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分析美国顶尖智库在网络安全领域的研究态势,有利于掌握美国顶尖智库在该领域的研究现状和对美国网络安全战略的预判,为中国网络安全发展及智库建设提供借鉴。从时间和主题两方面分析了美国顶尖智库在网络安全领域的研究态势,采用隐含狄利克雷分布(Latent Dirichlet Allocation,LDA)主题模型对2018—2022年美国顶尖智库的研究成果进行主题挖掘,并结合政策事件对部分主题进行解读。结果表明,美国顶尖智库对网络安全的关注不断增强,研究成果主要集中在中美科技竞争、技术风险与治理以及网络安全人才培养等方面,在完善美国网络安全顶层设计、吸引人才等方面起到了重要的支撑作用,推动美国网络安全的发展。  相似文献   

一、发展形势 (一)网络安全政策持续加码,立足战略高度开展产业布局 1. 美国聚焦网络安全威慑能力建设,捍卫网络安全领跑地位 美国频繁出台多份对部分国家针对性极强的战略规划,旨在通过系统性战略布局,强化网络安全威慑能力,从而维护美国网络空间霸主地位.  相似文献   

美国是全球网络安全创新和产业最发达的国家之一,逐渐形成了以华盛顿、波士顿、硅谷为代表的多个网络安全创新高地。马萨诸塞州将网络安全产业列为该州四大重点支持产业之一,逐渐形成了独特的网络安全生态系统,使该州成为全球网络安全产业的领先者。本文主要介绍了网络安全产业发展的全球背景、当前美国网络安全产业发展格局和马萨诸塞州独特的网络安全产业生态系统,并对马萨诸塞州网络安全产业的科技创新环境、政府支持与投入、教育和人才优势、研发资源动力、市场需求推动与发展、投资和创业生态、马萨诸塞州—以色列国际合作等方面的情况进行了重点分析,揭开马萨诸塞州网络安全产业发展的成功模式,对我国新兴产业布局发展具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

美国的信息网络安全措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,在联邦政府的指导下,美国已经初步形成了一个维护国家网络安全的体系,即:在加大资金投入和加强网络安全人才培养的基础之上,以“国家网络安全策略”为政策指导,依靠法律加强对网络犯罪的威慑和起诉,积极促进和发展高效实用的网络安全技术以维护国家信息网络安全。制定国家网络安全政策2003年2月,美国正式通过了《网络空间安全国家战略》它是美国保护国家安全整体战略的一部分,也是美国《国土安全战略》的重要组成部分,是美国国土安全策略和国家安全策略的补充。该战略政策和原则部分与布什总统2001年10月颁布的《13231号行政命令》(信…  相似文献   

2021年太阳风供应链攻击(SolarWinds)事件曝光后,美国拜登政府发布的《改善国家网络安全的行政命令》,概述了美国联邦政府机构为提高其机构网络安全能力而需要采取的55项行动。此后,美国拜登政府根据其发布对美国网络安全相关领域具有重要影响的一系列重要文件,引起了美国联邦政府网络安全格局的重大变化。从该行政命令出台的背景出发,分析了其执行进展,对依照行政命令出台的重要政策、采取的重要措施做出了解读,总结了行政命令执行过程中存在的问题,最后提出了对中国信息安全领域的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

网络空间战略的重要性已经得到世界主要国家和地区的高度重视。美国、德国、日本、英国等都制定了国家网络空间战略,维护和争取网络空间中的优势地位,特别是网络空间安全成为关注的热点。其中,发展数字经济、强化安全审查、进行国际合作、形成双边多边的网络安全合作协议和组织、培育网络安全市场、培训网络安全人才等做法对我国具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2006年5月17日是第38届世界电信日。此次电信日的主题是“让全球网络更安全”。中国联通公司作为国内主导的基础电信运营企业之一,历来重视网络安全工作,在保障网络安全、设备安全、信息安全等方面,不断努力,实现了网络信息安全和各个业务领域的可持续发展。中国联通公司经过多年的网络技术创新,在新技术发展与安全网络业务之间积极探索,在网络安全方面表现出越来越多的优势,努力完成着电信业务的可持续发展与网络安全的共同推进。  相似文献   

网络安全是国家安全战略之一,随着我国互联网的普及和老龄化程度的不断加深,老龄网民数量持续增加,老年群体使用网络的频率也逐年提升,但老年群体遭受的网络安全风险的概率也在逐渐提高,老年人网络安全问题成为社会关注的焦点。基于此,分析老年人网络安全风险产生的原因,基于KAP理论的知识、信念、行动三方视角提出老年人网络安全素养的提升路径。  相似文献   

