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产业链金融是近年来兴起的商业银行重要的金融创新之一,可充分发挥银行金融平台的作用,为产业链上核心企业及其上下游相关企业提供全方位的金融类和非金融类服务,提高社会资金运行效率并实现整个产业链的不断增值。目前,我国银行产业链金融已经进入快速发展阶段,客户规模不断扩大,产品种类日益丰富,产业链信息监控手段不断完善,但在业务规划、信息整合、风险控制等方面仍然有待避一步提升。为更好地推动商业银行产业链金融发展,未来我国产业链金融服务应着力推动以下"六大转变":一是由单一产业链向产业组合管理转变:二是由被动接收信息向主动监控整合信息转变:三是由单一营销向全产业链联动开发转变:四是由单一信贷向综合化大产品平台转变;五是由粗放运营向高契合度精细服务转变;六是由局部风险控制向全产业链风险控制转变。  相似文献   

资产证券化创新势必影响银行个体行为,进而对宏观金融产生"溢出效应"。随着资产证券化创新不断提速,其对个体银行风险承担及宏观金融稳定影响的机制与路径需要进一步厘清,以利于对其合理监管。从动态视角看,资产证券化创新是通过影响银行个体行为作用于其风险承担水平,并通过一定的"溢出效应"影响至金融稳定,资产证券化创新对银行风险承担的影响呈现出一个"由微观向宏观过渡"的三阶段动态路径。因此,须以"审慎+鼓励"的态度推进资产支持证券创新,促使银行合理利用资产证券化创新之基本功能,从宏观层面考虑针对资产证券化的监管,真正发挥资产证券化创新的本质作用。  相似文献   

"影子银行"在国外研究较为成熟,而国内处于初探阶段。我国现行影子银行体系存在巨大潜在风险,亟需研究制订出合理有效的措施加以预防。因此,以影子银行的风险规避为出发点,从制度约束视角下分析了"中国式"影子银行体系的经济效应,继而对影子银行金融创新和金融监管的博弈关系进行了辨析,认为金融监管要跟上金融创新的步伐,要鼓励和引导合理适度的金融创新,最终实现二者的协同发展。最后,从制度创新和监管重构等方面对"中国式"影子银行规范路径选择提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

金融全球化和金融自由化的发展 ,加大了金融风险和金融竞争 ,而银行业的脆弱性 ,使得银行风险成为大家关注的焦点。资产负债管理是银行防范和控制风险的手段之一 ,作者主要从公司治理制度、监管制度、风险管理制度分析了我国商业银行的资产负债管理。  相似文献   

黄本超  黄昌洋 《现代商业》2014,(14):132-133
影子银行是规避金融管制、金融创新的产物,国外实践证明影子银行对经济和金融的发展有一定的积极作用,但其蕴含的风险也具有相当大的破坏力。今年三月,国务院总理李克强在人代会上称“对影子银行等金融风险监管的时间表已经排出”。本文主要从我国影子银行的特点和业务形式出发,分析了微观和宏观两个层面的风险,进而对加强我国影子银行的监管提出建议。  相似文献   

"影子银行"泛指游离于传统银行监管体系之外的信用中介。影子银行在推动金融创新的同时,也加剧了金融体系的脆弱性和系统性风险。本文具体分析了中国式影子银行对我国金融系统的冲击,并针对中国对影子银行的监管现状,提出了完善我国影子银行监管的对策。  相似文献   

我国影子银行的发展是由金融创新、监管套利、信贷需求、货币政策频繁波动共同推动的,给我国经济和金融发展带来不可否认的正面、积极意义,但同时也带来风险的积聚。目前,我国影子银行的流动性错配、期限错配、信用错配以及高杠杆风险尚在可控范围。但特别值得注意的是,我国特殊的政治体制和金融体制,导致影子银行风险与传统商业银行风险、地方政府风险紧紧挂钩,三者之间存在风险相互传导的可能性。对影子银行风险的防控应秉持“疏堵并举”的原则:建立影子银行风险监控体系,加强影子银行与商业银行的风险隔离;谨防地方政府利用影子银行过度融资、投资的冲动;在继续微观监管的同时,建立适应于我国的宏观审慎监管框架;积极推动金融改革。  相似文献   

田云 《华商》2008,(4):19-19
一、金融监管的定义金融监管是指中央银行或其他金融监管机构,依据金融法律、法规和出于维护社会公众的目的,运用行政手段和法律手段对金融机构和金融活动实施规制和约束,促使其依法稳健运行的一系列行为。我国金融监管正在从分业监管向混业监管过渡,中央银行不再是金融监管的核心,而由非中央银行金融机构如证监会、银监会、保监会进行金融监管。狭义的金融监管仅指一国政  相似文献   

伴随着人们对单一金融机构提供多元金融服务的需求。混业银行已成为世界上的大势所趋。中国逐步放开金融牌照的发放以及利率市场化改革,都推动着银行向混业方向前进。而混业银行所带来的风险更是需要我们关注。本文介绍了西方主要国家混业风险管理体系,并对风险的事前、事中、事后体系比较,为我国的金融混业风险管理提出建议。认为我们要与西方发达国家多交流,学习先进的监管技术与体系。建立我国的风险评估系统,更好地评判混业银行不同情况下的风险状况,为相应风险的应对做出更好的指导,同时应当建立审慎监管的全面风险管理制度,还要加紧信息披露,加强各金融监管部门的协调,避免监管盲区和重复监管,有效克服西方国家已发生的混业监管问题。  相似文献   

