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新常态下保证宏观杠杆稳步下降是供给侧结构性改革的重要任务之一。以中国经济政策不确定性为门限变量,构建了包括经济政策不确定性、宏观经济政策以及宏观杠杆在内的门限结构向量自回归(T-SVAR)模型,研究高低两种政策不确定性区制下我国需求端货币政策与财政政策以及供给端金融改革政策对宏观杠杆的调控效应。结果显示,三种政策均存在明显的门限效应且在中长期内均出现逆转,区别在于,虽然货币政策对宏观杠杆的短期作用效果最为显著,但当政策不确定性水平快速攀升时,其调控效果会略微降低,而此时财政政策和金融供给侧结构性改革能有效平抑过高的杠杆率增速,且在长期依旧保持一定的调控效果。因此,央行在对宏观杠杆进行调控时应依据各政策调控效应的阶段性特征进行搭配使用,同时通过推进资本市场基础性制度改革,优化融资结构,为实现宏观政策调控效果的最大化奠定基础。 相似文献
The early‐twenty first century saw Australia experience its largest and longest terms of trade boom. This paper places the most recent terms of trade boom in its historical context. While similarities exist with previous episodes, the macroeconomic policy frameworks and settings prevailing were quite different to those of the past. These different frameworks and settings mitigated the broader macroeconomic consequences of the terms of trade upswing and may do likewise as it declines. 相似文献
Mohd Azlan Shah Zaidi Zulkefly Abdul Karim W.N.W. Azman-Saini 《Global Economic Review》2013,42(3):215-237
AbstractThe study provides new empirical evidence on the relative importance of foreign and domestic shocks on selected ASEAN-3 (Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand) macroeconomic variables. Three structural vector auto regression models are estimated for each country. The focal point is given on the formulation of the sources of foreign factors. The first model uses trade-weighted foreign variables of both US and Japan to represent the foreign factors. The other two models use US and Japan by themselves, respectively, to represent the foreign factors. Two important results are emerged. First, foreign sectors play an important role in influencing macroeconomic variables of each of the ASEAN-3 country, especially in the medium and the long-run horizon. Second, most of the time, the Japanese factors are more dominant than the US factors in influencing domestic output and inflation for each of the ASEAN-3 countries. 相似文献
已有的财务失败预警模型大多只考虑财务信息的作用,忽视了公司治理状况、宏观经济环境等非财务因素对财务失败的影响。本文综合利用财务信息、公司治理信息和宏观经济信息,采用生存分析中的离散时间风险模型构建我国上市公司的财务失败动态预警模型,并实证检验和比较离散时间风险模型与logistic模型、probit模型的预警能力。研究结果显示,公司治理信息和宏观经济信息对财务失败具有显著的预警作用,在模型中纳入这些非财务信息有助于提高模型的预测效果。研究结果也表明,离散时间风险模型的样本内判别能力和样本外预测能力都高于logistic模型和probit模型。 相似文献
Van Aarle Bas Engwerda Jacob C. Plasmans Joseph E.J. Weeren Arie 《Open Economies Review》2001,12(1):29-60
In this article, we study macroeconomic stabilization in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) using a dynamic game approach. With the aid of a stylized macroeconomic model, this article analyzes the transmission and interaction of national fiscal policies and monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) in the EMU. A special focus is on the effects of labor market institutions in the participating countries and of the introduction of fiscal stringency criteria like those imposed in the Stability and Growth Pact. 相似文献
宏观经济政策已成为宏观经济发展最大的外生变量。由于主体界定不清、资料和经费相对不足、评估标准差异性大以及缺乏必要的保障机制,宏观经济政策评估已陷入困境。针对这些评估困境,文章认为,对宏观经济政策进行有效评估,需要经济管理部门转变观念、提高认识,加大力度调整评估体系,制定切合实际的宏观经济政策。 相似文献
Taiyo Yoshimi 《Asian Economic Journal》2014,28(1):19-39
We investigate the welfare implications of monetary policy arrangements in a small open economy, considering firms' bank‐based finances that are widely observed in emerging ASEAN countries. The impact of an unexpected change in the lending rate spread, or a lending rate spread shock, depends on the presence of banking activity in the economy. This presence is important in Malaysia and Vietnam, where welfare effects of this type of shock are at least comparable to those of foreign monetary policy shocks. We also find that a rigid exchange rate arrangement amplifies the effect of a shock. 相似文献
当前把消费需求作为我国扩大内需的主阵地已经达成共识,但扩大居民消费却是举步维艰。文章认为,政府在制定和实施宏观调控政策的过程中,必须把握好以下关系:区别短期消费需求和长期消费需求;把握消费与投资的体制性差异,以投资启动消费;针对我国二元结构下的城乡消费差异,重点是扩大农村消费需求;注重消费的可持续性。 相似文献
