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随着我国的"西部大开发战略"的实施,西北地区的城市发展呈加速发展的状态。城市内部用地紧张,城市的公共开放空间缺乏。因此,重构城市的公共开放空间,尝试建立新的城市休憩场所,保障城市开放空间长远的可持续发展。  相似文献   

协会工作交流会暨政工会议于2月25~26日在京召开。会议由范维唐会长主持,濮洪九第一副会长作总结讲话。中国煤炭工业协会专职副会长、秘书长,各部室主任,各代管协会理事长(会长、主席)、副理事长(副会长、副主席)、秘书长共计40余人参加了会议。会议认真听取了各代管协会2003年工作总结和2004年工作安排意见,  相似文献   

4月28日至5月3日,第六届中国国际动漫节在杭州休博园举行,在中国经济回暖向好的大背景下,将推动中国乃至世界动漫产业迈上新的发展台阶。第六届中国国际动漫节,有43个国家和地区的动漫名企、名家参展、参会、参赛,参展人数突破100万人次,交易金额突破100亿元人民币,并在专业化和国际化方面有全新的提升。  相似文献   

This paper resolves the long‐standing debate between the two dominant process schools in strategy. Analysis of the planning practices of 656 firms shows that formal planning and incrementalism both form part of ‘good’ strategic planning, especially in unstable environments. Environment neither moderates the need for formal planning nor the direction of the planning/performance relationship, but does moderate firm planning capabilities and planning flexibility. In unstable environments planning capabilities are far better developed and formal plans more amenable to change. The planning/performance relationship is, however, moderated by planning duration: at least four years of formal planning are required before external performance associations are noted. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results of a worldwide survey of nutrition planning professionals' attitudes towards nutrition policy are presented. The objective of the survey was to determine what those involved in nutrition planning perceive to be the causes of hunger and malnutrition, and their views on the effectiveness of the programs implemented to overcome these problems. In mid-1979, a questionnaire was compiled comprising 48 questions related to attitudes towards nutrition policy, voluntary questions about social class, political classification and professional behavior and a question on perceived major impediments to solving malnutrition in the world. The questionnaire was sent to 728 professionals 87 countries; 250 replies from 55 countries; 250 replies from 55 countries were received. 44% of respondents resided in the US, 16% in Latin America and the Caribbean, 14% in the Far East, 12% in Africa and the Middle East and 13% in Europe, Canada and Australasia. Self-classification of political beliefs is the most clear cut correlate in predicting attitudes towards food and nutrition policy. There appear to be 2 clear schools of scientific/political behavior in the sample: one holds a more moderate, but generally liberal, set of views regarding the failure of modern technology in resolving world hunger and nutrition problems; a 2nd more liberal group believes political causes to be at the root of hunger. There is no single profession that can be typified as a breeding ground for nutrition planners. While the European trained and/or native group tends to be more to the left in their attitudes than their counterparts in the US, both groups are decidedly liberal and believe that social structural changes are needed to solve the problems of hunger and malnutrition in the world.  相似文献   

An important activity in many R&D departments is the internal development of new process technologies and practices to assist in the marketing, design and manufacturing activities of the enterprise. An integral part of this R&D development is the planning and management of validations of potential technology projects. These validations are necessary to determine the technical, financial and organizational feasibility of the projects and to develop data for benefits measurement for further funding of selected projects. This paper describes a methodology for validation planning of new process technologies and practices. The methodology allows for the explicit linkage of a validation to the identification of its financial and strategic benefits. These often diverse measures of worth are integrated using a proven multi-attribute justification approach within the planning methodology. The methodology and the multi-attribute approach also support the comparison of dissimilar projects having different benefits. The methodology acts as an organizational planning tool integrating the needs of the diverse constituencies involved in R&D planning. It also acts as a tool to aid engineers and scientists identify and present the benefits of the proposed technology.  相似文献   

中水珠江规划勘测设计有限公司是由原水利部珠江水利委员会勘测设计研究院整体转制而来.随着各项机制的调整和完善,公司的质量管理工作也取得了显著的成绩.  相似文献   

Field JO 《Food Policy》1987,12(1):15-28
Multisectoral nutrition planning emerged in the early 1970's as a bold new approach to combating malnutrition in low-income countries. Conceptually elegant and operationally ambitious, it blossomed on paper but collapsed in practice notwithstanding vigorous promotion by international assistance agencies. This essay reviews the meteoric rise and fall of the multisectoral approach and then proceeds to examine its theoretical underpinnings. The essay concludes by identifying 12 lessons learned that, if heeded, can help the current generation of intersectoral initiatives against malnutrition to realize their potential. In retrospect, it was a mistake to assign responsibility for nutrition to economic planners and scientists who possessed little political influence or operational authority. Nutrition requires high-level political sponsorship if it is to command resources, be integrated with established ministerial responsibilities and have staying power. Nutrition planning bcame attractive to basically conservative governments anxious to accommodate international benefactors without having to accept more fundamental reforms; the analysis of malnutrition causality focused primarily on attributes of the malnourished and their families, not on the social, economic, and political order around them.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 111 senior executives this study finds that tailoring a firm's strategic planning system to its context is not a popular practice, despite its presumed importance. Moreover, the lack of fit between a firm's strategic planning system and its context appears to be inconsequential to how managers rate their planning systems. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

