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The short-run effects of fungicide application on economic risk and the effects of risk on fungicide use in Swiss wheat production are empirically explored. A quadratic production function model is developed. With the help of the moment-based approach, marginal contributions of fungicides (representing controlled inputs) and of rain (representing uncontrolled inputs) to the variances of yield and revenue are analyzed. It is not possible to show risk-reducing effects of fungicides on yield or revenue. At low rain quantities during the vegetation period fungicides have a statistically significant risk-increasing effect on revenue. Increasing risk leads Swiss wheat growers to use more fungicide. This increase is statistically significant at higher levels of revenue. For example, when risk is doubled fungicide inputs are raised by 44% at the highest revenue quartile.  相似文献   

粮食补贴方式改革探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
农业部产业政策法规司最近就粮食补贴方式改革问题,对安徽、河南、湖北和吉林四省作了调查,本文是对有关情况的整理分析并进而提出了有关粮食补贴方式改革的政策建议。  相似文献   

Understanding the socio‐economic and environmental implications of rural change requires the active participation of many research disciplines and stakeholders. However, it remains unclear how to best integrate participatory and biophysical research to provide information useful to land managers and policy makers. This paper presents findings of a RELU scoping study that has formulated and applied a research framework based on stakeholder participation and adaptive learning to model rural change in the Peak District National Park in the north of England. The paper describes a learning process that integrates different types of knowledge to produce future scenarios that describe possible economic and environmental changes due to a national review of burning practices on heather moorland and blanket bogs. We stress the need for using social network analysis to structure stakeholder engagement and outline how a range of participatory approaches can facilitate more inclusive environmental planning and policy development.  相似文献   

Current crop insurance rating procedures consider only performance for the individual crop in question. Recent farm legislation has given producers considerable planting flexibility and, as a result, many have shifted to new crops. Producers without a production history for the new crop may be offered levels of insurance that do not accurately reflect their expected yields. Likewise, premium rates may not reflect a producer's actual risk for a new crop. We examine the extent to which information about expected yields may be gleaned from a consideration of historical performance on other crops. We also consider the extent to which yield performance exhibits learning by doing such that yields improve with experience. Though the results are mixed, we generally find that yield performance tends to improve with experience. However, when yields are conditioned on historical yield performance for other crops, the importance of experience is diminished significantly. Yield performance is related to a number of farm characteristics. Finally, we examine the extent to which yield variability is correlated across crops for individual farmers. Implications for crop insurance rating practices are discussed. The results demonstrate robust correlation between a farm's historical yield on other crops and a newly produced crop—a factor largely ignored in current crop insurance contracts.  相似文献   

工伤保险制度作为社会保障体系的重要组成部分,是社会主义市场经济的重要支柱。该文主要结合农十三师社会保险基金管理的情况进行了分析,并提出了确定公平合理的工伤保险费率,严格限定工伤保险基金的支付范围和真正发挥工伤保险储备金的作用等应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

核心竞争力是以企业能力形式出现的并能帮助企业取得和维持竞争优势的力量.它是企业专用性资产、组织结构、企业文化、知识积累等动态和静态因素的综合体.企业必须在决策创新、R&D创新、文化创新、组织创新、营销创新等方面有所突破,才能打造自己的核心竞争力.  相似文献   

积极探索农民收入增长的新途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业及农村经济步入新阶段后,农民收入增长缓慢成了摆在各级党委和政府面前的一个突出问题。湖北省十堰市在积极探索农民收入增长的途径方面做出了一些有益的探索。  相似文献   

The Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) is a popular paradigm within management circles concerning those in poverty. In this paper, we develop a critical analysis of BoP discourse and practice, drawing particularly on the works of Laclau and Mouffe, and enriched by post-development thinking as expressed in the works of Esteva and Escobar, among others. We argue that the BoP paradigm functions to reinforce market capitalist hegemony and – vitally – to conceal economic alternatives. Using the concepts of ‘discourse’, ‘hegemony’ and ‘performativity’, we analyse the politics of language and representation in the BoP discourse. Finally, we point to modes of scholarship that contribute to the nurturing and performance of diverse, non-capitalist economic worlds.  相似文献   

本文从林业在延边特色经济发展中的地位和作用,发展延边特色经济的对策方面阐述了深化改革,搞好产业结构调整,把延边林业做大做强的具体思路,以期闯出一条具有延边特色的林业经济发展之路.  相似文献   

城市土地价值最大化的实现难题与解决途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
界定土地价值最大化的涵义 ,分析影响城市土地价值最大化实现的难题 ,提出解决途径。研究结论 :城市土地价值最大化的实现途径包括 :( 1)建立规范的经营性项目国有土地使用权招标、拍卖制度 ;( 2 )调整房地产市场结构 ;( 3 )控制土地经济效益 ,彰显生态效益和社会效益  相似文献   

划定永久基本农田路径思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
十七届三中全会提出划定永久基本农田,给基本农田保护工作提出新的要求.永久基本农田的划定有计划指标分解模式、重点区域保护模式、地方自愿申报模式三种模式构想,而且必须与各类规划、土地调查、土地整理、集体土地流转紧密结合.为了使其能得到真正长久保护,还必须建立永久基本农田保护监管体系和保护补偿机制.  相似文献   

关于加快畜牧业全面协调可持续发展的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
本文进行了畜牧业发展的阶段判断和特征分析,分析了未来畜牧业发展面临的机遇与挑战,提出了加快畜牧业全面、协调和可持续发展的战略措施。  相似文献   

物资协作工作在森工企业生产中占有重要地位 ,它给森工企业生产和发展带来诸多效益。本文从领导重视 ,选择协作对象 ,坚持互利互惠和形成体系4个方面 ,并结合实际事例进行了论述  相似文献   

林清鱹 《水利经济》2002,20(4):29-30
根据福建省水利经济目前的基本情况,分析水利经济发展过程中存在的问题,提出了今后发展水利经济必须立足基业,做到供水、发电、多种经营共同发展。  相似文献   

统筹城乡经济社会发展加快农村全面小康建设   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
本文认为全面建设我国小康社会的难点、重点在于“三农”,解决之道是统筹城乡经济社会发展,加快建设现代农业,建设现代农村,培育现代农民。  相似文献   

朗乡林业局把落叶松作为营造速生丰产林的主要树种,选择环境优越、条件良好的人工林作为母树林的基础,以留优去劣为原则进行全程4次疏伐,最后建立保证优良母树特性的母树林来获得优良树种.  相似文献   

农二师商业总公司 (以下简称总公司 )是农二师综合性商贸流通骨干企业 ,现有职工 933人 ,离退职工 2 58人 ,总资产 1 2亿元 ,净资产 1 368万元 ,银行贷款 50 0 0万元。下属有 650 0平方米的德丰商厦 ,470 0平方米的原江南商场 ,总资产 30 0 0万元的燃料公司 ,30 0多个摊位的孔雀市场等 7个基层企业单位。过去曾经辉煌过 ,1 994年前平均年盈利 2 0 0万元。但从计划经济转入市场经济以来 ,由于市场竞争激烈、机制不活、管理不善等原因 ,1 995年以来逐年亏损 ,1 997年亏损 62 0万元 ,使企业面临绝境。1 998年总公司新的领导班子加大改革力度 ,…  相似文献   

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