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When the financial storm indulges in the Wall Street of US,the whole world economy is threatened.In this global economy,no one can turn away from its impact.So as China and her SMEs.Small and medium-sized enterprises,i.e.SMEs,are often opposite to state-owned enterprises,i.e.SOEs in China.Born with some natural shortages, where can Chinese SMEs find shelter for the bad weather? How can they survive in the tempest? To be or not to be,that is a question raised to them cruelly.  相似文献   

For many mountain-climbing enthusiasts,Mount Taishan(泰山tài shān)is a must. Previously called "Daishan Mountain",Mount Taishan is also known as "the Great Peak","the Great Mountain" and "the Eastern Mountain".It is a perfect combination of culture and natural landscape,and can also be considered as the symbol of the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

The nucleus of the patentsystem is to protect patent rights,i.e.,to protect the legitimate rightsof patentees and Interested parties.Since China's first patent law cameinto force in April 1985,the ChinesePatent Office and local patentadministrative organs havecontinuously attached primeimportance to the protection ofpatent rights,and gratifying resultshave been achieved in this field.  相似文献   

A method based on hybrid finite element method(FEM) and fast inhomogeneous pla ne wave algorithm (FIPWA) is proposed to solve the electromagnetic scattering pr oblem for bodies of revolution (BOR) with inhomogeneous, composite materials. Th e FEM with mixed edge based and node based elements is used for representing t he interior electric field, while the FIPWA is used as the exact boundary condit ion, hybrid triangular and pulse basis functions are used for representing the e lectric field and magnetic field on the boundary. Both the memory and CPU time r equirements are reduced for large scale BOR problems. Numerical results are give n to demonstrate the validity and the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

As the only automobile sponsor of BOAO FORUM FOR ASIA in April 2004,Brilliance Auto had a great opportunity to show her "New Zhonghua" sedanwhich is an upper-medium car with completely independent intellectualproperty rights and repre sents the independent development philosophy ofBrilliance Auto and is especially made for business personnel. Thedevelopment pattern of Zhonghua sedan set a brand new model in Chineseauto industry to utilize the global resources and talents and internationaldivision of labor in the international arena, and she has become a typicalsample of independent brand sedans in the contemporary Chinese autoindustry.  相似文献   

China Kunming Import & Export Commodities Fair (known as Kunming Fair) is a regional trade fair jointly sponsored by China's seven local governments, i.e. Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Tibet, Chongqing and Chengdu. Kunming Fair has been successfully held annually for sixteen consecutive years since 1993, and embraces its 17th session from June 6 to 10, 2009. During the Kunming Fair, a special South Asia Exhibition is held at the same time, and it is its 2nd session this year.  相似文献   

In the 21st century, China has entered into an era in which city is the principal part of development. Cities, as the basic unit of a country's social and economic development, undertake multiple functions such as political, social, economic and environmental management. The "City Management Efficiency Indexes of China's 200 Cities and Provinces" (CMEICN 2007), organized and compiled by Professor Ji Zhu, Director of both WERCCN and BCEIC, i.e.  相似文献   

Ping Ding Shan Coal Mine wasestablished in 1955 and wastransformed into Ping DingShan CoalMining (group) Co. Ltd (PCMC) in 1996.The company was the first giant coal industrybase built after the founding of new China.It has over eight billion tons of coal reserves.At present, there are 12 pairs of operatingmines and three coking coal preparationplants producing 20 million tons of raw coaland smelting 3.5 million tons of clean coal ayear. The coal is provided to hundreds oflarge and medium-sized enterprises in the 11provinces and cities in the mid-south andeast of China, and part is exported abroad.Therefore the mine is known as the "coalbunker" of China.  相似文献   

Beijing will open the planning and design market, so that foreigners can participate in the urban planning which could only be made by Beijingers in the past. This is a creative action made by Beijing Urban Committee this year.Huang Yan, deputy director of Beijing Urban Committee , told the reporter that although the key task of Beijing Urban Committee is to work out the " Three major plans", i.e. to revise "Beijing Overall Urban Planning", to draw up "Strategic Research  相似文献   

Alt h o u g h t h e C h i n e s eGovernment is encouragingforeign investment in Stateenterprises, foreign investors are alsorequired to observe related rules.According to a regulation on foreigninvestment announced in 1988 by theState Council, foreign invested projectscould be put into four categories: thosewhich were encouraged, approved,restricted or prohibited."All foreign penetration into domesticenterprises, by whatever means, shouldfirmly observe related laws andregulations," the regul…  相似文献   

