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This paper deals with the changes in prices of production inducedby variations in income distribution on the basis of a linearmodel of production with circulating capital and homogeneouslabour. It is shown that the total effect of income distributionon prices can be decomposed into a "capital-intensity" and a"price" effect and that, in actual economies, the former isexpected to dominate the latter. In order to obtain a concreteidea of the actual trajectories of the price movements and toquantify the relative strength of the two effects, we use input–outputdata of the Chinese economy.  相似文献   

中国的消费不振与收入分配:理论和数据   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
本文根据消费理论的最新发展对收入分配与总需求关系的认识 ,结合中国的具体国情 ,建立了一个用于解释中国消费不振的理论框架 ,并较好地说明了其它理论所不能解释的一些消费特征。最后提出政策建议。  相似文献   

我国最终消费率与收入分配的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘成夫 《现代财经》2006,26(7):10-14
一直以来,我国都保持着较高的储蓄率,最终消费率相应比较低,而且,最终消费率在近年进一步走低。影响消费率的因素包括经济发展状况、人口年龄结构以及文化背景等,其中收入分配对消费需求的影响近年来已经引起重视。根据现有理论构建一个简单的理论分析框架,并使用1952年以来的最终消费率和收入分配数据对此进行实证检验,表明最终消费率和收入分配差距之间存在着长期均衡关系,收入分配差距扩大无论在长期上还是短期上均会降低最终消费率。  相似文献   

本文通过构建效用指数模型对中等收入群体进行测度,并据此将城镇家庭划分为低、中、高收入组,通过分析三类家庭储蓄消费动机,得出三类家庭消费结构异质性推论,以中国家庭金融调查数据库CHFS2013-2017年城镇家庭数据为基础,实证检验三类家庭消费结构差异,最后模拟收入分配变动对消费结构的影响.研究发现:(1)低收入家庭生存型和发展型消费倾向更高,生存型边际消费倾向平均约为中等收入家庭的1.8倍、高收入家庭的8.1倍,发展型边际消费倾向平均约为中等收入家庭的1.6倍、高收入家庭的3.1倍,其收入主要用于满足生存和发展所需;(2)中等收入家庭更注重享受型消费,享受型边际消费倾向平均约为低收入家庭的1.5倍、高收入家庭的4.5倍,其有能力追求更高层次的消费;(3)高收入家庭消费需求基本得到满足,各类消费倾向均较低;(4)模拟收入分配变动结果显示,"提低、扩中"均对消费结构升级具有显著促进作用,应充分考虑收入分配调节对消费结构的影响,重视中等收入群体规模扩大对消费结构升级的带动作用.  相似文献   

收入分配与经济增长——基于消费需求视角的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收入分配会对经济增长产生何种影响,一直是经济学中相当重要的问题。通过对收入分配——消费需求——经济增长这一传导机制进行理论分析,表明收入分配将会通过消费需求这一渠道影响经济增长。采用1990年~2007年中国经济的相关数据对消费需求与经济增长、收入分配与消费需求的关系进行了实证分析,分析表明收入分配调整将会对经济长期稳定增长产生重要作用。在此基础上提出了收入分配政策的分类和选择范围,并对部分收入政策工具的效果进行了模拟。  相似文献   

本文基于独特的2007年和2009年四川省农村家庭微观调查数据,分析汶川大地震对农户家庭收入和消费的影响。我们发现地震造成农户收入下降,但人力资本和非农务工对于缓解地震对收入的负向冲击具有显著作用。政府发放的生活补助款项起到对于收入下降的弥补作用,也使得农户的消费水平在震后保持较快增长。然而,政府提供的住房重建补贴和贷款却不足以负担农户的建房成本。  相似文献   

论我国的收入分配、金融资产增长与消费需求变动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
消费需求是社会总需求的重要组成部分 ,同时又是影响预期投资收益率并进而影响投资需求的重要因素。在社会总需求不足的背景下 ,实现我国经济的稳定发展 ,必须扩大消费需求 ,并通过消费需求的扩张带动投资需求的扩大。扩大消费需求 ,主要应着力于提高低收入阶层的可支配收入水平 ,关键是增加农民收入。宏观经济政策应以扩大就业为首要目标。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of patent infringement damages in an equilibriumoligopoly model of process innovation where the choice to infringeis endogenous and affects market choices. Under the lost profitsmeasure of damages normally employed by U.S. courts, we findthat infringement always occurs in equilibrium with the infringingfirm making market choices that manipulate the resulting marketprofit of the patent holder. In equilibrium, infringement takesone of two forms: a "passive" form in which lost profits ofthe patent holder are zero and an "aggressive" form where theyare strictly positive. Even though the patentee's profits areprotected with the lost profits damage measure, innovation incentivesare reduced relative to a regime where infringement is deterred.  相似文献   

罗小憨 《现代财经》2004,24(11):26-28
从长期看,真正决定经济运行方向和速度的是居民消费需求的变动方向和速度,而居民收入差距过大,严重制约了消费需求的增长,从而成为经济增速减缓的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

徐敏 《经济问题》2012,(7):27-31
投资消费失衡严重制约了我国国民经济持续健康发展,国民收入在企业部门、政府部门、住户部门之间的不合理分配是导致我国投资消费失衡的根本原因。国民收入分配对投资消费失衡影响的数理分析和实证分析表明,对投资率、消费率最有影响的是企业部门在国民收入分配中的比重,其次是政府部门在国民收入分配中的比重,影响最小的是住户部门在国民收入分配中的比重。  相似文献   

