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本文构建了一个引入多要素投入和中间投入品要素密度差异的一般均衡贸易模型,分析企业进口中间投入品及其产品转换行为对企业要素禀赋结构的影响。结论表明:高生产率企业更倾向于进口中间投入品;企业会根据中间投入品要素密度调整进口种类的数量与规模,发生产品转换行为;通过进口产品转换,中间投入品生产要素流动引起企业要素密度的变动,最终提升企业的要素禀赋结构。经验研究显示,进口中间投入品提升了企业资本密度大约40个百分点,进口产品转换则提升了企业资本密度大约26个百分点。企业通过进口的二元边际提升资本密度,但扩展边际的作用要大于集约边际。因此,通过进一步的贸易自由化、便利化,减少企业中间投入品进口及其进行产品转换的外部政策约束,将有助于提升企业的要素禀赋结构,并进而改善整个经济体的生产与贸易结构,最终推动中国贸易发展的转型与升级。  相似文献   

在生产链条高度细分的全球化背景下,中国提高国际生产分割的融入程度是否能提高企业的出口产品质量呢?研究表明,国际生产分割比例与我国企业出口产品质量的提升之间存在倒U形关系,即单纯地进口国外的高质量中间投入品或单纯地引进技术对我国企业出口产品质量的提升存在“拐点”.在产品水平质量差异很大的行业中,企业使用外国中间投入品对企业出口产品质量的提升幅度要小于产品水平质量差异小的行业.在加工贸易方式下,国际生产分割比例越高,企业使用来自OECD国家的中间投入品则越多,其出口的产品质量也就越高.为了中国外贸的转型升级,政府不仅要鼓励企业进口国外高质量的中间投入品,更重要地是要推动本国生产零部件等中间投入品的企业的自主创新;鼓励企业增加R&D和技术方面的投资,并升级整个供应商体系和下游的生产商体系,从而改善本国中间投入产品质量.  相似文献   

人民币汇率制度与进出口的稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个开放经济体选择钉住汇率制产生的经济利益主要表现为可以消除汇率波动引起的不确定性及交易成本节省的费用。但本文通过理论和实证分析认为 ,由于中美两国间微弱的经济联系和两国内部发展存在很大差异 ,中国无法获得这种利益。相反却由于我国大多数贸易伙伴 (或竞争 )国都采取了灵活的汇率制度 ,钉住汇率制导致我国对这些国家的汇率随美元被动波动 ,影响了进出口的稳定性 ,限制了支出转换政策的灵活使用  相似文献   

曹伟  万谍  金朝辉  钱水土 《经济研究》2019,54(6):136-150
针对"一带一路"倡议实施后各省(直辖市)主要贸易伙伴的动态变化,本文构建了省际进口加权有效汇率指数,基于汇率传递非对称性效应理论机制,运用面板数据研究了人民币汇率传递的非对称性效应和省际异质性,并采用双重差分法(DID)考察了"一带一路"倡议对进口汇率传递效应的影响。研究发现:(1)各省人民币汇率传递效应存在明显的异质性和非对称性,经济越发达的省份,汇率传递效应越低,人民币升值较贬值对大部分省份进口价格传递效应更大。(2)各省资本密集型产品的进口占比越大,则人民币贬值促使进口价格上升的幅度越大。(3)"一带一路"倡议整体上提升了中国在进口市场中的国际定价权,特别是对于劳动密集型产品的进口,中国的定价权大幅提高。论文的政策含义在于:一是中国进口贸易政策的制定,需要考虑省际汇率传递效应存在的异质性;二是中国需要大力发展自"一带一路"沿线国家的进口贸易,同时应加大技术创新力度以减轻对欧美市场资本密集型产品的进口依赖程度。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent of passthrough of exchange rate and tariff changes into import prices using sectoral panel data (at the two‐digit SITC level) for the post‐reform period in India (1990–2001). After having controlled for unobserved effects that might have an impact on the import prices by using sector dummies, we find that on average exchange rate passthrough (ERPT) is a dominant effect compared to tariff rate passthrough (TRPT) in explaining changes in India's import prices. The sectoral panel results suggest that the passthrough of exchange rates and tariff rates varies across products. ERPT into import prices is significant in 12 industries, whereas TRPT is significant only in six industries, with full passthrough. However, ERPT is incomplete only in four industries, but TRPT is incomplete in 36 industries, which means that firms exporting to India more frequently adopt strategies to maintain their market share against tariffs than against exchange rate changes. The sectoral differences in passthrough seem to be related to the sector's share in total imports and the sector's effective protection rate. Hence, India's relatively high levels of protection have an impact on the behavior of foreign exporters.  相似文献   

