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Listen and learn     
After making a solicitation, a lot can be gained by listening to a donor's questions. Do not simply answer the question. Consider why they asked it in the first place.  相似文献   

Imagineering is a philosophy that unleashes the latent potential of a company's employees. The end result is a highly motivated group of employees who will dramatically cut operating costs, improve quality, and solve the day-to-day management headaches. If employees have an "I don't give a damn" attitude, then it is management that must make the changes in the company culture. Management is responsible for most of the problems, directly and indirectly, in the company. Imagineering will solve most small and large problems in the company. However, be forewarned that imagineering requires the total commitment of management. And it is the management that must make the most changes.  相似文献   


We use content analysis software to examine certain characteristics of communications arising from European Council meetings. These characteristics appear to explain a large proportion of variation in stock returns around the meeting dates. More specifically, stock market investors react favourably when the conclusions and declarations issued by heads of states convey a positive sentiment and demonstrate a stance of moral rectitude. On the other hand, the returns tend to be negative when the communications are obfuscated by an excessive use of abstract words and fixated on regional rather than global issues.  相似文献   

Why did the Iranian government push its economy towards Dutch disease, even when the consensus of Iranian economists and the majority of the media warned about the consequences of the adopted policies and the symptoms of economic illness? This study shows that Iranian Dutch disease occurred between 2006 and 2009 when a combination of favorable socioeconomic incentives and affirmative structural‐cultural backgrounds, including public acceptance of redistributive policies, short‐term perspectives of life and the development process, institutionalized obedience, and the increasing general perception of corruption, led the government to neglect economists' warnings and insist on its policies.  相似文献   


We find that only 17% of FTSE 100 company websites refer directly to transgender (‘trans’) individuals, illustrating the extent to which trans voices are unheard in the workplace. We propose that these voices are missing for a number of reasons: voluntary silence to protect oneself from adverse circumstances; the subsumption of trans voices within the larger ‘LGBT’ community; assimilation, wherein many trans voices become affiliated with those of their post-transition gender; multiple trans voices arising from diversity within the transgender community; and limited access to voice mechanisms for transgender employees. We identify the negative implications of being unheard for individual trans employees, for organizational outcomes, and for business and management scholarship, and propose ways in which organizations can listen more carefully to trans voices. Finally, we introduce an agenda for future research that tests the applicability of the theoretical framework of invisible stigma disclosure to transgender individuals, and calls for new theoretical and empirical developments to identify HRM challenges and best practices for respecting trans employees and their choices to remain silent or be heard.  相似文献   

Organizations are currently struggling to attract and retain human capital. The Pandemic and economy have a fueled reduction in numbers of participants in the workforce. The effect has been many employers struggling with fewer employees then they would like and need to successfully execute their business strategy. Most observers believe that a combination of low pay, a lack of workplace flexibility, poor opportunities, and benefits, have led to this large-scale labor unrest. Understanding how organizations can earn employee loyalty is more critical than ever. This article presents practical ideas for how organizations can earn employee loyalty from reviewing responses from 54 working graduate students and a review of loyalty research to provide actions organizations can take within jobs, co-workers, supervisors, and organizational policy to earn employee loyalty. As well this article provides checklists that organizational leaders can use as starting points for thinking about what they might do to signal their loyalty to employees. These checklists can also be used to engage employees in conversations about what is most important to them and discover what employees expect from their organizations as a fair trade for their loyalty.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the legal requirements for accommodating individuals with disabilities in the workplace and the perceptions of employers regarding barriers to accommodation. After a brief analysis of how federal courts have interpreted the ADA's accommodation requirements, the literature on accommodation is reviewed and a theoretical framework for examining employers' attitudes toward accommodation is proposed. The article then tests the framework using the results of a study of 500 New Jersey employers which elicited their experiences with and attitudes toward the accommodation of disabled workers. Suggestions for further research are provided.  相似文献   

管理科学是美国人整理出来的,他们曾经是世界最大的“管理”输出国。但是,在管理上做得最成功的却要算日本人,因为日本人除了管理科学之外,还十分重视管理理念。放眼世界,在人才频繁流动的今天,在人才“争夺战”弥漫的硝烟里,我们却很难发现日本在为自己人才的流失或者断层而忧虑。他们有自己的管理秘诀和绝活。 第一招:“天地之性人为贵” 日本企业家很早就提出了“人力资本”的观念,把人作为管理的基础。在他们看来,在现代社会,人就是财产,是最重要的资源。因而,素有“日本经营之神”之  相似文献   

We measure whether, in a developing country, existence of a ‘hard’ strategic human resource management (SHRM) strategy developed at high organizational levels or one designed to enhance employee knowledge inputs and thereby promote employer–employee interdependence (EEIN) is a stronger antecedent of direct communication to employees. We use data from a comprehensive survey of HR practices in Mauritius, one of Africa's most open and successful economies. We find that both SHRM and EEIN are antecedents, but that the latter is stronger in public organizations and in smaller and older companies. We conclude that EEIN is a significant analytic category for explaining management practices especially in a historic sense in this and possibly other developing country contexts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the characteristics of managers that influence their willingness to send employees on expatriate assignments. Data from 336 senior managers in a major U.S. professional services firm indicate that managers who are higher up in the organizational hierarchy are more willing to send employees on expatriate assignments. In addition, our findings show that managers who have more extensive international experience are more inclined to send employees on such assignments and that managers with expatriate experience themselves are much more willing to send their employees overseas, regardless of whether they currently work with international clients. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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