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本文根据"贫困化增长"的前提条件,对我国外贸是否存在贫困化增长进行了探索,得出了我国并不存在贫困化增长的现象,最后根据我国现阶段的具体情况,提出了一些防范出现贫困化增长的措施. 相似文献
The idea that goods or factors of production may not be perfectly divisible has important implications for many areas of economics. This paper introduces both types of indivisibilities into the standard Ricardian model of international trade. Indivisibilities give rise to new results compared to the standard model with perfectly divisible goods and factors of production. Both types of indivisibility may result in complete specialisation even in autarky, while goods indivisibility may result in (ex ante) identical consumers consuming different bundles of goods, and hence enjoying different levels of welfare. Both types of indivisibilities lead to efficiency losses relative to the perfectly divisible case. International trade may eliminate efficiency losses resulting from indivisibility in the factors of production, but not those resulting from goods indivisibility. This suggests that the presence of indivisibilities leads to a second-best world, with the consequent implications for policy. The results of the paper are consistent with existing empirical evidence. 相似文献
李嘉图等价定理认为,政府的财政收入形式的选择,不会引起人们经济行为的调整。但是,现代经济学家们并非完全同意李嘉图的见解,无论是对其必要条件的检验还是对其结论的检验都存在着争论。而通过实证分析我国1989—2004年的政府发债分别与消费和投资的关系,可以得出结论:从历史数据来看,李嘉图等价定理在我国并不适用。 相似文献
We develop a model with three key features: a factor market distortion, monopoly power in the product market and indivisibilities in consumption. In this setting, multiple equilibria arise, one with high and the other with low equilibrium wages, incomes and output. It is also shown that even in a closed economy, growth may be immiserizing and, finally, that redistribution could be a “rich man's game”. 相似文献
Tarlok Singh 《Applied economics》2017,49(36):3579-3598
This study tests the Ricardian equivalence theorem (RET) and examines the responsiveness of private saving to public saving in India. Most estimators do not provide support for the empirical validity of RET and long-run cointegration between public and private saving. The increases in household saving (HHS) seem to have been engendered by the provision of saving incentives, institution of saving schemes, self-driven motivation to save, and the precautionary accumulations induced by uncovered uncertainties in incomes, rather than by Ricardian behaviour of households. The self-imposed aversion to debt and debt bequest, borrowing and liquidity constraints, and the intertemporal smoothing of consumption have been the added catalysts that contributed to the increases in HHS. The households with binding borrowing constraints, inadequate or no insurance and uncovered uncertainties in incomes seem to have been saving more to pay for higher inflation-tax. The fiscal consolidation and generation of public saving are essential to reduce the tax burden (both explicit through fiscal taxes and implicit through inflation-tax), minimize the likelihoods of economic and financial crises, and maintain the internal and external value of domestic currency. 相似文献
Christopher Timmins 《Environmental and Resource Economics》2006,33(1):119-142
The Ricardian technique uses cross-sectional variation in the capitalized value of climate in land to infer the agricultural
costs or benefits of dynamic climate change. While a practical approach for predicting the consequences of global warming
with readily available data, it may yield biased results when land-use decisions depend on the climate attributes being valued
and when land has unobserved attributes that differ with the use to which it is put. This paper illustrates the conditions
under which such a bias will occur, describes an empirical model that corrects for it, and estimates that model with agricultural
census data from Brazil. The approach, moreover, allows constraints on adjustment to be explicitly incorporated into the Ricardian
framework, relaxing one of that technique’s most conspicuous assumptions.
