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The general consensus in the volatility forecasting literature is that high-frequency volatility models outperform low-frequency volatility models. However, such a conclusion is reached when low-frequency volatility models are estimated from daily returns. Instead, we study this question considering daily, low-frequency volatility estimators based on open, high, low, and close daily prices. Our data sample consists of 18 stock market indices. We find that high-frequency volatility models tend to outperform low-frequency volatility models only for short-term forecasts. As the forecast horizon increases (up to one month), the difference in forecast accuracy becomes statistically indistinguishable for most market indices. To evaluate the practical implications of our results, we study a simple asset allocation problem. The results reveal that asset allocation based on high-frequency volatility model forecasts does not outperform asset allocation based on low-frequency volatility model forecasts.  相似文献   

We combine spatial and monopolistic competition to study market interactions between downtown retailers and an outlying shopping mall. Consumers shop at either one marketplace or at both, and buy each variety in volume. The market solution stems from the interplay between the market expansion effect generated by consumers seeking more opportunities, and the competition effect. Firms’ profits increase (decrease) with the entry of local competitors when the former (latter) dominates. Downtown retailers vanish swiftly when the mall is large. A predatory but efficient mall need not be regulated, whereas the regulator must restrict the size of a mall accommodating downtown retailers.  相似文献   

Research on organizing the purchasing function has seen the rise and fall of different topics, for example the buying centre. And although the increasingly strategic role of purchasing still possesses practical challenges to its effective organizational setup, one has to question whether, after 50 years, there really is a need for more research in this specific domain.As starting point to answer the question, 212 articles published since 1962 are reviewed to provide a comprehensive overview of existing insights. Via content analysis, we inductively establish 12 specific research areas dealing with distinct aspects of purchasing organization.Then the need for further research is assessed by combining those findings with relevant business trends that induce practical challenges in each research area and, consequently, also the need for future research. We conclude that almost all research areas will remain relevant in the future, but need an adjustment of their focus.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2014,38(2):5-13
The combination of government schemes and a recovery in the wider economy underpinned a robust pickup in housing transactions and house prices through 2013. But there is no evidence of a housing bubble across most of the country. Across the majority of regions prices are still below previous peaks in nominal terms and much lower still in real terms. Meanwhile measures of affordability and indebtedness are in a much better state than they were prior to the financial crisis. The exception is London, where supply shortages and strong demand have pushed both the price‐to‐income ratio and average income multiple back to previous highs. An improving macroeconomic backdrop and ongoing support from Help to Buy should ensure that demand continues to strengthen, supporting further growth in transactions. There has been a strong supply response over the past nine months and this should continue, which will help to keep a lid on price growth. Divergent macroeconomic prospects across the regions will lead to a wide variation in house price growth, with London expected to lead the way. We do not see a case for changing the terms of Help to Buy, particularly given that the most likely source of a bubble is London, where the impact of Help to Buy is likely to be small. In our view, the average income multiple is crucial and macro prudential tools should be used if it continues to rise above previous peaks in any regions. The most likely cause of a bubble at the national level would be an inadequate supply response. Alongside its policies to support demand, the government should implement a series of measures aimed at increasing supply, including planning reform, and it could also consider using its low borrowing costs to fund public sector house building.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the belief that teamwork is a ‘natural’ form of work organization that satisfies universal human needs such as social affiliation and self-actualization. A corollary of this belief–that teamwork is a morally superior form of work organization–unnecessarily restricts debate about the desirability and usefulness of teams because any criticism comes to be seen as a denial of our essential humanity. Using an approach inspired by Michel Foucault's concept of ‘care of the self’, I will propose a practical ethics of teamwork that allows us to appreciate the moral ambiguities of teamwork.  相似文献   

  • The appearance of risky products such as alcohol, tobacco and firearms, as well as their brand imagery, in movies can be supported by product manufacturers. This article discusses the argument for a disclosure advising consumers about the persuasive intent behind the appearance of some risky products in movies, drawing upon the ethical implications of product placement. Such a disclosure would protect consumers against the impact of promotional messages and allow moviemakers to separate their artistic activities from promotion of risky products.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research review focuses on the links between human resource strategies and organizational effectiveness. It is likely that bundles of, or configurations of, activities are more important in enhancing labour productivity than any single activity. However, studies are typically limited in theoretical rigour, have quite small samples and are typically non-cumulative. The empirical basis of strategic human resources management is thus circumscribed.  相似文献   

