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We propose and apply a new approach for analyzing the effects of fiscal policy using vector autoregressions. Specifically, we use sign restrictions to identify a government revenue shock as well as a government spending shock, while controlling for a generic business cycle shock and a monetary policy shock. We explicitly allow for the possibility of announcement effects, i.e., that a current fiscal policy shock changes fiscal policy variables in the future, but not at present. We construct the impulse responses to three linear combinations of these fiscal shocks, corresponding to the three scenarios of deficit‐spending, deficit‐financed tax cuts and a balanced budget spending expansion. We apply the method to US quarterly data from 1955 to 2000. We find that deficit‐financed tax cuts work best among these three scenarios to improve GDP, with a maximal present value multiplier of five dollars of total additional GDP per each dollar of the total cut in government revenue 5 years after the shock. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Mohammed Hussen Alemu Valdimar Sigurdsson Asle Fagerstrøm Gordon Robert Foxall 《Managerial and Decision Economics》2020,41(2):274-290
In this study, we use the theory of the marketing firm to explain marketing relationships between consumers and firms selling fish in the context of developing the e-commerce sector for the fishery industry. We use a unique dataset composed of quantitative and qualitative data to provide a behavioral economic analysis and interpretation. The results reveal interdependent managerial and consumer behavioral relationships, indicating the presence of bilateral contingencies. The results also provide some indication of the theory of transaction cost, where cost-intensive activities are likely to be internalized within marketing firms selling fish. 相似文献
Mariona Tomàs 《International journal of urban and regional research》2015,39(2):382-389
This essay contributes to the current debate in the field of critical urban and regional studies on the meanings of the ‘regional’ and the ‘urban’. From a political science perspective, we focus on the European case. Firstly, we argue that the conception of the regional scale is not the same in various languages and traditions. Regions in Europe carry meanings and connotations that are not always easy to translate without losing their specific histories. Secondly, our analysis of contemporary debates on the ‘regional’ in the field of urban studies reveals that both practitioners and academics consider the regional scale mainly as a functional space, as the space for economic competitiveness. However, urban regions are also to be regarded as spaces for social and political mobilization. I argue that the political dimension of the ‘regional’ deserves more attention and that further research needs to be undertaken in this respect. 相似文献
Using the pension database obtained from Form 5500 from 2000 to 2014, we provide the first comprehensive analysis of the determinants of employee ownership in retirement pension plans. By investigating various motivations simultaneously using the horse racing method, we find that firms with higher idiosyncratic risk, weak governance, a greater marginal tax rate, and greater union intensity are more likely to offer employee ownership. This study provides valuable insights to investors that they should properly understand the impact of employee ownership on the firm and appropriately evaluate firms with employee ownership by taking into account diverse motives. 相似文献
Matthew Alford 《American journal of economics and sociology》2017,76(2):381-404
The CIA and the U.S. Department of Defense are both engaged in programs to influence the content of movies produced by Hollywood studios. Although they claim their only purpose in these ventures is to guarantee the accuracy of how military and intelligence activities are conducted, it is clear that their agenda goes beyond that goal. Their true aims include ensuring that movies project a positive image of the relevant government agencies. However, the CIA and DoD differ in their understanding of what constitutes good publicity. Films scrutinized and supported by military agencies are primarily evaluated according to whether they provide a vehicle for showing the technical and organizational competence of the Pentagon. To that end, films based on comic book characters or extraterrestrial invaders are viewed positively because they show the war‐fighting capacity of the military without having to name any actual enemy. The CIA, by contrast, prefers to support films that enable citizens to develop a stronger sense of patriotism in a world of moral ambiguities. As a result, the CIA is much less fearful of revealing the dark side of its undertakings, as long as a given movie presents a story that shows the value of the CIA in protecting the security of the nation. 相似文献
Eyun-Jung Ki Moonhee Cho 《International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing》2021,26(2):e1693
This study investigates the factors of members' supportive behavioral intentions to donate and recommend membership to others in the context of engineering professional membership associations. Using data collected from 3,464 members across three engineering professional membership associations, this study found that age, past donation experience, personal and professional benefits, gender, income, and longevity in the field were significant factors to determine giving intention, while personal benefits, professional benefits, past behaviors (donation and volunteering), and longevity in the field were predictors of membership recommendation intentions of engineering professionals. 相似文献
