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社会经济转型期,中国企业家幸福感在下降。我们基于幸福经济学的理论假设,运用采用了问卷、访谈等心理学和社会学的研究方法,并借助于计量统计和大样本处理等技术,对温州企业家幸福感进行了实证分析。同时,对温州市企业家幸福感变化进行了原因阐释,并提出了增进和保护温州企业家幸福感的有关对策。  相似文献   

汪升华  陈田  刘洋 《财贸经济》2005,(11):84-86
商务主导型旅游发展模式是经济中心型城市发展旅游的理性选择.温州是我国对外开放的14个沿海港口和全国45个交通枢纽城市之一,是浙江东南部的经济中心城市."温州经济"、"温州模式"是温州最响亮的品牌,其商务旅游有着坚实的生成、生长与发展基础.温州商务旅游历经"初始化阶段-自发式阶段-自觉式阶段-现代化阶段"的"四段式"发展过程,是对经济中心城市的商务旅游主导型发展模式的一个完整表达.  相似文献   

李婕 《江苏商论》2015,(2):83-88
文章分析温州市城乡统筹水平不高的原因,提出推进城乡统筹发展的对策建议:加大薄弱环节统筹力度、搭建统筹城乡战略平台、提升城乡公共服务水平、推进农业现代化进程。  相似文献   

To date, the marketing literature on gift giving has focused on two approaches or paradigms—economic and relational exchange. This study adopts a different perspective, proposing a community paradigm to provide a holistic view of gift giving. The data (based on 20 in‐depth interviews and 2 group interviews) suggest that, on the Internet, social networks of relationships cohere into gift‐giving communities that influence the purchasing of gifts. Findings about online gift giving are presented according to three community themes: (a) shared rituals and traditions, (b) shared values, and (c) shared responsibilities. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

As the Chinese saying goes,"Courtesy requires reciprocity.It's impolite not to give as good as one gets." Giving presents is one of China's oldest traditions.Chinese people give presents when they meet for the first time,part from each other,ask for a favor,do business,and want to express gratitude.  相似文献   

Gift card purchases have grown significantly in recent years. The growth has been attributed to recipients being able to make personal selections that best meet their needs while reducing the giver’s risk of improper selection and wasted time. However, while gift cards have positive benefits for both giver and recipient, certain fees, and terms and conditions involved with their use and nonuse ultimately may impact the level of satisfaction derived. This paper provides background into the use of gift cards and the development of “open‐loop” and “closed‐loop” cards. Further, it examines current levels of legal protection afforded to consumers. The paper discusses how disclosure and notice, concepts intended to protect consumers, are often neglected or unusable because the actual party at risk is not the party with whom the purchase transaction was consummated. Implications are drawn for those who are charged with creating effective public policy and consumer affairs professionals who wish to provide assistance to both consumers and regulators.  相似文献   

赵钧 《WTO经济导刊》2011,(11):57-59
记者手记:近年来,中断经历着并轨和动密集型出口产经济几十年的成经验和教训表明经走到了尽头。与整体经济升级一同来到十着中国民营经济小企业。外贸的的大幅增加、利环境的愈发严峻地下金融市场轰情和友谊,也伴消失殆尽。  相似文献   

从农民工的闲暇时间占有量、休闲活动参与水平和参与结构等方面考察农民工的休闲生活,并比较农民工、农民和市民这"三元社会结构"的休闲生活差异,探讨农民工这一过渡性社会结构的休闲特征,分析农民工休闲特征的形成原因,提出了建议.  相似文献   

从农民工的闲暇时间占有量、休闲活动参与水平和参与结构等方面考察农民工的休闲生活,并比较农民工、农民和市民这“三元社会结构”的休闲生活差异,探讨农民工这一过渡性社会结构的休闲特征,分析农民工休闲特征的形成原因,提出了建议。  相似文献   

