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基于创业者与风险投资家间信任的内涵及各维度特征,在界定增值服务概念及内容划分的基础上,分析了双方间信任与增值服务各变量的关系,得出信任总体分别正向促进网络资源支持、后续融资支持、战略支持、管理支持;指出了解型信任、认同型信任对物质资源支持——网络资源支持和后续融资支持的正向促进作用均比谋算型信任强;对于知识资源支持——战略支持和管理支持,了解型信任对其正向促进作用最强,而认同型信任的正向促进作用并不比谋算型信任强.  相似文献   

孙博  陈通 《河北工业科技》2015,32(5):384-389
当前,微博已成为中国较有影响力的网络社交平台之一,同时也是人们获取信息和信息交互的主要传播平台,而信任则是微博影响力的重要保证。近年来,关于网络信任方面的研究已引起国内外学者的关注。通过对相关文献的收集和整理,发现已有研究主要针对电子商务领域内的信任而展开,较少有学者专门从微博用户个体因素的角度来研究网络信任的形成因素。在已有研究成果的基础上,构建微博用户之间网络信任形成因素的概念模型,并提出线下人际交往状况对用户之间网络信任的形成也有重要影响。对292个被试者进行在线问卷调查,利用Pearson相关性分析法验证假设。结果表明,线下人际交往满意度低的用户更容易产生网络信任。据此结论,可为企业利用微博平台制定网络口碑营销战略提供决策参考。  相似文献   

影响企业家能力的若干因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、个人内部条件的影响1 .能力初始值的确定我们把成为企业家的最低能力称为能力的初始值 ,记为 Co。显然 ,随着整个社会企业家能力的普遍提高 ,Co也在增大 ,且能力供给的边际成本也在提高。个人内部条件是个人过去各种经验的总结。其中最为重要的是个人所获得的学历及所学的专业 ,当然还要包括个人的经历 ,其中与他的工作经历的关系最为密切。除此之外 ,还与该人的性格、兴趣、爱好、品质以及凝聚其中的文化传统有着紧密的联系。任何一个人 ,在对他的能力进行分析时 ,个人内部条件就已经给定 ,这样 ,个人的能力水平也就是给定的。比如 ,…  相似文献   

本文从中小企业的成长动机——企业家导向、成长能力——企业创新能力、成长资源基础——企业内部资源和企业的资源外取、成长机会——企业环境四个角度.构建中小企业成长影响因素分析模型。通过我国东北地区235家中小企业的实证数据对理论模型及相关假设进行验证。数据分析结果表明企业的风险趋向、企业环境的不确定性、企业创新实现能力和创新推广能力都会直接激发和推动我国中小企业的成长:而企业的先动性和企业环境的动态性则被证实会恶化中小企业的短期成长:充足的金融资源和高水平的企业网络通过对其他因素的作用间接提升了中小企业的成长绩效.但其对中小企业成长的直接影响尚需进一步的细化研究。  相似文献   

本文首先系统总结了当前我国电子政府建设中存在的问题.基于对当前电子政府建设中存在的问题的深入调研,以案例研究的形式分析了宁波市某行政服务中心在电子政府建设中的经验,具体包括对人员素质的教育、培训和考核,加强软硬件和信息资源建设,抓住关键环节加强政务流程再造,以及确保系统开发的技术支持等.并在此基础上对建设我国电子政府提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了有关社会资本对就业影响的相关理论,并采用案例研究分析了学校、专业、家庭和学生等四种社会资本对研究生就业过程的影响,以期使在校研究生能客观评估自身的社会资本,为其满意就业提供科学指导。  相似文献   

影响我国企业对外直接投资因素研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本文提出了我国对外直接投资模式转变的必然性,对中国对外直接投资的现状与特点进行了分析和判断,运用内部张力、外部引力和环境支撑力范式对影响对外直接投资的各作用力进行了理论分析,然后根据经典的对外直接投资理论建立了7大假设,通过建立相关计量模型.利用我国1995—2006年的统计数据对各种因素的作用方向和程度进行了多元计量分析,最后对优化我国对外直接投资模式提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

