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With a traditional focus on external customers, marketing personnel could be expected to provide a leadership role in bringing an internal customer focus to the organization. In this study, we focus on the internal customer mind-set (ICMS) of marketing personnel and how this might impact the organization. We present a theoretically driven model that integrates current human resources literature by representing ICMS as a mediator of job satisfaction/organizational commitment and job performance/turnover intentions. The most notable results are found between ICMS and job performance, through both direct and indirect effects. Future research and study limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to develop measures of concepts related to retail bank customers' perceptions of retail bank services delivery systems. The results of the research indicate four potentially important aspects of the retail bank services delivery system are (1) general bank personal service, (2) teller personal service, (3) reactton capacity , and (4) location convenience. The research results support the hypotheses that retail bank customers' perceptions of these issues may be related to customer satisfaction and intentions to do business with the bank in the future, intentions to purchase additional products and services, and intentions to give the bank a larger percentage of the customer's business.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an extensive study on the determinants of customer satisfaction for a retail bank. In doing so, it uses a revised version of the traditional analyses based on derived measures of attribute importance. The need for a revised methodology is prompted by the insights of the two- and three-factor theories of customer satisfaction, such as Kano's framework. Indeed, the evidence from 5000 customers of a prominent Italian bank confirms a non-linear and asymmetric relationship between attribute performances and overall customer satisfaction. The results from both a traditional and our revised approach are compared. While this approach can be applied across different industries, it should not be assumed that the numerical results presented in the paper apply to contexts with substantially different underlying characteristics. General trends and implications for banking services are reported in the conclusions.  相似文献   

Value as a theme in the relationship marketing literature is gaining increasing attention. In particular, the synthesis of value concepts with a multi-stakeholder approach to relationship marketing has been the subject of recent interest. Building on earlier work, this article explores how key elements of relationship value can be integrated through a focus on three key stakeholder groups: employees, customers and shareholders. The linkages between employee value, customer value and shareholder value, including the research on the service-profit chain, are explored. The paper also explores the extent to which linkage models or enterprise performance models, which integrate these components of value, have been adopted by organisations. Two case studies are used to illustrate the practical application by organisations seeking to develop enterprise performance models.  相似文献   

Demand and supply integration is the subject of increasing scholarly attention. The theoretical emphasis on combining market and supply chain data as the basis for strategic and operational decision making is particularly relevant in the context of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) supply chains, and offers the basis for advancing our understanding and knowledge in this field. Point‐of‐sale (POS) data are commonly used as the demand signal in CPG supply chains. Using empirical data, this research demonstrates that POS data can be influenced by nondemand factors. We present a number of issues raised by this finding.  相似文献   

The study of ethical leadership has emerged as an important topic for understanding the effects of leadership in organizations. In a study with 845 working adults across multiple organizations, the relationships between ethical leadership with positive employee outcomes were examined. Results suggest that ethical leadership is related to both psychological well-being and job satisfaction in employees, but the processes are different. Employee voice mediated the relationship between ethical leadership and psychological well-being. Feelings of psychological ownership mediated the relationship between ethical leadership and job satisfaction. A discussion of theoretical and practical implications concludes the article.  相似文献   

陈少军 《江苏商论》2011,(12):41-43
顾客忠诚重要性已被学者和企业管理者广泛接受,对于如何提升和维持顾客忠诚,以往的研究主要以顾客导向经营模式进行探讨,基于企业与顾客合作创造这一全新视角来研究顾客忠诚提升在中国尚属空白。这篇文章拟研究在顾客与企业角色变化环境下,传统模式企业与顾客合作创造在顾客忠诚营造方面实施的可行性比较,拟对企业战略发展做出指引。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have investigated the performance of frontline employees (FLEs) and how these employees influence organizational success. Because customer‐perceived outcomes are important, much attention has been devoted to the customer orientation (CO) construct. The weak influence of CO on external measures, however, has led to numerous research questions. The current work addresses these questions by introducing a new construct, “productivity propensity,” while examining its relationship with CO and multiple outcome measures. Results from two distinct samples suggest that the construct is a valuable addition to the FLE literature.  相似文献   

客户关系管理的研究现状、不足和未来展望   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文认为,企业实施客户关系管理的动因主要有顾客角色的变化与交换双方权力的转移,超强竞争环境,营销管理重心的转变以及互联网等通讯基础设施与技术的蓬勃发展等四个方面。目前客户关系管理研究中的主要问题是狭隘地理解客户关系管理,仅仅将其看作是一种管理软件;顾客权益的内涵尚不明确;尚未找到一种能够平衡顾客价值与企业价值的绩效评价方法;对顾客知识的研究基本空白等。文章还指出了未来客户关系管理研究的四大主要领域,即顾客权益合理内涵、评价方法与驱动因素及其在CRM中的应用;顾客价值的内涵多维动态评价体系、创造机制与驱动因素;顾客知识管理模型与数据挖掘技术的运用以及价值导向型客户关系管理的实施流程与竞争能力等。  相似文献   