I would like to thank Patrick Bayer, Steven Berry, Robert Evenson, Michael Hanemann, Robert Mendelsohn, Bill Nordhaus, Kerry
Smith, Karl Storchmann, two anonymous referees, and seminar participants at the University of California – Santa Barbara and
the Research Triangle Institute for their useful insights and helpful comments. All remaining errors and omissions are my
own. Fabiana Tito provided excellent research assistance, and Denisard Alves and Robert Evenson generously supplied the data. 相似文献
FDI规模、政府行为与贫困化增长的防范 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
FDI既有正面效应,也有负面效应,关键在于东道国政府的有效管理与合理利用。我国出现贫困化增长趋势的根源在于政府主导下的投资推动型的经济增长模式,在内外失衡、贫困化增长趋势已经显现之际,再盲目引进FDI提升产能绝非良策。随着产业的升级,中国在引资方向、产业领域等方面都应有所调整。应适当控制外资依存度,控制和引导外资的总量和结构,提升中外资本协调使用的效益,更多关注结构、技术、能耗和环保等因素。从中国目前的现实来看,以转型深化为基础来推动经济增长方式的转换以避免地方政府在吸引FDI上的恶性竞争,减少其负面效应进而防范贫困化增长,不失为一种可行的发展视角。 相似文献
鉴于卡莱斯基增长模型存在把经济增长完全归结为技术因素、只注重经济流量分析、适用范围窄等缺陷,本文将资本存量加入其中,使之成为一个可以反映市场经济关系的增长模型。同时,引入有效需求分析,得出一个重要结论:经济中收入流量对资本存量的变动,是导致有效需求不足问题的主要原因。为此,本文建议,在运用凯恩斯主义政策解决经济问题时,也必须注重对资本存量的调整。 相似文献
从幸福与收入的关系来看,幸福悖论的成因是:达到临界收入后,收入的功能目的(必然性)向手段(可能性)的转换、收入边际效用递减与收入的负外部性凸显以致人们对收入的公平性和可持续性等需要递增、个人自我实现与带来收入的工作的偏离等导致幸福悖论。揭开幸福悖论的面纱,可以清楚地看到,我国现阶段只有大力发展经济,同时克服经济发展的负外部性,重建公共家园,即关注民生、创造社会财富,把社会进步与个人自我实现有机地结合起来,实现幸福的帕累托最优,才能真正踏上幸福经济之路。 相似文献
外贸与我国经济增长关系的计量分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
文章论述了传统的对外贸与经济增长关系的测算方法存在的缺陷,建立了新的模型,测算了我国出口对经济增长的直接效应和间接效应,从而对我国外贸在我国经济发展中的地位、作用和贡献做出一个较客观的测量和评价。 相似文献
正确认识进口贸易对经济增长的作用 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
中国加入WTO后,随着关税削减和非关税壁垒的取消,进口需求得以释放,进口将有大的增加。必须重视进口贸易的促进作用,作出适当的应对。 相似文献
“以市场换技术“战略下的IJV联盟生产被落后国家或地区企业经常采用,旨在获得IJV联盟生产中的技术溢出效应,以便在短期内低成本提升其竞争力。然而,由于技术保护或者只以非核心技术投入IJV,落后国家或地区企业不但不能实现预期目标,反而失去了对市场资源的控制能力,使其竞争力相对下降。 相似文献
进口贸易在国民经济增长中的作用尚未引起到人们的高度重视。近年来,随着国际经济环境的变化和中国经济的发展,人们开始重新审视进口贸易对经济增长的作用。进口贸易促进经济增长,最显著的传导机制是通过提高全要素生产率促进经济增长。目前中国需要调整贸易战略、重视进口贸易在经济增长中的作用,并优化进口贸易结构,在适度保护的基础上通过开展进口贸易促进经济增长。 相似文献
中国能源消费、能源消费结构与经济增长——基于ARDL模型的实证研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
能源消费、能源消费结构与经济增长间存在着密切的关系。节能减排政策的施行是否会影响到我国的经济增长,能源消费结构与能源消费间有着怎样的联系,这些都是在节能减排政策制定中亟待解决的问题。本文利用1978-2007年的样本数据,使用ARDL模型方法对以上三者之间的关系进行了实证研究。发现经济增长对能源消费和能源结构在长期和短期内都有显著影响,且能源消费和能源消费结构间也存在相互的影响。未发现能源消费和能源消费结构对经济增长的长期影响。推行适宜的节能减排政策不会阻滞我国的经济增长,而节能减排政策的一项重点应该是能源消费结构的优化调整。 相似文献
Taro Hisamatsu 《European Journal of the History of Economic Thought》2018,25(2):203-226
