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改革开放以来,我国加速城市化步伐,城市建设急剧扩展。以前围绕在城市周边的部分村落及其耕地逐步纳入城市总体规划的发展区内,成为城市的一部分。从我国城中村改造的现状入手,分析了我国城中村改造过程中遇到的问题,以及国内外对于城中村改造问题的研究成果。  相似文献   

城市边缘区传统村落在城市空间外延扩展过程中,不可避免的面临着"建设性破坏",同时因纳入中心城区范围带来"复兴"的机遇,如何处理好保护诉求及与城市共同发展是目前的迫切问题。城市边缘区传统村落应采取主动协同城市发展的模式,借助外部政策、资金的支持,充分挖掘和利用内生资源,由被动保护向积极的发展性保护转变,实现社会效益、经济效益、环境效益的和谐统一。以陕西省富平县莲湖村的保护与发展规划实践为例,从城市化协同发展、自然景观环境保护、风貌保护与人居环境改善、旅游产业引入等方面探索城市边缘区传统村落整体性保护方法。  相似文献   

城中村作为我国快速城市化进程中普遍存在的城乡过渡聚落形态,是我国改革开放以来制度变迁和社会经济体制变革的产物,浓缩着城市政府与集体经济组织、社区组织与发展商以及外来人口等社会行为主体之间的竞争、合作和冲突等种种博弈状态和过程。从城市空间政治经济学的理论出发,以城中村这一特殊类型的城市空间的社会生产为切入点,全面而系统地总结了城中村空间生产的经济基础、属性特征、类型、过程、模式和治理机制等。结论是:城中村空间的生产是制度变迁和社会行动者互动博弈的产物,城中村空间的治理必须以产权为突破口,建立合理的社会经济治理体系;以规划为龙头,加强城中村土地管理和公共服务设施的供给;以利益平衡为切入点,促进城中村社区转型和社会融合;以强化土地集约利用为引线,推动城乡空间整合。  相似文献   

城中村是我国快速城市化背景下、城市向乡村蔓延过程中出现的普遍地理现象和城乡矛盾激化的一个缩影.城中村改造的过程是城市政府、城市发展要求和原村民三方利益主体对土地收益和城市功能的博弈过程,城中村的改造也只有在保证三方的利益得到合理保障的情况下才能顺利进行.以"广州市文冲城中村改造方案"为基础,探讨城中村改造的规划方案中如何体现政府管理、城市发展要求和原村民三方利益的共赢,提出一条切实可行的城中村改造思路.  相似文献   

城中村作为城市化进程中必然的产物,它终究在城市体系中要被其他空间所代替,但城中村这个空间是可以为城市所用.城市的扩张带来很多环境问题,它需要在扩张的同时补给扩张中消失的绿化与农田,提高自给自足的能力.利用城中村这个空间把城市景观与农业结合,运用生态建筑的模式建立生态圈,建筑不再是不可回收的,而是可以循环利用的模块化形式.将城市中城中村空间联系起来建立系统,保障景观的贯穿性,保障建筑的可交流行,保障农副产品运输销售的可行性.在农业与景观的结合加上生态建筑的理念,进而提出农业景观模块化的设计思路,并从城中村作为设计思路的原点,从城市农业发展趋势、城市建筑发展形态、农业景观三方面,结合空间构成、变现形态、生产模式等来进行分析城中村在未来合理存在的可能性.  相似文献   

城中村究竟有什么价值?很多研究已经指出城中村具有降低经济成本、传承历史文化、丰富社会生态的价值.在此基础上补充性提出城中村还具有作为城市特色空间、城市弹性空间和抵抗城市空间全面商品化的价值,是城市中具有新的可能性的异质空间.并进而结合规划实践案例,提出应尽可能保留基地既有村庄或者城中村,通过空间拼贴融合和制度探索,推进...  相似文献   

赵春  韩冬冰 《活力》2012,(1):42-42
城中村的改造是城市发展的必然过程,生态城市建设是城市发展中政府人员、当地的居民还有众多学者最关心的问题。城中村的改造,怎样才能适合人类的居住,怎样才能使城市更加协调发展。是城中村改造的最主要目的,以城市生态系统为主体建设生态城市,以人与环境的和谐发展为城市发展的中心思想,“以人为本。天人合一”的理想为城市发展的建设目标。  相似文献   

