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3月18日,农行在其全国多家营业大厅贴出公告:从7月1日起对借记卡收取每卡每年10元的年费。随后,工行、建行纷纷传出对借记卡收费的消息。事实上,2003年10月正式颁布的《商业银行服务价格管理暂行办法》已经赋予各银行对借记卡收费的权利。中消协相关负责人表示,银行此举涉嫌侵犯现有持卡人的权益,单方面对客户增加收费是增加了持卡人的义务,违反《合同法》 据悉,目前储户在农行借记卡内所存金额中的10元钱已被  相似文献   

胡技飞 《市场论坛》2005,(11):101-102
本文从论述借记卡服务本身的性质入手,分析了借记卡近年在中国的发展概况,阐述了借记卡服务实行收费的合理性及可能产生的效应,并提出了实行收费制度的思路。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,银行卡越来越多地走进我们的生活.中国人民银行颁布的自今年3月1日起施行的《银行卡业务管理办法》对此作了明确规定,现简介如下。银行卡是指由商业银行向社会发行的具有消费信用、转账结算、存取现金等全部或部分功能的信用支付工具。银行卡包括信用卡和借记卡。信用卡包括不需存备用金的贷记卡和需要存备用金的准贷记卡。借记卡按功能不同分为转账卡、专用卡和储值卡。贷记卡是发卡银行给予持卡人一定的信用额度,持卡人可在信用额度内先消费、后存款。准贷记卡的持卡人须先按发卡银行要求交存一定金额的备用金,…  相似文献   

樊锐  于艳 《商场现代化》2005,(6):169-170
引言 中国现有的银行卡分为三种,包括借记卡(即储蓄卡)、准贷记卡和贷记卡(信用卡).银行借记卡属于商业银行的新兴中间业务,一直以来消费者开办借记卡不需要缴费.2004年3月,中国农业银行收费公告,将对金穗储蓄卡收取10元的年费,其他几家银行陆续推出收费计划,由此引起了媒体的讨论,但经济学界对于这方面的分析并不多,如果从产业经济学的角度分析这个问题,会有一些新的结论和指导意义.  相似文献   

银行外币卡及其优点,银行外币卡包括境内外币卡和境外银行卡。前者指境内金融机构发行的外币卡(简称“境内卡”):后者指境外机构发行的银行卡.但不包括境外机构发行的人民币卡(简称“境外卡”)。境内卡具体可分为以下几类:一是按照发行对象.境内卡可以分为个人卡和单位卡。个人卡是向自然人发行的外币卡;单位卡是向法人或其他组织发行,由该单位指定人员使用的外币卡。二是按照是否给予持卡人授信额度.境内卡可以分为贷记卡和借记卡。贷记卡是允许持卡人在发卡金融机构给予的信用额度内先使用、后还款的外币卡:借记卡是持卡人先存款、后使用.没有信用额度的外币卡。  相似文献   

引言 中国现有的银行卡分为三种,包括借记卡(即储蓄卡)、 准贷记卡和贷记卡(信用卡)。银行借记卡属于商业银行的新 兴中间业务,一直以来消费者开办借记卡不需要缴费。2004 年 3 月,中国农业银行收费公告,将对金穗储蓄卡收取10 元 的年费,其他几家银行陆续推出收费计划,由此引起了媒体 的讨论,但经济学界对于这方面的分析并不多,如果从产业 经济学的角度分析这个问题,会有一些新的结论和指导意义。 一、银行借记卡的经济技术特点 1.规模经济性 厂商的成本结构对规模经济的影响非常大。银行卡作为 一个金融产品…  相似文献   

<正> 这年头,商务人士没有一张银行卡,真的是很不方便。可各家银行的各种卡名目繁多,选择起来,还真有点无所适从。其实,要是弄清楚银行卡的分类,选择起来就不算难了。信用卡和借记卡一般来讲,银行卡可以分为信用卡和借记卡两大类。信用卡是指有一定的信用额度,可以透支的银行卡;借记卡则是不具备透支功能、需要先存款后用款的银行卡。因此,从申办的角度讲,信用卡对持卡人的收入、个人信用要求比较严格,办理时需要提供担保并经过银行调查审批才能  相似文献   

