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This paper contributes to the large number of studies on intergenerational earnings and income mobility by providing new evidence for Spain. Since there are no Spanish surveys covering long‐term information on both children and their fathers' income or earnings, we deal with this selection problem using the two‐sample two‐stage least squares estimator. We find that intergenerational mobility in Spain is similar to that in France, lower than in the Nordic countries and Britain, and higher than in Italy and the United States. Furthermore, we use the Chadwick and Solon approach to explore intergenerational mobility in the case of daughters and we find similar results by gender.  相似文献   

A focal point of a number of recent studies of unemployment duration has been the estimation of the unobserved average completed duration (ACD) of an unemployment spell using groped data on observed incomplete spells. Both parametric and non-parametric methods are available. This note compares the assumptions underlying the two approaches and argues for the use of a non-parametric estimator, specifically the Kaplan-Meier estimator, on grounds of its use of the weaker assumptions. In an actual application of the Kaplan-Meier estimator to some data from the Australian Labour Force Survey a Number of problems are experienced due to the fact that the estimator is intended for data in a life table format. The note briefly discusses the resolution of these problems and related statistical issues.  相似文献   

The elasticity of taxable income (ETI) is a key parameter in income tax analysis, in terms of both efficiency and tax revenue. In this paper, I use Finnish data to analyze the ETI. I use changes in flat municipal income tax rates as an instrument for overall changes in marginal tax rates. This instrument is not a function of individual income, and thus the ETI estimates are less susceptible to bias caused by differential trends across the income distribution. In general, instruments used in previous studies do not have this feature. My preferred estimate for the average ETI is 0.21.  相似文献   

Income inequality may influence macro-economic variables by affecting the money multiplier and the trade-off between inflation and output. In an AD-AS model with imperfect foresight income inequality intensifies the volatility of output and inflation rate by increasing the likelihood of oscillations as well as their magnitude. Volatility is, however, moderated when income inequality prolongs the business cycles.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the unemployment rate and the labour force participation rate in Spain. Cointegration analysis is performed for aggregate, male and female time-series. Results suggest that there is no a long-run relationship between the two variables for the aggregate and male cases. However, the findings support a long-run relationship between the two variables for the female time-series. Thus, the unemployment invariance hypothesis is supported in the two former cases but not in the latter.  相似文献   

农民收入结构比较研究——基于中部六省数据的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中部崛起战略的实施,中部六省成为我国区域经济中的重要板块,"弯道超车"战略取得了明显的成效,经济总量逐步提高。但是农民人均纯收入的水平相对较低,影响了中部战略崛起的整体实施效果。分析了中部六省农民人均纯收入的结构,认为政府应当出台有针对性的政策,加快提升农民收入,促进中部六省整体和谐发展。  相似文献   

Seemingly persuasive arguments can be made to suggest that income from foreign-owned capital should be taxed by a small open economy and that it should not be taxed I show that the case for taxing foreign capital income as part of an 'optimal' tax scheme rests on the assumption that tax rates on other forms of income are not set optimally. In particular, if economic profit is not fully taxed, a tax on foreign capital income is desirable. If all tax rates are set optimally, foreign capital income should not be taxed by the capital-importing country.  相似文献   

This paper examines unemployed workers' declared willingness to work for wages lower than the one adequate for their qualification. We analyze which personal and economic characteristics determine this willingness and how it changes along the individuals' unemployment spells. The main results are: (i) Young workers, less educated and those living in regions or times of high unemployment are more willing to accept reduced wages while married women with a working husband are much less willing to do so; (ii) Once the individual fixed effect is controlled for, the willingness to work for reduced wages increases with the duration of unemployment; (iii) Not having access to unemployment benefits increases the probability that initially unwilling workers become willing to accept reduced wages.  相似文献   