For many mountain-climbing enthusiasts,Mount Taishan(泰山 tài shah) is a must. Previously called "Daishan Mountain",Mount Taishan is also known as "the Great Peak","the Great Mountain" and "the Eastern Mountain".It is a perfect combination of culture and natural landscape,and can also be considered as the symbol of the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Czech Republic officially took over the six-month EU presidency from France. Following Slovenia, the Czech Republic is the second new EU member to hold the EU presidency. The Czech Republic is currently faced with the challenge of coping with the global financial crisis and promoting EU political reform, as well as handling its own internal issues. On January 15, H.E. Mr. Vitezslav GREPL,the ambassador of the Czech Republic in China, held a press conference to address the Sino-EU relationship in 2009. H.E.Mr. Serge Abou, the EU ambassador to China and H.E. Mr. Mikael Lindstrom,the ambassador of Sweden to China also attended this conference.  相似文献   

China's plan outline for theNinth Five-Year Plan periodand the long-term plan for theyear 2010 adopted at the 4thsession of the 8th National PeopleCongress in March this year hasdetermined that China's foreigntrade development should surpassnational economic development.By the year 2000,China's grossforeign trade volume is to grow toUS$400 billion,about US$200 eachfor imports and exports.For thisgoal,the foreign trade growth modemust be changed to meet therequirements of the 5th PlenarySession of 14th CPC Conference,i.e.relying on science andtechnology to boost trade.  相似文献   

Renowned as the Olympic Games of culture, economy, science and technology, the i.Shanghai World Expo is around the corner. It is reported that, by the end of January 2010, 90% of the World Expo pavilions have been completed and 18 million tickets have been sold. According to Xinhua news agency, sales value of franchised commodities for the Shanghai World Expo, which is to be held from May i to Oct. 31, have reached RMB 8 billion (US$1.2 billion U.S. dollars) by mid March.  相似文献   

The Evergreen Group is as comfortable in the air as it is on the sea, and its prominence in imernational transport is growing steadily in these reaims. After establishing Evergreen Marine and making it into one of the world's premier ocean carriers with just 20 years of service, the company took to the skies in 1989 by forming EVA Air. It focused on quality service and safety, and built EVA to become Taiwan's leading independent airline. Today, EVA Air carries passengers and cargo to all corners of the globe.  相似文献   

Whether market- and guanxi-based strategies are complementary or substitutable in shaping adaptive capability is a critical yet controversial issue. This paper tackles this problem by adopting the ambidexterity perspective. Specifically, using a sample of 185 Chinese private firms, this study examines the independent and interactive effects of market orientation (MO) and guanxi orientation (GO, i.e., emphasizing on building business and political ties) on adaptive capability of firms in transition economies. Our results suggest that both direct impacts and complementary impacts of MO and GO strongly exist in shaping firms' adaptive capability, indicating the importance of "strategic ambidexterity." These findings have several theoretical implications for studies on ambidexterity and adaptive capability, and practical implications for finn strategies in transition economies.  相似文献   

To carry out internationalized economic strategy is one of the "Three Great Development Strategies" that Jiangsu Province faces in the 21st century, Being a coastal-open county, Sheyang will implement, an all-round outwardly oriented strategy to promote its coastal dominance and build a coastal window opening to the outside world in the middle part of northern Jiangsu. Sheyang is located at the middle of the 954-kilometer coastline of Jiangsu, looking towards Japan and Korea across the sea. Its own coastline is 109.6 kilometers in length, the first in the province, and it is in the forward position where the country, the province and the city implement coastal economic  相似文献   

The queen bee embryo, the chrysalis of the queen bee, is very nutritious and valuable and is also a natural product in the process of manufacturing royal jelly. In modern industrial production, the embryo is produced by transplanting one-day-old worker bee chrysalises into queen bee shaped incubators to allow worker bees to feed them believing they are queen bees. As a result, the weight of these chrysalises increases by some 1,000 times in 70 hours. When the royal jelly is collected, the chrysalises must be taken  相似文献   

2008: National Exhibition Industrial Association should be established as soon as possibte
Exhibition industry, often renowned as the locomotive of the tertiary industry, is highly profitable smokeless industry (the profit rate is up to 20%-25% in the developed countries). It is measured by experts that the exhibition industry could drive the development of other industry at the ratio of 1:9, i.e. if the income of the exhibition venues is 1 share, the relevant income from tourism, transportation,  相似文献   

CHINA TRADITIONAL FESTIVAL Mid-autumn festival-"When the moon is full,mankind is one!",Tips of the Mid-Autumn Festival The legend of Houyi and Chang'e,The legend of The Hare - Jade Rabbit  相似文献   

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