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近年来我国慈善活动发展迅速,但慈善资金总额一直难以满足救助需求。与此同时,慈善组织又存在短时间内暂未启用节余资金的现状。如何将此类节余的慈善资金加以有效利用,实现慈善资金的保值增值,这既成为慈善活动开展中值得重视的问题,也为慈善资金的信托运营提供了必要条件。而慈善资金信托运营的商事属性与慈善资金公益目的的"保本"需求,对慈善资金信托运营的"零"风险提出了特殊的要求,具有不同于一般公益信托和商事信托的特点。为保障我国慈善资金的有效运用,可考虑建立慈善资金信托运营制度,以良好的慈善资金信托运营风险控制手段,促进我国慈善事业的迅速发展。  相似文献   

A bstract . The relative advantages of private charitable organizations as against government agencies in achieving efficient redistribution of income and supply of services are examined. Central to this discussion is the elasticity of private giving to tax concessions and the propoition of donor dollars being absorbed in overhead. Recent estimates of these magnitudes are summarized. Of parallel concern is to what extent can reliance on altruism by sellers of goods and services serve as a substitute for government regulations to enforce standards, prices or product disclosures. Finally, the ways in which government can use and encourage private charitable impulse to maximize social welfare are examined; of particular interest here is the literature surrounding Richard Titmuss' work on blood donorsbip which raises the issue of whether or not extension of markets reduces, rather than extends, individual choice. The growing technological complexities of society, it is concluded, render the altruistic virtues of trust and consideration increasingly valuable—if increasingly rare.  相似文献   

One's religiosity (or lack thereof) is the touchstone from which people view and interact with the world. The presumed positive impact of religiosity on charitable giving, however, may be an oversimplification. The present study takes a more nuanced approach to the subject and investigates the impact of 2 potential mediators (attitudes toward helping others, AHO, and attitudes toward charitable organizations) and 1 moderator (materialism) on the religiosity–charitable giving relationship. Study results suggest that religiosity has a positive effect on attitudes toward charitable organizations, AHO, and donating to charity. Religiosity was also found to have an indirect impact on charitable giving via AHO. Materialism interacted with AHO, such that the indirect effect of religiosity on charitable giving through AHO is attenuated as materialism increases. Implications of the present research for better understanding charitable giving are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes critical ethical and legal issues related to the administration and use of Donor Advised Funds for charitable fundraising in American philanthropy. With the swift and profound reshaping of the philanthropic landscape caused by Donor Advised Funds, the mainstream charitable world continues to both digest how these changes affect their work and address the myriad of legal, ethical and donor/public relations issues that arise in connection with gifts to and distributions from them. This paper discusses the most relevant legal and ethical principles governing the sponsorship of, receipt from and contribution to Donor Advised Funds, sets forth the significant legal and ethical issues faced by each of these parties, and finally, puts forth recommendation for them to follow.  相似文献   

To be competitive with rivals, charitable organizations must rely on carefully formulated promotion programs. The literature, however, provides mixed advice on the effectiveness of charitable appeals. As a result, there is a need for research to identify their prevalence and effectiveness. The present research conducts a content analysis of charitable promotions and finds that more than 55% appeal to selfless consumer motives (i.e., altruism). A subsequent experiment reveals that appealing to more selfless (i.e., altruism) versus less selfless (i.e., reputation) consumer motives results in consumers having a more favorable attitude toward the charitable organization. Furthermore, consumer involvement is found to moderate this effect; more (vs. less) selfless appeals promote a more positive attitude among consumers with low, but not for those with high, involvement with a charitable cause (e.g., animal welfare). Managers should consider appealing to altruism in their charitable promotions, especially when targeting low‐involvement consumers.  相似文献   

崔树银 《企业活力》2010,(11):75-79
我国慈善事业的发展还处在初级阶段,企业慈善捐赠的积极性不是很高,企业慈善捐赠的水平仍然很低。企业慈善捐赠面临诸多障碍:索捐、迫捐、诈捐现象时有发生;政府在慈善捐赠中的角色定位不清;企业在享受税收优惠等激励方面限制太多;民间慈善组织的发展受到束缚。因此,转变慈善捐赠观念,完善有关慈善捐赠的法律法规,是我国慈善事业发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of corporate charitable donations within a comparative study of corporate behaviour in two time periods, 1989–90 and 1998–99. The analysis is based on a longitudinal data set that includes over 400 UK listed companies. The determinants of corporate charitable donations are explored within a stakeholder model and the relationship between corporate charitable donations and a set of firm and industry variables is estimated using OLS. Particular emphasis is placed on industry effects and the impact of social and environmental stakeholders. The results highlight a significant change in behaviour between 1989–90 and 1998–99 that may reflect a strategic response by corporate decision‐makers to external concerns over corporate social responsibility. In the early period corporate charitable donations were substantially determined by profits. However, this relationship has weakened during the 1990s as firms have become increasingly responsive to stakeholder influences. The results for the later period emphasize the increasing importance of corporate visibility, and the development of social and environmental influences on corporate charitable contributions.  相似文献   

