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区域服务贸易安排的不断蔓延标志着世界服务贸易的管理模式正在发生变化。本文基于与多边服务贸易自由化安排相对照的视角,对区域服务贸易安排提供的特惠待遇内容及实质展开政治经济分析。研究结果显示,由于区域服务贸易安排内涵着重要的"特惠侵蚀"机制:一是引入"非成员最惠国待遇条款",二是设立相对自由的服务原产地规则,实际付诸实施的区域服务贸易"特惠待遇"远不如根据协定文本测算得那么显著。从"服务"的特殊属性出发,本文指出有一系列的政治经济因素会促使区域服务贸易安排具有更强的将特惠承诺向区外扩展适用的潜在动力。区域服务贸易"特惠待遇"在本质上具有"渗漏性"这点会有助于推进多边服务贸易自由化进程。  相似文献   

中国对外签订区域服务贸易协议的对象多数来自于亚洲和拉美的发展中经济体,呈现出从"货物先行"向"货服并行"转变的趋势。在区域服务贸易自由化机制设计方面,中国引入了四大创新因素:服务贸易规则和投资规则"分立"构架且各自的适用范围界定明确;尝试构建服务贸易紧急保障制度;设置更加严格的服务贸易政策审议机制;针对特定缔约对象采取相对宽泛的服务原产地规则。中国应该从国内规制改革和服务部门开放顺序选择方面做好战略谋划与策略应对。  相似文献   

本文基于区域贸易协定数据库对涉及42个国家(地区) 2000—2014年的区域贸易协定服务贸易条款深度进行测度,并利用全球价值链指标数据库考察了RTA服务贸易条款深度对增加值贸易关联的影响。研究结果表明:区域贸易协定服务贸易条款总深度对增加值贸易关联存在显著的促进作用,其中,服务章节引用《服务贸易协定》相关规则、包含国民待遇条款、允许无商业存在条件下提供贸易、允许自然人流动以及包含审议条款能够显著提高缔约国之间的增加值贸易关联。进一步研究发现:一方面,经济水平发展相似的国家深化服务贸易条款深度可以获得更高的增加值贸易关联水平;另一方面,服务贸易条款深度一体化可以通过削减双边国家的贸易成本提高企业出口预期信心,还可以通过技术溢出效应进一步吸收来自国外高效率的生产环节,提升双边国家的价值链嵌入水平。  相似文献   

区域贸易协定的蓬勃发展推动各国不断开放各自的金融服务贸易。但金融危机的爆发使人们认识到,全球金融服务贸易的健康发展需要在自由化与审慎监管之间保持适度的平衡。然而,当前已有FTAs中的金融监管审慎例外简单挪用GATS模本,在条款本身的准确度、与FTAs的协调度以及对金融监管改革的包容度方面都显示出不足,无法给各方尤其是发展中国家提供足够的审慎监管空间。中国不应盲目跟从他国FTAs的范本,而是应结合本国具体国情设计出符合当前发展阶段的金融审慎例外条款。  相似文献   

本文对区域服务贸易协定的多样性和创新性的定性分析发现,在被寄予厚望的几项议题中,区域服务贸易协定遇到的困难并不比GATS少,区域服务贸易协定条款的多样性和创新性也许被高估了。而从定量分析来看,GATS型RTAS对GATS的承诺水平超越是最少的;NAFTA型总体上表现出较强的"GATS+"特征,其中第二代NAFTA型又明显比第一代NAFTA型的特性更明显;EU型RTAS的"GATS+"特性仅次于第二代NAFTA型RTAS;整体而言,RTAS的"GATS+"特征差强人意。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,全球出现了以区域贸易协定为基础的区域经济一体化新浪潮,成为国际经贸关系发展的一个显著特征。区域贸易安排与世界贸易组织并行推进世界贸易自由化,并将成为改变世界经济贸易格局的重要力量。几乎所有世贸组织成员已通知其参加一个或多个区域贸易协定(有些成员是20个或更多的成员)。截止截至2008年底,向GATT/WTO通报的各种类型的区域贸易协定418个,其中有效区域贸易协定232个。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,我国积极参与区域经济合作,开展了双边、区域及多边的贸易谈判,签署了多个区域贸易协定(RegionalTrdde Agreement,简称RTA),为我国的对外经贸关系发展提供了制度性保障,也提高了我国的经贸合作水平.  相似文献   