组织柔性的影响因素分析及实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多数成功企业的经验表明,柔性是企业在剧烈变化的环境中求得生存和发展的一个非常重要的因素.文章从柔性的定义、分类和维度入手,在国内外有关柔性文献综述的基础上,提出了组织柔性的内源潜在变量,建立了这些因素之间的关系模型.实证研究发现我国企业在知识转化柔性方面存在较大障碍.  相似文献   

多晶硅在工业领域当中具有较高的通用性,具体涉及太阳能利用领域,且因为多晶硅的优异性能,围绕其产生的太阳能产品逐渐增多。随着多晶硅在太阳能产品制造当中的利用率逐渐上涨,人们发现其制造过程中,存在很多产品质量影响因素,稍有不慎就会导致多晶硅产品质量下滑,此时介于多晶硅产品与现代社会需求的关系,会造成一定的负面影响。  相似文献   

利用SPSS中的因子分析方法,找出某铜选厂各影响因素对选别过程中的作用规律,得出了符合生产实际的结果,对指导生产具有现实意义。  相似文献   

The radical political and economic reforms sweeping through former socialist countries during the last decade have opened rich opportunities for privately owned businesses to emerge and develop. Since the market institutions and infrastructures in these countries are largely underdeveloped, private firms in transition economies rely extensively on interfirm partnerships. This raises the question of how—in the absence of institutions that legitimate markets, contracts, and private property—managers of new business ventures develop new relationships. This paper addresses this issue through analysis of multiple subcontracting relationships formed at a private garment company in Vietnam. This analysis suggests that firms in transition economies develop interfirm trust in ways that are quite different from their counterparts in more highly developed economies.  相似文献   

市场失灵是农产品质量安全问题产生的重要原因之一,而信息不对称是造成市场失灵的重要因素。文章分析了农产品质量安全问题中的信息不对称,并从建立合理的价格依存机制、政府规制等几个方面对此问题的解决作了探讨。  相似文献   

Trust as Networking Knowledge: Precedents from Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trust, rather than being simply a resource for establishing collaborative relationships between organizations, is an essential component of their constitution. At base, trust involves interpersonal relations of a specific type. These are relations where there is sufficient probability that a person or organization with whom one is in contact will perform an action that is beneficial, or at least not detrimental, for one to consider engaging in some form of cooperation with this person or organization in the future. Trust establishes situations in which participants in collaboration have a long-term and recurrent relationship. Where trust exists, organizations are more willing to collaborate with other organizations on a more reciprocal basis. Trust is especially important when collaboration takes place between competitors because the risk of opportunistic behaviour is higher. Where organizations share resources and information openly with other participants they will seek to reduce opportunistic behaviour through the mutual understanding and goodwill of parties. However, trust is not static; it is a dynamic process that evolves according to the development of the relationship, as one in which the more long-term the relationship, the greater the trust. In this paper, we will present the impact of trust on business networks and examine how their members developed knowledge through networking.  相似文献   

在文献综述的基础上将信任划分为计算型信任和关系型信任,构建了包括信任的前因、信任(计算型信任和关系型信任)、项目成功的整体理论模型.对业主方进行了调研,根据实证数据对理论模型加以验证和完善.结果表明:信任的前因包括承包商特征(声誉、能力、言行一致性)和双方关系特征(双方的沟通、相互性、合同);计算型信任对关系型信任具有非线性作用;两类信任对项目成功具有重要作用,但关系型信任的作用更大.  相似文献   