姚静娟 《现代商业》2013,(36):29-29
银行同业业务快速发展是商业银行顺应利率市场化和"金融脱媒"挑战的银行战略转型选择,其表内影子银行模式加大了银行流动性风险和资本脱实向虚的经济风险,对央行货币政策和宏观审慎管理带来较大挑战。本文旨在对银行同业业务发展存在问题分析的基础上,对银行未来业务创新的方向和监管思路提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Synthesizing self‐regulatory theories, we provide new insights into the antecedents of abusive supervision. We, from the perspective of supervisor's self‐regulatory resources depletion or impairment, introduce supervisor hindrance stress as an underlying mechanism of the subordinate deviance–abusive supervision relationship: this mediated relationship will be intensified at the level of high subordinate job performance. In addition, we develop a complex contingency model and propose a three‐way interaction (i.e., subordinate deviance, job performance, supervisor outcome dependence) to obtain the complete understanding of the subordinate deviance–abusive supervision relationship facilitated through the supervisors’ hindrance stress. To test our moderated moderated mediation model, we gathered time‐lagged and multisource data from a large food service company located in southern China. We collected data at two different points (i.e., Time 1 and Time 2) from supervisors and their direct reports (N = 298 responses from 68 supervisors and 298 direct reports), and findings provide support for the hypothesized moderated moderated mediation model of our study. We highlight the implications of our study for theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   

Abusive supervision has been shown to have significant negative consequences for employees’ well-being, attitudes, and behavior. However, despite the devastating impact, it might well be that employees do not always react negatively toward a leader’s abusive behavior. In the present study, we show that employees’ organizational identification and abusive supervision interact for employees’ perceived cohesion with their work group and their tendency to gossip about their leader. Employees confronted with a highly abusive supervisor had a stronger perceived cohesion and engaged in less gossiping behavior when they identified more strongly with their organization. Our findings illustrate that organizational identification functions as a buffer for those confronted with an abusive supervisor.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - Building on the emerging research on antecedents of abusive supervision, the current research offers an empirical investigation concerning how and when supervisor...  相似文献   

程云喜 《商业研究》2007,(11):173-175
电子商务信用风险已成为电子商务进一步发展的主要障碍。建立两阶段动态博弈模型并对其求解发现,电子商务中交易者的信用度或守信度与其贴现因子以及管理者(即政府)的监管概率(即发现概率)和惩罚力度成反比;而政府的监管力度与惩罚力度、交易者贴现因子的平方以及政府的监管成本成反比。  相似文献   

Drawing on victim precipitation theory, we propose that certain employees are more likely to perceive abusive supervision because of their personality traits. Specifically, we hypothesize that subordinates’ emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness will be negatively related to perceived abuse from their supervisor and that negative emotions at work will mediate these relationships. We surveyed 222 employees and found that emotional stability and conscientiousness negatively predicted employees’ self-reports of abusive supervision and that this relationship was mediated by negative emotions. Thus, employees lower in emotional stability or conscientiousness are more likely to experience negative emotions, which in turn is related to higher levels of abuse.  相似文献   

The present study examines the link between abusive supervision and frontline employees' service performance by focusing on the mediating role of organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) and the moderating role of relational-interdependent self-construal (RISC). The results of analysing 324 supervisor–subordinate dyads in five large hotels in China revealed a negative relationship between abusive supervision and service performance via OBSE. In addition, RISC moderates the mediating effect of OBSE on the abusive supervision–service performance relationship such that the mediating effect is stronger when RISC is high rather than low. Theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has shed light on the detrimental effects of abusive supervision. To extend this area of research, we draw upon conservation of resources theory to propose (a) a causal relationship between abusive supervision and psychological distress, (b) a mediating role of psychological distress on the relationship between abusive supervision and employee silence, and (c) a moderating effect of the supervisor–subordinate relational context (i.e., gender dissimilarity) on the mediating effect of abusive supervision on silence. Through an experimental study (Study 1), we found the causal path linking abusive supervision and psychological distress. Results of both the experimental study and a field study (Study 2) provided evidence that psychological distress mediated the relationship between abusive supervision and silence. Lastly, we found support that this mediation effect was contingent upon the relational context in Study 2 but not in Study 1. We discuss implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

我国上市公司会计信息严重失真 ,不仅损害了中小投资人、债权人的利益 ,而且降低了资源的配置效率。目前国内证券监管者处于被动执法状态 ,监督机构要加强事前、事中监管 ,加大对经济处罚和司法介入力度。加大造假成本 ,将造假与会计严重失真者逐出证券市场并绳之以法 ,确保会计信息的有效  相似文献   

我国新颁布的《信访条例》向法治方向迈进了一大步,但信访机构的责任追究主体依然是上级行政机关,监督者与被监督者都缺乏独立性,仍有进一步改革的必要。可以借鉴北欧国家的议会监督专员制,完善我国现有的信访制度,在制度设计层面理顺民意表达与政治监督的关系,实现公民政治参与的制度化和有序化,并最终建立符合我国国情的人大监察专员制度。  相似文献   

This study draws on resource allocation theory to examine the relationship between job control and two kinds of job performance, namely employee creativity and in-role performance, as well as to investigate whether supervisor encouragement of creativity moderates these two potentially nonlinear relationships. To test the proposed model, we collected data from 234 employees in Indonesia. The results show that job control has an inverted U-shaped relationship with employee creativity, but a U-shaped relationship with in-role performance. Supervisor encouragement of creativity moderates both relationships, such that the control–creativity relationship becomes U-shaped, while the control–in-role performance relationship becomes inverted U-shaped when supervisor encouragement of creativity is high. Implications for managers on how to provide resources to employees are discussed.  相似文献   

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