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Zusammenfassung Ein Heckscher-Ohlin-Ansatz zur Erkl?rung der Ver?nderungen in den komparativen Vorteilen des gewerblichen Sektors von Singapur. — Der Verfasser analysiert die dynamischen komparativen Vorteile des gewerblichen Sektors Singapurs von 1970 bis 1983, indem er die Güterversion der Heckscher-Ohlin-Theorie einschlie?lich aller drei wichtigen Elemente wie Handel, Faktorintensit?t und Faktorausstattung spezifiziert. Die Theorien der Skalenertr?ge und der Technologielücke werden der Heckscher-Ohlin-Theorie gegenübergestellt. Das Ergebnis bekr?ftigt den Heckscher-Ohlin-Erkl?rungsansatz, wobei sich der Gesamtkapitaleinsatz pro Arbeiter als entscheidende Variable erweist, gefolgt vom Humankapital pro Arbeiter. Der Wandel in der Struktur der komparativen Vorteile hin zu Exporten, die sowohl sachkapitalals auch humankapitalintensiv sind, kann der Umstrukturierungspolitik der Regierung zugeschrieben werden. Die Theorien der Skalenertr?ge und der Technologielücke haben dagegen einen unbedeutenden Erkl?rungswert.
Résumé La théorie à la Heckscher-Ohlin et l’avantage comparatif dynamique du secteur de production à Singapour.—Dans cette étude l’auteur analyse l’avantage comparatif dynamique du secteur de production à Singapour entre les années 1970 et 1983 en spécifiant la version de produits de la théorie à la Heckscher-Ohlin qui contient tous les trois éléments essentiels, c’est-à-dire l’échange, l’intensité de facteurs et la dotation en facteurs de production. Les résultats soulignent bien l’explication par Heckscher-Ohlin, le capital total par ouvrier étant le déterminant le plus important suivi par le capital humain par ouvrier. Le changement dans l’avantage comparatif qui favorise les exportations des biens intensifs en capital physique et capital humain par ouvrier peut être attribué aux politiques gouvernementaux de la reconstruction économique. Des théories alternatives qui mettent en évidence les économies d’échelle ou la lacune technologique n’ont pas de succès en expliquant l’avantage comparatif dynamique.

Resumen Ventajas comparativas dinámicas en el sector manufacturera de Singapur bajo un enfoque Heckscher-Ohlin. — En este trabajo se analizan las ventajas comparativas dinámicas del sector manufacturero de Singapur durante el período 1970—83 especificando la version en términos de bienes de la teoría de Heckscher-Ohlin, incorporando los tres elementos del comercio: la composición del comercio, la intensidad de factores y la dotación de factores. Las teorías de economías de escala y de la brecha tecnológica son analizadas en yuxtaposición a la de Heckscher-Ohlin. Los resultados se adhieren fuertemente a la explicación del modelo Heckscher-Ohlin, siendo el capital total por trabajador la determinante más importante, seguida por el capital humano por trabajador. El cambio de las ventajas comparativas en dirección a exportaciones intensivas en ambas formas de capital, fisico y humano, por trabajador, puede ser atribuído a politicas pùblicas de reestructuración económica. Las teorias de economías de escala y de la brecha tecnológica resultan insignifiantes como factores explicativos.

Conclusion This paper is devoted to considering the implications of intertemporal economic equilibrium in a model with production. To this end, a differential game with a Leontief technology is formulated. In the two-person zero-sum game, it was found that an intertemporal equilibrium is feasible. Furthermore, it was found to be decentralizable, with a required informational exchange mechanism no more onerous than in other decentralized procedures, including the tatonnement processes.In the non-zero-sum case decentralization is impossible for closed loop solutions. The interaction of the strategy sets introduces externalities even when production technology is convex. Finally, while a Nash solution is guaranteed, Pareto optimality requires a two-stage optimization approach.This paper was presented at the International Conference of the Atlantic Economic Society held in Vienna, Austria, May 10–18, 1979.  相似文献   

The agricultural sector in Lesotho is underperforming mainly due to the inability of smallholders to move from traditional agriculture to a more scientific and technology-based one. Among the challenges inhibiting the ability of smallholders to make the step up is access to financial services, especially credit. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that may influence the ability of smallholders to access finance by making use of a logistic regression model within the principle component regression framework. The results revealed that the ability of smallholders to access finance, and the potential to make the transition towards a more scientific and technology-based agriculture sector, is influenced by the level of farm and non-farm income, remittances and pension, farm size, availability of family labour, land ownership, savings and repayment ability. The results present important information in terms of guiding institutional arrangements needed to improve credit availability in Lesotho.  相似文献   

A key factor in improving Malawi's trade and economic growth will be how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) provides a platform for stakeholders to come together to manage Malawi's supply and value chains so as to also improve livelihoods, in particular in the agriculture sector, the most prominent in the country. This article analyses what motivates businesses in the Malawian agriculture sector to implement CSR, and how companies and other stakeholders give shape and substance to their partnerships. It examines three case studies that reflect the types of CSR partnerships that have emerged within the sector. These highlight the transition from issue-specific partnerships to ones established to address the underlying business case for CSR to promote competitive advantage and innovation in companies' core business strategies. The article concludes that the new models of partnership emerging in Malawi are indicative of the next generation of partnership development in Africa and elsewhere.  相似文献   