How do charitable donors respond to the third‐party ratings that signal the quality of charities? I investigate this question using a novel data set from Charity Navigator, which provides quality ratings for 5,400 charities. Because Charity Navigator prominently displays a charity's star rating which is assigned based on its overall rating, one can identify the causal impact of a one star increase in ratings on charitable contributions with a regression discontinuity framework that exploits the threshold values of the overall ratings. I find that in general, the third‐party ratings have a minor and often insignificant impact on charitable contributions received by charities. However, for relatively small charities, a higher rating leads to an increase in charitable contributions received. In particular, for these charities, I find that a one star increase in ratings is associated with a 19.5% increase in the amount of charitable contributions received. This result is robust under alternative model specifications and highlights the role of the third‐party ratings in not‐for‐profit markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines Chinese charitable behavior in 2016—the year the Charity Law was enforced—with a focus on the evaluation of charity advertisements. The 2016 Charity Law is the first law in China to regulate charitable organizations and their activities. It also provides various tax incentives for charitable organizations and donors. A study was conducted to understand Chinese charitable behavior in terms of in-groups and out-groups. Results indicate that the Chinese more positively evaluate charity advertisements targeting in-groups than those targeting out-groups. This relationship between advertisement type and advertisement attitude is mediated by ethnocentrism. Furthermore, we found that familiarity with the Charity Law moderates the effect of ethnocentrism on advertisement attitude.  相似文献   

This paper explores differences in the self‐rated importance of charitable estate giving depending upon the type of charitable cause a person donates to during life. One theoretical motivation for lifetime giving is to personally enjoy benefits from improving a shared collective good. However, this motivation is not possible for bequests. Bequest transfers and resulting improvements occur after personal enjoyment of benefits is no longer possible. This paper hypothesizes that among donors to high personal benefit causes (those typically creating shared goods benefitting donors), interest in a charitable bequest (which offers no opportunity for receiving such benefits) will be relatively less than among donors to low personal benefit causes. In order to explore this, each charity type is categorized as providing high, low, or mixed personal benefits from shared collective goods. This hypothesis receives mixed support. Donors to international relief organizations, a low personal benefit charity type, do place a higher importance on charitable bequests than do donors to shared‐goods type causes such as neighborhood associations, service clubs, sports leagues, or “other” charities, including those focused on local public safety and crime. However, donors to arts organizations—a classic example of donors creating a shared good—have a relatively high interest in charitable bequests. One important exception to the exclusion of postmortem personal benefits could come from religious belief. Accordingly, donors to religious causes do place a higher importance on charitable bequests.  相似文献   

Choosing messages to encourage charitable bequest giving may be particularly challenging given sensitivity to personal mortality reminders. Previous research suggests that people often react to mortality reminders with avoidance, including distancing themselves from those associated with death. We compare the effects of otherwise similar living and deceased bequest donor stories on subsequent intentions to leave a charitable bequest. Although both story types significantly increased subsequent intentions to leave a charitable bequest, living donor stories consistently outperformed otherwise identical deceased donor stories. Fundraisers may do well to emphasize stories of living planned bequest donors and de‐emphasize death and the deceased in charitable bequest fundraising messaging. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

