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本文基于中国省际面板数据检验贸易开放与收入分配的关系,分别考察贸易开放度对基尼系数、城乡收入差距的影响。研究表明,贸易开放对收入不平等具有显著并稳健的正向作用,S-S定理在中国是不适用的。此外,贸易开放与收入分配的倒U型关系也不成立。  相似文献   

在对传统方法计算得到的海运服务贸易开放度进行修正的基础上,基于26个世界主要海运国家2001~2012年面板数据,运用动态面板广义矩估计(GMM)方法对海运服务贸易开放度与竞争力的关系进行了实证研究。结果显示:海运服务贸易开放度与竞争力之间并非简单的线性关系,而是呈现倒U型曲线关系,即在海运服务贸易自由化进程初期,一国海运服务贸易的竞争力会随其开放度的提高而增强,但开放度超越某一水平后则会给竞争力的持续提升带来负面影响。因此,中国应在海运服务贸易市场适度开放原则的指导下,适当加强对本土海运服务贸易企业的支持与保护,并通过进一步推动其管理创新等方式促进其整体竞争力提升。  相似文献   

戎爱民 《现代商业》2023,(10):55-58
2020年以来,新冠疫情在全球暴发蔓延,国际贸易受到巨大冲击,国家间合作往来减少,各国间生产合作关系不断重组。本文基于OECD-WTO于2018年12月联合发布的贸易增加值数据库(TiVA),利用回归模型探讨全球价值链参与度和地位指数对货物贸易和服务贸易收支的影响,发现货物贸易中参与度与收支差额呈正U型关系、地位指数与支出呈倒U型关系,而服务贸易中参与度指数与支出呈倒U型关系。  相似文献   

环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)揭示了环境质量随经济增长出现先恶化后改善的关系.本文以我国大气污染物为研究对象,运用2000-2006年省际面板数据对EKC进行实证检验,发现当前我国污染排放与收入增长呈同步上升关系,而并非倒U型关系.从理论上来看,环境污染与经济发展之间的正向同步增长关系是本质,倒U型关系只是环境规制结果而不是内生机制.从政策角度来看,环境质量不可能随着经济增长而自动改善,为遏制环境污染的恶化趋势,转向集约型发展方式是根本途径.  相似文献   

本文采用“自下而上”法,估算了1999年~2018年海南旅游业交通、住宿、旅游活动部门(环节)二氧化碳排放量,并运用脱钩理论、协整分析以及Granger因果关系检验,辨析了海南旅游经济增长与碳排放之间的耦合关系。实证研究结果表明,海南旅游交通对海南旅游业碳排放的贡献率最高;海南旅游收入与二氧化碳排放量整体上是呈弱脱钩状态,海南旅游经济增长与碳排放之间存在长期的协整关系且存在从旅游经济增长到二氧化碳排放的单向Granger因果关系。  相似文献   

理论机制分析表明,贸易开放度的引入必然会对财政支出与贸易平衡的关系产生影响。本文基于45个发达经济体和新兴经济体国家1998-2012年的面板数据,在考虑贸易开放度差异的条件下,利用面板门限模型对财政支出与贸易平衡的关系进行实证检验。研究结果表明,财政支出对贸易平衡的影响会因贸易开放度的差异而呈现显著的门限效应。对于低开放度国家,财政支出对贸易平衡具有较强的扭曲性效应;对于中等开放度国家,财政支出对贸易平衡的扭曲性影响有所减弱;而对于高开放度国家,财政支出对贸易平衡的影响并不明显,此时"李嘉图等价"假说成立。研究发现,随着开放经济条件下各国贸易开放度的不断提高,扩张性财政政策对贸易平衡的不利影响正逐步减弱。  相似文献   

本文以我国采矿业五大分行业为研究对象,在Grossman和Krueger(1991)研究框架基础上,考察我国资源贸易及资源行业外商直接投资(FDI)对于环境污染的影响,并对我国采矿业收入水平与环境污染是否存在"倒U"型库兹涅茨关系进行检验。研究发现资源贸易及FDI对于污染排放均产生正效应,收入水平与环境污染呈现显著的正相关关系,而非"倒U"型的库兹涅茨关系。因此,我国对稀土等战略性资源采取出口限制政策具有合理性。  相似文献   