网络安全日益为人们所重视,其关键就是缓冲溢出问题,几乎所有的操作系统都避免不了缓冲溢出漏洞的威胁。网络安全中的堆栈溢出技术是一种含量较高的计算机技术,本文用通俗易懂的语言和简单少量的代码对该技术进行了详细解析。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,市场变迁,我国的IP城域网的发展进入了一个新的阶段.以前人们对IP城域网的需求主要为宽带,到如今逐渐向质量与可靠,有广泛业务的不间断网络通信转变.网络安全作为网络质量的基础之一,已愈发受到运营商的重视.在银行、政府、支付等特殊的企事业单位中,对IP城域网的网络安全提出了更高的要求,间接的推动了IP城域网网络安全的发展建设.本文从IP城域网网络安全的现状出发,分析了几个常见的网络攻击方法并简单的介绍了目前应对网络攻击的安全防护措施.  相似文献   


To understand Sino-U.S. trade relations, this article interprets the trade imbalance between China and the United States from the Trump administration’s perspective. The Trump administration claims that the Chinese government’s subsidies and high import tariffs cause the Sino-U.S. trade deficit, resulting in job losses in the U.S. The Trump administration therefore argues that imposing high tariffs on Chinese exports can resolve the deficit. The article finds that U.S. statistical accounting overestimates the deficit. Reducing China’s imports cannot increase U.S. employment, and China provides the United States with low-price and high-quality products. Chinese investors tend to invest the surplus by purchasing U.S. Treasury bonds. In addition, the United States limits Chinese investments due to ‘national security’ concerns. China’s upgrading to the high end of the global value chain is a consequence of economic development. Therefore, the two countries should rebalance Sino-U.S. trade by seeking economic and trade cooperation via trade negotiations.  相似文献   

2012年1月5日,美国总统奥巴马公布了题为《维持美国的全球领导地位:21世纪国防的优先任务》的国防战略指南。国防战略作为美国战略体系的重要一环,位于国家安全战略之下,服从和服务于安全战略,同时又是制定国家军事战略的依据,规定着军事战略的内容和方向。本文通过对美国2012年版国防战略指南的主要内容和新特点进行归纳总结,并探析美国国防战略调整的背景、战略动因及对我国国家安全产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

United States oil imports are predominantly carried in non-U.S. ships, a fact that some interpret as an energy security problem whose solution lies in increasing federal assistance to U.S. shipbuilding and shipping industries. This paper examines three options (one regulatory, two budgetary) for such federal assistance. Examination of the options comprises estimates of relative costs, consequences for traditional U.S. maritime goals, and implications for national security. The options are found to differ significantly in respect to relative cost and capacity to meet military security needs. As background, the paper also analyzes the costs of U.S. shipbuilding and shipping industries relative to their foreign counterparts. It thereby indicates why, and how much, federal assistance would be required to satisfy national security goals. The paper concludes that the regulatory policy option (cargo preference) has the highest relative cost and is the least effective for meeting national security goals.  相似文献   

物联网是继计算机、互联网与移动通信网之后的又一次信息产业浪潮。物联网对促进互联网发展、带动人类的进步发挥着重要的作用,并将成为未来经济发展的新增点。目前,国外对物联网的研发、应用主要集中在美、欧、日、韩等少数国家和地区。在中国,物联网日益受到重视,物联网产业被正式列为国家重点发展的五大战略性新兴产业之一。未来,物联网亟待解决的关键问题主要有:国家完全问题、标准体系问题、信息安全问题以及商业模式完善问题等。  相似文献   

伪冒电子元器件大量进入美军武器装备系统,严重危害美国装备建设和国家安全,引起美国国会、国防部等多部门的高度关注。在美国,伪冒电子元器件大幅增多,致使装备的可靠性降低,加大了装备研制的时间成本和经济成本,并严重威胁网络空间安全。伪冒电子元器件在美国国防供应链中泛滥的主要原因是国防部门监管不力、措施不足。为应对伪冒电子元器件问题,美国政府和军方采取了一系列防范措施,如,制定防止伪冒电子元器件法律条款,开展反伪冒电子元器件技术研发,加大对制售伪冒电子元器件人员的处罚力度等。美国从法律、管理等层面对伪冒电子元器件所采取的应对措施,值得我们参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Cyberspace as a medium for terrorists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Given that terrorists are quickly acquiring technical skills that increase the utility of cyberspace to an effective distributed organizational network and the likelihood of potential attacks on U.S. critical infrastructure and defense systems, we consider the value of cyberspace to terrorists. To this end, it is necessary to address the following questions pertinent to the attributes of cyberspace to examine why and how terrorists may utilize cyberspace to advance their goals: (1) What is cyberterrorism? (2) Is cyberterrorism warfare? (3) Why would terrorists use cyberspace? (4) What do we know or anticipate that terrorists want to do in cyberspace? (5) How do we deal with terrorists in cyberspace? We conclude with an assessment of the cyberterrorism threat facing the U.S. today and recommendations that address increasing technical capabilities and security measures for intelligence gathering, digital control and supervisory control and data acquisition (DC/SCADA) systems, and emergency response systems.  相似文献   