This paper reconstructs Torrens's dynamic theory of distribution which is based on three notions of wages. In the early stages of growth, capital increases faster than population, so the actual wage rises above the minimum. Thereafter, the economy grows with a tendency for the population to increase faster than the capital while limiting the actual wage below the decreasing maximum until it enters a stationary state and the actual wage and profit rates are reduced to their minimum. Such a theory has been attributed to Ricardo by some scholars, but Torrens proposed a more fully developed account than Ricardo's. 相似文献
论生态工业园悖论、成因及其解决之道 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
首先将生态工业园建设迅猛发展的客观实际和其现阶段经济环境效益严重不足之间的矛盾,称之为生态工业园悖论。然后探讨了其成因,并指出其解决之道在于提高生态工业园的竞争力。进而指出,在构建生态工业园的全过程中必须通过技术创新和制度创新等手段,充分进行技术经济论证,要努力使生态工业园各投资主体获得不低于其社会平均收益率的经济效益,真正实现通过合理的、甚至是部分超额的经济利益来驱动各投资主体投资“资源节约型、环境友好型”项目,进而实现良性推动循环经济的目的,这是我们解决生态工业园悖论的根本之举。 相似文献
资源约束条件下长期经济增长的动力机制--基于内生增长理论模型的研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
文章通过将存量有限且不可再生的自然资源引入生产函数,构建了一个产品种类扩张型的四部门内生增长模型。首先,通过对模型的市场均衡分析,给出了平衡增长路径的经济增长率以及均衡解存在的一个充分性条件,系统地探讨了在人口增长、自然资源不断耗竭的约束条件下内生技术进步促进长期经济增长的动力机制;其次,通过对平衡增长路径进行比较静态分析,讨论了各经济变量以及经济环境参数的变化对稳态增长率的影响效应及其作用机制,并给出其经济学解释;最后是综合结论及政策涵义。 相似文献
“共享经济+创新创业”理念下,共享办公空间的快速发展与其商业模式创新密切相关。采用能描述价值逻辑的商业模式画布对共享办公空间进行分析,研究发现,在商业模式创新上,相较于传统房地产行业商业模式,共享办公空间商业模式的主要突破在于价值主张创新;在商业模式成长策略上,共享办公空间的价值主张应向平台化和社群化发展,客户界面应注重层次化和开放性,企业界面应提高个性化和跨界度,赢利模式应注重多元化和轻资产。在理论分析的基础上,选取典型的共享办公空间企业——优客工场进行案例分析,为进一步推动全国共享办公空间商业模式创新发展提供参考。 相似文献
我国进出口与经济增长的实证分析--从增长率看外贸对经济增长的促进作用 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29
改革开放以来,我国的经济以年均9.6%的速度增长,与此同时对外贸易以年均约16%的速度逐年提高,那么,人们不禁要问:高速增长的对外贸易,究竟对我国国民经济的高速增长有没有积极的促进作用呢?如果有那么多对外贸易的增长对国民经济的增长的作用和途径、贡献份额又如何呢?本文从对外贸易与GDP增长率的相关性入手,通过对我国1980-1998年的有关数据进行计量分析,揭示了我国进口对国民经济增长具有较强的促进作用,同时从出口商品结构的角度说明了为什么出口与我国经济增长存在弱相关性。 相似文献
Comparison Utility in a Growth Model 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
We examine the dynamics of two endogenous-growth modelsin which agents have comparison utility. In the inward-lookingeconomy, individuals care about how their current consumptioncompares with their own past consumption. In the outward-lookingeconomy, they care about how their own consumption compares withother peoples consumption. In response to a negative shock tocapital, saving and growth will temporarily fall in both of themodels that we consider but will remain constant in a model withstandard preferences. The decline will be smaller in the outward-than in the inward-looking case, but utility will be lower inthe former case because of a negative externality. 相似文献