Elena Efimova Natalia Kuznetsova 《美中经济评论(英文版)》2014,(9):564-572
In the framework of different countries' international comparison, the objective of this paper reflects research topic of investigation--the identification of small countries, revealing features of economic development and business growth in economic history context of small economies classification. The object of investigation focuses on West European and Nordic countries' small economies. The hypothesis of the article is that small states under consideration are developing as the business competitive peripheries areas due to the special Scandinavian capitalist model development characterized by high level of social capital. The statistical data base includes Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development indicators, World Bank parameters and Nordic transnational corporation's annual reports. The paper considers the following research questions: (1) the critical overview of the mainstream academicians opinions concerning different-scaled economies, (2) classification of small states and clarification of different groups of the small-scaled countries role in the world and regional economy through historical context, (3) estimates and variants of small countries' social-economic development in accordance with different parameters, (4) consideration of Nordic European countries coming to the business model of the competitive peripheral social-economic development. The main summing up conclusion is that small economies of Nordic Europe are converting nowadays into the experimental laboratory of the European and world economy due to the specific model of their social-oriented economic and business growth, their geopolitical location between developed European integration complex embracing presumably small-scaled states from one side and large-scaled emerging market economy of Asian continent from the other side. 相似文献
清华大学中国经济思想与实践研究院 《改革》2021,(1):1-17
2020年,中国迎难而上,果断抗疫,精准复产复工,成为全球唯一实现经济正增长的主要经济体。2020年,基建投资和房地产投资成为中国经济增长的稳定器,出口在全球贸易萎缩的背景下实现正增长,消费由于疫情导致的就业尤其是服务业就业减少、居民收入增速下降等因素出现了明显放缓。展望中长期发展,应积极培育需求,打造中国经济增长新动力。具体而言,要从四个方面着手:通过推动经济地理再布局,打造中国经济新增长点;在产业有序转移的过程中实现产业升级;保经济安全底线,重点关注产业链、能源和金融三个领域的安全问题;优化互联网平台监管。 相似文献
We address three related questions concerning financial liberalization in a small open economy. Does financial liberalization and the resulting capital inflow improve production efficiency in the domestic economy? Who benefits from financial liberalization in the long run and in the short run? Should financial liberalization be implemented gradually or hastily? Our main results are as follows. First, whether financial deregulation in one sector can improve production efficiency may depend on financial regulation in other sectors. Second, financial liberalization may have opposite welfare implications to domestic agents with different productivity in the long run. Third, although some domestic agents lose in the long run, they actually benefit from financial liberalization during the transitional process of deregulation. Finally, a gradual implementation helps achieve a smooth transition. 相似文献
This paper presents an extension of the macroeconomic exchange rate balance approach. This extension comprises two new aspects. Firstly, it is based on a multinational framework which allows for macroeconomic linkages between countries. Secondly, it uses a procedure that does not require a full modeling of the world economy to derive a consistent set of equilibrium exchange rates. The findings reveal that, in 2001, the dollar was overvalued against the euro and the yen. The paper also shows that this result depends heavily on the chosen notion of current account sustainability. 相似文献