本文基于2000年1月至2008年12月深圳和黄埔港口大类8位数HS编码出口商品月度单价,构建面板模型,研究经两港出口至美、德、英和日本商品的汇率传递效应及汇率预期对厂商定价的影响。实证显示,即期汇率传递率较高,厂商定价对人民币即期升(贬)值较敏感,且国别差异显著;出口商根据本币预期升(贬)值幅度相应调高(低)报价,以规避汇率风险。因此,汇率波动向出口商品本币价格的传导实际上存在两个渠道,当市场普遍预期未来汇率会发生较大的变化,即使即期名义汇率保持稳定,预期的改变可能已经悄然传导到价格上,并实际地影响到贸易量。  相似文献   

货币错配与银行危机和货币危机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
货币错配是新兴市场在经济全球化过程中所无法避免的问题,它具有净外币负债和净外币资产两种表现形式.在新兴市场中,只要其银行体系存在大规模的货币错配,不管表现为哪一种形式,都会增加其金融体系的脆弱性;而且在宏观或微观经济基本面恶化的情况下,可能引发银行危机甚至是货币危机.此外,当出现不利冲击时,银行体系中存在货币错配将会导致其资产和负债的期限错配进一步恶化.  相似文献   

外汇储备收益率、币种结构和热钱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盛柳刚  赵洪岩 《经济学》2007,6(4):1255-1276
本文估计了2000--2006年中国外汇储备的收益率、币种结构和2003年后流入中国的热钱数量。研究发现,2003年前外汇储备年平均收益率分别为4.8%,欧元资产比例大约为7.2%;2003年后欧元资产比例上升至26.7%,收益率在2.3%-2.5%之间。但是欧元比例上升主要原因是欧元升值,而不是由于中国政府大规模增持欧元资产。利用估计得到的收益率和币种结构,我们估算了热钱的数量,发现2006年上半年并没有热钱流入。  相似文献   

支付时滞、汇率传递与宏观经济波动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在基准当地货币定价(LCP)模型的基础上引入支付时滞建立小国开放经济DSGE模型,研究支付时滞对汇率传递及经济波动的影响。结果表明引入支付时滞后,汇率不仅通过基准LCP模型下实际边际成本和汇率失调影响产品价格,还会通过汇率预期和利率影响产品价格,这使得支付时滞会加剧国内通胀和经济波动,降低货币政策效果,增加货币政策调控难度。同时,引入支付时滞的LCP模型减小了汇率传递程度,提高了LCP模型对汇率不完全传递的解释能力。  相似文献   

The paper models the choice between currency boards (CBs) and adjustable pegs (or managed floating). Countries adopting CBs have grown faster and inflated less on average than countries adopting other regimes. The explanation hinges on key features of CBs: policy discipline and inflation credibility. The authors find separating equilibria in which a weak government chooses a CB as a discipline device while a tough government chooses a standard peg for its policy flexibility. Paradoxically, the weak government can then outperform the tough government on average. In simulations performed, CBs welfare can exceed peg welfare even when unemployment persistence is strong.  相似文献   

Currency substitution affects the mapping between social welfare and inflation by altering the underlying money demand function and influencing interest rates. In order to explore the essence of this effect, I build a model with working capital under which foreign currency is substituted with the less liquid components of domestic money. The framework closely mimics the actual pattern of currency substitution across varying rates of inflation and enables the study of an additional channel that works through the impact of currency substitution on interest rates. It is found that there is a threshold inflation rate, which turns out to be 44% under baseline calibration, below which currency substitution decreases welfare and vice versa. A practical implication is that, at inflation rates lower (greater) than the threshold, the potential welfare gains from disinflation to a near-zero inflation rate are higher (lower) if there is currency substitution than otherwise.  相似文献   

叶樊妮 《经济与管理》2010,24(7):10-12,42
要素投入、技术进步都是推动经济增长的重要因素,随着国际竞争的日益激烈,单纯依靠要素投入规模增加推动的经济增长难以保持持续性。运用OECD推介的增长核算方法,对我国1995-2007年的经济增长要素贡献进行估算,指出我国近年来的经济增长更大程度上是依靠投入要素的增加,需要转变经济增长方式,提高技术进步对经济增长的贡献。  相似文献   