Organizational Restructuring: Impact on Trust and Work Satisfaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
After the Asian financial crisis, companies are now contending with the current global economic slowdown. Whether it is at the national, industry or organizational levels, restructuring has gained currency as a strategic decision to realign internal structure with changing macro environmental factors. Faced with more competitive markets and greater demands on costs controls, organizations and businesses are taking the fast track to cost-cutting by downsizing, reorganizing their divisions, streamlining their operations, and closing down unprofitable divisions.Changes that are introduced in an organizational restructuring will affect the socio-psychological well-being of organization members given the potential for uncertainty that may accompany such changes. There is a need to better understand the consequences of organizational restructuring and consider some of its potential side effects on the work environment. Employees in a post-restructuring context are understandably wary about the future direction of the organization and their roles within it.This study is an attempt to examine the social-psychological impact of organizational restructuring on trust and work satisfaction. Additionally the inter-relationships between trust and work satisfaction, including their antecedents in the work environment are examined.Trust and work satisfaction levels were tracked before and three months after organizational restructuring for varying types of changes that were initiated during the restructuring. Both trust and satisfaction with working in the organization declined significantly when compared to pre-restructuring levels. Independent t-tests analysis indicated that there was a significant decline in trust for the work group which had a newly hired manager and a change in work processes. Results showed that there was a negative relationship between both work satisfaction and trust with the extent of change required of employees.The findings also showed that there was a positive relationship between trust and work satisfaction and that trust contributed to work satisfaction. Perception of colleagues willingness to help solve job-related problems contributed significantly to strengthening of trust relations among colleagues. Additionally, colleagues and supervisors willingness to listen to employee problems contributed significantly to work satisfaction.Results of the study highlighted the need for strategic decision-makers to consider the social impact of organizational restructuring. Top managers must realize that both trust and work satisfaction are important ingredients for the effective functioning of an organization and to actively ensure that support systems or structures are adequate and available to mitigate the negative impact, particularly if the changes to be implemented are extensive.  相似文献   

公众参与是核电环境影响评价中的一个重要组成部分,而居民对核电的接受度已成为许多国家发展核电面临的最主要的问题之一。通过分析中国公众和外国公众对核电的接受度现状,总结了一些影响公众对核电接受度的因素,提出了加强宣传、研究公众对风险的认知规律、努力提高核电清洁水平和安全水平、提高核废料处置水平以及加强核电企业的形象建设等改善公众接受度的途径。  相似文献   

结合虚拟企业的动态性和间续式结盟特点,探讨了信任、声誉机制在虚拟企业治理中作用。把信任区分为能力信任、善意信任、完整性信任。声誉机制和不同种类信任结合在虚拟企业各阶段作用不同。在虚拟企业构建期,能力信任是结盟合作的基础,声誉机制使得虚拟企业合作伙伴快速选择成为可能。在运行期,主要体现为善意信任的协调功能,声誉机制的稳定功能。在解体期,完整性信任和声誉结合发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

为克服建筑管理的信任缺乏,需要明确信任的组织机理并用于指导实践。基于管理实践、研究探索和文献分析,梳理并建立信任的工程框架,包括基本原理、一般特征、应用要点、组织机理和设计原则。提出建筑业信任的软框架机制,探求建筑管理再造或改善的具体策略。指出:信任系统自洽、相对客观、独立运行,可指引管理策略、诱导监管探索;信任的实践远重于话语或法律的逻辑;应当把握管理规范性、强制性的度,包容和融合非正式规则及软技术创新。  相似文献   

随着信息化的发展和产业竞争的不断加剧,服务型制造业已经成为我国制造业转型升级的必由之路。本文将采用以扎根理论为核心的多案例研究方法,试图通过实践探索归纳出有关服务型制造项目治理影响机理的理论模型。研究得出:(1)影响服务型制造项目治理的因素主要来自于项目利益相关者和项目相关的保障因素两方面,其中项目利益相容性、信任水平和合作强度影响着服务型制造项目的关系治理;项目实施和项目合作环以及项目绩效3个因素直接影响项目保障因素;(2)针对利益相关关系和项目保障两大因素的影响,提出综合关系治理和项目环境保障协同治理的解决方案,构建服务型制造项目治理影响机理图;(3)基于服务型制造项目治理影响机理,提出了搭建公共信息平台、建立合作共赢理念、建立科学预警机制和冲突变动以及建立信用评价体系等措施。  相似文献   

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