赵春  韩冬冰 《活力》2012,(2):42-42
城中村的改造是城市发展的必然过程,生态城市建设是城市发展中政府人员、当地的居民还有众多学者最关心的问题。城中村的改造,怎样才能适合人类的居住,怎样才能使城市更加协调发展,是城中村改造的最主要目的,以城市生态系统为主体建设生态城市。以人与环境的和谐发展为城市发展的中心思想,“以人为本。天人合一”的理想为城市发展的建设目标。  相似文献   

张虹 《民营科技》2013,(1):143-145
昆明城中村问题由来已久,存在种种弊端。经昆明市委、市政府研究决定对全市336个城中村进行改造。在这一城市化加速过程中,要避免城市经济社会发展、城市建设和环境保护之间的矛盾,首当其冲的工作就是城市规划建设与环境保护规划协同推进。对于城市环境保护工作来说,在时间进程、土地空间、基础设施建设方面都是一个难得的契机。论述城中村改造规划制定阶段同步展开环境保护规划的制定。  相似文献   

当前,我国城市发展正处于由“外延式扩张”向“内涵式发展”为主转变的关键时期,中小城市作为存量时代下推进以人为核心的城镇化的重要载体,其边缘地区不仅是城乡融合的关键地带,也是城市空间发展的显著影响区域。中小城市边缘区内的历史村落作为承载地域历史文化要素的聚集地、推进城乡融合发展的先行地,在有机更新过程中具有特殊性和典型性。文章以中小城市边缘区历史村落——济源市李庄村为例,通过分析其在有机更新过程中面临的困难,总结历史村落的发展需求,提出历史村落更新的策略,进而探索在促进中小城市高质量发展的同时,推动地方历史村落保护利用的新路径。  相似文献   

This paper examines measuring of interdependency among households through their transactions by using information of individual villagers in a disadvantaged area in a developing country. To obtain the information, we created a village input–output table (VIOT) from household survey data conducted in a rural village in Lao PDR in 2015 and 2016. Because each household in the village is not only a producer but also a consumer who is trading products and consuming them, the VIOT is a simple but useful tool to know the economic transactions among villagers. The main findings are that four higher-income families, which mainly trade rice very frequently, are playing key roles in the village economy, and the interdependency among higher-income households is stronger than among lower/middle-income households. Additionally, this method can be used to form an economic policy such as poverty reduction because of informing households playing a key role in the village.  相似文献   

The rapid urbanization of China since the mid‐1980s has led to the development of a new spatial category, the urban village (chengzhongcun). The dominant neoliberal urban development regime approaches urban villages as a social, spatial, economic and political problem, and as targets for aggressive redevelopment and eradication policies. In this article, I propose a spatial perspective that makes use of several theoretical ‘anchors' to analyze the influence of urban village spatiality on its development process and to explore alternatives to the dominant redevelopment model. I begin by examining the spatial conceptualization of the urban village as a non‐place, arguing that this spatial reading undergirds the redevelopment‐by‐demolition model and tends to obscure alternative conceptualizations. I then move on to propose three alternative readings of urban village space, examining it as an everyday space, a liminal space and a neighborhood. Combining these three readings with the ‘non‐place' conceptualization provides a nuanced understanding of urban villages' unique spatial attributes and social roles, by evoking spatial and social processes that take place in most urban villages across China. Taken together, these spatial readings challenge the social and spatial rigidity of dominant representations of urban villages and supply a much‐needed spatially based conceptual framework that can be used to develop new urban planning models.  相似文献   

村庄体系规划目前是城乡统筹发展背景下城乡空间研究中的一个热点,本文研究了村庄体系空间重构过程的方法和原则,包括提出了城乡统筹背景下的村庄发展综合评价指标体系、"中心村-一般村"的村庄等级体系确定方法、以集约用地为目标的各类村庄空间重构模式及其发展策略.随后,以怀柔区九渡河镇的调查问卷数据为基础进行实证分析,且对比分析了重构前后村庄体系的差异.最后,提出了村庄体系空间重构过程中的一些反思.  相似文献   