民间工艺是劳动人民在生产生活中创造的传统义化,是民众为了生存信仰和日常生活的需要创造的大众的民俗艺术。几千年来,农业是中国文明诞生和延续的经济基础,以土地为生的古代先民生产生活条件有限,决定了他们的生产生活方式只能顺应自然。由此产生了对自然的敬畏和崇拜思想,并最终反映到日常的生活中,形成了从生活的使用器具到信仰崇拜的祭祀用品为代表的民间艺术。由于中国几千年农耕文化传统延绵不断,民间工艺作为民族活态文化传统,在生活中以一代代人的口传身授流传至今。  相似文献   

《World development》1987,15(7):851-860
The “informal sector” is an exceedingly fuzzy concept which has come into wide use because it seemed to address the interests of a number of very diverse groups: those interested in growth planning, those interested in alleviating poverty, Marxist structuralists, and those interested in economic accounting. The use of the concept has been helpful in directing attention to phenomena previously ignored. But adopting the term obscures analysis of central issues and is counterproductive. We should, rather, specify critical policy issues and design field research around these.  相似文献   

The problem studied relates to the monetary policy employed by Leslie M. Shaw, Secretary of the Treasury, 1902–1907. Secretary Shaw initiated active intervention in the New York City money market to relieve the pressure on bank reserves and interest rates which accompanied the annual autumn specie drain. The empirical results suggest that the banks anticipated Shaw's policy of depositing government funds into the banks, and made fewer preparations for autumn drain of specie. The deposit policy was not carried out in a timely and adequate fashion in 1907, the banks were not in position to meet the outflow of specie, and thus this paper helps explain the occurrence of the Panic of 1907.  相似文献   

历经百年时尚的淮海路,在新世纪崇尚创新,创造了时尚顾客,创造了时尚人气,创造了连锁互动,创造了品牌效应,创造了优美环境,也创造了美好心情。时尚也要自主创新,走进淮海路也许可找到其中的奥秘。  相似文献   

Conclusion When a given pie is redivided in a less equalitarian manner, it is uncertain whether those already undertaking illegal activity will increase or decrease their activities, since the return to illegal activities is countered by the loss due to punishment (which is more painful to a criminal who failed) on one hand, and from the cost of the sacrifice of utility from legitimate activities on the other hand.If the absolute level of wealth remains constant but relative position declines, an incentive is generated to re-establish a person's standing by joining the crime industry. This is certainly the case at the margin for those close to the boundary of joining, i.e., those who are almost indifferent between joining or remaining within the legal framework.Assuming an individual is already participating in illegal activities, the effect of either an absolute or relative change in his level of wealth on his level of illegal activities is indeterminate. This applies both to the case where the total wealth of the society is fixed and the share of the pie going to the rich rises and the case where the total pie rose but the entire gain went only to the rich.In summary, it has been shown that an increase in wealth inequality has an indeterminate outcome both with respect to the decision of the poor on whether or not to enter the crime industry and with respect to the decision of those already participating in illegal pursuits to increase or decrease their level of activity. This conclusion is somewhat contrary to the general consensus of the literature, which appears to hold that increases in wealth inequality will tend to increase both the level of participation in the crime industry and the level of output within the industry.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Streben nach staatlich gesicherten Privilegien (rent-seeking) und Handelspolitik: Ein Industrie-Ansatz. - Das Streben nach einer ?konomischen Rente in der speziellen Form von Einkünften infolge von Staatsinterventionen wird hier in einem Modell dargestellt, das mit der Beobachtung übereinstimmt, daΒ Arbeitnehmer und Management innerhalb eines Industriezweigs fast immer die gleiche Haltung einnehmen, wenn es um die Frage: “Importschutz oder Handelsliberalisierung?” geht. Der Aufsatz diskutiert auch die H?he der Ertr?ge des Strebens nach staatlich gesicherten Privilegien und Pfründen im Verh?ltnis zu den Lobby-Kosten, ferner die Faktoren, die die von Industriezweigen erwünschte Regierungshilfe beeinflussen, und schlieΒlich M?glichkeiten, mit denen die Vor-und Nachteile der Protektion sowohl den jeweiligen Industrien als auch der breiten ?ffentlichkeit deutlicher vor Augen geführt werden k?nnen.
Résumé ?Rent-seeking? et la politique commerciale: une approche d’industrie. - Le modèle de ?rent-seeking? présenté dans cet article est consistant avec l’observation que les travailleurs et le management dans une industrie adoptent presque toujours la méme position si l’on doit choisir entre la protection d’importation et la libéralisation commerciale. L’article discute aussi la dimension des rendements de ?rent-seeking? en relation aux frais de lobby, ensuite des facteurs qui influencent le type de l’assistance gouvernementale aspirée par une industrie, et enfin des possibilités avec lesquelles on peut faire comprendre clairement les bénéfices et les coüts de la protection aux industries concernées et au public général.

Resumen ?Rent-seeking? y politica comercial: un análisis a nivel sectorial. - El modelo de ?rent-seeking? presentado en este trabajo es consistente con la observation de que trabajadores y ejecutivos de un sector industrial casi siempre adoptan la misma position tanto frente a medidas de restriction a las importaciones como a medidas de liberalization del comercio. Esta ponencia también analiza el nivel de los beneficios del ?rent-seeking? en comparaci?n con los costos de ?lobbying?, los factures que influencian el tipo de apoyo estatal que el sector industrial desea lograr y las formas en las cuales se pueden dar a conocer los beneficios y los costos de la protection a las industrias afectadas y al público en general.

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