本在介绍GATS“例外条款”的基础上,认为这些“例外条款”不仅能为我国服务业留下更大生存空间,而且对发展我国服务业有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

服务贸易是 CEPA 中的一大特点,同时也是世界各主要区域贸易组织在法律体制的建设方面所注重的。本文首先从 CEPA 产生的背景,即 WTO 规则下的区域贸易安排,并着重介绍了主要区域贸易组织的服务贸易法律模式,为与 CEPA 中的服务贸易法律模式的比较作出铺垫;然后,在分析 CEPA 的法律框架的基础上, 从条约法和 WTO 规则这两个不同的角度分析 CEPA 体现的区际服务贸易的法律特性,得出 CEPA 及其贸易法律模式是符合国际惯例、符合 WTO 规则的结论。最后,从制度建设的角度,提出对 CEPA 区际服务贸易法律体制的协调与完善的具体对策与建议。  相似文献   

乌拉圭回合谈判后,多边贸易体制的调整范围由货物贸易扩大到服务贸易。WTO规则允许各成员根据最惠国原则对不同成员的服务和服务提供者给予差别待遇。《服务贸易总协定》(简称为GATS)第5条对"经济一体化协定"的规定也允许对隶属于区域成员国的服务或服务提供者给予区域性更优惠待遇。服务贸易领域因此也日益关注起对原产地规则的研究。我国自2004年1月1日实施《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(简称为CEPA)起,"香港公司"可以在内地享受市场准入和政策优惠的待遇。但是很多所谓的"香港公司"是由欧美等其他国家的服务提供者在具体进行业务操作,而优惠的实际获得者是这些"搭便车"的外国公司。本文通过对服务原产地规则国际协调和规范的阐释,对我国CEPA的发展现状进行分析并提出几点完善性建议。  相似文献   

文章借助WTO与世界银行联合建立的Integrated Trade Intelligence Portal数据库构建服务贸易协定承诺的覆盖率指标,选取Trade in value-added数据库2005年至2015年27个国家(地区)制造业增加值出口的国内增加值和国外增加值数据,通过实证分析,得出结论:(1)服务贸易协定生效在短时间内对制造业国内增加值和国外增加值出口存在显著的促进效应,且随着生效年限增加,促进效应也在加强;(2)服务贸易协定承诺的覆盖率越高,对制造业增加值出口的促进作用越强。根据国家收入水平对服务贸易协定进行分类的异质性分析结果显示:(1)发达国家(地区)与其他国家(地区)签订服务贸易协定对其制造业增加值出口的提升没有显著正向影响,甚至表现出负面影响;(2)发展中国家(地区)之间签订的服务贸易协定能够在生效2年后显著促进发展中国家(地区)制造业国外增加值出口。  相似文献   

This paper looks at market access and national treatment commitments for services in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and in 95 regional trade agreements (RTAs) involving the countries that are covered in the OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI). The objective is to quantify the impact of legal bindings on trade in services that result from a reduction in the uncertainty faced by exporters. Bilateral bindings indices are created for five broad service sectors (professional services, computer services, telecoms, financial services and transport services). They indicate how close the sector is from a fully bound regime with no possibility to introduce any new trade barrier, by comparing commitments with the actual trade regime. These bilateral indices are then tested over the period 2000–2014 in a structural gravity model. Despite differences across sectors, the results confirm that the legal bindings typically found in services trade agreements tend to have a positive impact on exports even if no actual liberalisation takes place.  相似文献   

This essay deals with the challenge that international organizations face at the turn of the millennium. The basic insight from the theory of clubs and information theory is that coordination and cooperation require dominant providers. Cooperation becomes more difficult as players become more equal in economic size. Today's environment is less conducive to cooperation than the environment after World War II. By extension, club theory suggests that Regional Trade Agreements are not flukes. They have proliferated because cooperation is feasible in smaller groups with a few larger players. There is a significant risk, however, that regional blocs may replace the multilateral cooperative process. To reduce this risk we propose the creation of an inter‐bloc international organization dedicated to reduce blocs' barriers to trade and finance.  相似文献   


