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货币需求弹性决定因素的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从企业和家庭层面的货币需求异质性,对传统货币需求函数进行修正,分析货币需求收入弹性和利率弹性的决定因素。实证结果表明,产业结构和经济开放度不但直接影响货币需求规模,而且通过货币需求弹性间接影响货币需求的变化,产业结构主要对货币需求收入弹性显著影响,而经济开放度对货币需求收入弹性和利率弹性均有显著影响。产业结构升级将弱化对货币需求收入弹性的影响,而加剧对货币需求规模的影响。经济开放度对货币需求的影响将逐渐由正转负,并最终导致货币需求下降。  相似文献   

唐平 《财经科学》2007,(6):9-15
随着我国经济体制改革的逐步深化,建立货币需求模型的变量因子会逐渐发生变化.本文根据我国当代货币实际需求,选取变量因子建立货币需求模型,并对我国当代的货币需求进行实证分析.文章指出:(1)我国需要进一步疏通货币政策传导的渠道;(2)货币政策的操作应当逐步关注股票市场的影响;(3)小幅提高基准利率不能抑制我国经济过热现象;(4)央行维持物价相对稳定是扩大内需的必要条件.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper emerges from the failure of the traditional models of hyperinflation with perfect foresight. Insights from two standard optimizing monetary settings and economic reasoning from case studies of extreme hyperinflation episodes provide relevant requirements for the specification of the demand for money during hyperinflation. The paper demonstrates that the possibility of perfect foresight monetary hyperinflation paths depends robustly on the essentiality of money. The essentiality of money provides some depth of explanation of the reasons why the popular semi‐log schedule of the demand for money is not appropriate for analysing monetary hyperinflation with perfect foresight. The paper proposes a simple test of money essentiality for the appropriate specification of the demand‐for‐money equation in empirical studies of hyperinflation.  相似文献   

中国"超额货币"成因的进一步检验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国的超额货币一直是理论界颇有争议的话题,因而关于超额货币成因的理论假说有很多种。基于对以往的理论假说进行总结与质疑的基础上,利用货币需求的收入弹性与价格弹性对交易方程式进行调整,并利用中国1991-2003年的数据对调整后的模型进行检验,结果发现:货币需求的收入弹性与价格弹性的变化是导致中国超额货币存在的主要原因。  相似文献   

稳定的货币需求是货币目标制有效发挥作用的前提条件。文章首先从理论上阐述了货币需求与货币目标制的内在关联。其次,基于协整理论与误差修正模型,利用1996-2011年季度数据实证检验了中国货币需求函数的稳定性。实证研究结果表明,中国长期货币需求函数和短期货币需求函数的系数都缺乏稳定性。货币需求函数的不稳定势必增加中国以货币供应量为中间目标的货币政策操作难度,从而导致现行货币目标制的有效性和适宜性不断降低。最后提出为提高货币政策框架的有效性,中国应择机引入通胀目标制。  相似文献   

货币政策是否应关注资产价格——基于货币稳定的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
货币稳定是一个伴随着货币交易范围扩展而不断拓展的概念,资产交易规模使资产价格波动能严重影响货币稳定和社会福利,因此,货币稳定应当包括资产价格稳定。利用中国1998-2009年月度、季度数据,以及协整检验、误差修正估计和方差分析等方法研究后得出:资产价格与传统通货膨胀指标现值及预期值存在联动性、与经济运行中的货币存量具有显著的数量解释关系,资产价格通过影响消费、投资等经济因素冲击着货币政策效果;货币政策对维护包括资产价格在内的货币稳定并非无能为力,经验表明资产价格往往对货币政策调整做出积极反应。因此,货币稳定指标应根据传统通货膨胀指标和资产价格指标综合计算,即货币政策应根据资产价格传导机制,精确分析资产价格与货币中介目标的关系,准确采取政策工具。  相似文献   

货币供给的制度内生与需求内生实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王国松 《财经研究》2008,34(6):51-61
文章分别从基础货币投放的被动性、金融机构的"有价证券与外汇"资产渠道以及利率渠道对我国货币供给的内生性进行了实证研究。研究表明:我国货币供给具有较强的内生性,主要表现为基础货币供给的制度内生和信贷供给的需求内生。为提高当前紧缩性货币政策的有效性,货币当局必须稳定人民币汇率升值预期,提高法定存款准备金率、提高贷款利率尤其中长期贷款利率水平,以此削弱货币供给的制度内生和需求内生。  相似文献   