王安 《理财周刊》2004,(5):10-10
为了培育银行卡市场,银行免疫向顾客提供借记卡,这实际上是与顾客签订了服务合同。看着大家上钩上,银行把脸一抹不认账了,把服务合同撕毁了,要收费了,这就叫单方面撕毁合同。  相似文献   

银行卡收费的“双刃剑”效应,可能使银行在增加收益的同时流失大量客户。而持卡量的减少将直接影响我国银行卡产业的发展。本文从银行卡收费这一现象出发,以顾客价值理论为切入点,探讨了银行卡收费实现双赢的途径。最后,借鉴发达国家银行卡收费经验,提出了在增加顾客让渡价值的同时提高银行价值,从而实现银行卡收费双赢的对策建议。  相似文献   

众所周知,信用卡是一种非现金交易付款的方式,是简单的信贷服务。它由银行或信用卡公司依照用户的信用度与财力发给持卡人,持卡人持信用卡消费时无须支付现金,待结账日时再行还款。除部分与金融卡结合的信用卡外,一般的信用卡与借记卡、提款卡不同,信用卡不会由用户的账户直接扣除资金。持卡人享有25-56天(或20-50天)的免息期,按时还款利息分文不收。随着信用卡在中国广泛推广,发卡量从最初的几百万张,到如今的近3亿张,差不多每5个中国人就有一张信用卡。  相似文献   

Financial industry data indicate that consumers increasingly prefer debit cards over credit cards, especially as a means of enforcing financial self-discipline. Given prior research suggesting that credit cards act as spending facilitating stimuli, this move toward reduced credit card use would appear to be in the right direction. Ironically, however, the same logos that were implicated in facilitating spending with credit cards are the logos that appear on debit cards. In what should serve as an eye-opener to consumers, it is found that exposure to debit card logos does result in an increased willingness to spend, similar to credit cards.  相似文献   

The mid 1990s has seen a very rapid growth in both the holding and use of debit cards in the UK. There are now just over 27 million debit cards issued in the UK under the marques Switch and Visa Delta. Debit card transactions immediately debit the account of the card holder. These transactions are acquired by a financial institution (the acquirer), who reimburses the retailer of the purchase sum minus a negotiated fee, the merchant service charge (MSC). In the UK the MSC is a fixed fee per transaction as opposed to credit card transactions that are levied as a percentage of the transaction value. The level of the fixed fee payments vary enormously from just a few pence for large corporate clients to anything up to 80 p for some small independent retailers. The authors of this paper were commissioned to undertake a research programme into retailer attitudes to card payment systems. This paper will outline the main implication of the research in terms of marketing the acquiring service to retailers and consequent relationship between acquirer and retailer. Relationship marketing can be seen as a return to a more traditional method of bank management, in terms of close relationships between banks and businesses. With the development of specialist sections and departments such as card services there may have been a more transactional marketing approach by the banks. Merchant acquirers should focus more attention on retention rather than recruitment and treat each customer as an individual. Factors other than price and technology, for example quality and customer service, should be emphasized to protect themselves from competition and to encourage long term customer loyalty.  相似文献   

Many products and services will soon be (or are already being) sold over the Internet or other networks. Paying for these with standard methods of payments, such as cash, checks, credit card, or debit card, may be ineffective or inefficient. For such cases, electronic card payment systems are more appropriate. Several things need to be considered when investigating electronic card payment system options, including: customer needs and benefits, developmental and operational cost, corporate benefits, continually changing technologies, critical mass of customers, security, standards of payment systems, and customer perception and comfort with new technologies. In this article, we analyze how smart card-based systems are used in mass transportation. Managers in mass transportation face the following questions: Do you develop your own electronic card payment system, do you wait for multifunctional cards that will be accepted across many industries to provide the functionality required in your market, or do you do nothing. The discussion here concentrates mainly on the transportation industry, where the transactions and payments are made on local area networks.  相似文献   