西方顾客承诺研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾客承诺是维系顾客的根本性心理纽带.文章介绍了顾客承诺产生的理论背景,从本质、维度、前因和后果四个方面回顾了西方顾客承诺研究的概貌.针对现有研究的问题和不足,提出了未来研究建议.  相似文献   

在动态变化的复杂环境中,客户快速响应能力是企业获得持续竞争优势的基础。客户响应能力的形成来源于对企业客户知识的管理。综合采用知识管理中"对象观"和"过程观"的观点,深入分析客户知识管理对客户响应能力演化的促进机理,并研究企业的客户知识能力对客户响应能力提升的保障作用。  相似文献   

顾客忠诚的价值驱动模式   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
顾客忠诚是企业赢利的源泉和成长的基石,近年来已成为国内外理论研究的一个重要课题。本文对顾客忠诚的内涵以及影响顾客忠诚的因素进行分析和总结的基础上,认为顾客价值才是顾客忠诚的真正驱动因素,提出一种顾客忠诚的价值驱动模型,以此来解释顾客忠诚的内在原因,并得出顾客忠诚价值驱动模式研究的基本结论。  相似文献   


Given the critical need for retail firms to provide high quality customer service and satisfaction, this article investigates the importance of formalizing customer complaint handling policies and procedures with regard to its relationship to the ways in which retail companies receive, record, and respond to customer complaints. A survey of 184 firms from the retail environment of a midsized community reveals that the existence of such formalized procedures is significantly associated with firm size, better channels of communication with customers, mechanisms of recording customer feedback, and better-trained employees, which have been shown to relate to higher firm performance.  相似文献   

供应商授信是企业融资的重要方式之一,本文以2013-2018年A股上市公司为研究样本,深入考察客户稳定性对企业供应商授信的影响及其作用机制,研究结果表明:(1)企业的客户稳定性越强,获得供应商授信的额度越多。该结论在采用工具变量法、倾向得分匹配法和替代变量等一系列稳健性检验之后依然成立。(2) 作用路径识别发现,企业经营业绩、信息环境和审计意见对客户稳定性与供应商授信的关系具有部分中介效应,其中企业经营业绩传递了约12%的客户-供应商的授信效应;信息环境传递了约5%的客户-供应商的授信效应;审计意见传递了约91%的客户-供应商的授信效应。(3)异质性检验发现,当企业所在地信任度较低、法制环境较差时,客户稳定性对企业供应商的授信额度影响更为明显。  相似文献   

Customer perceptions of quality play a major role in the success or failure of an organization. Their perception also serves to determine their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This paper will discuss those factors that the customer perceives as "quality" factors and how those factors affect satisfaction. The second section of the paper will look at who is (or should be) responsible for implementing and carrying out the goals of a quality improvement program. A case study of a large hospital located in the American Midwest is also presented. Finally, recommendations for the best way to begin a quality improvement program (i.e., measure customer perceptions of quality, involving everyone, and making a real commitment to this program--forever) will be given.  相似文献   

Pressure from clients is now forcing many, agencies to consider allocating resources to the development of effectiveness measures. Some agencies have for many years employed econometricians to develop rudimentary econometric models examining the relationship between advertising spends, campaign duration and sales volumes. For others, who believe that their major role is on the creative side, developing advertising campaigns and programmes which bring the brand to the consumers' attention and ultimately bring about purchase, there is a dilemma.  相似文献   

城市湿地公园因自身功能的限制,其开发旅游有着先天的不足。本文以无锡长广溪城市湿地公园为研究对象,通过问卷调查和实地访谈的方式探讨了城市湿地公园的游客满意度,认为应通过完善基础设施、挖掘文化内涵、提供人性化服务等措施来提高游客的满意度,从而实现城市湿地公园生态环境保护与社会经济双赢的旅游经营目标。  相似文献   

在西方学术界,产业安全有深刻的理论渊源,包括重商主义、贸易保护主义和发展经济学等,但当前专门针对产业安全的研究很少。自20世纪90年代中期以来,中国国内学术界对产业安全的关注越来越多,方法也越来越科学,已形成了许多高水平的研究成果,涉及理论辨析、经验评价和政策讨论等多个方面。本文将对产业安全在西方学术界的理论渊源和国内相关研究文献进行全面的回顾和述评。  相似文献   

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