Social security and consumer spending in an international cross section   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper expands the base of empirical evidence on the social security aggregate private saving issue by examining the behavior of consumer expenditure in 16 industrialized countries over the 1951–60 period. The results are mixed in that time series movements of social security exhibit a positive relation to consumer spending, while the cross-sectional variations reveal a negative association. Our overall conclusion is that the cross-country evidence provides neither empirical support for the hypothesis that social security depresses private saving nor an empirical refutation of that hypothesis. We argue that this indeterminacy of results applies also to previous studies of U.S. time series and to analyses of household cross sections in the U.S.  相似文献   

This study examines how migration and business networks affect the trade in intellectual property using bilateral data on the U.S. and OECD member countries. The analyses are distinct in that they comprehensively examine network effects by combining previous works on tangible trade–migration relationships together with the literature on trade–FDI relationships. We show that intellectual property exports are positively related to the number of immigrants residing in the U.S. and the U.S. direct investment stocks in trading partners. However, they do not have any relationships with U.S. emigrants and FDI inflows to the U.S. The result suggests that network effects vary depending on the direction of cross-border factor movements.  相似文献   


Three major concerns drove the U.S. into initiating the trade war, and they are (a) the concern that China’s chronically large trade surplus was depressing job creation in the U.S. (b) the concern that China was using illegal and unfair methods to acquire U.S. technology at an effectively discounted price; and (c) the concern that China seeks to weaken U.S. national security and its international standing. On the dispute over China’s exchange rate and trade imbalance, the first conclusion is that it was marked by analytical confusion over the meaning of the term ‘equilibrium exchange rate’. The second conclusion is that China’s trade imbalance reflects the economic conditions in both China and U.S., and that the efficient and fair solution of the problem requires policy changes in both countries. On the industrial policy dispute, the first conclusion is that the issue of forced technology transfer is largely a dispute about China using its market power to benefit itself at the expense of its trade partners. The second conclusion is that China’s use of market power can last only until the other large countries could unite and retaliate as a group. The inevitability of retaliation means that China should replace the joint-venture (JV) mechanism for technological diffusion with other ways to strengthen its technological capability. On the U.S. concern about whether China trade weakens its national security, the first conclusion is that the notion of national security that is commonly adopted in the U.S. trade policy debate is ignorant about the primary determinants of U.S. capability in innovation. By focusing instead mainly on how to hold down China technologically, the long-run outcome will be a technologically weaker U.S. and hence, a more vulnerable U.S. The second conclusion is that the U.S. must identify a clear, short list of critical technologies and critical infrastructure for the recently reformed Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to cover, and update this list constantly. Otherwise, the broad and changing nature of notions about national security would allow the bureaucratically driven phenomenon of mission-creep to steadily expand the coverage of the CFIUS process, thereby steadily rendering CFIUS to be operationally capricious. Our principal policy suggestion to China is that, because China’s economy in 2018 is very different from that in 1978 (e.g. many parts of China now look like Singapore and China is Africa’s biggest donor), there should be more reciprocity in China’s trade and investment relations with the advanced economies despite China’s status as a developing economy under WTO rules. Our principal policy suggestion to President Trump is to stop equating strategic competition with economic competition. Strategic competition is normally a zero-sum game. While fair economic competition is usually a zero-sum game in the short run, it generally creates a win-win outcome in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the effects of social security on capital accumulation and wealth distribution in a life-cycle framework with altruistic individuals. The main findings of this paper are that the current U.S. social security system has a significant impact on capital accumulation and wealth distribution. I find that social security crowds out 8% of the capital stock of an economy without social security. This effect is driven by the distortions of labor supply due to the taxation of labor income rather than by the intergenerational redistribution of income imposed by the social security system. In contrast to previous analysis, I found that social security does not affect the savings rate of the economy. Another interesting finding is that even though the current U.S. social security system is progressive in its benefits, it may lead to a more dispersed distribution of wealth. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D31, D58, E2, E6, H55, J22, J26.  相似文献   

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