Gina Santos Carla S. Marques João J. M. Ferreira 《The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal》2018,14(4):807-821
This study seeks to identify the antecedents of women’s entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and exploring what possible relationships that may exist between them. The research focuses on women entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs in a quantitative perspective whose methodology consisted of the collection of primary data through a survey distributed to women in Portugal. After structural equation modelling was applied, the results suggested that recognition of opportunities influences EO. This influence is expressed both directly and indirectly through training in management and entrepreneurial skills. These findings led to the conclusion that policies promoting training for community members, in general, need to be rethought and policies need to emphasise training in management that enhances entrepreneurial skills, thereby increasing the proliferation of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education and training should be promoted from basic education onwards in order to develop entrepreneurial skills from an early age. Prior to this study, the relationships between opportunity recognition, management training and entrepreneurial skills have never been studied in relation to women. 相似文献
《International Journal of Forecasting》2001,17(3):447-458
An empirical investigation of postwar US data reveals that movements in inflation are much more strongly associated with job growth than the unemployment rate. Job growth is found to be strongly related to inflation even after accounting for the effect of the unemployment rate. The residual influence of the unemployment rate on inflation is small, however, after accounting for the effect of job growth. The data shows that in the past inflation has tended to decline when job growth is weak even if unemployment is low. This suggests that the relatively slow job growth of recent years may partly explain the puzzle that, during much of the current expansion, the US economy has experienced little inflation in spite of low unemployment. 相似文献
What makes the clock tick? Time,populations, voters,and votes for the president in the United States
Baruch Mevorach 《Quality and Quantity》1992,26(1):77-84
Our present analysis expands on the number of theoretical disciplines involved in the explanation of votes to presidential races in the United States. We do so by replacing the theoretically thin trend variable, previous studies have used, with the demographic factor.The demographic factor, which is obviously highly statistically correlated with the non-theoretical time trend, was hypothesized to have a significant impact upon partisan popularity and presidential races. As the demographic growth is due mostly to immigration and naturalization, and natural growth, especially among the poor, one would expect the growth to be beneficial to Democrats. 相似文献
What are public services worth, and to whom? Non-parametric estimation of capitalization in Pune 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The availability and quality of basic public services are important determinants of urban quality of life. In many cities, rapid population growth and fiscal constraints are limiting the extent to which urban governments can keep up with increasing demand for these services. It therefore becomes important to prioritize provision of those services to best reflect local demand. We present a strategy to estimate the demand for public services, which is sensitive to heterogeneity in preferences across types of households, and the non-parametric estimation addresses problems arising from functional form restrictions. Using data from Pune, India, we estimate the demand for public services, as represented by the marginal change in the self-assessed monthly rental price of dwellings from the services. We find that the value of publicly-provided services accruing to the poor is greater than that going to wealthier households, and even untargeted across-the-board investment in specific services can be progressive. 相似文献
The financial well-being (FWB) of individuals is a topic that is becoming increasingly important across a multitude of disciplines. In this study, we use the 2016 National Financial Well-Being Survey administered by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to assess the determinants of an individual's FWB. We identify 144 potential covariates that could explain variation in the FWB score of individuals. The statistical methodology of choice is the Bayesian LASSO, which is a covariate selection algorithm that also allows for the importance ranking of covariates. Out of the 144 potential covariates, we find that 26 have 95% credible intervals that do not contain zero. Broadly speaking, the results show that objective measures of financial competency and psychological and sociological factors contribute the bulk of the explanatory power that help explain an individual's FWB score. 相似文献
