exchange rates. From the investigation of the two exchange rates, we conclude that macroeconomic fundamentals can account for the comovement but that common non-fundamental factors also have major significance for the exchange rates.  相似文献   


The cointegration technique is now a common method of estimating any money demand function. Numerous studies that applied this technique to estimate the money demand function in Greece, interpreted their finding of cointegration as a sign of stable money demand. In this paper, after incorporating CUSUM and CUSUMSQ tests into cointegration analysis, we show that even though M1 and M2 monetary aggregates are cointegrated with income and interest rate, the M2 money demand function is unstable while M1 is stable.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hypothesis financial repression in the context of the Determinates of the private savings ratio in Trinidad and Tobago, using the Multivariate, cointegration time-series methodology. Four alternative proxies are Used to represent financial repression, including the real interest rate, the real interest Rate differential between the world and domestic economy and two alternative Measures of exchange rate misalignment, We find that there is strong evidence to Support the hypothesis of financial repression in Trinidad and Tobago over the sample Period and that financial liberalization may significantly enhance the growth of real Per capita income. [E2, F4, O1]  相似文献   

在行为均衡汇率理论的基础上,选择对美净出口额、国内生产总值、广义货币供给量和实际利率作为影响人民币汇率的基本面因素,进行协整和方差分析。协整回归结果表明:在长期,广义货币供给量和对美贸易是影响人民币汇率的两个重要因素,广义货币供给量的弹性大于对美贸易量的弹性。但方差分析结果显示:对美贸易量对人民币汇率的贡献程度却大于广义货币供给量对人民币汇率的贡献程度。  相似文献   


Applied literature has largely neglected the asset decision of other financial institutions (OFIs), though it may possess important policy implications. In this paper, portfolio behaviour of OFIs in India is modelled by using the annual flow of funds data for 1951/52 to 1993/94. The long-run model of the Almost Ideal Demand System and the allied concepts of cointegration generated economically and statistically plausible results. We find a strong influence of interest rates on portfolio behavior, thereby the role of interest rates on resource allocation. The paper concludes that the macroeconomic management through monetary policy actions may not be unnecessarily limited through the channel of OFIs in the post-financial reform regime in India.  相似文献   

This paper examines interest rate convergence between Germany and the other EMS countries. We argue that earlier tests of convergence based on cointegration are not informative, because cointegration only implies that a linear combination of interest rates is stationary. We show that a conclusive judgment about convergence can be made if interest rate differentials exhibit a trend towards zero during the period when convergence occurred, and if the cointegrating vector has unit coefficients. We then establish that convergence has taken place in the “hard” EMS period. We also attempt to identify the sources of nonstationarities in interest differentials by examining the existence of stochastic or deterministic trends in the expected rate of depreciation and in the risk premium. Finally, the possibility of market inefficiencies is discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents empirical evidence on short-term behavior based on seven Eurocurrency market rates. Empirical analysis suggests that there is two-dimensional cointegration. First, the domestic short-term interest rate is cointegrated with longer-term interest rates within a particular country. Second, the domestic short-term interest rate is cointegrated with the comparable foreign short-term interest rate adjusted for the foreign exchange forward premium (discount). The empirical evidence confirms that an error-correction model combining both dimensional market-correcting processes better explains short-term interest rate movements.  相似文献   

According to the expectations theory of the term structure of interest rates, the yield spread between long-term and short-term interest rates is an optimal predictor of future changes in short rates over the long-run. Results concerning the empirical validity of this hypothesis are not unanimous. These contradictions may be due to the fact that the traditional concept of cointegration is too restrictive. We refer here to the concept of fractional cointegration introduced by Granger (1986). We study the expectations theory by testing for the existence of a (fractional) cointegration relationship between short-term and long-term interest rates. There is evidence of fractional cointegration between interest rates for the G7 countries, with the exception of Germany.First version received: July 2002 / Final version received: July 2003We thank two anonymous referees for very helpful and detailed comments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate the demand for real broad (M2) money in Bangladesh using the most recently developed autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration analyses. The empirical results show that there is a unique cointegrated and stable long-run relationship among real per capita broad money demand, real per capita income, domestic interest rates and unofficial exchange rate (UM) premiums which act as a surrogate for foreign interest rates. With money as the dependent variable, the results show that the income and interest elasticities are positive while the UM premium elasticity is negative. These results suggest that distortions in the financial and foreign exchange markets should be reduced in order to increase financial saving or monetary accumulation. Our results also reveal that the demand for money in Bangladesh is stable despite the changes in financial and exchange rate policies between 1975 and 1995.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the determinants of black market (BM) exchange rates in India using annual data from 1955–1994 and integration and cointegration analysis. Two important factors, namely the import capacity of official foreign exchange reserves and restrictions on international trade, have largely been ignored as determinants of BM rates. We stress the importance of these two factors and incorporate them, with others more familiar in the literature, in our theoretical and empirical model for BM rates in India. Our empirical findings show that a low level of official foreign exchange reserves negatively and a high level of trade restrictions positively affect BM rates. We show that the flexible Bretton Woods exchange rate policies for India in 1973 have a negative impact on BM rates. The results also reveal that interest rate policies positively affect BM rates. Thus, our empirical model lends support to the trade and monetary approaches to BM rates and hence, trade restrictions with excess money supply should be removed to eliminate the BMs for forex in India. First Version Received: September 98/Final Version Received: January 2000  相似文献   

