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孙利平 《商场现代化》2007,(11S):224-224
当下,中国商标在洋牌子的冲击下,不少驰名的品牌在与外商合资合作的过程中不断消失,外商抢注中国商标,中国商标命运堪忧,中国企业必须勇敢地捍卫自己的商标,否则将会被外资活活吃掉。因为对一个国家来说,谁拥有更多的世界性商标,谁就是未来的经济强国。  相似文献   

经国家工商总局批准,由国家工商总局商标局、商标评审委员会、中华商标协会共同组织编纂,中国工商出版社出版的大型综合性商标工作年刊《2010中国商标年鉴》已于近日出版发行。  相似文献   

“绵竹大曲”商标及其图案被认定为中国驰名商标 近日,国家商标总局公布了2007年被认定的中国驰名商标名单。四川绵竹剑南春酒厂有限公司绵竹大曲所使用的商标——绵竹及其图案名列其中。由此,剑南春酒厂有限公司中国驰名商标增至两个。  相似文献   

当下,中国商标在洋牌子的冲击下,不少驰名的品牌在与外商合资合作的过程中不断消失,外商抢注中国商标,中国商标命运堪忧,中国企业必须勇敢地捍卫自己的商标,否则将会被外资活活吃掉。因为对一个国家来说,谁拥有更多的世界性商标,谁就是未来的经济强国。  相似文献   

耐克国际创建于1972年,1991年设立广州办事处,1996年设立耐克(苏州),2006年设立耐克(中国),目前耐克国际在美国拥有196个商标,在中国已注册90个商标,在海关总署已备案14个商标。耐克的主要产品包括鞋类、服装类、装备类产品,耐克全球年产鞋2.25亿双,其中0.85亿双在中国生产。  相似文献   

今年是《中国人民共和国商标法》颁布30周年。改革开放后商标法律制度的不断完善,从一个特殊角度,见证了我国改革开放以来经济发展的成就,记录了我国商标事业发展的足迹,也记录了工商行政管理事业的巨大变化。作为长期从事商标史研究工作的工商干部,本文作者简要回顾了我国近代100年来各个时期商标法律制度的建立和发展。以史为鉴,我们相信随着经济社会的不断发展,我国商标法律制度还将不断完善,商标管理制度也将与时俱进,在新的历史时期为产业的勃兴、社会的发展贡献新的力量。  相似文献   

2005年3月10日,持续3年的海信与博世—西门子的商标纠纷案以双方达成和解协议终于落下帷幕。 1992年,中国海信集团公司在中国注册“HiSense”商标,并在1993年取得了该商标的注册权。  相似文献   

对中国的消费者而言,提起“羊羊羊”,很自然会联想起恒源祥这个商标。然而这种习惯也许即将发生改变。2010年1月,江苏常熟突然成了中国服装界目光的焦点。一场特殊的商标案1月27日在常熟市人民法院知识产权庭公开开庭审理,其焦点正是恒源祥赖以成名的羊头商标。  相似文献   

杏花楼创建于清朝咸丰元年(1851年),“杏化楼”从字号逐步形成商标和品牌,2005年被评为“上海最具影响力的老商标”.2006年被认定为中国驰名商标.  相似文献   

管维 《工商行政管理》2014,(18):F0002-F0002
9月1日,为推动中国品牌经济发展,由中华商标协会与北京大学光华管理学院联合主办的“纪念中华商标协会成立二十周年暨中国品牌经济高峰论坛”在北京大学举行。张茅局长出席会议并做演讲。  相似文献   

Given the potential utility of brand personality for marketers, the present research conceptualizes and investigates the relationships between five brand personality dimensions and brand trust as well as brand affect. This research proposes that some brand personality dimensions relate more to brand trust, whereas other dimensions relate more to brand affect. The results suggest that Sincerity and Ruggedness brand personality dimensions are more likely to influence the level of brand trust than brand affect, whereas the Excitement and Sophistication dimensions relate more to brand affect than to brand trust. The Competence dimension appears to have similar effects on both brand trust and brand affect. The research findings are consistent with marketing and consumer researchers' assertions that brand personality can increase levels of brand trust and evoke brand affect, which in turn builds the level of brand loyalty. Theoretical and practical contributions and implications are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