区域货币合作在维护区域金融稳定、促进区域经济发展方面具有不可替代的作用。欧洲主权债务危机爆发后,人们对东亚能否继续进行货币合作产生了疑问,有必要结合欧债危机产生的新情况、新问题,从新的视角探讨东亚货币合作的可行性。文章从供给与需求两方面的经济结构冲击对称性视角,对东亚10个经济体之间的冲击相关系数、冲击规模与调整速度进行了实证分析,证实了东亚区域不同经济体之间存在着不同的对称性,具有双边和次区域货币合作的经济基础。同时文章提出东亚区域未来货币合作的形式、实现路径和风险防范措施。  相似文献   

傅强  罗丹 《技术经济》2010,29(2):98-102
通过构建以收入、股票市场市值、利率、预期通货膨胀率以及汇率为自变量的货币需求计量模型,本文运用协整检验、误差修正模型和脉冲响应函数,以我国1994年第一季度至2009年第二季度的季度数据为样本,对我国货币需求的均衡水平调节状态进行了实证研究。研究表明,以上变量与实际货币需求存在长期稳定的均衡关系,货币需求在短期内存在向长期均衡水平调整的自发调节机制,各自变量对货币需求的影响程度各异且具有不同的动态过程。最后,根据实证结果提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

Previous studies included money supply volatility as well as output volatility as measures of uncertainty in estimating the demand for money. However, a more comprehensive measure of uncertainty is now constructed for many countries and is known as policy uncertainty. When we included this new measure in the formulation of the demand for money in Korea and relied upon a nonlinear specification of the money demand which allows us to assess the asymmetric effects of changes in the policy uncertainty measure, we found asymmetric long-run effects of policy uncertainty on the demand for cash in Korea. Our conjecture is that increased uncertainty induces Koreans to hold less cash in favor of safer assets and decreased uncertainty has opposite effects, though at different rate.  相似文献   

货币是非中性的,货币供给的变动最终不仅能影响名义价格与名义工资等名义变量,而且对实际产出等实际变量有影响。从货币非中性探究中国货币政策的有效性,建立中国货币政策有效性理论模型并进行实证分析表明,中国的货币政策促进了经济发展,但其有效性未完全发挥。  相似文献   

政府财政行为对货币政策效应的影响是宏观经济学的一个热点问题,文章从政府资产角度出发,运用1994~2005年中国国库资金季度数据,采用协整分析方法对政府国库资金、货币供给和货币政策有效性问题,作实证检验。研究表明:(1)国库资金增减导致基础货币收缩和扩张,短期内国库资金变动会使货币供应量发生显著的反向波动,国库资金是货币供应量的Granger因,国库资金对货币供应量波动有较高的解释力,央行的货币供给由于国库资金而产生被动性。(2)国库资金与货币政策有效性之间存在密切关系,货币当局将国库资金变量纳入货币政策中介目标监控体系,有助于提高货币政策的有效性,国库资金成为财政政策与货币政策新的结合点。  相似文献   

Using several tests for structural stability in regressions with I(1) variables and for the existence of cointegration in models with regime shifts, the empirical evidence on the existence of a structural break in the Spanish long-run demand for broad money (ALP2) is analysed.The results indicate that shifts affecting the demand for ALP2 in recent years have substantially altered its long-run properties. As to the cause of this structural break, emphasis is placed on the role played by the increasing openness of the Spanish financial system to international markets as obstacles to free capital movements have progressively disappeared.This paper represents the views of the author and should not be interpreted as reflecting those of any institution. I am grateful to J. Ayuso, J. J. Dolado, F. Restoy and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. The data may be obtained from the internet, http://wotan.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/oekonometric/engl/data.html. This paper was written while the author was working at the Banco de España.  相似文献   