非人非物、无手无脚的小东西“UU”,11月23日,第26届世界大学生夏季运动会吉祥物发布晚会亮相,成为主角。UU”是一张笑脸,有着欢乐、甜美、顽皮的形象,传达着欢快、青春、时尚的气息,同时,又具有“Unlverslade”首写字母“U”的形态,以甜美、顽皮、可爱的笑脸面向世界,也可以称之为“快乐因子”。  相似文献   

The open source model provides a valuable framework for collective knowledge production and dissemination. Open knowledge networks and other cooperative strategies (classified as open source discovery initiatives) are enabling biopharmaceutical companies to access disembodied knowledge‐based resources critical to downstream drug development. The objective of these cooperative strategic alliances is to preserve the downstream technological opportunities for multiple firms. When upstream discovery research cannot yield commercial products and when the costs associated with excessive upstream competition are too high, companies jointly benefit from cooperative knowledge production and open knowledge dissemination. An analysis of 39 open source initiatives (consortia) provides us with information on: the likely participants in such initiatives, the focus of knowledge production activities, the characteristics of the knowledge generated, and the management of joint knowledge assets. Based on this analysis, we use game models to understand the decision to participate in such strategic alliances better. Our game models provide a simple but elegant framework for understanding the impact of changing knowledge structures on the payoffs associated with cooperation and defection in knowledge production, and therefore on behaviour.  相似文献   

【本刊专讯】:根据“中国玩具礼品城——澄海展示交易会中心”的统一计划和部署,结合2009年1月5日-8日在香港会议展览中心举行的亚洲最大玩具专业展——香港玩具展,广东省汕头市澄海区玩具协会和澄海展览中心定于2009年1月9日-12日在澄海展览中心主馆举行第2届“中国玩具礼品城——澄海展示交易会”,填补了年初国内玩具展览的空白。  相似文献   

Abstract . A Delphi study over the whole of the U.K. textile industry is at present being carried out by the Technical Economy Department of the Shirley Institute. This paper describes the methodology used and discusses some of the problems which have arisen and the results obtained.  相似文献   

The lean approach is an idealizing improvement approach that has an enormous impact in the field of operations management. It started in the automotive industry and has since been widely applied in discrete manufacturing. However, extensions to the (semi-) process industry have been much slower. Resource characteristics of the (semi-) process industry obstruct a straightforward application. The notion of the point of discretization for the (semi-) process industry is helpful here. This notion builds on the fact that in most (semi-) process industries there is a point in production where process production turns into discrete production. Downstream of this point lean principles are applicable in a straightforward manner, while upstream lean needs to be interpreted in a more liberal way. In this article we address this issue by a case study. The study considers how the principles of ‘flow’ and ‘pull’ production - suggesting a regular, demand-driven product flow - may be implemented for the (semi-) process industry by introducing cyclic schedules. The conjectures guiding the case study are: (i) Cyclic schedules fit in a lean improvement approach for the semi-process industry, (ii) Cyclic schedules help to improve production quality and supply-chain coordination and (iii) Discrete event simulation is a useful tool in facilitating a participative design of a cyclic schedule. The case study is extensively described to be able to judge how the context of the changes and the intervention process contribute to the results of the intervention.  相似文献   

This work presents a novel interactive possibilistic linear programming (PLP) approach for solving the multi-product aggregate production planning (APP) problem with imprecise forecast demand, related operating costs, and capacity. The proposed approach attempts to minimize total costs with reference to inventory levels, labor levels, overtime, subcontracting and backordering levels, and labor, machine and warehouse capacity. The proposed approach uses the strategy of simultaneously minimizing the most possible value of the imprecise total costs, maximizing the possibility of obtaining lower total costs, and minimizing the risk of obtaining higher total costs. An industrial case demonstrates the feasibility of applying the proposed approach to real APP decision problems. Consequently, the proposed PLP approach yields an efficient APP compromise solution and overall degree of decision maker (DM) satisfaction with determined goal values. Particularly, several significant management implications and characteristics of the proposed PLP approach that distinguish it from the other APP decision models are presented.  相似文献   

The relationship between financial performance and characteristics of corporate planning systems was investigated/Planning systems that combined an external focus with a long-term perspective were found to be associated with superior 10-year total return to stockholders. A lagged relationship between such systems and 4-year average annual returns to investors also was identified.  相似文献   

Abstract . The generation of ideas for new products and their subsequent survival through a number of evaluation and development stages are—at least in part—random processes. To examine the implications of this for research planning and resource allocation a model has been constructed to simulate the progress of ideas through such an evaluation system using Monte Carlo methods. Use of the model on such typical product-innovative fields as a 'new venture' portfolio and effect-chemicals R & D has yielded valuable insights into variability in output of ventures suitable for commercialization, the degree of confidence which may be placed in achieving a desired objective, and its relation to costs and resource allocations at different stages of the process. The model also allows examination of sensitivities to the assumptions made in its construction and to data used as input.  相似文献   

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