Few papers have investigated the trade effects of multi-memberships of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs), but none has done this in an Africa-wide manner. This paper investigates the supplementary trade effects of multi-memberships of RTAs after controlling for single-membership for all African RTAs. We use (1) overall number of RTAs by country pair; (2) dummies of number of RTAs; and (3) number of RTA memberships by countries within each RTA grouping, in a panel of 53 African countries from 1995 to 2014. The gravity models are estimated with the Eicker-White robust covariance Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood (PPML) which is superior to previous ones. All the estimates concur that multi-memberships have significant additional intra-Africa trade benefits which increase with the number of memberships. The implication is that although RTAs enhance trade in Africa, it is only a second-best to a complete integration of the African continent. A complete dismantling of politically induced trade barriers and even inter-RTA boundaries within Africa will yield significant intra-Africa trade benefits. The results support the ongoing efforts in Africa in pursuing a “one Africa” vision. Such efforts have to transcend regional integration and pursue the ideal of an integrated Africa for the full trade benefits to be realized.  相似文献   

超大型自由贸易协定是目前塑造国际服务贸易新秩序的重要途径。从TPP来看,TPP寻求在单一文本中建立起有关货物贸易、服务贸易和投资规则的系统规范,以适应21世纪"贸易—投资—服务相互联系"的新型贸易模式,并为其他自贸协定树立标杆。与TPP相比,中国自贸协定在涉及服务贸易的覆盖领域、谈判模式和内容框架上还存在着明显差距。本文通过对TPP中涉及服务贸易的跨境服务、金融服务和电信服务等3个方面条款进行解读,试图为中国进一步推进自贸区并积极参与建立投资贸易新规则提供参考。  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s, there was the rise of a new wave of economic regionalism in the world economy with the spread of free trade agreements (FTAs). A key objective of free trade involves developing commercial exchanges between member countries. The gravity model is a vital tool to explain the bilateral trade data against the variables of the relative size of the pair of countries implicated in the trade: distance, common border, and language and models for each of the FTAs. This article focuses on studying the influence of FTAs in the Mediterranean countries in which we integrate the role of regional dummy EU (15), EMU (euro zone), the AMU and AGADIR agreement in trade flows. The use of regional variables are designed to determine whether its FTAs contribute to the creation of trade diversion. This study examines a cross-section and panel of 27 countries for 1980–2011. The results show the existence of a strong relationship between the factors of FTAs and trade flows.  相似文献   

The article provides a conceptual model, developed from analyzing over fifty trade agreement related research studies published during the last decade, which allows international business scholars to explore the influence of trade agreements (custom unions, free trade agreements, preferential trade agreements, regional trade agreements) on foreign market entry strategies. This model is an attempt to develop IB theory to address the current research gap in this very narrow but important allied field. Empirical findings generated by interviewing dairy produce exporters in New Zealand reveal a remarkable connection between TAs and IB, with TAs found to influence the regulative environment of participating countries, which may in turn reduce the regulative distance between member nations. The contribution provides a basis for IB researchers to explore this connection in multiple industries/countries.  相似文献   

区域软实力是区域经济综合竞争力的重要方面,是区域经济可持续发展的动力源和基础性保障。区域软实力是实体经济与虚拟经济不可缺少的桥梁,也是整合服务产业的重要粘合剂。各区域在追求发展的过程中,必须科学的综合实力观,重视增强自身的软实力,以增强区域竞争能力。而服务贸易内涵丰富,涉及面广,特别是文化产业的发展,蕴涵着丰富的软实力思想,对提升黑龙江省区域软实力建设具有重大而深远的意义。  相似文献   

The paper presents three different viewpoints on the effects of US‐Japan bilateral trade agreements and finds some evidence to support each one using trade data from 1980–1995. For most of the 25 industry‐agreement cases, the data do not support a conclusion of significant positive impacts of the agreements on Japan's imports of targeted manufactured products from either the US or non‐US sources. In at least one high‐profile case involving autos, I find evidence suggesting positive impacts on imports from the US, but in this case the data suggests trade diversion benefiting US0based producers at the expense of European ones. I also find a few cases where the agreements may have produced positive effects on Japan's imports from non‐US sources.  相似文献   

This paper develops and estimates a structural model of imperfect competition in international markets. The model incorporates a flexible non-linear demand framework with structural price equations. A general Conjectural Variation approach is developed to characterize strategic interaction. This allows the simultaneous evaluation of the sector-specific terms of trade effects of a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA), and the extent of international competition in the sector under consideration. The model is then used to evaluate the impact of the Lebanese–Egyptian PTA on the iron and steel import sector in Lebanon. Results confirm the need for a structural approach in the empirical assessment of PTAs.
Alban Thomas (Corresponding author)Email:

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