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The desirability of massive financial aid to support the transition of East European countries to market economies is considered in the light of structural adjustment experience of Latin American countries. It is argued that, politically, an autonomous state is necessary to guide the restructuring. The democratization of Eastern Europe decreases the autonomy of the state. Economically, recent experience in Latin America and Eastern Europe has demonstrated that reforms take place during periods of stringency rather than affluence. It is therefore argued that trade and foreign investment are preferable to generous aid.  相似文献   

《World development》1986,14(2):165-180
Lewis's work represents much of the best potential of economic science. Like Keynes he has transcended not only the ideology of natural law cosmology, but also the positivist-guided focus upon the endless testing of minute hypothesis and the endless formalization of non-falsifiable bodies of doctrine. Courageously and pragmatically, Lewis attempts to verify his theory not just statistically or in terms of internal logical consistency, but more broadly in terms of its accordance with general social knowledge, history, and social relevance in instructing humanity how to live better. His implicit methodology suggests that economics at its best is pedagogy.  相似文献   

The National Economic Association introduced the W. Arthur Lewis Distinguished Lecture series in December 1985. The Lewis Lecture is named in honor of the 1979 Nobel Laureate in Economics, much of whose research has been devoted to the problem of Third World economic development. A native of St. Lucia, in the former British West Indies, Arthur Lewis has risen to fame as the preeminent development economist of his generation. He is most famous for his 1954Manchester School paper on economic development with unlimited supplies of labor, but his contributions span the fields of industrial organization, public finance, and international trade. He was one of the first to explore in depth the evidence on movements on terms of trade between industrialized and developing countries and was the first to perform a regression analysis in empirical trade research. Lewis was an active advisor to various governments in West Africa, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia during the development decades. He says that he conceived of the idea of unlimited supplies of labor while on mission in Bangkok, Thailand in 1952. This third lecture in the series, by Professor Charles Kindleberger, examines the broad applicability of the Lewis model.  相似文献   

2008年,我们的国家和重庆这座城市注定会发生许多值得记录的重大历史事件。但我最想说的还是1978年到2008年这30年。  相似文献   

Young was the most prolific and quantitative agricultural writer in England in the eighteenth century. Generally highly regarded by his contemporaries, his reputation among British agricultural historians is at an all-time low. This article charts and explains Young's fall from grace. It rebuts the criticisms made of his methods and writings, and shows that Young is a well-informed, accurate, reliable, and reasonable historical source. It demonstrates that the Farmer's tour is based on a broadly representative sample of English farms during the industrial revolution and argues that modern techniques of data analysis can overcome any errors or biases in Young's data.  相似文献   

Arthur Benavie's purpose inDeficit Hysteria [1998] is to argue how the U.S. aversion to deficits in the federal government's budget has been misguided. Chapter 2 ranges far and wide but basically consists of the argument that, left to itself, the private macroeconomy may fail to generate sufficient aggregate demand to provide full employment, and at such times, increased federal government spending can effectively boost demand and employment. Deficit hysteria should not prevent the use of this policy option. The purpose of Chapter 3 is to counter the arguments of deficit hawks that cutting the deficit will raise productivity. Much shorter subsequent chapters deal with issues of income distribution, Social Security, and the negative implications of the 1991 Maastricht Treaty provisions for Western European economies.  相似文献   

2001年 5月 17日,科技部部长徐冠华在国务院新闻办公室举行的记者招待会上,重点介绍了国家高新技术产业开发区的建设和发展情况,并回答了中外记者的提问。国务院新闻办公室副主任王国庆主持会议。   王国庆:女士们、先生们,上午好。今天我们请来的是科技部徐冠华部长。这是在一个月之内,徐部长两次到我们这个新闻发布厅,说明这段时间我们国家的科技活动非常活跃,也说明政府对科技事业的发展非常重视。今天我们请徐部长向各位介绍一下我国高新技术产业开发区的建设和发展情况。下面就先请徐部长给大家简要地通报一下情况,然后再回…  相似文献   

刘玫 《走向世界》2006,(11):24-24,I0001-I0002,25-31
2005年4月,在中共中央总书记、国家主席胡锦涛视察山东时,对发展山东文化事业和文化产业作了深刻阐述,他殷切地希望山东充分发挥丰厚的历史文化资源优势,在推进社会主义文化建设上迈出更大步伐。为了推动文化事业快速发展,中共山东省委、省政府于去年年底决定筹办2006山东(国际)文化产业博览会,今年6月16日至18日山东首届文化产业博览会在济南如期举行。首届文博会以“文化创意财富”为主题,以“政府主导、社会参与、市场运作、规范管理”为原则,以会展培育文化品牌,以市场整合文化资源,以交易创造文化价值,以论坛汇集文化信息,以节庆丰富文…  相似文献   

After a few reminiscences about Arthur Lewis, several questions on what socialism is not about are raised. Neither public ownership, nor welfare services nor central planning are considered essential to it. The view that the distinction capitalism-socialism is obsolete is briefly discussed. It is argued that many important distinctions cut across the divide. The United States is held up as a socialist country. Changes in the socialist creed in the last century are noted. An alternative window of looking at the private-public sector distinction is discussed. And the essence of socialism as the democratization of political and civil society and private firms is advanced. A final plea for pedantic utopianism is made.  相似文献   

对日美贸易摩擦的回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
日美贸易摩擦是战后日美经济贸易关系中一个非常突出的问题,是日美全部经济摩擦的基点,在相当程度上决定着两国其它方面摩擦的产生,发展和解决方式。本文将在简要回顾日美贸易摩擦的历史发展进程的基础上,分析其特点及其产生根源,并进一步探讨新世纪日美贸易摩泊发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国旅游业发展回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

投资不仅是新疆经济增长的第一推动力,也极大地促进了地方财政收入的增长、经济结构的转变及经济运行质量的提高。本文对改革开放30年来新疆固定资产投资进行了较为全面地梳理和回顾,并提出了在新的历史时期新疆固定资产投资应关注的领域和方向。  相似文献   

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