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Inflation differentials in Europe have narrowed substantially since the inception of the European Monetary System in 1979. However, their persistence after more than a decade raises the question of why these differentials are so difficult to eliminate. Some European Community countries systematically use seignorage—financing government expenditures with money creation—while others do not. This increases the difficulty of achieving the convergence of monetary policies and inflation rates required for irrevocably fixed exchange rates in Europe. This paper, utilizing a model of government finance that minimizes the social cost of financing government expenditures, examines monetary finance in the European Community. It rejects soundly the social cost minimization model of seignorage collection.  相似文献   

Inflation differentials in Europe have narrowed substantially since the inception of the European Monetary System in 1979. However, their persistence after more than a decade raises the question of why these differentials are so difficult to eliminate. Some European Community countries systematically use seignorage—financing government expenditures with money creation—while others do not. This increases the difficulty of achieving the convergence of monetary policies and inflation rates required for irrevocably fixed exchange rates in Europe. This paper, utilizing a model of government finance that minimizes the social cost of financing government expenditures, examines monetary finance in the European Community. It rejects soundly the social cost minimization model of seignorage collection.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence indicates that monetary policy is not super-neutral in many countries. In particular, in high inflation economies, inflation is negatively related to economic activity. By comparison, inflation may be positively correlated with output in low inflation countries. We present a neoclassical growth model with money in which the incidence of liquidity risk is inversely related to aggregate capital formation. Interestingly, there may be multiple monetary steady-states where the effects of monetary policy vary. In poor economies, the financial system is highly distorted and higher rates of money growth are associated with less capital formation. In contrast, in advanced economies, a Tobin effect is observed. Since inflation exacerbates distortions from a coordination failure in the low-capital steady-state, individuals become much more exposed to liquidity risk. Consequently, optimal monetary policy depends on the level of development.  相似文献   

中国区域经济增长是否存在趋同,已有的实证文献在很大程度上忽视了趋同速率的空间异质性。本文基于新古典经济增长理论,构建空间杜宾面板分位数模型,考察了中国336个地级市经济增长趋同的空间异质性。研究表明,中国各地市经济增长总体上呈趋同状态,趋同速率随分位点增大呈U型。考虑资本在区域间自由流动,中低增长地区储蓄率作用显著降低。高增长地区受到周边经济带动作用小于中低增长地区,因而高增长地区的趋同速率更大。进一步分析发现,南、北方地区,东、西部地区均表现出俱乐部趋同特征,而中部地区内部表现出分异态势,即高增长地区发散,低增长地区趋同的特征。识别区域经济增长的空间异质性,对于政府更好地实施区域协调发展战略,缩小区域经济差异非常重要。  相似文献   

The paper describes a dynamic general equilibrium monetary economy with technological primitives that are consistent with the possibility of asymptotic equilibrium growth. The paper focuses on the relationship between equilibrium financing constraints on investment goods, transaction costs and economic growth. A generalized growth condition is derived that involves both monetary growth rates and transaction costs. The condition is used to show that (i) although inflation taxes can potentially exert a negative influence on long-run economic growth, these growth effects cannot in general be arbitrarily large; and (ii) for some monetary growth rates, money is superneutral in contrast to the models of Stockman and Abel. Numerical work indicates that although the welfare and growth effects of decreasing nominal interest rates from a benchmark are large, the costs associated with raising nominal interest rates from benchmark are not.  相似文献   

Although the equality of profit rates has been a key concept in classical as well as neoclassical economics, there are few empirical studies ascertaining to what extent profit rates are equalized or a tendency toward equalization can be observed. Using recently published data, we estimate an econometric model of profit rate convergence for the United States and four European countries. We compare size and significance of interindustry profit rate differentials in Europe and the United States and examine the sensitivity of the results to the definition of the rate of profit and the time period considered.  相似文献   