沈靓 《上海管理科学》2020,42(2):110-115
慈善捐助行为指个体通过捐赠金钱、时间或物资等方式帮助有需要的群体或慈善组织。个人的慈善捐助行为能够促进社会资源再分配,提高社会整体福祉。因此,如何科学地对慈善活动进行宣传、吸引更多个体参与捐助,对于营销学者而言是一个十分重要的话题。一次捐助包括捐助者、捐助资源、受助者以及社会和文化四个方面,这四个方面的因素既可以单独影响消费者的慈善捐助行为,又可以相互影响对慈善捐助行为产生交互作用。由此可见,个体的慈善捐助行为是十分复杂的,将通过对这四方面因素的梳理以提高我国公益组织对个体捐助行为的理解,进而采取有效的宣传以募集更多的捐助。  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, charitable solicitations in the workplace have played an increasing role in the fundraising strategies of nonprofit organizations. Although many studies have examined the factors that influence overall charitable giving, very few studies have focused on giving when asked to donate in the workplace. This paper examines the determinants of charitable giving in and outside of the workplace in addition to the role of individual and firm-level characteristics. The study is based on one of the largest surveys of workplace giving including unique information on both workplace giving and overall charitable giving for 6000 employees in the USA. Specific factors uniquely influence charitable giving in the workplace. An employee's personal level of confidence in the nonprofit sector is strongly likely to influence workplace donations. At the firm level, an organization's size and industry also affect the presence of workplace campaigns and giving trends. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A bstract .   An examination of the charitable giving behavior of 16,442 households reveals intriguing patterns consistent with the club-theoretic approach to religious sect affiliation. The club-theoretic model suggests that individuals with lower socioeconomic standing will rationally be more likely to align themselves with exclusivistic sects. Because sect affiliation is also associated with more obligatory religious contributions, this approach generates novel predictions not anticipated by standard economic models of charitable behavior. Traditional analysis of charitable giving can mask the "sect effect" phenomenon, as low-income giving is dwarfed by the giving of the wealthy. However, the application of a two-stage econometric model—separating the participation decision from the subsequent decision regarding the level of gifting—provides unique insights. Basic socioeconomic factors have significant and opposite associations with different categories of giving, calling into question the treatment of charitable giving as a homogenous activity and supporting the understanding of sect affiliation, and potentially religious extremism, as rational choice phenomena.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the drivers of international giving intention by examining the joint effect of ethnocentrism and donation motives. More specifically, this study analyzes the direct effect of charitable ethnocentrism on the intention to give to international causes. Additionally, the study investigates the moderating effect of charitable ethnocentrism on the relationships between donation motives and the intention to donate to international causes. This study's findings indicate that ethnocentric donors are less willing to donate to international causes. Moreover, the study results show that the effects of egoistic and tax-saving donation motives vary across different levels of charitable ethnocentrism: charitable ethnocentrism enhances the effect of the egoism motive on international donation intention, whereas the effect of the tax-saving motive on international giving intention is mitigated. Based on the empirical findings, this study discusses implications for theory and practice along with study limitations and avenues for future research.  相似文献   

The importance of nonprofit relationship marketing continues to increase as organizations compete to attract and retain a younger loyal donor base. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of six determinants of charitable giving on millennial donor's perceived value received from their involvement with the charitable organization. A conceptual model and accompanying research hypotheses are tested on a sample of millennials from the U.S(n = 227). Structural equation modeling is used to test the relationships in the model. Results suggest that five factors have a positive effect on donor's perceived value. Social recognition is found to be the most important factor, followed by attitude towards and trust in the charitable organization and attitude towards helping others. To a lesser degree, tax benefits and mitigation of guilt are also found to have an impact on donor's perceived value from charitable involvement. Although this study is limited to the examination of millennials, practical and social implications are noted for all donors. Organizations must recognize that donors are influenced by a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic factors when evaluating their value from charitable involvement. Most of all, donors seek a degree of social recognition from giving, so organizations are encouraged to provide ways for millennial donors to display or share their charitable involvement.  相似文献   

Commissioned by Craver, Mathews, Smith & Company (CMS), this study takes an in-depth look at donors to charitable and progressive social change organizations at the close of the 20th century. As a follow-up to the benchmark donor study sponsored by CMS in 1990, the current research allows for some basic comparisons between donors at the beginning and end of the decade.  相似文献   

Philanthropic donors face challenges in matching the causes to which they donate, the time horizon—and thus impact—of their donations, and the charitable vehicles they choose for making contributions. Wealthier donors may elect to create their own foundations and customize their charitable support. Less wealthy donors have limited choices: they may contribute to a nonprofit's current operations or to existing nonprofit endowments. We present a novel approach for making charitable donations, blending aspects of each of these strategies. Our approach has potential long-term financial benefits, allows donors to control their charitable donations in a convenient and easy-to-implement manner, can be established through an existing nonprofit organization, expands opportunities for more donors because it requires a smaller corpus contribution with lower management costs than creating a foundation, provides tax savings in the United States and other countries (e.g., the UK, Canada, and Australia) comparable to other planned giving vehicles, and may be implemented during one's lifetime using donor advised funds or as part of a legacy plan through the donor's estate documents, which is when the long-term benefits accrue.  相似文献   

The primary focus of this paper is to understand determinants of behavioral intentions of individuals towards a university‐led charitable campaign. We build a comprehensive model of determinants of behavioral intentions of students towards a university‐led charitable campaign at an individual level. This study identified perceived importance of the cause, social value, and recognition as determinants of behavioral intentions. The results indicated that to increase donations, charitable campaigns should stress the importance of the cause to potential donors and publicly recognize volunteers and donors. Implications and recommendations such as leveraging the university's internal channels of communication to reinforce the importance of the cause are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is based on research work undertaken as part of a PhD thesis. It considers the development of purpose and strategy within British charitable organisations. First, the historical path of charity in Britain is traced. Secondly, an assessment of the more fundamental forces that constitute the nature of charitable initiative are explored, much of which is applicable beyond ‘our island home’.[Churchill, W. (1957) ‘A History of the English Speaking Peoples’, Cassell and Company, London.] The historical relationship of charity to business is then examined, particularly in terms of the influence that business ‘culture’ is gaining in shaping charitable endeavour today. Finally, an initiative to link business and charity is presented and conclusions are noted. Copyright © 1999 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

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