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滕玥 《环境经济》2022,(20):8-9
猫也能帮警察破案?在电视剧和新闻报道中,我们经常可以看到警犬协助刑侦的画面,但你绝对不知道,猫也能协助警方办案。澳大利亚弗林德斯大学的法医学研究人员提出,猫身上沾染的人类DNA很有可能在破案时告诉我们:凶手到底是谁。研究人员招募了20只猫,从它们身上收集了样本进行分析。结果在80%的样本上都发现了足以提供检测的DNA,而在70%的样本中,研究人员都调查出了这些DNA来自谁。  相似文献   

滕玥 《环境经济》2023,(1):12-13
<正>倒班工作会导致全因痴呆风险增加30%既往观察性研究发现,倒班工作可通过影响睡眠时间、生物钟节律等机制,增加代谢紊乱、癌症和心血管疾病的发病风险。然而,倒班工作与痴呆发病是否相关并无一致结论。近日,中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院神经科教授唐亚梅团队研究发现,倒班工作与非倒班工作相比,全因痴呆的风险增加30%,并且这种关系没有因遗传易感性而改变。  相似文献   

用旅行费用区间分析法评估神农架自然保护区游憩价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据2455份游客调查问卷的统计结果,文章应用改进的分区旅行费用法——旅行费用区间分析估算神农架地区的年游憩价值为43亿元,在计算旅行时间成本过程中,根据对旅游意愿、消费行为和社会属性参数之间相关关系分析和判断,提出应以可直接感知的、与旅行时间相伴变化大的消费项替代以工资率计算时间成本的观点,对改进分区旅行费用法以及评估神农架生物多样性使用价值有一定理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the time series properties of Australian residential mortgage interest rates, and in doing so, establish whether or not selected home loan rates (product-level monthly home loan interest rates for CBA) exhibit the expected cyclical and seasonal variations and whether seasonality, if present, is stochastic or deterministic. In particular, due to a well established presence of cyclicality in financial markets' interest rates and strong correlation between financial markets' interest rates and home loan interest rates, the paper presumes that cyclicality is also to be found in home loan interest rates. Furthermore, the paper tests the hypothesis that home loan interest rates, for selected products, exhibit the three identified ("Spring", "Autumn" and "The end of the Financial Year") season-related interest rate reductions. The paper uses a structural time series modelling approach and product-level home loan interest rates data from one of the biggest banks in Australia, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). As expected, the results overall confirm the existence of cyclicality in home loan interest rates. With respect to the seasonality of home loan interest rate, although most of the analysed variables show the presence of statistically significant seasonal factors, the majority of the statistically significant seasonal factors observed cannot be attributed to any of the three considered seasonal effects.  相似文献   

正2014年5月9日,在美丽的泉州石湖港,8只装满石材的中铁国际多式联运有限公司自备超高箱成功配载仁建安通物流的仁建广州轮前往天津新港,在天津经铁路发往西北地区。这是中铁国际多式联运有限公司与仁建安通物流的首次合作,是双方正式开展铁海联运业务的开始。  相似文献   

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