Optimal Factor Income Taxation in the Presence of Unemployment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
According to conventional wisdom internationally mobile capital should not be taxed or should be taxed at a lower rate than labour. An important underlying assumption behind this view is that there are no market imperfections, in particular that labour markets clear competitively. At least for Europe, which has been suffering from high unemployment for a long time, this assumption does not seem appropriate. This paper studies the optimal factor taxation in the presence of unemployment which results from the union-firm wage bargaining both with optimal and restricted profit taxation when capital is internationally mobile and labour immobile. In setting tax rates the government is assumed to behave as a Stackelberg leader towards the private sector playing a Nash game. The main conclusion is that in the presence of unemployment, the conventional wisdom turns on its head; capital should generally be taxed at a higher rate than labour.  相似文献   

Perry in this journal draws on two new sources to challenge claims by Dalziel (2002) and Peetz (2005) about relatively weak labour productivity growth in New Zealand after the introduction of its Employment Contracts Act (ECA) in 1991. While new data raise further research questions, they do not overturn our original conclusions. Whether the ECA contributed to higher labour input growth compared with Australia, it failed to improve labour productivity growth.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple model to explain the phenomenon of persistent unemployment, even in an economy experiencing high output growth. In the model, unemployment grows at a rate identical with the growth rate of input factors and sectors. The result is primarily triggered by a pre-fixed minimum wage for unskilled workers. To corroborate our claim, we have empirically tested our model hypothesis using data for 12 developing countries and found empirical results consistent with the theory. To mitigate or reduce unemployment, history becomes crucial in deciding on the desired rate of growth in different sectors.  相似文献   

失业风险预警系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于我国29年的历史数据,采用BP神经网络模型对我国的失业风险预警问题进行研究。结果表明,神经网络方法在失业风险系统中具有优良的预警效果,其对失业风险综合警情值的预测误差小于3%。相对于景气分析预测法、时间序列分析、灰色预测模型以及回归预测模型等技术,神经网络方法不仅具有良好的预测精度,同时还具备较强的容错能力和泛化能力。因此,在构建我国的失业风险预警系统中,神经网络模型应该是一种被优先考虑的方法。  相似文献   

本文通过固定效应模型分析了收入差距、失业率、城乡绝对收入水平对刑事犯罪率的影响,并且对执法警力支出可能产生的内生性影响进行稳健性讨论.分析得出收入差距与犯罪率存在显著的正相关,而失业率对犯罪率的影响并不显著,且城乡绝对收入水平对犯罪率产生反向的影响.在减少收入分配不公的同时加强新农村建设,缩小城乡收入差距,完善社会福利制度和加强法制建设,有利于降低犯罪率,促进和谐社会发展.  相似文献   

本文选取在上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所上市的24家申请反倾销调查的公司为研究样本,对其在商务部反倾销调查立案当年及其前后是否采取了盈余管理行为进行了实证检验。研究结果表明,受到倾销损害的中国上市公司在商务部立案当年和前后年度没有调低会计盈余的盈余管理行为。  相似文献   

本文以2000至2007年具有独特制度背景的欧盟15国资本市场上市公司为研究样本,对欧盟2005年1月1日开始全面推行国际财务报告准则并加强各国会计协调是否提高了欧盟上市公司盈余质量进行了研究。本文以截面操纵性应计利润绝对值作为盈余质量的替代变量,研究结果发现欧盟全面推行国际财务报告准则并加强各国会计协调后上市公司具有显著更低的截面操纵性应计利润绝对值,这表明欧盟全面推行国际财务报告准则并加强各国会计协调后显著提高了欧盟上市公司盈余质量。本文进行了一系列稳健性检验证实了上述研究结论是稳健的。  相似文献   

庄佩芬 《技术经济》2006,25(6):21-25
本文在国内外文献研究的基础上,运用经济学及社会学的方法,从性别分析的角度对福建茶叶产业工人的工资收入问题做定量分析。分析结果显示教育与培训对工资收入影响不大,性别因素间接影响工资收入,地区因素直接影响福建茶叶产业工资收入,分析结果具有一定的政策含义。  相似文献   

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