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全球价值链(GVC)作为一种新型理论,是当前经济研究的一大重要议题,它对经济全球化背景下的企业经济活动和政府经济决策有着重要的指导意义。通过对全球价值链研究的相关文献进行梳理,从全球价值链的概念形成、治理理论发展和升级理论视角入手,探讨全球价值链理论的最新研究进展及发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于全球价值链治理的中国纺织企业升级战略思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以全球价值链治理理论为依据,以在全球化竞争中迫切需要升级的中国纺织企业为研究为研究对象,从纺织业全球价值链分布现状出发,总结出中国纺织企业在全球价值链中的不同治理模式,并基于此提出了纺织企业升级的路径和战略选择,以求全面提升中国纺织企业的国际竞争力.  相似文献   

本文综述了全球价值链概念的形成过程,全球价值链的二元驱动机制,全球价值链中经济租的产生和分配,全球价值链的治理模式以及全球价值链下的产业升级。  相似文献   

随着生产和贸易全球化的不断深入,世界价值创造体系,在全球范围内前所未有的垂直分离和重构。在分离和重构进行的同时,全球企业网络组织也正在形成。为了揭示全球企业网络组织动态发展,演变规律,学者们提出了全球价值链理论及其治理理论。本文旨在解释全球价值链治理理论的交易成本经济学根源。  相似文献   

随着生产和贸易全球化的不断深入,世界价值创造体系,在全球范围内前所未有的垂直分离和重构.在分离和重构进行的同时,全球企业网络组织也正在形成.为了揭示全球企业网络组织动态发展,演变规律,学者们提出了全球价值链理论及其治理理论.本文旨在解释全球价值链治理理论的交易成本经济学根源.  相似文献   

在技术进步和设施联通的条件下,以全球价值链为主导的要素转移成为当前产业转移的主要特征。近年来,随着全球新科技革命的兴起,国内外产业转移呈现新趋势,并从优化要素供给、推动基础设施建设与互联互通、催生跨国企业、促进政府营造更加适应经济全球化的制度环境、推动社会治理创新等方面发挥对全球价值链地位的提升作用。在我国从"经济大国"迈向"经济强国"的过程中,应顺应技术潮流和经济发展趋势,依托产业转移,发挥其在构建国家价值链和"一带一路"大区域价值链中的作用,积极参与全球经济治理体系建设,着力培育高端要素,从而助推我国产业迈向全球价值链中高端。  相似文献   

汤有娣 《现代财经》2007,27(7):37-40
目前,我国企业在全球产业价值链上,尚没有自己的渠道和定价的话语权.面对经济全球化和 IT 革命,以制造业为依托,通过自主创新,打造自己的品牌,提升我国企业在全球产业价值链上的地位,是形成我国企业核心竞争力的重要途径.  相似文献   

跨国公司价值链战略的新趋势与我国企业对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过概述价值链理论 ,指出在经济全球化时代企业要获得或创造持久性竞争优势的关键是控制价值链上的战略环节。在信息经济时代 ,跨国公司基于价值链的生产经营和研发战略呈现出了新特点 ;中国入世后 ,在华跨国公司基于价值链的投资经营战略也出现了新趋势 ;并以此为背景指出 ,中国企业的应对策略是 :在跨国公司全球价值链体系中找准节点 ,主动链入 ,在提升自身国际竞争力的同时 ,实现我国走向工业强国的目的。  相似文献   

全球价值链治理、组织学习与代工企业升级关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球价值链情境下,代工企业的发展不可避免会受到处于强势地位的"链主"的影响和制约。全球价值链治理模式既能够直接影响代工企业升级,也可以通过影响代工企业链条中的组织学习绩效而间接影响代工企业升级;代工企业领导阶层的主观意向会影响升级成功的可能性,并能减弱价值链治理模式对企业升级的影响。因此,为实现本土企业的长远发展和权利位阶的提升必然需要提倡企业升级。同时,企业在升级决策和实施过程中还要充分考量约束条件和风险因素,并要有意识地推动价值链治理模式向对自身有利的方向转变。  相似文献   

全球价值链理论与浙江产业集群升级模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济全球化使产品价值创造环节分散于世界各地,形成了全球价值链。由于价值链的不同环节,所蕴含的价值附加值并不相同,融入全球价值链中的地方产业必须沿着价值链不断的进行升级,才能获得持续的发展。本文应用全球价值链理论,根据浙江产业集群的结构特点以及各自融入价值链的程度差异,认为由地方价值链到全球价值链,由工艺升级、产品升级到功能升级、跨链条升级是一个有效的升级模式。  相似文献   

