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郑州三全食品股份有限公司是一家以生产速冻食品为主的股份制企业。上世纪90年代,凭藉河南丰富的农副产品资源、农村剩余劳动力资源及得天独厚的运输和物流优势,以三全食品为龙头的河南速冻食品产业集群迅速形成。在该集群中,三全食品与竞争对手实现了创新能力的互惠共生与竞争协同,实现了企业制度和质量控制的创新,提升了企业的文化价值与品牌声誉,实现了企业扩张能力的大幅提高,成为新“豫商”的典型代表。  相似文献   

在食品品牌中融注丰富而具个性的文化内涵是增强品牌核心竞争力的有效措施。食品企业应紧跟消费者需求的变化,充分挖掘与利用一切有益的文化资源,以流行文化、前锋文化、地域文化以及传统文化为主要叙述话语,创建独特的企业与产品品牌文化。  相似文献   

品牌大类中的集群品牌是某区域的产业集群的品牌,也具有品牌的一般性和本质特征。集群品牌在消费者进行购买决策时也会对消费者的心理偏好有一定的影响。文章以消费者为出发点,提出了家电产业集群品牌和集群内企业品牌与品牌信任理论框架,并运用定性和定量相结合的方式对该理论框架进行了验证。  相似文献   

品牌价值是企业重要的无形资产,品牌价值源于顾客忠诚,品牌的顾客忠诚度决定着品牌的市场地位,与企业利润有直接的关系。要赢得顾客忠诚,首先企业要树立品牌意识;其次不仅要满足消费者的产品功能效用的需求,还要满足消费者的心理需求和社会需求;再次要有一支忠诚于品牌的员工队伍和系统的品牌营销传播策略。  相似文献   

正"逆水行舟,不进则退",科迪速冻食品恰如行业河流中一支动力不足的小船,在急流中汨没。"科迪汤圆,团团圆圆"、"卖汤圆,卖汤圆,科迪的汤圆是圆又圆",相信对于很多消费者来说,这样的广告语至今耳熟能详。那时候,科迪可以称得上是速冻食品的行业先驱,其销售范围覆盖全国大中型城市,并一度在全国10个省会城市消费者调查中名列榜首。然而,商场如战场。生意成败得失之间,差之毫厘失之千里,瞬息之间就足以改变全局,更何况是20年。  相似文献   

用心理学概念诠释消费者品牌信任的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌信任就是在风险情境下,消费者基于对品牌品质、行为意向及其履行承诺的能力的正面预期而产生的认可该品牌的意愿。消费者只有对品牌信任才会对企业忠诚。消费者在形成品牌信任的过程中,各种在心理学名词基础上衍生出的概念如品牌感知、品牌态度、品牌情感和品牌人格等是品牌信任形成的基石、保证、纽带及内化。企业可针对品牌信任形成的每一环节实行有针对性的品牌管理。  相似文献   

企业积极履行社会责任能够提高消费者的信任度和品牌的认同感,然而企业承担社会责任是有成本的,消费者是企业产品和社会活动的最终“买单者”。本研究采用企业社会责任的金字塔模型,通过问卷调查法收集数据,旨在探讨企业社会责任感知对消费者购买意愿的影响。研究结果表明,消费者对企业在经济、道德和慈善方面履行责任的感知对购买意愿具有显著正向影响。此外,消费者认同企业社会责任感知和购买意愿之间存在中介作用。研究结论将指导企业制定企业社会责任的沟通策略,获得竞争优势地位从而实现企业责任的价值创造。  相似文献   

一、企业品牌与品牌战略品牌战略,顾名思义,是企业以品牌的营造、使用和维护为核心,在分析研究自身条件和外部环境的基础上所制定的企业总体行动计划。品牌作为一种经济形态要受制于一定的社会经济条件。因此,品牌战略在企业经营管理中的地位的迅速上升有其深刻的社会、经营背景,品牌战略的发展历程也反映了市场经济的演变历程。由于市场发展的反复和不平衡性,早期的品牌仅仅是市场营销的基本工具,甚至仅仅处于营销策略层次。现代生产力的发展推动了市场的信息化进程,市场的主动权从企业进一步转移到消费者手中,企业沦为市场第二主体,市场配…  相似文献   

品牌系统化经营是企业经营活动的重要组成部分,但目前我国企业在品牌经营的系 统化认识、产品品质的完善、消费者主体地位的切实认可、品牌延伸的合理使用、品牌内部管理 的强化和品牌经营国际意识的培育六大方面还存在认识误区。分析这些误区产生的原因,提出应 采取的策略,是企业经营理论研究与实践的题中应有之义。  相似文献   

宁夏清真食品以其鲜明的清真食品特色、优良的清真食品形象及独有的民族文化印记,赢得了不少消费者的青睐和认同。但宁夏清真食品品牌经营缺乏深度、缺少推广战略、产业化水平相对较低的问题依然严重存在。制定品牌规划、提高品牌质量、增加品牌投资、严格品牌管理、培养品牌管理人才等,是提升品牌影响力的必然选择。  相似文献   

构建以消费者自我、绿色消费情境为前因变量及绿色品牌依恋为结果变量的消费者-绿色品牌关系研究体系,利用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析分别确定了消费者自我、绿色消费情境和绿色品牌依恋的测量量表。在传统相关性分析的基础上采用模糊集定性比较分析方法研究了导致绿色品牌依恋的消费者自我与绿色消费情境变量组合,发现消费者自我中的社会自我与理想自我是影响消费者-绿色品牌关系建立的必要条件,且消费者自我与绿色消费情境变量组合对消费者-绿色品牌关系建立的影响具有捆绑效应和互补效应。研究结论为我国绿色品牌关系管理提供了更为多样化和差异化的选择,丰富了绿色品牌关系管理理论体系。  相似文献   