China's Exchange Rate Policy: The Case for Greater Flexibility 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Since the Asian crisis, the merit of the Chinese government's de facto peg to the US Dollar has been the subject of widening debate. This paper reviews the issues surrounding China's currency regime choice and assesses the case for greater fiexibility. Reform era exchange rate policies are examined along with the performance of the economy during and since the Asian crisis. In the Chinese context, the arguments for and against fixed exchange rates are then explained and assessed. Finally, an elemental comparative static macroeconomic model is used to examine the implications of domestic and external shocks under different exchange rate regimes and with differing degrees of capital mobility. The results support the view that more fiexibility would be beneficial to China and that this benefit can be expected to increase as capital mobility increases. 相似文献
Ross Garnaut 《Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies》2015,51(2):189-212
In the decade to 2011, developments in the Chinese economy gave the world its biggest ever resources boom and set the scene for a resources deflation. The boom generated high incomes and investment in global resources, especially coal. It boosted Indonesian growth and diverted the policy focus from the productivity-raising reforms that are necessary for broad-based growth. Arbitrary interventions reduced the gains from the boom, especially in commodities other than coal, but also diminished the size of the boom and therefore the economic adjustment challenge that faces Indonesia now. Indonesia handled the Dutch disease and related challenges better than some countries and worse than others. Australia and Indonesia are now the world's largest coal exporters, so this comparison receives attention here. The end of the boom can create opportunities for a return to broad-based development, so long as policy settings are favourable to productivity growth and improved economy-wide competitiveness. The fuel-subsidy reforms are a good start. 相似文献
转型国家外国直接投资的宏观经济效应——关于俄罗斯、中东欧八国和中国的比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文通过对俄罗斯、中东欧八国以及中国的比较,对转型国家FDI宏观经济效应的制度因素加以分析。在此基础上,进一步建立转型国家有FDI流入的IS/LM/BP模型,运用一般均衡分析的方法对转型国家FDI的宏观经济效应进行研究。论文指出,无论是在固定汇率下还是在浮动汇率下,FDI流入促进转型国家收入的增长都是确定的。作为转型国家的一个特例,中国兼具转型经济国家、新兴市场经济国家和发展中国家三种特征,其FDI宏观经济效应的传导机制具有一定的特殊性。中国在现行汇率体制下FDI流入的国民收入效应仍然是确定的。但是,与俄罗斯、中东欧八国等转型国家相比,FDI促进中国国民收入的提高相对较少。 相似文献
Simplice Asongu 《The South African journal of economics. Suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir ekonomie》2014,82(2):276-289
With the spectre of the euro crisis hunting embryonic monetary unions, we use a dynamic model of a small open economy to analyse real effective exchange rate (REER) imbalances and examine whether the movements in the aggregate real exchange rates are consistent with the underlying macroeconomic fundamentals in the proposed West African Monetary Union (WAMU). Using both country‐oriented and WAMU panel‐based specifications, we show that the long‐run behaviour of the REERs can be explained by fluctuations in the terms of trade, productivity, investment, debt and openness. While there is still significant evidence of cross‐country differences in the relationship between underlying macroeconomic fundamentals and corresponding REERs, the embryonic WAMU has a stable error correction mechanism, with four of the five cointegration relations having signs that are consistent with the predictions from economic theory. Policy implications are discussed, and the conclusions of the analysis are a valuable contribution to the scholarly and policy debate over whether the creation of a sustainable monetary union should precede convergence in macroeconomic fundamentals that determine REER adjustments. 相似文献
由于改革开放以来我国经济的飞速发展,使我国的综合国力、国际经济贸易以及国家外汇储备量显著提升。那么外汇储备量高是否必然就是好事呢?其实也不尽然,外汇储备量大也可能带来很多弊端。外汇储备量与我国的宏观经济存在着密切的关系,二者偶联在一起相互影响。那么外汇储备究竟如何影响我国经济,而我国又应该采取何种货币政策呢?本文就将就这些问题作初步探讨,希望对促进我国经济健康快速发展做出一定贡献。 相似文献