This paper examines the dynamics of the liquidity premium in the Chinese stock market by adopting a multivariate decomposition approach to measure the individual contributions of various driving forces of the premium (such as firm size, idiosyncratic volatility, and market liquidity betas). By employing a wide range of liquidity measures, we show that liquidity premium is generally significant in the Chinese stock market. Furthermore, this premium is increasing in recent years starting from 2011; this observation is different from the United States market, in which the premium has declined over the years. Moreover, the multivariate decomposition approach highlights several asset pricing factors as the main driving forces of the premium. Based on the Amihud liquidity measure, the decomposition approach indicates that the size factor contributes 45–65% to the liquidity premium. However, the measure based on turnover suggests that idiosyncratic volatility accounts for at least 60% of the liquidity premium. In contrast, the global market liquidity beta does not significantly contribute to the premium. However, there is some evidence that the local market liquidity beta has become more significant in its impact on the premium during the period from 2011 to 2015. Our results imply that the findings on the liquidity premium in the Chinese stock market could be sensitive to the liquidity measure used and period of analysis. 相似文献
Carter B 《Fund raising management》2001,32(5):42, 46-42, 48
The CEO, CAO and Board Chair constitute a non-profit's "power team." How effectively these leaders can combine their individual skills--specifically in mutually supportive ways--determines the critical difference between a non-profit's success or failure. 相似文献
This paper evaluates the effects of high‐frequency uncertainty shocks on a set of low‐frequency macroeconomic variables representative of the US economy. Rather than estimating models at the same common low frequency, we use recently developed econometric models, which allow us to deal with data of different sampling frequencies. We find that credit and labor market variables react the most to uncertainty shocks in that they exhibit a prolonged negative response to such shocks. When looking at detailed investment subcategories, our estimates suggest that the most irreversible investment projects are the most affected by uncertainty shocks. We also find that the responses of macroeconomic variables to uncertainty shocks are relatively similar across single‐frequency and mixed‐frequency data models, suggesting that the temporal aggregation bias is not acute in this context. 相似文献
Christine Coupland Sue Tempest Christopher Barnatt 《Human Resource Management Journal》2008,18(4):423-431
Forthcoming changing demographics and the introduction of the relatively recent UK age discrimination legislation make it timely to consider some of the debates around the relevance of age to work. Issues surrounding ageing have been considered from within a number of disciplines and research perspectives which have led to some questioning of the dominant economic model that pivots on chronological age as a convenient, bureaucratic, measure that proxies for ability. The role of the HR practitioner in being able to redefine expectations throughout the lifespan of employees is considered while constraints to managing for the longer term are acknowledged. It is proposed that although the legislation will affect some age‐related practices positively, there are likely to be unintended consequences that single out particular age groups as special cases and therefore make age more relevant to the work relationship. 相似文献
This article focuses on the study of the main factors attracting visitors, not only new ones, to wineries, and also on how to keep these customers loyal. This research fills a gap in wine tourism literature, taking into account the differences between brand image and destination image as antecedents of brand equity in wine tourism destinations. The empirical analysis has been carried out with two Spanish denominations of origin, Rioja and Navarra, selected by Nielsen’s market share. Particularly, this study draws from a survey of 232 visitors who visited the wineries during the autumn of 2010. The development of a model of wine tourism destination brand equity provides empirical support in order to evaluate the influence of destination image and brand image on brand equity. Before testing the hypotheses, the measuring instrument was evaluated by means of partial least squares regression. A multi-group analysis was carried out to determine the main differences between these two denominations of origin. The paper hereby recommends the creation of alliances among wine companies and tourism industry (hotels, restaurants, active tourism companies, spa resorts, and so on) to succeed in their own businesses. Finally, limitations are outlined to encourage further research. 相似文献
Max Breitenlechner Martin Geiger Daniel Gründler Johann Scharler 《Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics》2024,86(1):119-136
We apply a structural vectorautoregressive analysis to decompose fluctuations in the growth rate of industrial production and inflation precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA into aggregate demand, aggregate supply, and uncertainty shocks. While all three types of shocks contributed to output and inflation dynamics, the surge in economic uncertainty contributed to the decline in output more strongly than aggregate demand or aggregate supply disruptions. In 2021, the decline in uncertainty and adverse aggregate supply shocks emerged to be similarly important in spurring inflation. 相似文献
Catherine Casey 《Industrial Relations Journal》2016,47(1):46-61
This article investigates labour's interests in corporate governance in the UK. Contemporary political economy conditions generate a confluence of factors that stimulates new demands and engagement strategies. Labour actors endeavour to forge corporate governance innovation through utilising cultural institutions in the regulation of firms in capitalist markets. 相似文献