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在全球能源供需格局变化和国内经济发展新常态背景下,海洋可再生能源的产业化应用作为新动能,将带来新产业、培育新技术,找到新的经济增长点。山东省发展海洋可再生能源产业具备顶层设计优势、技术基础优势、人才优势,但仍在存在产业发展环境不优越、自主创新能力不足、基础服务业欠发达等亟待突破的问题。结合优势和问题,从细化顶层设计、强化要素集聚、建立支撑与服务保障体系等方面提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Externality is an important trait in economy. This paper discusses the concept of network externalities, and then analyzes the characteristics and cause of externality in network finance. Externalities of network finance have been reflected on ,the cost structure of network finance services. Furthermore, it influences the pricing strategies. This paper analyzes the influence of externalities to network finance and gives some price strategies of network finance.  相似文献   

当前有机食品的市场运作过程中正呈现两难窘地,一方面有机食品总体供不应求,另一方市场上高价有机食品销售不畅,导致这一局面的主要原因是农户分散经营及有机食品营销渠道不畅。因此文章通过挖掘消费者的潜在需求、以消费者能够接受的成本定价,以方便购买的原则进行渠道规划和双向沟通四方面对有机食品市场拓展进行理性分析,以期引起生产经营者与消费者的关注。  相似文献   

I. IntroductionAmong current Sino-Russian Relationships, energy cooperation should have been animportant part of the “Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partnership” since suchcooperation is founded on the basis of “reciprocity and mutual benefits” in terms of economicbenefits. However, within the past year, the “Angarsk-Daqing Line” has caused manyobstacles to Sino-Russian energy cooperation. Under such a situation, on the one hand,the “mutual complementing” of Sino-Russian ener…  相似文献   

职业生涯阻碍是影响个体职业发展的重要因素。文章论述了企业员工职业发展中的阻碍因素的含义、种类、测量、心理过程和应对策略。建议个人和企业组织客观认识并采取有效措施降低员工职业发展方面的阻碍因素。  相似文献   

We use an agent-based, general-equilibrium model to explore the impacts of world corn-price increases on land use and income in rural Mexico. In the model, interactions among heterogeneous agents within a local context shape both macro and microeconomic outcomes. Results suggest that subsistence activities allowed agriculture to absorb the shock, limiting the benefits of higher prices for the population while keeping deforestation pressures in check. An estimated 5.7% corn-area expansion by 2008 and wide variation across regions corresponds well with ex-post reports. Agricultural growth led to 0.02% and 3.9% increases in real income for rural households and absentee landholders, respectively.  相似文献   

Global Energy and Environmental Impacts of an Expanding China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
I.Introduction Rapid economic growth in China and China’s economic size have important implications for energy use and environmental outcomes in China, regionally and globally. Although?2006 The Author Journal compilation ?2006 Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences most statistics related to China are impressive, those related to energy use and environmental problems are startling. China is currently the world’s third largest energy producer and …  相似文献   

The present paper describes the benefits and costs, in qualitative terms, of managing food price instability in Asia in the context of promoting economic growth and poverty reduction to improve food security. The experience of Asian governments in actual practice with price stabilization is discussed in the context of managing an efficient transition to market‐mediated food security. Recent experience in Indonesia, where a sharp increase in rice prices (caused by a ban on rice imports) pushed 4 million people into poverty, provides continued motivation for the analytical story in this paper.  相似文献   

The emissions of greenhouse gases together with other anthropogenic activities has caused a change in global climatic conditions with corresponding negative effects on agricultural productivity, biodiversity and other socio-economic indices. Studies reveal that the impacts of climate change are felt most severely by the vulnerable, who have fewer adaptive capacities. In Africa, for example, little is known about local narratives on the ‘causes’ of climate change, and how such narratives influence climate change coping and adaptation strategies in specific local settings. Where do the ‘local’ and the ‘global’ intersect in the search for effective coping measures – and do they? Using a qualitative approach, this paper reveals how local conceptions of climate change appear to be rooted in ‘politics’ and spiritual forces. The paper highlights not only the major points of divergence between local interpretations and ‘Western’ conceptions about climate change, but also important areas of convergence between the two ideational domains.  相似文献   

介绍了国内电子废物的产生及污染情况,并对国内外电子废物管理及处置策略现状进行了综述。根据国内电子废物的特点,对深圳市电子废物的管理及处理策略提出了建议。  相似文献   

以2005年1月至2011年12月的货币发行量和能源价格月度数据为样本,采用VAR模型和基于该模型的脉冲响应、方差分解、误差修正和格兰杰因果检验等实证方法分析二者之间的短期及长期均衡关系,结论表明:货币发行量(M2)和能源价格具有显著的长期协整关系;但短期内,与货币发行量对能源价格的影响程度相比,能源价格对货币发行量的影响程度较强,即在短期内货币发行量的变动没有显著地传导到能源价格变动上。  相似文献   

在可持续消费成为国家消费战略重点的背景下,健康食品作为实现可持续消费的主要实践领域,近年来越来越得到学者们的关注。相关研究是从健康食品消费助推策略的角度进行的。目前对健康食品消费助推策略的分类还较为笼统,对助推策略研究还未有系统性的评述。本文从两个方面对健康食品消费的助推策略进行评述:第一,梳理国内外学者对于助推策略的意义、内涵以及特征,然后基于决策系统视角对助推策略进行全新分类,将之归纳为决策者与目标、产品外部信息、多选项结构、微观决策环境4大类9小类,并对其内容进行深入探讨;第二,在新分类的基础上,分析当前有关4大类助推策略研究所存在的局限性与未来发展方向。研究结论有助于政府、第三方组织以及健康食品企业更好地洞察消费者的潜在心理机制,并合理运用助推策略提升人们的健康食品可持续消费行为。  相似文献   

张云  杨来科 《华东经济管理》2012,26(11):148-151
文章在梳理边际减排成本及相关研究的基础上,构建决定经济主体边际减排成本的理论模型,分析边际减排成本与排放约束影子成本、能源价格之间的相互关系和内在决定机制,论证边际减排成本与能源价格之间存在负向关系,并基于影子成本对边际减排成本影响因素进行图解分析;然后结合理论模型和国际碳交易均衡价格进行实证检验;最后立足中国提出相关政策建议.  相似文献   

徐亚萍  李林 《科技和产业》2020,20(8):109-114
运用Bass模型探究价格因素对新能源汽车推广的影响。首先,在基础Bass模型中引入价格影响函数?1、?2 ,并利用价格数据确立价格影响函数中Pr(t)表达式;其次,利用非线性最小二乘法(NLS)根据2006-2019年新能源汽车历史销量数据对基础模型和改进模型的拟合精度进行检验,得出引入?2形式的Bass模型更适用于新能源汽车的市场规模研究;最后,使用改进模型对2020-2025年我国新能源汽车未来市场表现进行短期预测,并分析价格因素的影响机制。研究发现2020年我国新能源汽车累计年销量可实现500万辆的规划目标,2025年累计年销量却与规划目标相差甚远。价格优惠在新能源汽车2.0时期起到很好的促进作用,而3.0时期效用甚微。  相似文献   

能源价格的变动对国民经济发展以及人民生活都有很大的影响。本文以我国2007年42部门投入产出表为数据基础,采用投入产出价格影响模型,分别分析当油价上涨20%、电价上涨10%时对41个部门产品价格的影响程度,并在此基础上分析对物价总水平、生产者物价指数水平及居民消费品价格水平变动的影响。  相似文献   

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