贸易开放度与经济增长的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新贸易理论认为贸易开放提高了投资效率,从而带动了经济增长。本文在新经济增长理论框架下,采用贸易开放度内生化技术进步模型,实证分析了贸易开放度对投资效率及经济增长的影响。结果表明贸易开放度与经济增长之间不存在简单的线性关系,贸易开放度通过提高投资效率促进了经济增长,但是这种促进作用的变动趋势是呈倒"U"形的,即随着贸易开放度的扩大这种促进作用先增强后减弱。  相似文献   

文章构建了一个开放经济模型来分析进出口贸易对城乡居民收入分配的影响,并结合我国1997—2016年的省级面板数据,实证检验了模型的结论。我们发现,各地的进出口贸易比重与当地居民的收入差距呈现倒U形的关系,并且目前大多数发达地区的城乡居民收入差距随着对外贸易的深入而逐渐加大。同时,我们也对东、中、西部地区分别进行了讨论,发现进出口贸易对城乡居民收入差距的影响存在显著的区域性差异。  相似文献   

知识产权保护究竟对服务贸易出口技术复杂度产生了怎样的影响?本文通过区分名义和实际知识产权保护水平,有效克服传统文献在知识产权保护水平上的测度偏误.利用全球66个国家的跨国面板数据实证检验了知识产权保护、经济发展对服务贸易出口技术复杂度的影响.研究发现:(1)就全球样本而言,知识产权保护对服务贸易出口技术复杂度的影响呈现“U”型关系.(2)分区域看,针对发达国家的研究表明,知识产权和服务贸易出口技术复杂度之间表现为正向线性关系;而发展中国家则呈现“U”关系.(3)人均GDP、服务贸易比重、货物贸易比重和人力资本等因素对服务贸易出口技术复杂度产生积极影响.分区域看,人均GDP、服务贸易比重、教育水平对发达国家服务贸易出口技术复杂度影响更强.(4)二氧化碳和PM10排放对服务贸易出口技术复杂度产生负面影响.  相似文献   

周杰琦  汪同三 《财贸研究》2013,24(2):12-19,43
采用中国 1990—2010 年的省级面板数据,选取排放总量和碳强度作为二氧化碳排放指标,实证考察贸易开放对中国碳排放的影响,研究发现: ( 1) 贸易开放显著提高了碳排放,"向底线赛跑"假说揭示的环境负面效应强于贸易的环境收益效应。(2) 环境库兹涅茨曲线假说在中国成立,人均收入是影响碳排放的关键因素。( 3) 贸易开放的环境效应存在时空上的结构性差异,随着时间的推移,贸易开放对环境的负面效应有所减弱; 相对于内陆地区,贸易开放对沿海地区环境的负面效应要小。在分析实证结果背后原因的基础上,得出了相应的政策启示。  相似文献   

文章基于变参数模型,分析了我国出口贸易结构对二氧化碳排放的动态影响。结果表明,出口贸易各项组成部分与二氧化碳排放存在长期的均衡关系,并呈现动态变化。其中初级产品出口对碳排放的影响系数呈逐渐增加的趋势,而工业制成品出口对碳排放的影响系数呈逐渐降低的趋势。基于此,本文提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to investigate the extent to which trade openness has had an impact on the levels of income and rates of growth in a sample of 115 developing countries for the period 1970–2009. Additionally, to assess whether there is an income level threshold for a country to benefit from international trade, the sample is broken down into three mutually exclusive groups of countries: low-income, lower middle-income, and upper middle-income countries. The main novelty of the paper lies on the use, on the one hand, of a new and better trade openness measure and, on the other hand, of non-stationary heterogeneous panel cointegration techniques to cope with the problem of cross-sectional dependence. The results show a positive bi-directional relationship between trade openness and income level in the long run, thus suggesting that trade openness is both a cause and a consequence of the level of income. The results for the short run, that is, the link between openness growth and economic growth, go in the same direction.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of openness on growth in different country groups using a panel of 79 countries over the period 1970–98. It distinguishes itself from many existing studies in three aspects: Firstly, both trade and FDI are included as measures of openness. Secondly, countries are classified into high‐, middle‐ and low‐income groups to compare the roles of trade and FDI in these groups. Thirdly, the possible problems of endogeneity and multicollinearity of trade and FDI are carefully dealt with in a panel data setting. The main findings are as follows. Total trade has a general positive impact on growth in all country groups, although the impact from imports is not significant in high‐income countries. FDI has a positive impact on growth in high‐ and middle‐income countries, but not in low‐income countries. With the existing absorptive capabilities, low‐income countries can benefit from both exports and imports, but not from FDI. These findings suggest that trade and FDI affect growth through different channels and under different conditions. The paper also discusses important policy implications.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the relationship between age structure and trade openness. We hypothesise that a higher share of the working‐age population in the total population increases trade openness, because the dependent population tends to spend more than the working‐age population on non‐tradable goods such as education and medical services. We estimate the effects of age structure on trade openness using panel data for 85 countries from 1991 to 2010. The empirical results show that the share of the working‐age population has a positive effect on trade openness. An increase in the share of the working‐age population is considered to be one factor that contributed to an increase in trade openness in the sample period.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between openness to trade, immigration, and income per person across countries. To address endogeneity concerns we extend the instrumental-variables strategy introduced by Frankel and Romer (1999). We build predictors of openness to immigration and to trade for each country by using information on bilateral geographical and cultural distance (while controlling for country size). Since geography may affect income through other channels, we also control for climate, disease environment, natural resources, and colonial origins. Most importantly, we also account for the roles of institutions and early development. Our instrumental-variables estimates provide evidence of a robust, positive effect of openness to immigration on long-run income per capita. In contrast, we are unable to establish an effect of trade openness on income. We also show that the effect of migration operates through an increase in total factor productivity, which appears to reflect increased diversity in productive skills and, to some extent, a higher rate of innovation.  相似文献   