Due to the financial crisis, an increasing number of households face financial problems. This may lead to an increasing need for monitoring spending and budgets. We demonstrate that both cash and the debit card are perceived as helpful in this respect. We show that, on average, consumers responsible for financial decision making within a household find cash and the debit card equally helpful for monitoring their household finances. Individuals differ in major respects, however. In particular, low earners and the liquidity‐constrained prefer cash as a budgeting tool. Finally, we present evidence that at an aggregated level, such preferences strongly affect consumer payment behavior. These findings suggest that the substitution of cash by cards may slow down because of the financial crisis.  相似文献   


This paper looks at the development of the two types of credit card systems in the UK, the bank credit cards and the retailer credit cards. The article seeks to address the issue of who will hold the balance of power at the introduction of an EFTPOS, or direct‐debit, system into the UK. The situation in 1988 appears to be that retailers are well up the “learning curve” as regards the management and marketing of credit and so are increasingly proving to be a threat to the banks not only in the provision of credit but also in offering a wide range of financial services.  相似文献   

李小东  沈睿  胡锟 《商业研究》2005,(8):175-179
重点讨论信用卡数据集市的建立方案和在银行业务中的应用,在分析了现有银行信用卡管理信息系统的现状后,讨论信用卡数据集市系统的设计思想和设计架构,并展望了其在银行信用卡业务中的应用前景  相似文献   

湖南省无论从率先开展银行卡助农取款服务,还是推广银行卡升级换代等都取得了一定成就。但也存在着持卡人用卡情况仍欠佳、用卡领域狭窄、服务欠完善、环境欠佳、法规环境欠优化等诸多问题。已成为银行卡产业发展的瓶颈。改变信用卡发展严重滞后现状,增加居民收入与改变消费观念,加大银行卡推广力度,加快银行卡产品创新,创造良好的银行卡受理和法规环境。拓展并规范信用卡市场无疑是一条有效途径。同时,应大力培养消费者良好用卡理念,避免“睡眠卡”的出现,提高持卡人用卡频率,增强用卡安全意识。推动银行卡产业的发展。  相似文献   

Research that has looked at the reasons why young individuals overspend using their credit cards has not paid attention to the perceptions that they have about important others' credit card debt, their expectations as to how much to spend when they consume in the presence of them, and how the strength of the social relationships within their social network potentially influences the extent to which they overspend using their credit cards. A survey of 225 US university students composing a culturally diverse sample revealed that these social norms and network variables have interactive effects on credit card overspending. Specifically, the results show that the perceptions that young adult consumers have about important others' credit card debt impact their overspending using credit cards when they feel that they are expected to consume at the same level as important others in shared experiences, and when they are strongly connected to these individuals.  相似文献   

实行公务卡结算方式,可以监督公务消费,强化财务管理,降低管理成本,提高工作效率,实现政府与银行的和谐发展。但公务卡结算方式存在着弊端,公务卡受理环境有待进一步改善,公务卡使用缺乏有效执行力、监督力。应改善消费环境,改变浪费观念,加强财政预算资金的管理和监控,促进现代财政国库管理制度建设,提高政府部门的财务管理效率,从机制上防范和治理腐败,实现公务消费的公开、真实、透明。  相似文献   

公务卡结算方式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实行公务卡结算方式,可以监督公务消费,强化财务管理,降低管理成本,提高工作效率,实现政府与银行的和谐发展。但公务卡结算方式存在着弊端,公务卡受理环境有待进一步改善,公务卡使用缺乏有效执行力、监督力。应改善消费环境,改变浪费观念,加强财政预算资金的管理和监控,促进现代财政国库管理制度建设,提高政府部门的财务管理效率,从机制上防范和治理腐败,实现公务消费的公开、真实、透明。  相似文献   

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