我国金融发展与地区经济收敛   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文研究了我国金融发展与地区经济差距之间的关系,研究认为:我国高度垄断的金融结构、政府对金融系统的不当管制与干预,以及"一元货币政策"和"二元金融制度"并存所引起的地区金融发展水平失衡等因素对地区间资本配置效率和资本形成能力的负面作用是引起我国地区差距的重要原因.并在新古典经济增长理论收敛假说的基础上,对1988~2002年我国地区间金融发展水平同经济增长率进行了实证检验,实证结果很好的支持了本文的理论假说.  相似文献   

This paper introduces foreign direct investment (FDI) as an endogenous variable based on a neoclassical model of economic growth and investigates the impact of FDI on income convergence in China using provincial panel data from 1991 to 2007. A spatial model is later exploited to further examine the effect of FDI on convergence in China in light of remarkable and positive spatial correlations among neighboring regions. Results of estimates confirm the role of FDI inflow as a significant driving force to promote conditional convergence in China after the early 1990s. They also confirm that the non‐spatial classical model underestimates the impact of FDI on regional economic growth and also underestimates the speed of convergence.  相似文献   

The author provides an interpretation of the post-World War II economic “miracle” of Japan as a process of economic convergence within the framework of the neoclassical Solow-Swan model of economic growth. He shows how the predictions of the Solow-Swan model are qualitatively consistent with the actual economic record of Japan in the decades following World War II. The article is intended to help in the teaching of economic growth and the Japanese economic miracle, either as part of a macroeconomics course or in an advanced elective course in economic growth and development or in Japan's modern economic history.  相似文献   

希腊等欧元区国家的主权债务危机可以说是欧洲区域一体化建设中的独特现象,其折射的是欧元区所存在的一个结构性问题:奉行单一货币政策和各国分散的财政政策,集中暴露出了欧洲货币一体化与欧洲福利资本主义的不相容、以及统一货币运行所要求的财政紧缩与欧元成员国经济增长和福利制度之间的矛盾与冲突;欧元不会就此瓦解,但欧债问题的最终解决困难重重;欧元的未来取决于自由与市场的回归欧洲,取决于欧盟的制度完善与欧式福利资本主义改革的成功与否。  相似文献   

Monetary policy independence is regarded as the central argument in favour of floating exchange rates and monetary integration. We evaluate the actual independence of non-euro members of the European Economic Area by using heterogeneous panel cointegration methods that allow cross-dependency. We show that domestic interest rates follow the euro interest rates. These spillovers imply a low monetary independence despite the insulation given by floating exchange rate regimes and inflation-targeting frameworks. We therefore find significant spillover effects of the European Central Bank policy and argue that the costs of monetary integration in Europe may be lower than expected.  相似文献   

We provide some evidence consistent with a heterogeneous credit channel of monetary policy transmission in the European Union. Using the techniques of cointegration and Error Correction Models, we have shown that the external finance premium is one important leading indicator of real economic activity in Germany and Italy. No evidence is found for France and the UK. Therefore, a common monetary policy implemented by the European Central Bank might be transmitted in different ways across the member countries of the monetary union, thus exacerbating existing regional disparities among the member countries.  相似文献   

We propose a framework to analyse convergence between regions, incorporating the public sector and technological knowledge spillovers in the context of a Neoclassical Growth Model. Second, we apply novel estimation methods pertaining to the spatial econometrics literature introducing a spatial Durbin panel data model based on instrumental variables and maximum-likelihood estimation. Our model makes it possible to analyse, in terms of convergence, the results obtained in Spanish regions with the policies implemented during the period 1980–2011. The results support the idea that education and fiscal policies have a positive effect on regional development and cohesion. Therefore, we can conclude that it is possible to obtain better results for regional convergence with higher rates of public investment in education and tax revenues. We also obtain interesting results that confirm the existence of spillover effects in economic growth and public policies, identifying their magnitude and significance.  相似文献   

This paper uses neoclassical demand theory to calculate the welfare costs of inflation. It considers the demand interactions between money, consumption goods, and leisure, relaxes the assumption of fixed consumer preferences, and addresses the inter-related problems of estimation of money demand functions, instability of money demand relations, and monetary aggregation. It makes full use of the relevant economic theory and econometrics and generates inference in terms of long-run welfare costs of inflation that is internally consistent with the data and models used.  相似文献   