Gift cards have received limited study despite being a key element of many retailers’ strategies. One reason may be that approaching the study of gift cards from a traditional economic perspective, i.e. ignoring social relationships, leaves little justification for the rapid increase in gift card sales. Failing to see the value of gift cards, many commentators go so far as to argue against the purchase of gift cards, suggesting that consumers would better off using other gift types. This misses the important point that givers voluntarily buy cards and receivers enjoy gaining them. Consumers undoubtedly perceive the value in gift cards. We suggest that taking a broader perspective on consumer behavior and considering consumers involved in social systems that encourage gift giving, allows us to see the value gift cards create while allowing us to address the concerns gift cards raise more effectively. In this article, we detail the benefits created for givers, receivers, and merchants by the use of gift cards. We highlight areas with significant public policy implications. We outline an agenda for some promising areas of research, including seeking to gain a better understanding of the psychology of giving gift cards and the economics of retail strategies dependent upon gift card usage.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和时代的变迁,"90后"温籍大学生不得不接过温州人创业的旗帜,传承和发展温州人的创业精神,为家乡经济发展贡献力量。但是他们有着和父辈不一样的特点,吃苦能力较差、个性较强,受过良好的教育和善于运用网络技术等,因此社会、家庭、高校要创造良好的创业环境,支持和鼓励他们开展创业实践活动。  相似文献   

传统手工艺技能类非物质文化遗产因为偏重于依靠技艺,能源消耗低,所生产产品的文化附加值高,不会污染环境等特点,非常适合今天及以后的产业发展结构和方向,适合于进行产业化。但是目前,我国大多数传统手工艺技能类非物质文化遗产的产业化处于刚刚起步的摸索阶段,还存在很多问题。怎样才能推动其深入产业化和健康发展,无论从保护、传承传统手工艺技能类非物质文化遗产的角度来说,还是从推动新型文化产业发展的方面来讲,都是值得深入思考的问题。本文即以温州市传统手工艺技能类非物质文化遗产的产业化现状为例,逐一分析其在目前产业化过程中存在的问题,及对于今后如何发展进行深入思考。  相似文献   

鲁丹萍 《商业研究》2002,(18):109-111
温州市面临经济全球化 ,面对新的国际国内环境 ,温州市现代物流发展正处于起步阶段 ,与发达国家和其它先进城市相比还存在着较大的差距。加快推进现代化物流业是发展温州市经济的必然 ,提出温州发展物流的对策 ,以促进温州经济快速健康发展。  相似文献   

There is a highlight every year in Shantou,Guangdong Province that attracts the attention of global toy merchants.  相似文献   

本文通过国外、国内及温州商标品牌情况的调查研究,借鉴先进经验和做法,结合温州实际,突出温州特色,发挥优势、找准不足、明确威胁和挑战,从战略角度对温州商标品牌的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

1989年9月,浙江省首家拍卖行--温州拍卖行有限公司,在浙江大地上敲响了第一槌拍卖声。在总经理张景海的带领下,公司从一开始就以市场化的方式进行运作,受到社会各界的好评。一直以来,公司秉着"公开、公平、公正、诚信为本、一槌定音"的原则,为社会各界提供高效、规范、优质的服务,经过十几年的发展,现拥有注册资金1000万元,总资产上亿元,连续7年  相似文献   

中国内地和中国台湾地区双边贸易发展快速,利益共同点广泛,签署两岸经济合作框架协议(ECFA)有利于双边经济社会发展。签署ECFA之后,中国内地企业进入中国台湾地区的壁垒会大为降低。本文通过ECFA对温州经济发展带来的影响分析和预测,指出新形势下温州对接台湾,加快发展的战略措施。  相似文献   

Gift giving is prominent in marketplace exchanges and has robust emotional implications for both the giver and recipient. For example, prior to and during the selection of a gift, the giver endures positive and negative emotions, as he/she grapples with selecting the perfect gift, and ponders if the recipient will actually cherish the purchased item. During this dynamic exchange process, emotional recognition, management of emotions, emotional empathy, and anticipated elation are oft experienced by both the giver and recipient. However, research examining such emotions quantitatively in a gifting context is scant and models of these faculties in the gift‐giving milieu are nonexistent. To help fill this research fissure, four studies are developed; they, in general, investigate determinants of feelings linked with the gestation, prestation, and reformulation stages of the gift‐giving event. Specifically, Study 1 (giver's perspective) and Study 2 (receiver's perspective) reveal a mediation void in the models tested. Heeding these results, Study 3 (gift given) and Study 4 (gift received) introduce anticipated elation as a key factor between the aforementioned emotive factors and the emotional responses inherent in the gift‐giving stages, among others. Managerial implications and future research directions are offered.  相似文献   

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