我国小城镇空间碎化现象探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从土地产权角度分析小城镇建成区空间碎化现象的成因和影响,指出集体土地所有制的产权设计使集体土地使用具有低廉性和排外性的特征,在很大程度上限制了经济要素的流动,形成了以村庄为单元的经济要素空间分布簇群,是城镇空间碎化形成的关键原因。打破二元分立的土地产权体系,建立城乡一体的土地市场是抑制城镇空间碎化的关键。  相似文献   

协调好对外开放和对内开放的关系,是贯彻新发展理念、建设现代化经济体系的题中之义.对外开放与对内开放的协同机制,是从区域空间布局和区域产业结构两个层面展开的.文章梳理了党的十八大以来实施的区域协调发展战略,结合以"一带一路"倡议为引领的对外开放战略,对产业全球化资源配置活动进行了分析,把区域空间布局调整与产业结构跨国调整...  相似文献   

认为村落是风景区内的组成要素之一,它的形态、布局和景观对风景区的保护和建设具有重要影响,而自身又具有相应的景观价值.通过对双龙洞风景区洞前村的景观现状调研,借鉴国内外的乡村景观评价理论和方法,运用风景名胜区村落景观评价体系,评价村落景观对风景区景观、生态环境的正、负面影响,提出村落景观建设应更好地适应风景区特色.  相似文献   

This article critically evaluates the network‐centrism of much of contemporary world cities research and queries its capacity to unveil key accumulation processes under financialized globalization. Our object of inquiry is the world city archipelago (WCA), a material yet non‐contiguous space of world city ‘islands', which is (re)produced through the socio‐spatial practices of advanced producer services (APS) firms as they assist in constructing (financial) accumulation strategies for their clients. Scrutinizing the WCA with a singular focus on networks can veil dynamics that lead to internal stratification and hierarchy between world cities and their constitutive outside. Alternatively, these veiled dimensions are better grasped by territorial, scalar and place‐based abstractions. As an example, we unveil WCA space by studying the space of APS practices in three recent cases of Eurobond issuance. By comparing these three instances through an encompassing approach, a bounded geography of a financialized accumulation space is identified, which contains London and other world cities as a necessary space of dependence but also stretches out to various contingent spaces of engagement at the fringes of the WCA network: offshore jurisdictions and places of debt origination. We conclude by making the case for a heightened sensitivity in respect of core–periphery structures that exist between the WCA and its outside, but also within the WCA itself.  相似文献   

This paper argues that traditional central place theory is problematic because it (1) treats a central place system as a self-contained system isolated from the rest of the world and immune from outside disturbance; (2) regards spatial structure as a product of laws of economics, consumer behavior and demography, but never of socio-cultural forces; and (3) tries to depict the hierarchical structure of tertiary activities as a static situation. The paper then proceeds to view the formation of metropolitan spatial structures from the perspectives of (1) dependency development, and (2) as a top-down development process open to the outside influence of international cultural flows, which sustain commodity diversification and symbolic consumption, both essential to the capitalist global economy. To illustrate how this cultural process takes place and helps change the spatial structure of a third-world metropolis, a case study of the permeation of McDonald's hamburger stores in the Taipei metropolis is reported in the third part of the paper. It concludes that the spatial structure is a result of both economic and socio-cultural forces and processes, and that the provider of a culturally effective commodity is also a shaping force in the mass consumption society. When a corporation promotes a new product image or diffuses its services, it is culturally preparing the society for the next step in the endless course of symbolic consumption and, therefore, of spatial restructuring.  相似文献   

孙可安 《价值工程》2014,(16):130-131
通过对澜沧县惠民乡翁基布朗族文化背景、村寨空间肌理、村寨环境、民居布局形态、民居空间布局等的深入调查,分析了澜沧地区布朗族村寨的空间格局特色,展示人、神、自然的和谐共聚,寻找和谐的内在原因。  相似文献   

王飞鹏 《价值工程》2010,29(26):157-158
"开放性"课程教学模式是把教学系统与社会系统、课堂内与课堂外系统进行有机结合,实现理论与实践之间、学生与教师之间、学生与专家之间、同学与同学之间进行系统融合的现代化教学模式。本文以作者近8年来从事《劳动关系与劳动法》课程教学模式改革与创新的经历,以"开放性"教学模式为研究主题,从教学思想、教学过程、教学内容、教学空间、教学手段、考核评价等6个方面进行了改革与探索。  相似文献   

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