This paper describes three major theoretical perspectives in research on volunteering: social theories that stress the importance of context, roles, and integration; individual characteristic theories that emphasize values, traits, and motivations; and resource theories that focus on skills and free time. It unites research from multiple disciplines into a single hybrid model, performs a preliminary test of the model on a nationally representative US dataset, and concludes with recommendations for scholars and practitioners. Using the 1995 Midlife in the US dataset, we operationalized concepts from each theoretical category and found that variables measuring each perspective played a substantial and independent role in predicting volunteering. Our hybrid model, which includes significant variables from each theory, offers some directions for recruitment and retention by showing how social roles and networks can constrain or encourage volunteering at different stages of the life course. As social roles and networks are both highly predictive and easily observed, volunteer managers can use them to recruit and retain volunteers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2021,45(3):100909
Local fiscal transfer rules in Turkey were revised in 2008, such that, while a significant portion of transfers continued to be based on population size, the remainder was distributed based on other criteria such as the development index. In this paper, we investigate the extent of fiscal fairness in Turkey during the period 2008–2012. We define fiscal fairness by the degree of association of transfers and local spending with the structural and socioeconomic indicators, as opposed to political-party associations. Our empirical analysis reveals that while local fiscal transfers during the investigated period were significantly correlated with the socioeconomic and structural indicators, political factors also played a significant role. Particularly, we find robust evidence that cities where the incumbent party-AKP (Justice and Development Party), who won significantly more votes in the general elections than the main opposition party-CHP (Republican People's Party), received significantly more transfers and fiscal spending than the rest. The evidence also suggests that the metropolitan municipalities held by CHP received significantly more government expenditure than the rest; though less robust than the former. This observation also holds for the metropolitan municipalities held by AKP. Additionally, we observe that cities with metropolitan municipalities that were governed by either the incumbent or the main opposition party, were less fiscally independent than the rest. We also note, however, that given the increasing opacity in data reporting, this study does not account for the large amounts of public funds that are allocated in tenders with special invitees, via public–private partnerships or in the form of social assistance, although they are also likely to constitute a major component of politically-biased fiscal transfers during the study period.  相似文献   

Excess capacity can be viewed as wasteful (an unnecessary cost) or as prudential (a ready source of supply). The role of excess capacity is an important issue at the individual firm level as well as at the community level. In this paper we explore hospital capacity for a sample hospitals operating in the 15 largest standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSAs) in the U.S. during 2002. Using Johanson’s (1968, Production Functions and the Concept of Capacity, Namur, Belgium, Recherches Récentes sur le Fonction de Production (Collection, Economie Mathematique et Econometrie no. 2). [Reprinted in Finn R. Førsund (ed) (1987) The Collected Works of Leif Johanson, vol 1. Amsterdam, North-Holland, pp 350–282]) notion of capacity as the maximum rate of output possible from fixed inputs (i.e., without restrictions on variable inputs), we measure capacity in a frontier setting using directional distance functions. Rather than attempt to determine the “optimal” level of hospital capacity, we instead quantify capacity and capacity utilization rates at both the individual hospital and, by aggregating, the SMSA levels. After determining capacity and capacity utilization rates, we then introduce a model that calculates the changes in variable inputs that would be needed to utilize excess capacity. Finally, we introduce a simulation model that is used to examine whether each SMSA has enough “excess” hospital capacity to accommodate the loss of one of its five largest hospitals. The approach developed in this study should be of value to decision makers and planners in a variety of fields.  相似文献   

We analyze the challenges for inference in difference-in-differences (DID) when there is spatial correlation. We present novel theoretical insights and empirical evidence on the settings in which ignoring spatial correlation should lead to more or less distortions in DID applications. We show that details, such as the time frame used in the estimation, the choice of the treated and control groups, and the choice of the estimator, are key determinants of distortions due to spatial correlation. We also analyze the feasibility and trade-offs involved in a series of alternatives to take spatial correlation into account. Given that, we provide relevant recommendations for applied researchers on how to mitigate and assess the possibility of inference distortions due to spatial correlation.  相似文献   

Do organizational controls facilitate or hinder employees’ trust in their organization? We addressed this question through a mixed‐methods design using three studies. Based on a literature review and an open‐response survey study (Study 1), we developed a theoretical model proposing that organizational control is positively related to employees’ trust in their organization, and that this relationship is mediated by procedural fairness and organizational prestige. This mediated model was tested and supported in a quantitative survey of 582 European managers and professional employees from a range of organizations (Study 2). A complementary, qualitative interview‐based study (Study 3) confirmed that well‐implemented controls facilitate trust in the organization; however, poorly implemented control systems that are inconsistent, overly rigid, or incentivize untrustworthy behavior can undermine trust in the organization. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of so‐called high performance work practices (HPWPs) in South Korean manufacturing is mapped showing their relative scarcity. Contextual and institutional factors associated with the 1997–98 financial crisis are advanced to explain these findings. Nevertheless, anticipating that HPWPs are likely to improve performance, we tested several hypotheses. Employment security, teams, training, job enrichment and information sharing have a positive effect on performance; however there is no evidence of synergy. Most HPWP practices are partially mediated by worker attachment to their workplace. Government workplace reform policy, firms' business and labour utilisation strategy, and the presence of professional management contribute to performance.  相似文献   

This study investigates how MNCs can sway the growth of financial markets in the developing countries with prevalent political corruption. Using annual data of panel of 22 developing countries and applying dynamic generalized method of moment (GMM) technique, we find foreign firms can spur financial markets in the developing countries through direct investment. Furthermore, our results indicate the stimulus effect of foreign investment on financial development is stronger in the more corrupt countries.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple model of investment by service firms in intangible customer assets, and tests whether the model identifies some critical drivers of firms’ stock returns. Similar to firms with significant research and development (R&D) expenditures, we argue that firms in fast-growing service industries with few tangible assets can increase firm value by investing in customer acquisition and service (A&S) expenditure. Using a unique hand-collected data set, we show that per-customer changes in firms’ revenues, customer acquisition costs, and customer service costs help to explain their abnormal stock returns.  相似文献   

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