We compare three theoretical explanations for the positive empirical relationship between importer income per capita and traded goods prices. A first explanation is that consumers with higher incomes demand higher quality goods with higher prices. A second explanation is that wealthier people exhibit an increased willingness to pay for necessary goods as more goods enter the consumption set in a hierarchic demand system, and can thus be charged higher markups. A third explanation is that consumers with higher incomes are more finicky regarding their preferred variety in an ideal variety framework and can thus be charged higher markups. We discriminate between these three theories by focusing on the effect of income inequality on trade prices. Based on a large dataset with bilateral HS6 level data on 1260 final goods categories from more than 100 countries between 2000 and 2004, we find a highly significant negative effect of income inequality on unit values. This contradicts both the demand for quality and finickyness theories, while providing support for the increased willingness to pay theory linked to hierarchic demand. These findings on income inequality do not falsify the quality expansion model and the ideal variety model per se. However, the results do argue for place of importance of hierarchic demand.  相似文献   

货币错配与政府、企业行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文尝试就我国经济运行过程中因货币错配所引起的政府和企业的净资产或净负债进而效用函数发生改变问题,针对这两大主体的行为方式转变及由此对宏观经济运行所产生的影响,进行了机理性的描述,并根据分析结果进一步就如何减轻货币错配对各经济主体行为的影响做了探讨.  相似文献   

This paper studies currency substitution in an environment where agents' inflation tax-evasive demand for foreign money is balanced by the concern for the possibility that the government may impose economy-wide capital controls under which foreign currency transactions are costly. Under the assumption of endogenous beliefs, the results show a persistent demand for foreign money despite efforts by the government to reduce inflation. In addition, the economy can exhibit multiple, Pareto-ranked steady states with different levels of currency substitution. The stability analysis suggests that the economy converges to the inferior steady state, on the "wrong side" of the Laffer curve.  相似文献   

Abstract .  We extend the Thomas (1985) dynamic optimizing model of money demand and currency substitution to the case in which the individual has restricted or no access to foreign currency denominated bonds. In this case currency substitution decisions and asset substitution decisions are not separable. The results obtained suggest that the significance of an expected exchange rate depreciation term in the demand for domestic money provides a valid test for the presence of currency substitution. Applying this approach to six Latin-American countries, we find evidence of currency substitution in Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela, but not in Brazil and Chile.  相似文献   

基于2000~2006年的中国海关数据库和工业企业数据库,本文估计了邻居对企业进口的影响。利用数据的高维特征,本文将邻居定义为与企业位于同一城市,并从同一国家进口同一产品的其他企业。研究发现:首先,邻居对企业进口概率和规模的影响在统计和经济上均显著。控制其他因素后,邻居数量增加1倍,企业开始进口的概率提升14%,这相当于使企业开始进口的无条件概率提高55%。其次,邻居的作用存在产品和国家层面的特定性。本文同时估计了与企业进口不同产品或从不同国家进口同一产品的邻居对企业进口的影响,发现与企业从同一国家进口同一产品的邻居对企业进口概率和进口规模的促进作用最大。最后,邻居的作用呈现空间递减性,同一城市的邻居比同一省份和省外的邻居对企业进口的影响更大。这表明,要扩大进口,政府应加大进口信息的供给并加强从事相似进口活动的企业之间的交流。  相似文献   

我国外汇储备币种结构与收益率的一个估计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章在假设持有美元、欧元、日元三种币种结构的前提下,构建了我国外汇储备增长率的分解方程,利用Recursive Residual和虚拟变量法来处理异常点,同时借助CUSUM检验确认了2003年8月为结构性断点,继而分为两个子样本分别估计,并得出:(1)2003年8月前,我国外汇储备平均收益率约为3.66%,欧元资产比例大约为11.78%;2003年8月后欧元资产比例上升至21.79%,收益率微升至4.03%.(2)利用估计出的币种结构进一步对收益率进行调整,并将调整后的收益率与我国同期的GDP增长率和FDI投资回报率进行对比,说明改变现行的消极管理模式为强调市场化手段、旨在提高收益率为特征的积极管理模式的必要性,同时针对积极型外汇储备管理模式给出了进一步的研究展望.  相似文献   

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