从消费者行为选择角度出发,并引进品牌因素研究了防范上市公司合谋问题。我们的研究发现,在消费者有限理性的前提下,消费者借助于品牌因素来进行投资决策和购买决策,可以间接改善公司治理、防范其合谋行为,最后提出了自己的政策建议。  相似文献   

How do consumers perceive new product variants that are positioned on atypical attributes? The authors investigate the joint effects of three factors? brand familiarity, retail shelf display, and consumer goal orientation. The study focuses on snack foods positioned on the atypical attribute of low fat. There are three main findings. First, although high (vs. low) brand familiarity causes relatively unfavorable perceptions on the positioning attribute, it also creates sufficiently favorable perceptions on another determinant attribute, product taste, resulting in a net positive effect for brand equity on purchase likelihood. Second, goal-based versus taxonomic shelf display (i.e., placement with health foods vs. regular snack foods) results in relatively negative perceptions on the positioning attribute, yet more favorable buying intentions. Finally, more (vs. less) health-oriented consumers rate such product variants less favorably on fat content but more favorably on product taste; the former segment is also more likely to buy such product variants.  相似文献   

Many studies have proposed the use of the relationship metaphor to enhance the understanding of the relationship between consumers and brands. However, few studies have empirically tested consumer–brand relationship models. In this paper, the authors argue that the success of developing empirical models of consumer–brand relationships depends on the adequacy of the metaphoric transfer. The authors compare two models of consumer–brand relationships—the brand relationship quality (BRQ) model and the relationship investment (RI) model on the basis of empirical fit and model interpretation. They modify both models to better accommodate less involving relationships and test them in two studies. The findings suggest that the modified RI model offers a straightforward interpretation of consumer–brand relationships that vary in intensity. The results from the BRQ model are less clear, though further refinements of the model demonstrates the increased potential of the BRQ model compared with traditional attitude models to explain relationships between consumers and brands.  相似文献   

本文在对江苏省消费者进行问卷调查的基础上,研究了消费者对食品制造业社会责任的认知水平及其影响因素。结果显示,绝大多数消费者对食品制造业社会责任问题比较关注,但对社会责任的认知水平有待提高;在食品制造业的各项社会责任内容中,消费者最为看重的是食品质量与安全责任,而对社会捐赠责任的认同度最低;消费者对食品制造业社会责任的关注程度以及年龄、受教育程度、职业、个人月收入、工作或学习所在地与其对食品制造业社会责任的认知水平显著正相关。为了引导消费者的社会责任消费行为,促进食品制造业履行社会责任,需要致力于提高消费者对社会责任的关注程度和认知水平。  相似文献   

This research investigates perceived brand globalness, brand origin image, and brand origin–extension fit as drivers of brand extension success that are mediated through parent brand quality and brand–extension fit. The authors present two complementary studies based on consumer samples from a mature and an emerging market respectively. In both studies, out of all drivers examined, the brand origin–extension fit has the strongest effect on brand extension success both in terms of quality evaluations and purchase intentions. The findings further indicate that extension success is more influenced by consumers’ perceptions of the country from which the focal brand originates than by their perceptions of the brand’s global availability and reach. Implications of the findings for theory and practice are considered and future research directions identified.  相似文献   

The authors examine the transformation of an intended brand personality (i.e., the way brand management would like consumers to perceive the brand??s personality) into a realized brand personality (i.e., the consumer??s actual perception of the brand??s personality). Drawing on the results of a dyadic empirical cross-industry study of 137 brand managers and 3,048 consumers, the authors show that the singularity of the brand personality profile, the competitive differentiation of the brand, the credibility of brand communication, consumers?? depth of product involvement, and consumers?? prior brand attitude all affect the degree to which the realized brand personality resembles the intended brand personality.  相似文献   

品牌共鸣实质上体现了消费者与品牌的一种紧密的心理联系,通过与品牌的情感互动,消费者会感觉到该品牌能够反映自己的情感并且可以通过该品牌为媒介与其他人进行交流,因此会增强消费者对品牌的认同和依赖,获得较高的品牌忠诚度。让消费者形成强烈的品牌共鸣是企业品牌建设的目标和品牌资产形成的基础。  相似文献   

基于品牌拉力的供应链博弈分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当经济在微观上进入买方市场,宏观上进入过剩经济后,消费者的选择和购买成为了市场中的主导力量,品牌成为了在价格等条件下影响消费者选择行为的关键因素.供应链的终点必然是最终消费者,消费者的选择和购买成为整个供应链的拉力,拉动整个供应链的价值实现与循环.供应链中的厂商通过采取面对终点消费者的品牌建设,将使得该厂商在与该环节的其他厂商的竞争和与其上下游的厂商的博弈中占有优势,而这种博弈也使得该厂商比不做品牌时获得的利益更大.  相似文献   

While innovators may rush to purchase many new products, most consumers are more conservative and do not want to buy into fads but purchase only those new products that are viable. How do the majority of consumers make judgments about whether they will adopt an innovation? This article examines the evaluative aspects of adoption as a means for better understanding consumer adoption and the market factors that may influence the success of an innovation. This research introduces a conceptual model that shows how consumers’ evaluation of product category attractiveness affects the adoption decision for really new products. These consumer evaluations are based on the attributes of the product category (“extrabrand” attributes) rather than brand attributes. Results from a test of the model indicate that consumers do use extrabrand attributes to assess the attractiveness of innovative new products.  相似文献   

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