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新<劳动合同法>的实施引起社会各界的广泛关注,新法对劳动力供给究竟产生何种影响,目前国内尚无此问题微观角度的实证分析.本文采用个体跨期最优模型,通过计算劳动力供给跨期弹性,分析新法对劳动力供给的影响.结果发现,在新<劳动合同法>实施后,劳动力的跨期弹性变小.新法的实施达到了建立和谐稳定的劳动关系和稳定劳动力供给的目的. 相似文献
城乡结合部(北京市)“失地农民”劳动力供给的影响因素研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
城乡结合部是我国社会经济发展最快同时也是城市建设与发展过程中各种矛盾最为集中的地区之一。随着城市化进程的推进,城乡结合部“失地农民”这一弱势群体的就业问题日益成为社会各界关注的焦点。本文以对北京市三区六乡的若干个行政村的调查数据为基础,通过建立Logistic回归模型,旨在甄选出影响城乡结合部“失地农民”劳动力供给行为的若干因素,并在对这些因素进行经济学分析的基础上,就“失地农民”的就业安置、人力资本投资等问题给出相应对策。 相似文献
本文利用问卷调查数据,采用Tobit截断回归模型来实证分析我国城镇已婚女性劳动供给的影响因素.回归结果表明,受教育程度与城镇已婚女性劳动供给正相关,女性受教育程度是已婚女性劳动供给的主要影响因素.城镇已婚女性年龄与其劳动供给之间呈负相关.丈夫月收入与城镇已婚女性劳动供给呈负相关.家庭中六岁以下孩子的存在作为已婚女性减少市场劳动时间的决定因素是不显著的. 相似文献
中国经济转型中城镇女性劳动供给行为分析--兼论动态博弈框架下教育决策的内生性问题 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
自从转型国家实行市场化改革以来,女性的劳动参与率(即女性经济活动人口在女性劳动年龄人口中所占的比重,又称FLFPR)出现了明显下降(LINCF,1999).转型国家劳动力市场上这种引人注目的变化刚好与西方国家形成了鲜明的对比。比方说,:1992年~2001年间,波兰的女性劳动参与率由54.2%变为49.5%,下降了4.7个百分点。而同期,美国的女性劳动参与率则由56%变为到了60.1%,上升了4.1个百分点。 相似文献
借助中国家庭金融调查2011—2013年数据,以及最低工资标准在不同区县不同时间上的差异,在分别考察最低工资标准上涨对工资、就业的影响后,本文重点考察了最低工资标准上涨对劳动参与,尤其是已婚女性劳动参与的影响。回归结果显示:(1)最低工资标准上涨10%,员工的雇佣工资显著增加6.6%,被雇佣概率下1.2%,但在10%的统计水平下不显著。(2)最低工资标准上涨主要增加已婚女性的劳动参与率。最低工资标准每上涨10%,已婚女性劳动参与率显著增加1.86个百分点,且以从事非农工作为主。对工资收入处于最低25%的已婚女性,劳动参与率更是显著增加3.03个百分点。(3)综合考察最低工资标准上涨对已婚女性劳动参与以及进入劳动市场后就业概率的影响发现,最低工资标准上涨10%,16—55岁已婚女性中就业个体的占比显著增加2个百分点。(4)从异质性上看,最低工资标准上涨主要影响中年、低教育水平或来自西部地区的已婚女性。在劳动供需发生根本转变的情形下,通过激活劳动力存量,上调区县最低工资标准对短期内缩小中国劳动力供需缺口有重要作用。 相似文献
家庭收入与中国城镇已婚妇女劳动参与决策分析 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
在中国经济的转型期间女性劳动参与率出现了明显下降,这种下降趋势在年龄较大以及教育程度较低的妇女群组中表现更为突出。与此同时我国的男女收入差距也在不断扩大。然而丈夫收入并不能充分解释女性劳动参与率的变动。已婚妇女劳动参与率下降最大的家庭并不是丈夫收入增长最快的家庭。1995—2002年间丈夫收入仅仅解释了整体已婚妇女劳动参与率变动的12.87%,以及低收入家庭中已婚妇女劳动参与率变动的7.74%。与其说我国女性劳动参与率的下降是家庭收入提高从而家庭重新分工的自主选择,不如说是严峻的就业形势所迫。 相似文献
女性劳动参与对家庭储蓄率的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
中国家庭的高储蓄是一个广受关注的问题,本文试图从女性劳动参与的角度对中国家庭的高储蓄给出解释。首先从理论上探讨了女性劳动参与和家庭储蓄率之间的关系,然后利用2017年中国家庭金融调查数据对此进行了实证检验。为克服内生性的影响,采用同一社区、同一年龄段的其他已婚女性劳动参与率作为家庭中已婚女性劳动参与的工具变量,实证检验已婚女性劳动参与对家庭储蓄率的影响。研究结果表明,已婚女性劳动参与显著增加家庭储蓄率。异质性分析发现,已婚女性劳动参与对20岁到30岁女性家庭、大学及以上教育水平和有二孩意愿家庭的储蓄率有显著影响。进一步研究发现,已婚女性劳动参与促进家庭储蓄率增加的原因是,家庭的收入水平显著增加,而家庭消费水平未发生显著性改变。同时,现阶段中国女性劳动参与没有显著降低家庭预防性储蓄动机,反而进一步提升了家庭储蓄率。本文为理解中国家庭的高储蓄提供了新的视角,可以为未来制定政策提供参考。 相似文献
'In a time when whales and seals are classified as endangered species, babies also seem to be an endangered species ˙˙˙ with so many mothers in the workforce our population growth has dropped below zero and I think the Federal government should counter that trend˙˙˙˙ Babies born in Australia are our best new Australians.' (Senator Florence Bjelke-Petersen in a speech to the Women's Action Alliance, reported in the Canberra Times, 3 June 1981 .)
The paper examines the labour supply of married women in Australia using data from the 1974 Census of Population and Housing. A number of approaches to modeling are employed. In the first instance OLS equations are estimated. These estimates are compared with instrumental variable estimates endogenizing wage rates. and with estimates from a three-equation system endogenizing fertility as well as wages. The evidence suggests that many of the factors proposed by modern theory do exercise significant influences in anticipated directions on the labour supply of married women in Australia. 相似文献