This study reverses the prediction of geography and growth models that trade integration may cause income divergence. Moreover, a new dynamic welfare gain of trade openness is identified. These results are obtained from embedding a new economic geography model into a neoclassical growth model. Starting from symmetric countries, a country that accumulates more capital than the other increases its home market size, improves its terms of trade, and lowers its relative consumption price index, because trade costs drive a wedge in between relative producer and consumption price indices. Both effects in turn tend to increase its marginal revenue product of capital relative to the other country (divergence forces), while factor substitution diminishes its marginal revenue product of capital (convergence force). Reducing trade costs decreases the wedge and weakens the divergence forces, while the convergence force is unaffected. Hence, divergence is more likely with higher rather than lower trade costs.  相似文献   

本文在扩展农业部门新古典经济增长模型的基础上,构建了基于农业生产率指数和农村地区劳动力就业结构的农村发展指标,以此来衡量农村发展水平及其变化状况.为了考察中国农村发展地区差距的变化趋势,我们采用面板数据单位根检验的不同方法对其收敛性进行了严格的计量检验.检验结果显示,在考虑了时间和省份特殊效应、序列相关等因素的影响后,中国各省农村发展差距以及东中西部地区农村发展的内部差距均存在条件性β收敛.  相似文献   

Long run convergence implies that the convergence hypothesis will be rejected if the income differential is not stationary. However, this definition is valid only if the catching-up process between the two countries is already over. If we take into account catching-up dynamics, then poorest countries should obtain a faster growth than developed countries. Thus, income gaps should integrate decreasing time trends. We formalise this hypothesis theoretically using a stochastic neoclassical growth model with heterogeneous technology. We then apply this model to the issue of per-capita GDP catching-up of eight MENA countries towards the level of income in Europe. We approximate the nonlinear deterministic trend by a linear function with breaks and apply panel unit root tests with breaks. The analysis reveals firstly that the periods of divergence outnumber the periods of convergence. Secondly, since the year 2000 all countries but Syria have been converging toward the European per-capita income level.  相似文献   

Empirical studies on regional economic development in Europe traditionally concluded that income per capita converged at a steady rate of about 2%. Recent studies on regional disparity have repudiated these findings: in the 1980s convergence was absent in Europe. This paper adds some new empirical findings. Firstly, convergence re-emerged at the end of the 1980s and in the 1990s. Secondly, growth was a combined result of poor regions catching up with richer ones, peripheral regions growing faster than central ones, innovation and of technology spillovers. Thirdly, by conditioning so-called σ-convergence, it is found that convergence was most pronounced between regions that were localised far away from each other and that were dissimilar in terms of innovative activity, technological specialisation and the amount of spillovers received.  相似文献   

Six years into the successful operation of European economic and monetary union (EMU), the conduct of the single monetary policy and of national economic policies and the interaction between them continue to be debated by both academics and policy-makers. This paper approaches the debate by assessing the role that strategies, rules and discretion play in the conduct of economic policies in the euro area. From this perspective, it discusses in particular the monetary policy strategy of the European Central Bank (ECB), the rules-based framework for national fiscal policies as laid down in the Stability and Growth Pact and the structural reform efforts under the umbrella of the Lisbon Strategy. It concludes that the current policy framework - with its combination of strategies, rules and constrained discretion - is well suited to deliver stability and growth in Europe, provided it is implemented effectively.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a monetary asset, perceived as an addition to wealth, into a two-country neoclassical model of accumulation. As domestic monetary expansion changes, demand for the investment good is shifted. This alters the terms and level of trade as well as production and shifts the balanced growth paths of both economies. For a non-specialized world it is found that an increase in domestic monetary expansion will increase the domestic overall capital intensity, decrease the foreign overall capital intensity, and worsen the terms of trade for the country importing the investment good.  相似文献   

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