In their catching-up processes, less developed countries face inter-country barriers which hamper their efforts to imitate the technologies of advanced countries. These international barriers to entry can be traced back to differences in the institutions supporting technological advancement and to the physical and intangible resources necessary for the creation of new competences. In less developed countries, these international barriers aggravate the barriers to entry at the sectoral level and, together, they constitute the generalized barriers to entry. In our paper, we extend a model of economic growth by the entry of new sectors by including these international barriers and show how widening development gaps describing the differences in general income and employment trends can emerge in an auto-catalytic process.  相似文献   

We ask whether barriers to entry are a quantitatively important reason for the income gap between developing countries and the United States. We develop a tractable general equilibrium model that captures the effects of barriers to entry and the other main distortions typically considered in the development literature. We carry our model to the data and ask it to match the main development facts from the Penn World Table. We find that this requires large barriers to entry in developing countries, which account for about half of the income gap with the United States.  相似文献   

The factors that discourage or block ordinary exports and thus promote the use of offshore production as an alternative for developing countries are examined. They prove to be barriers to entry related both to production and marketing, in contrast to those for developed countries, which are limited to marketing-related barriers to entry.  相似文献   

煤炭企业转型升级是完成煤炭行业“去产能”目标的重要途径,是实现煤炭企业从低附加值产业链中游向高附加值产业链上下游转移的重要方法。企业在转型过程中受到企业目前所在产业退出壁垒和企业转型目标产业进入壁垒的双重影响。通过静态平衡分析从理论上证明了进入壁垒、退出壁垒强度与企业利润负相关,同时这种影响会随着壁垒强度的提高而减弱,得出需面临高退出壁垒的煤炭企业更倾于向高进入壁垒的产业链上游转产的分析结果,通过相关度分析对结果进行了检验。最后,对实现“去产能”目标和优化煤炭产业结构提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Taxation base in developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Informal sectors are larger in developing countries than in rich countries. This is a result of higher fixed costs of entry into the formal economy in developing countries. We show that raising barriers to entry is consistent with a deliberate government policy for raising tax revenue. By generating market power, and hence rents, for the permitted entrants, market entry fees foster the emergence of large taxpayers. The rents can be readily confiscated by the government through entry fees and taxes on profits at a low administrative cost. The relevance of the theory is assessed with a sample of 64 countries. Empirical analysis supports the results of the paper.  相似文献   

This paper introduces regulatory entry barriers in a model of the home market effect. The entry barriers generate local rents that have unexpected but significant implications. First, the home market effect is magnified. Second, when countries are sufficiently unequal in size and rents are sufficiently large, symmetric reductions in trade costs reduce welfare in the small country. Third, entry barriers increase the large country's market size and, surprisingly, can increase its welfare. Fourth, a unilateral increase in trade protection shifts foreign rents to the home country. This rent‐shifting effect amplifies the standard production relocation motive for trade policy intervention.  相似文献   

We use cross-country, cross-industry data to analyse the relationship between entry regulation and international trade. We find robust evidence that entry regulation discourages exports of industries with low natural barriers to entry. This implies that, in international markets, countries with heavy entry regulation have a comparative disadvantage in industries that are technologically easy to enter. Further analysis shows that the result is partly due to the negative impact of entry regulation on productivity.  相似文献   

在以国际生产分割为特征的全球价值链分工格局下,中国高技术产业发展过程中的价值链低端锁定趋势不断凸显,由此引致的产业升级阻滞问题日益复杂化。为准确识别多重阻滞因素及其内在影响机理,运用组态思维和QCA方法,从创新投入、制度环境和国际知识溢出3个条件维度出发,对中国19个高技术行业进行差别化升级组态分析,探索不同前因条件与产业升级的一致性联系,并提出相应政策建议,以期为破解新时期中国高技术产业“升级之困”提供理论借鉴和决策参考。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship, as reflected in industry turnover rates, is a central force behind output and productivity growth. However, cross country comparisons suggest that turnover rates are remarkably independent of barriers to business: Singapore, one of the most entry-friendly countries in the world, has the same industry turnover rate as Uzbekistan, a country where entry is considerably more difficult. In this paper, I suggest the solution to this apparent puzzle lies in the effect of survival barriers, which, like entry barriers, are higher in Uzbekistan than in Singapore. In other words, with similar turnover rates, Singapore is characterized by “good” turnover, whereas Uzbekistan is characterized by “bad” turnover.  相似文献   

This paper describes key aspects of a long-run, entry-based approach to the design of competition policy for developing countries. A competition policy with the sole purpose of mitigating governmental, natural, and artificial barriers to entry best serves the goals of promoting the competitive process and fostering democracy. Freedom of entry is the sine qua non of the competitive process. Freedom of entry promotes the development of efficient, innovative firms capable of competing in international markets and ensures that market reforms will enhance social welfare.  相似文献   

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