The paper examines the labour supply of married women in Australia using data from the 1974 Census of Population and Housing. A number of approaches to modeling are employed. In the first instance OLS equations are estimated. These estimates are compared with instrumental variable estimates endogenizing wage rates. and with estimates from a three-equation system endogenizing fertility as well as wages. The evidence suggests that many of the factors proposed by modern theory do exercise significant influences in anticipated directions on the labour supply of married women in Australia. 相似文献
中国农村剩余劳动力转移就业问题研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
伴随着工业化、城市化进程的快速发展,我国农村劳动力供给大于农业需求的矛盾日益凸现。为了保证我国经济社会健康稳定地发展。实现农村剩余劳动力的转移就业已势在必行、刻不容缓。文章阐述了我国农村剩余劳动力形成的原因、农村剩余劳动力转移就业的三个阶段以及转移就业过程中面临的主要问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。 相似文献
Luisa Muñoz Abeledo 《Feminist Economics》2013,19(4):121-144
Abstract This contribution analyzes determinants of women's labor force participation (LFP) in northwest coastal Spain (Galicia) in the second half of the nineteenth century. The study uses census takers' notebooks from 1857 and 1870 in three municipalities with different economic structures: Nigrán, an agricultural municipality in southern Galicia on the estuary of Vigo, where women predominantly worked in agriculture; Bueu, an industrial town where 80 percent of women were employed in fish processing and related activities; and Coruña, Galicia's biggest city in 1857, where commerce and services were the main economic activities. The sample represents 2 percent of the region's population. The study focuses both on demand – how the local economic structure influenced the entrance of women into the labor market; and supply – how age, civil status, and number of children influenced women's LFP. The industrialization of coastal Galicia impelled women's high participation rates. 相似文献
Mahdi Majbouri 《Feminist Economics》2016,22(4):31-53
In the last three decades, Iranian women's educational attainment has continuously increased while their fertility rate has fallen rapidly. Yet in spite of these developments, which in many countries have a positive effect on women's labor force participation, female labor force participation (FLFP) rates have remained at low levels. This paper argues that despite its overall static trend, FLFP of some Iranian women responded to economic pressures induced by macroeconomic instabilities. Looking at the Iranian economic crisis of 1994–5, the study shows that, controlling for individual fixed effects, married women in rural areas and never-married women in urban areas increased their participation rate by as much as 38 percent. No change in hours worked was found for any group of women. The differences in responses and their underlying reasons have policy implications for many developing countries. 相似文献