A small macroeconomic model is constructed starting from a German money demand relation for M3 based on quarterly, seasonally unadjusted data for the period from 1976 to 1996. In contrast to previous studies we build a vector error correction model for M3, GNP, an inflation rate and an interest rate spread variable to represent opportunity costs of holding money. Furthermore, import price inflation is added as an exogenous variable. The model is used to analyze the relation between money growth and inflation by means of an impulse response analysis.We thank Gerd Hansen for soliciting two anonymous referee reports on an earlier version of this article and thereby helping in the editorial process for this volume. We are grateful to him, Timo Teräsvirta, Kirstin Hubrich and the two referees for comments that helped us to improve our paper. Financial support was provided by the DFG, Sonderforschungsbereich 373.  相似文献   

This paper employs regional data to analyze German money demand before and after reunification. The data show that a cointegrating relationship between real per capita deposits, real per capita income and the short-term interest rate can be found in the Western states, suggesting that reunification has not destabilized monetary relationships within West-Germany. In the Eastern states, the large monetary shock following reunification precludes finding a co-integrating relationship, although in the second half of the 1990s East-German velocity growth seems to have converged to the West-German pattern. The behavior of regional monetary aggregates inside Germany also offers a preview of how in the future monetary aggregates may behave inside Europe's monetary union.  相似文献   

This article estimates a theoretically coherent and empirically robust money demand function for 12 developing countries. The modeling procedure not only tests for a regime shift in the cointegrating equation, but also in the error correction model. Five specific hypotheses are examined. The article demonstrates that a long-run equilibrium relationship exists between real M1 or M2 balances, real income, inflation, exchange rate, foreign exchange risk, and foreign interest rates in the countries studied. The study provides information on the speed of adjustment to equilibrium and the median and mean time lags for adjustment of real money balances to changes in each determinant. Although our results provide more evidence against M1 than M2, this study clearly establishes that both M1 and M2 must be considered as viable policy tools for less developed countries.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is twofold. First, it seeks to verify the elements of affinity between Graziani's approach to the Monetary Theory of Production and Keynes’ Treatise on Money and his General Theory. It is shown that two important theoretical elements, from the Treatise on Money, enter Graziani's basic schema, namely the view of endogenous money supply and the distribution process. At the same time, uncertainty and aggregate demand—conceived as a crucial variable in the General Theory—can play a significant role in the basic schema of the Monetary Theory of Production. Second, the article sets out a critical reconstruction of Graziani's basic schema emphasising the existence of ‘open issues’– such as bank behaviour and the ‘paradox of profits’—relating to internal and external inconsistencies.  相似文献   

Bernhard Winkler 《Empirica》1999,26(3):287-295
The launch of Monetary Union in Europe has prompted calls for enhanced policy co-ordination among economic policy-makers. This paper sounds a note of caution and argues that the problem of policy co-ordination needs to be placed in the broader context of the efficient assignment of tasks and responsibilities among separate actors. In the presence of incentive and information problems, overly ambitious attempts at EXPLICIT forms of policy co-ordination may actually turn out to undermine the IMPLICIT co-ordination properties of the clear division of responsibilities enshrined in the Maastricht Treaty. A single monetary policy that is credibly geared to the maintenance of price stability and national fiscal policies that genuinely accept the constraints of the Stability and Growth Pact already go a long way in securing macroeconomic stability. Additional channels for dialogue among policymakers should be helpful to the extent that they enhance the understanding of individual responsibilities and do not dilute accountability.  相似文献   

我国经济增长、信贷扩张是经常账户顺差的Granger原因,但经常账户不是经济增长和信贷扩张的Granger原因。货币分析法较好地解释了我国经济高增长与国际收支顺差并存的现象。我国国际收支顺差主要是由于经济增长带来货币需求大增,超过了货币供给所致。经济增长通过资产需求、两部门问题以及人民币升值预期等渠道导致货币需求的上升,因此扩大国内信贷可能会导致国际收支顺差总量的下降;人民币升值并不能减少国际收支顺差,而应该保持基本稳定。  相似文献   

2002年以来,人民币处于升值压力中,国际收支双顺差使得我国外汇资产迅速扩大,外汇占款成为我国基础货币投放最主要的渠道。文章基于央行资产负债表,通过定量研究方法分析了汇改前后基础货币的主要来源及其与基础货币变动的动态关系,结果发现:汇改后净国外资产增量变化成为基础货币增量变化唯一格兰杰因,国内信贷和发行票据作为对冲外汇资产增加、防止基础货币过快增长的手段均已失效,基础货币供应具有内生性,央行已不能通过控制基础货币数量来调控货币供应量。  相似文献   

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