品牌依恋、品牌隔离、品牌断裂都是描述消费者与品牌之间的关系,但三者的内涵、测量方法及所描述的情感关系各不相同,本文从定性和定量两个角度试图厘清三者之间的关系。  相似文献   

As the elemental building block of the brand, the brand name represents a potential starting point for creating brand personality. Drawing on theory and research from sound symbolism, this study investigates how brand names can be formed to create brand personality, as defined by Aaker's (1997) Brand Personality Scale. Results indicate that brand names with back vowels better create a Ruggedness personality, while brand names with front vowels better create Sophistication and Sincerity personalities.  相似文献   

The relation between consumer-based brand equity and brand performance was investigated across 15 product categories in Brazil and the UK. Brand equity was conceptualized as related to the level of social benefit offered by each brand and was measured with a simple questionnaire that asked consumers to rate brands with respect to their familiarity and quality levels. These measures were then related to brand market share and revenue. Results showed that the relation between consumer-based brand equity and brand performance varies across product categories, indicating that products differ with respect to their level of brandability and suggesting ways to measure it.  相似文献   

张默闻 《广告大观》2008,(6):144-144
公司维护品牌利益是正确的,个人品牌要发展要膨胀也没有错,向上看,就是出路。  相似文献   

This study explores how brand credibility and brand prestige affect brand purchase intention and empirically investigates how the combinatory mechanism of brand credibility and brand prestige materialize across multiple product categories. The proposed model of six latent constructs is tested with structural equation modeling analysis: brand credibility, brand prestige, perceived quality, information costs saved, perceived risk, and brand purchase intention. The results suggest that both brand credibility and brand prestige positively influence brand purchase intention through perceived quality, information costs saved, and perceived risk under different product categories representing the high and low self‐expressive nature. Several implications for advertising messages and brand positioning strategies are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Consumption of luxury brands has been rising significantly, particularly in emerging economies.While some aspects of luxury consumption may be consistent across cultural settings, certain key differences may prevail; with particular attention to the relational and experiential aspects that characterize consumer-brand engagements. The purpose of the current research is to address this previously underexplored area and study the impact of consumer-brand dyadic attributes – incorporating brand experience, brand resonance, brand trust, and consumer involvement on the pursuit of luxury brands within the Indian context. Data was gathered using a survey distributed to 413 luxury brand consumers in four major metropolitan cities in India, employing Smart-PLS for analysis. In addition to the main effects, the moderating impact of gender, geographic location, and generation were explored. The results reveal that brand experience and brand resonance are both essential for luxury consumption, with an additional moderating role of generation and gender. Furthermore, consumer involvement is found to mediate the relationship. Implications for scholarship and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

市场问题蛋品行业是一个历史悠久的传统产业,仅仅在中国,蛋品行业每年就有2000亿左右的大市场。虽然市场规模大,但是行业发展特别不平衡,市场竞争主要以价格竞争为手段,普通鸡蛋和品牌鸡蛋鱼龙混杂,品牌蛋里  相似文献   

A survey as well as an experiment was conducted to study the effects of television brand placement on brand image. The studies showed that the integration of a brand into the editorial content of a program had a significant effect on brand image: As people watched more episodes, the brand image became more in agreement with the program image. These results confirm the applicability of learning and human associative memory theories to brand placement. Another important finding is that brand memory and brand image were not related. Thus, brand image became more positive regardless of viewers' memory of the brand placements, which implies that brand image was implicitly affected. This has important theoretical implications for the understanding of the working of brand placement. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Store brand and national brand promotion attitudes antecedents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retailers compete against national manufacturers by launching store brands. National manufactures regularly use brand promotions to fight store brands back. The purpose of this article is to find out whether attitudes toward national brand promotions and store brands have similar or different conceptual antecedents. The study presents and tests a model of the effects of shoppers´ characteristics (price and non-price-related) on attitudes toward store brand and national brand promotions. The results support that constructs relating to price impact both store brand attitude and national brand promotion attitude, but the strength of some of these relationships differ. Other shopper characteristics like brand loyalty and store loyalty, have similar negative and positive effects, respectively. These slight differences suggest that promotions of national brands might be a good tool for fighting back store brands, but manufacturers need to design and target these promotions carefully in order to avoid head-to-head competition.  相似文献   

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