农村消费结构的户间差异与农户收入分配   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
秦海林 《财经科学》2006,(11):90-96
农村居民收入分配差距是农业经济发展与体制改革的产物,它必然反映到各收入层农户的消费结构之中.本文运用ELES模型,利用恰当的数据,描述了分配差异引起的具体消费表现,分析了其产生的现实和理论根源,并在此基础上,提出了优化农村居民的消费结构和提高农户的生活水平的政策建议.  相似文献   

This article analyzes alternative rules for settling conflictsbetween right owner and a bona fide purchaser. The optimal rule,so it is argued, is the one which maximizes the expected valueof the ownership right, given the risk of right violation. Inorder to maximize this value, one must seek to both mitigatethe risk of right violation and augment a potential buyer'swillingness to pay for the right. The analysis specifies therelevant parameters that define which rule is optimal in givencircumstances, and proves that there are cases in which thevalue of the ownership right is maximized if the owner's rightis only partially protected against innocent third parties.Two prevailing notions are challenged: first, that the "market-overt"rule necessarily induces buyers to invest fewer resources inprepurchase precautions, and second, that a buyer's willingnessto pay is unaffected by the choice of the legal rule.  相似文献   

Pierson v. Post, an 1805 New York case, concerns the ownershipof a dead fox; Post had organized a fox hunt and was pursuinga fox, when Pierson appeared and killed the animal. The ruleestablished by the court in this case (awarding ownership toPierson) has proven to be highly influential. This article undertakesan economic analysis of the issues raised by the case. The incentivesfor the killing of foxes created by the court's rule and thealternative rule, giving property rights to Post, advocatedin a vigorous dissent by Justice Livingston are analyzed. Theconsequences for social welfare are derived under various circumstances;the formal approach leads to a number of new insights. Finally,the implications of this analysis for contemporary issues inproperty law are explored through an application to the phenomenonof "cybersquatting" (involving the ownership of Internet domainnames).  相似文献   

Utilizing information in the 1933 census we estimate several measures of individual and household income inequality for that year. Allowance is made for the effect of the Depression on the 1933 income distribution, revealing a clearly adverse impact. Comparisons with recent years indicate marked declines in aggregate income inequality.  相似文献   

笔者利用1998—2008年30个省(市)的相关数据分析消费习惯、收入、收入分配差距、教育和医疗支出的不确定性以及房价、利率等因素对消费的影响。实证结果表明,消费习惯、收入、房价、利率和不确定性对居民消费都有显著影响;收入、收入分配差距是影响居民消费的主要因素,弹性系数分别达0.83和-0.21;利率和购房支出对居民消费有正向影响,但影响不大;教育和医疗等体制改革导致的居民对未来支出预期的不确定性是影响城镇居民消费的重要因素。  相似文献   

Both ideology and interest group interventions are importantin voting on bankruptcy legislation. Roughly 15 votes in theU.S. House of Representatives appear to have been changed directlythrough interest group pressures proxied by campaign contributions.Many more could have been changed if resources could be fullydevoted to spot purchases, but most contributions appear tohave been aimed at maintaining legislation on the agenda. Inthe U.S. Senate, state interests in homestead exemptions influencedvoting. Although committee markups demonstrate an ideologicallineup that is not distinct from floor voting, committees promotebargaining on destabilizing issues.  相似文献   

An aggregate consumption function incorporating random coefficient approach is estimated to investigate the changing pattern of consumer response in Austrialia using quarterly data from 1959: IV to 1990: IV. The methdology applied is that of Hidreth and Houck (1968), Singh et al. (1976) and Hoque (1991). The largenge multiplier test, as suggested by Breush and Pagan (1979), supports the hypothesis of randomness in the response coefficients. Our Study indicates strong dependence on the first-difference of income and that consumers respond quite slowly to short-run fluctuations. This is because consumption and income have been found to be integrated of order one and co-integrated. Thus, as error correction model has been estimated following Engle and Granger (1987).  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide some empirical evidence about black–white differentials in the distribution of income and wellbeing in three different countries: Brazil, the USA and South Africa. In all cases, people of African descent are in a variety of ways socially disadvantaged compared with the relatively more affluent whites. We investigate the extent of these gaps in comparative perspective, and analyze to what degree they are associated with differences in the observed characteristics of races, such as where they live, the types of household they have, or their performance in the labor market. We undertake this analysis with the Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition at the means and with a propensity score approach at the entire distribution. Our results show how the factors underlying the racial divide vary across countries and income quantiles.  相似文献   

Data for measuring poverty are frequently available in a summary form that describes the proportion of income or expenditure for each of a number of population proportions. While various discrete poverty measures can be applied directly to data in this limited form, they typically require an arbitrary approach to within‐group interpolation. This problem can be overcome by fitting either a parametric income distribution or a Lorenz curve to the grouped data and computing the required quantities from estimated parameters. The Lorenz curve approach is widely used by the World Bank, but can encounter problems. As an alternative, in this article we show how to calculate several poverty measures from parameters of the generalized beta income distribution, and its popular special cases. An analysis of poverty changes in countries from South and Southeast Asia is used to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

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