We examine the long‐run relationship between Asian real exchange rates and oil prices in the presence of structural breaks. The relevance of considering breaks is demonstrated by utilizing the Johansen et al. procedure that allows for up to two predetermined breaks. Using conventional tests that do not consider breaks reveals no evidence of cointegration. However, the Johansen et al. procedure clearly demonstrates the importance of considering breaks and provides strong support for a stable long‐run relationship in all but Japan and the Philippines. Moreover, the results suggest evidence of bi‐directional causality in Malaysia and Thailand, uni‐directional causality from exchange rates to oil prices in Korea, the Philippines, and Singapore, uni‐directional causality from oil prices to the exchange rate in Indonesia, and no evidence of causality in Japan.  相似文献   

A relatively new but generalized concept of fractional cointegration is applied to shed some light on the validity of purchasing power parity (PPP) as a long-run equilibrium condition, by examining the long-run relationship between quarterly consumer price indices and bilateral exchange rates of the Australian dollar and seven major OECD trading partners, over Australia's recent float. The paper demonstrates that relaxing the condition that the residual from the cointegration equation must be a I(0) process, provides a wide range of cases of parity-reversion with processes that are CI(1,d) with 0 < d < 1. Findings tend to suggest that, while standard tests of cointegration fail to support cointegration between nominal exchange rates, domestic and foreign prices, and thus the empirical favour for PPP as a long-run phenomenon, the fractional cointegration analysis permits deviations from equilibrium to follow a fractionally integrated process and hence captures a much wider class of parity or mean-reversion behaviour. Results are mainly supportive of long-run PPP. Furthermore, an analysis of the short-run dynamics propelling the long-run relationship (through a VECM) reveals that domestic prices are consistently the initial receptor of an exogenous shock to the equilibrium and the long-run equilibrium is restored through the short-run adjustment of the nominal exchange rates. These findings are shown to hold clear policy implications.  相似文献   

In a fixed exchange rate system, any expectation that the peg may be abandoned will normally be reflected in an interest rate differential between instruments denominated in domestic and anchor currencies: the possibility of a revaluation will drive domestic interest rates below those in the anchor currency, for example. However, when interest rates are close to the zero lower bound, there is limited scope for exchange rate expectations to be reflected in interest rate differentials. Here we introduce a new mechanism, based on the central bank balance sheet, which works to bring about equilibrium in currency markets even when interest rates are zero. An expectation of exchange rate appreciation will cause foreign exchange reserves to swell, increasing the cost to policy‐makers of allowing an appreciation and, therefore, lowering the likelihood of the fixed exchange rate being abandoned. Under normal circumstances, this channel reinforces the equilibrating effect of interest rate differentials. When interest rates cannot adjust only this channel operates, implying that much larger changes in reserves are required to equilibrate currency markets. We develop a simple model to illustrate these arguments and find support for the predictions of the model using data for Hong Kong, the world's largest economy with a currency board.  相似文献   

This article examines the long-run money demand function for 11 OECD countries from 1983Q1 to 2006Q4 using panel data. The distinction between common factors and idiosyncratic components using principal component analysis allows for the detection of cross-member cointegration and the determination as to whether national or international sources are responsible for the non-stationarity of money and its determinants. Indeed, the finding that the common factors are I(1) while the idiosyncratic components are I(0) indicates that cross-member cointegration may exist and non-stationarity in the variables is primarily driven by common international trends. Furthermore, it is found that the impact of income on money demand is positive, whereas it is negative for the interest rate, exchange rate and stock prices. Except for the income elasticity of money demand, all estimated long-run coefficients are larger for the common factors of the variables than for the variables themselves. This article provides evidence that the exchange rate is an important determinant of money demand, whereas the results for the stock prices are ambiguous. Finally, the results of a panel-based error-correction model suggest that several domestic money stocks converge to a common international equilibrium relationship between the common factors.  相似文献   

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