International trade and child labor: Cross-country evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explore the relationship between exposure to trade (as measured by openness) and child labor in a cross-country setting. Our methodology accounts for the fact that trade flows are endogenous to child labor (and labor standards more generally) by examining the relationship between child labor and variation in trade based on geography. We find that countries that trade more have less child labor. At the cross-country means, the data suggest an openness elasticity of child labor of − 0.7. For low-income countries, the elasticity of child labor with respect to trade with high-income countries is − 0.9. However, these relationships appear to be largely attributable to the positive association between trade and income. We consistently find a small and statistically insignificant association between openness and child labor when we control for cross-country income differences in the full sample, when we split the sample into different country groups, consider only trade between high- and low-income countries, or focus on exports of unskilled-labor intensive products from low-income countries. Thus, the cross-country data do not substantiate assertions that trade per se plays a significant role in perpetuating the high levels of child labor that pervade low-income countries.  相似文献   


This study aims to investigate the spillover effects of the financial services sector development on the size of informal economic activity in the case of the European Union (EU) countries. The results from panel data analysis show that there exists an inverted U-shaped relationship between financial services and informal economic activity in the EU; that is, at the initial levels of the financial development, the reaction of informal economic activity is positive while it becomes negative at the further stages of the financial development in the EU. Thus, this study finds that financial services sector is a major contributor to changes in the volume of informal economic activity in the EU countries.  相似文献   

Although improving international trade on the back of financial sector development is one of the preoccupations of countries in Africa, empirical literature on financial development-trade nexus has not been rigorous in examining how finance shapes trade. In this study, we examine the effect of financial development on international trade in Africa relying on data for 46 countries over the period 1980–2015. Results from our system generalized method of moments reveal differential effects of finance on trade. In particular, we notice that, private credit does not promote trade while domestic credit positively affects trade. These effects are robust to measures of trade. Thus, improving the level of private (domestic) credit dampens (amplifies) exports and trade openness. However, we also find a U-shaped relationship between private credit and trade measures suggesting that financial sector development may be detrimental (helpful) to trade for economies with low (high) level of private credit.  相似文献   

Research on business cycle linkages shows a tendency to model countries of relatively the same income levels jointly. However, the issue of whether these countries move along the same business cycles has not been formally investigated in the literature. In this paper, we take this approach and investigate whether each group of countries follows its own dynamics and is therefore subjected to the same business cycle and whether these cycles are independent of each other across income groups. Results indicate that high income per capita countries (HICs) tend to be guided by stronger similarity in business cycles than countries in the middle (MICs) and low income (LICs) groups. In search for an explanation of the business cycles synchronicity observed, panel data analysis was explored. The results from the robust fixed effects estimation show neither trade openness nor shocks to consumption underlie international business cycle synchronization, but rather shocks to oil prices.  相似文献   

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